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Fantasy Academy For The Gifted

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Lilian didn't think that Tashii would say that she would go and meet them, seeing as how she didn't seem like one to openly agree to meeting strangers. She double blinked and said with a slight nod, her walking over to unplug the hot plate, "Okay then." She paused and half wondered where Liz was at the moment, her figuring that she was most likely with Altier seeing as how she figured that she would spend as much time with him as possible over the break. She turned back around and slipped her coat back on, it being the same one she had just worn out this morning. "Shall we go?" She asked looking back at Tashii, waiting for her so they could walk down side by side.

Lilian might not show emotions but sometimes she can be quite considerate, which is odd considering how she seems to portray the classic uncaring outward persona.
Zane couldn't help but chuckle at the girl as she squirmed on the ground. "You ok?" asked Zane, trying not to laugh to badly at the girl on the ground. He then turned to Zara petting Lizzy; trying his hardest not to stare at Zara, "How about you Liz? You ok with me like this?" queered Zane, wondering if he should revert back to his rabbit form.

Tashii nodded at Lilian before following the girl to outside, only really talking when she was addressed. Along the way she heard many other girls commenting on how ugly she was, though Zara didn't seem deterred by the chattering as she simply just yawned in response. "So, what's it like at this school?" asked Tashii curiously, trying to filled the void of silence.

(lol posted at same time
@Mediocritys Muse )
Seeing that he was really a boy, she used her ears to cover her eyes. Although she was frightened she thought that as long as she didn't see him and imagined that he was a rabbit rather than a boy she would be fine. Eyes closed, her ears flowed behind as she jumped from Zara's grasp and into her shirt not realizing what she had done but rather acted on instinct.
@Odin4Life4Life @Defective Kitten @Nenma Takashi ((Just the whole group >< ))

"About the same as any other school," she simply stated and then added looking over at her with a slight shrug, "The place is full of children, but there are some that are good people." Lilian didn't really know what else to add to the response, seeing as how this place wasn't really much different from ay other school out there apart from he actual attendants. As they stepped out of the dormitories entryway Lilian looked over in the direction of the group of them all, her slightly cocking her head as she walked over in their direction and saw a small rabbit react to a boy like Lizzy would. She spoke aloud as she stared in Zara's direction, "Lizzy?"
Zara gasped as Lizzy jumped into her shirt, blushing a deep red that highlighted each scale on her face. "L-L-L-Lizzy!" was all she managed to say in an awkward stutter, unsure of how to react to a rabbit Liz underneath her clothing. Hopefully she only leaped into one of the many shirts she was wearing, otherwise she would be touching her scaled stomach area which, to her, was an extremely sensitive part of her.
Zane smiled a bit at seeing how the two reacted to each other, it was really cute. He walked up to Zara and poked the Lizzy underneath her shirt very softly, "I don't think Zara is very comfortable with you there; if you want I can go back to my Taguel form" stated Zane, trying to coax Lizzy out for Zara; trying his best to not get nervous.

Tashii nodded as she took in all the information Lilian was giving her, and when she got outside with her Tashii couldn't help but laugh a little at the rabbit going into the dragon girls shirt.
Luckily for Zara, Liz had only jumped into the first layer of her clothes. Her ears popped out of the collar when she heard her name being called by both a similar voice of Lilian and Zara. Feeling her furry little stomach getting poked at from outside of the clothes, she instantly made a squeak sound. Peeking out a little, Liz was able to see everyone Lilian so stood not too far away, Zara who was obviously embarrassed, and Zane who tried to feel better. Wiggling up, she stuck her front paws out of the collar so she would be able to hang on without squirming around. Shaking her head at Zane, she just needed some time to get used to this from of his.
Haruka finished shaking the snow out of her jacket and glared at Shady diving at him for a tackle but he wiggled around her and she smashed into the boy. "OW hey that's cheating Shady!" She hadn't noticed how she was sitting on the boy's chest.
Zane nodded respectfully at the girls' decision, though he couldn't help but smile to himself a little at how cute the two looked right now. The next thing he knew someone tackled him and he was on the ground. "Owww" groaned the boy as he opened his eyes to see that Haruka had tackled him to the ground, now on his chest. "Umm, is there any reason why you tackled me?" asked the boy confused by what just happened.
Zara noticed that she had only went into her first layer of clothing, so that calmed her down a little. When Lizzy popped her head out, she couldn't help but laugh a little before petting her lightly with her claws. "Lizzy your so cute" stated Zara, her blush now going away a little.
@Defective Kitten @Odin4Life4Life @Federoff ((And so on))

Lilian watched as the three of them conversed in their own way, her a bit out of the current loop. She figured that Liz had touched someone that had some form of transforming power, much in the same way that she had gotten the power to turn into a kitten a couple of months ago. In truth it had been a long time since she had absorbed someone else's powers, Lilian almost forgot that she had that ability altogether. With that in mind she walked over to the group of people, some she knew and some she didn't know. She looked over at Zara and then down at Bunny Lizzy, her saying, "This is Tashii, Tashii this is Zara and Lizzy."

Quite frankly she didn't have any clue as to what was going on at the moment but her stoic emotionless appearance stayed intact, her then looking over at the two that had just fell on the floor, but then looking back to Zara and Lizzy. She replied with a slight nod to Liz and Zara, "I see Shady and Haruka are making friends." Her comment was a joke even if it didn't sound like it due to the monotone voice she used constantly.
Haruka pointed at Shady. "Shady dumped snow down my jacket and then dodged me when I tried to get him back." The shadow just rocked back and forth almost mocking her. She looked down at the boy and jumped up. "Sorry!"
Zane slowly got up, rubbing his neck a little as he did so, "Yeah no problem, just uh... don't do that again" chuckled the boy jokingly, even though he was quite serious in that he did not wanna get tackled again.

Tashii yawned a little before hearing Lilian introduce her to Lizzy and Zara and waved back,
"Hello, nice to meet you all" replied the girl as she scratched the back of her head once more.
Liz looked at the girl and did the little sound that rabbits did when they were happy with a little smile like expression on her face. She wiggled one of her paws that weren't holding onto the collar, trying to wave but of corse it wasn't like she could actually wave. Her ears hung over the sides of her head, they were actually quite long, well longer than normally. Too heavy for her to stick up so they simply drooped downward which in a way made her look cuter.
Zara used a free claw hand to wave at the new girl, "H-hello" replied Zara; it being the only thing she could think of saying at the girl for the moment. She returned her focus back on Lizzy, she was getting cuter and cuter every moment as a rabbit, she couldn't take it!
Zane chuckled at the sight of everyone being so different, Haruka and Shady messing with each other, Lizzy and Zara being adorable together, and the new people; Lilian and Tashii. He smiled and waved at the two new girls, "Hi, I'm Zane" replied the boy before turning back over to Lizzy and Zara and started to pet Lizzy with his furry hands; "Best to let your ears droop, so much work to keep them up" chuckled the boy.

The situation seemed to be a light one, even with the new person she didn't recognize, her figuring that guy was a nice enough fellow. With that in mind she looked over at Haruka and replied with a slight tilt of her head, "Maybe a time out is in order?" It would seem that Lilian is getting more free with her jokes, much more so than when they had first met her. She looked over at Zara and did a double blink for a moment, her noticing that she was different for a moment. Lilian replied by getting pretty close to her, her saying with a nod, "You seem different Zara." She paused and looked down at Lizzy and then back up at Zara, "You have a cute aura coming from you right now."

She looked down at Lizzy and gave her a thumbs up with her usual emotionless expression, "Good job Lizzy you brought out Zara's cute personality she seldomly shows." With that she acknowledged the new persons introduction with a slight wave, her figuring he was the one that gave Lizzy the power to turn into a rabbit.
Lizzy let out a little squeal as a "you're welcome." Of corse she could speak but she often didn't like speaking while in her animals forms since that was a bit strange for her liking so she just did what sound the animal she transformed into does. Plus it adds onto the cuteness effect.

Crawling out of the shirt, she tumbled down and into the soft snow. Popped out of the pile, she had snow still on her head. Shaking it off, she happily jumped around leaving little bunny prints in the snow. Thankfully in this form, the cold didn't have much affect on her since she had so much fur.
Zara blushed lightly at the complement that Lilian just gave her, smiling a little to show her dragon fangs. She couldn't really respond with nothing more than a "Umm" before Lizzy jumped out of her shirt. She smiled lightly as she watched Lizzy run around the snow, content with life right now. Though the cold did catch her again "W-W-Why does winter have to be so c-c-cold" joked Zara as she rubbed her sides, trying to warm herself up.
Zane chuckled at the girl running about in the snow, smiling at the sight of her enjoying being a rabbit. He himself knew of the joys of it, as he did it almost every chance he could. He noticed that Zara was blushing due to Lilians' statement, he chuckled on the inside before unhooking his jacket and putting it around her; the fur jacket enveloping her in warmth. "Here, we don't want our dragon getting too cold" stated Zane with a small smile before looking at Lilian and Tashii. "So hows' it going?" asked the Taguel boy curiously.

Tashii sat down in the cold, the snow was very comforting as it soon conformed to her figure, allowing herself to be nice and cozy. She let out another yawn before replying to the boys' question;
"I'm tired" stated the girl, though in reality she was always tired.
+ All

Lilian watched as Lizzy tumbled down and into the snow, her seeming to be quite content with her current predicament. Seeing as how she is a human for all intensive purposes she probably likes having a full coat at the moment, that being what Lilian figured at least. She looked over at Zara as she commented on the chill in the air, her cocking her head as she replied to her, "Well you could stand up against me if you are cold." Lilian figuring that was a decent idea, her not really having a problem with contact from her friends which became fairly evident the more you would get to know her. The boy gave Zara the coat that he was wearing but Lilian knew that wouldn't help much, seeing how many layers Zara already had on at the moment.

With that she double blinked and simply answered the boys question, "Fine." Her not really elaborating into the matter seeing as how she didn't really have anything to add.
Zara was thinking about Lilians' offer about leaning up against her for warmth and was about to come to a decision but then Zane put his jacket around her. She blushed at the act, unsure why she did so, it was a nice gesture; even if it wouldn't do much against the cold. She was about to respond before suddenly a warming affect took place, warming her up to a comfortable level. She hugged herself under the jacket, before shaking her head in response "This jacket is really warm" stated Zara. After a few minutes of thought, she turned up to the girls of the group, which was basically everyone but Zane and asked "Do you 4 wanna have a sleep over sometime at my dorm?" hoping that the answer would be yes.
+ All

"I do not have a problem with staying the night at some point during the break," the last time she had stayed the night with Zara she was her bubbly emotional self, this time it was going to the other half of her which might be slightly different. She figured that saying over tonight would most likely not happen, seeing as how at least some of them were most likely going to the dance tonight...her knowing that Lizzy was probably going with Altier. Although the next day or sometime over the winter break would be a good time to do it, as long as no one here was going home to see their families at some point. Her other half had a good time having a sort of sleepover with Zara the last time, so in a sense this side of Lilian wanted to experience the activity first hand for herself.
(Aww poor Zane is the only one left out xD )

Tashii thought about the question for a little before laying back into the snow, seeping a little into the snow.
"Umm... Sure" replied the girl, seeing no reason not to attend; it wasn't like she herself had any plans over the break what so ever. She looked up into the sky, her baggy green eyes just staring skyward for no real reason.

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