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Fantasy Academy For The Gifted

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Tashii took another bite of her food as she watched from the corner of her eye what Lilian was doing with her fries, she took a few of her own and ate them before turning to her and shrugging, as if to reply "I don't know." She looked over to see a group of girls gathered around what seemed to be a passed out boy with orange hair, making her tilt her head in confusion. "it looks like a lot of activity right now" stated the girl before scratching at the back of her head, referencing the crowd of girls over there.

Lilian glanced over in the general direction that Tashii was talking about, but at she didn't see anything but the backs of those that were surrounding whatever it was. "I'm sure it's nothing," she simply replied as she took a drink of the soda, her figuring that whatever it was is under control. Quite frankly Lilian had spoken to Faust frequently so she knew that he was getting better, him seeming to be getting over the illness that he had months ago. She asked before taking another bite of the burger/fry combo, "So is there anything else in particular you would like to do?" Honestly Lilian didn't really know what-if anything-Tashii liked to do-other than sleep-so she didn't really know how to do anything that she might like as well.
Tashii took another bite of her food, thinking about the question that Lilian had posed at her. After a few minutes of thinking about it, she shrugged and stated "I don't know, I don't really do much" before taking a sip of soda. The meal was very good for this time of year, and it was nice of Lilian to do this for her. "Is there anyway I can make this up to you? I'll really do anything" asked Tashii, somewhat feeling guilty about Lilian doing all this stuff for her and her not doing much at all.

She had asked Lilian if there was anything she could do to pay her back, Lilian not really caring for material items so he thought on it for a moment. With that she nodded and said looking over at Tashii, "You could tell me a bit about yourself I suppose." He paused and then added with a slight tilt to her head as she pushed her tray a bit away from her so she could turn to face Tashii, "You're sure to have something you like." Lilian even had things that she likes, which was odd for those people that do not really know he seeing as how she seems like a joyless person on the outside. With that said he offered her an example, "I for one like Plushies and Soup."

On a side note: Those things are kind of odd to say in a row as things one would like, no?
(Last post, gotta go to school)

Tashii thought about the question Lilian had asked her, what did she like? She went deep into thought for a few minutes before scratching the back of her head. "Well, I like sleeping, reading, games, and hugs" replied the girl honestly, not ashamed to admit what she liked.

Lilian double blinked at the things that she said she liked, her wondering how the things would relate. With that in mind she simply stated aloud, "Hugs." Without a moments notice she leaned over and gave her a hug, it being quite a sight for anyone that was in range to see it. Quite frankly Lilian wanted to give hugging someone a try, seeing as how friends seemed to do it frequently. She pulled away and asked with a slight tilt to her head, still feeling the warmth from Tashii, "Like that?"
Tashii blinked in surprise when Lilian hugged her, Lilian didn't seem like the hugging type. She awkwardly smiled, like always, and embraced the hug; it was always nice to get a hug from someone. "Yes" simply replied Tashii, still smiling from the girls hug. "Thank you for that, I haven't had a hug in awhile" continued Tashii truthfully, true it had been a long time since someone had hugged her.
Liz did a little bunny smile when Zara pet her, surprisingly it felt pretty good to be petting with claws. Jumping into a pocket on her last layer of clothes, she snuggled around before popping her head and paw out, hanging contently as for this was more logical in a sense to be in a pocket rather than in the shirt. Hopefully this would be more comfortable for Zara since it was obvious that she was uncomfortable with her in her shirt.
Zara chuckled at the sight of bunny Liz jumping in her pocket, the girl was so cute as a bunny. "Do you two wanna join Tashii and Lilian in getting food? I am quite hungry myself" asked Zara, smiling lightly as she continued to pet Liz.
Zane thought about the question of food for a bit, it was tempting to go and get something to eat since he hadn't eaten all day. "Sure, how about you Liz?" replied the boy before staring at Liz with a small smile on his face.
Liz nodded in suggestion to follow Lilian and Tashii to the cafe, she didn't notice but she was hungry herself. It was obvious that the rabbit that she transformed into wasn't a normal rabbit, "Wonder what they ate. Carrots and greens as well?" She thought but either way, she would've been okay with any food as long as she was able to stay in her warm and fluffy rabbit form. "If Altier saw me like this I wonder what he'd do. Probably nothing." Liz gave a shrug as she was lost in her own thoughts.
"So, what do you wanna eat Liz?" asked Zara as she got up and headed inside the cafeteria, it being a little warmer in there. Warmer the better for Zara. She herself stopped at a stand and got a good couple pieces of fried chicken, she never had anything fried before and chicken was always a welcomed treat.
Zane got up himself, shaking himself of the snow, and followed suit the girl holding the rabbit, wondering too what he would get. He ordered some carrot stew from one of the stalls, it was nice and hot. "This looks good" chuckled the boy to himself as he caught back up with Zara and bunny Liz.
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Lilian looked over at Tashii as she thanked her for the hug, her figuring that she had done it right seeing as how she had thanked her. With that said she replied with a nod, "If you want another don't hesitate to ask." Lilian double blinked and then looked as the three of them walked into the café area, it seeming that they have had their fill of the snow for now. With that she tilted her head as it seemed that Lizzy was still in rabbit form, which she figured meant that she was going to eat vegetables. The one thing that went through her mind at that moment was if she was still going to get a sweet, rabbits not really supposed to eat sweets if she remembered right.

She motioned from the table where they were siting so they didn't have to strain their eyes to see where they were, this school year being one of avid surprises for Lilian.
Looking around from the pocket, moving her head left and right with occasional shifting around, she finally saw the mug station. Pointing at the stand, her ears shooting up in excitement which was a first for her ears to go anywhere besides hang down. Liz planned to get a mug of baby carrots, hopefully they were small enough for her to chew on and would fill her up.
Zara smiled at how cute she was, and with a spare hand lightly patted her head before going over and paying for a mug of baby carrots. She then walked over to where she say Lilian and Tashii sitting and sat across the table from them, "Hi Tashii, Lilian" greeted the girl before putting down the mug of carrots for Liz and the plate of chicken for herself.
Tashii waved at the group of friends coming at them, "Hi" replied Tashii with one of her awkward smiles before taking another bite of her food, she ate in little bites; so the burger would last a while.

Zane followed Zara, spooning some of the stew into his mouth after blowing lightly on it.
"The food here is good" stated Zane as he sat down on the same side of Zara, a little space between them, just in case that Liz transformed back, and so he wouldn't blush up.
Sitting on the table and bouncing around before getting on her hind legs and reaching in for a carrot, Liz cheerfully laid on the table, nibbling at the carrot which was size of her ears. Turning at Zane, she stuck her tongue out at him as she looked over a Zara. Hopefully this gesture would signify that she knew he had a little crush on Zara.


omg bunnies with their tongues out.
Altier blinked awake shortly after, him rejuvenated from the short nap that he had taken. As he awoke and looked over at the alarm clock he realized that it wasn't a short nap at all, him having been asleep for at least four to five hours. He laughed lightly as he stood from the bed, him saying aloud, 'Guess I'm a lazy bones today." He walked over to the window and looked outside, him seeing that it is still snowing a bit, "Hmm it's really coming down," he paused and then added with a slight tilt to his head, "I hope Liz had the good sense to get in by now." With that he stretched and made his way out of the dorm, him figuring on taking a stroll out to get something to eat...maybe a fruit salad seeing as how he hadn't treated himself much lately.

He made his way across the snow covered school grounds and into the Cafeteria area, him walking over to the stall that served various fruits. He ordered and fruit salad from the person behind the counter, him now waiting for the dish.

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Lilian watched as they all sat down at the table, her cocking her head a bit at the carrot soup item that Zane had gotten, her figuring that he really is a rabbit of sorts. With that in mind she took another bite of her Cheeseburger/Fry combo and sat at the table next to Tashii contently, her casually glancing over at Tashii every now and then. The reason was from curiosity, her never having met a person like her before...it rare that she meets someone that has the odd factor that people often attribute to Lilian. As she glanced back and forth she noticed that Altier had walked into the Café, her then looking down at Lizzy shortly after. To that she waved over at Altier, pretty sure hat Lizzy had seen her do so.
Zane noticed that Liz stuck her tongue out at him after taking another sip of stew. He chuckled to himself before rubbing his hands together and touching Liz on the nose, sending a wave of static electricity at her as a joke; since the boy had fur all over him, he was basically a walking magnet. He stuck his own tongue out at the girl, thinking that the girl was just messing around with him.

As Tashii was eating her food, she noticed that Lilian was sending her casual glances every now and again; maybe out of curiosity? She scratched the back of her head before tilting her head to the left a little at Lilian,
"Is there a reason why you keep on looking at me?" asked the girl, completely confused why she would wanna look at her.
Zara was enjoying her first fried food, it tasted pretty good; though she preferred normal chicken over it. She looked over to Liz who was acting like a cute rabbit, she was so adorable that Zara felt like squealing. "Aww, that isn't nice you two" stated Zara as she witness the two go back and forth, acting like little children; though it just made Liz look even cuter.

Feeling the unexpected shock on her nose, she jumped up a feet or two, her carrot dropping out of her mouth and onto the floor. Curling up into a ball, her paws covering her little nose, she gave Zane the stink eye. Sticking out her tongue once more, she hopped away to get another carrot from the mug. Sadly the last few carrot were at the bottom of the mug. Stretching and struggling to get a carrot, she slipped, falling into the mug. Luckily for her, she fell onto a bed of carrots.
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Lilian looked over at Tashii as she asked why she kept looking over at her, Lilian thinking on it for a short moment and then replying with a nod, "Because you interest me." Her answer was to the point, she didn't try to add any additional information that would counter act the basic premise of the reply. As Lizzy was falling in to the mug she added over to Tashii, "I just find you interesting, is hat sufficient answer?" She wondered if she would need another answer to her question, her not really sure if she had another answer to give her.

Altier looked over in their direction, him tilting his head as he saw someone waving him over. he didn't recognize the person that was waving him over mainly due to him only seeing the persons hand, regardless he made his way over to the group with his fruit salad in hand. As he approached he realized that it was all of the people that Lizzy had met over the course of her staying here. He however didn't recognize two of them, him pausing as he offered a light smile down to all of them. He sat down next to Lilian and double blinked before he introduced himself to the two he didn't know, "I am happy to meet any friends of Lilian and Zara, my name is Altier Bourneiu."
Zara giggled at the sight of Liz, she was irresistible in her rabbit form to Zara. She picked her out of the cup and got a few of the carrots into her hand to feed her, petting her with her hand after she sat Liz down on her lap. "Your so adorable!" smiled Zara, her fangs showing as she did so; it seemed that Zara had a weak spot for anything cute.
Tashii nodded in response, as she suspected she was just intrigued by her, nothing more, nothing less. She smiled awkwardly at the girl before taking another bite of her food; then a new boy appeared and sat down next to Lilian; introducing himself as Altier; the boy was pretty cute, causing Tashii to almost choke on her bite. She took a sip of her soda fast before coughing and scratching the back of her head as she always seems to do, "Hi, I'm Tashii" greeted the girl before taking a handful of french fries and eating them.

Zane waved at the new boy with a smile on his face, his Taguel ears flopping a little as he did so.
"Hi, nice to meet you; I'm Zane" replied Zane before taking another spoonful of his carrot stew.

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