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Fantasy Academy For The Gifted

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Liz smiled up at Zara, she seemed to be weak towards cute things which was fun to see her squeal and smile adorably at her bunny form. Having a carrot in between her paws and munching at it, she saw Altier come along, introducing himself as he did. It didn't seem like he noticed her on Zara's lap but that was fine since she didn't want him to notice her in the first place. She wanted to see how he acted when she wasn't around, not that she expected him to be any different than normal.
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Lilian looked over at Tashii when she seemed to get down for some reason, Lilian not really one to express any kind of feelings which at times puts other people at a disadvantage. With that in mind she looks over as Altier introduces himself, her cocking her head at the introduction seeing him as he always was...her almost expecting him to act different when he didn't know Lizzy wasn't around. She scratched the tip of her nose and looked down at her plate, her seeing that she was done with her food for the day...the burger being a little to big for her to finish. She wondered what was wrong with Tashii, her seeming to have changed her demeanor slightly after she had answered her question. With that in mind she scooted up against her and whispered in her ear, so the everyone else didn't hear, "Something wrong?"

Altier smiled at the both of them when they introduced themselves, him wondering when they had met seeing as how he hadn't noticed them around the school yet. With that in mind he wondered where Lizzy was, him hoping that she wasn't still out playing in the snow. With that in mind he looked over at Zara, who seemed rather different at the moment. He tilted his head as he at a cherry, him saying after he was finished, "You seem different Zara, you seem radiant for some reason." In truth he hadn't really spent that much time around Zara and even less talking with her but he could tell that something was different about her.
Zara blushed slightly at his comment, she was never one to be able to take complements well without blushing up. She continued to smile though as she pet Bunny Liz (lol new superhero xD ) lightly, her fangs showing as she smiled. "Th-thank you Altier" replied Zara, unsure of how to react. Her eyes were down as she was focusing on Liz.
Tashii looked over to Lilian, smiling awkwardly as she took another bite of food; so Lilian had noticed? She gulped down her food before shaking her head, sending her hair tips bouncing up left to right. "Nah, just got surprised" replied the girl honestly, she was just surprised at the presence of someone knew, Tashii noticing a lot of the other girls inside staring directly at him. So he is the popular one huh? thought Tashii to herself.

(Yes. Call me Bunny Liz from now on. I save the world with my carrot powers. I have 20/20 x-Ray vision from all these carrots)

Liz simply excepted the petting she received from Zara, she was quite good at petting but maybe that was because Liz always enjoyed getting petted no matter whom it was. Chewing on the last carrot, she was rather stuffed from eating all of them in one sitting but it was well worth it. Who knew such a small bunny could eat so many carrots in the short amount of time that were there. Altier didn't seem any different but she didn't want Zara to tell him that the bunny was her if he asked. Looking up at Zara she glanced over at Altier and shook her head, hopefully she would get the hint.
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Lilian cocked her head as Tashii said that she was surprised her not really getting what she meant by that bet she didn't press the explanation out of her. With that in mind she simply stayed seated pretty much right up next to Tashii, her rather enjoying where she was siting at the moment. The sight might be odd if seeing it from the outside but such things are expected from Lilian on a regular basis, although she always seems to have a reason for the odd behavior. She looked over at Zara and Liz and then over at Altier, her wondering why Lizzy hadn't revealed herself yet. She figured that she was going undercover or something maybe, which seemed odd to Lilian.

With that in mind Lilian looked over at Tashii and asked with a slight tilt to her head, "Would you like to go for a walk now?" She was actually quite close to Tashii's face though, considering how close together they were at the moment. Lilian was feeling quite full and a walk always seemed to drive away that feeling, her wondering if it was the same way or her.

Altier double blinked as Lilian and Tashii got really close together and even more so when he saw a bunny in Zara's lap, him smiling when he noticed the bunny. Her said after her swallowed his grape, him looking over at Zara, "That's a cute bunny Zara." He paused and then asked with a slight tilt to his head, "Where did you get it?"
(lol yes, you go around fighting the power of evil plants!)

Zara was now to wondering why she hadn't revealed herself yet, but she decided Liz would reveal herself in due time if she wished to. She shrugged as she continued to pet Liz, "Found it" replied the girl, not revealing nor hiding anything from the boy.
Tashii blinked as Lilian was now face to face with her, her breathing became a little heavy as she stared into her red eyes with her own green eyes. She scratched behind her head and nodded slightly, "Umm, sure" replied the girl, her not feeling anything against going for a walk. She wondered why Lilian would want to walk with her though, then again today has been very weird for her indeed.

Zane chuckled at Liz before taking another sip of his stew, unsure of what to really say.
"Shes' a friend of ours" stated Zane before booping the girls' nose, not realizing that he may have botched Lizs' plan.
As Zane went in for the bloop on her nose, she timed it just right for her to be able to bite him, no blood just painful. Hopping off of Zara's lap after snuggling up on her hand for the last time, her tail wiggling a bit, she landed on the seat that wasn't in between Zara and Zane. Transforming back, she had made Zara scoot a little closer to Zane, "Oh I'm sorry." She spoke with a teasing giggle at Zane. It took a while before it occurred to her that she had two long rabbit ears in replacement for her normal ears. 'Strange.. This didn't happen before...' She thought as she took one of the ears, examining it as if it were some strange object, which in her case, it most defiantly was.
"Ouch" replied the boy before realizing that she had scooted Zara towards her, he adverted his eyes back to his stew in order to calm himself down; he didn't want to seem awkward in front of the rest of them. After taking a few sips, he realized the girl had rabbit ears instead of human ones, causing him to chuckle at the girl. "We Taguel naturally have long ears, so its only natural for you to adopt them; even if they aren't fully developed yet" chuckled the boy before accidentally making eye contact with Zara, blushing lightly he turning back to his stew and took another sip. His ears were actually almost down to the ground, about half way down his caffs. Crap, does she know? Why Liz why? asked the boy to himself, wondering if Liz was getting some sort of enjoyment at his "torture."

Lilian and Tashii had walked away before Lizzy turned back into her 'normal' form, which would have made Lilian comment on if she was still there. As they walked through the halls of the school Lilian looked over at Tashii and posed a question, one that she was somewhat curious about, "Do you have a significant other?" The question was out of nowhere and fairly odd, seeing as how that was how Lilian operated or the most part.

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Altier looked over as the bunny turned back into Liz, him double blinking for a moment and then tilting his head, "Ahh you must have touched him." He laughed lightly and then gave her a light smile, him looking over at Lizzy, "You look pretty adorable Liz." The ears were a bit peculiar but he thought she looked pretty cute at how she was shocked to have them, the look on her face was adorable. He didn't really know what else to say about how she looked at the moment, him honestly not caring about how she looked but much more rather caring about being around her. With that in his mind he said with a nod and light smile, "So a Kitten and now a Bunny I see."
The walk with Lilian was nice, true it was a little cold; but the weather never really bothered Tashii in the slightest as she could easily fall asleep anywhere if she choose to, so that was always a plus. After a bit of walking, Lilian posed a question at her that made her stop in her tracks, Well that's a weird question, even more so when aimed at me thought Tashii before shaking her head, her tips bouncing lightly as she did so. "No, I haven't even kissed anyone let alone gone out with" replied Tashii, unsure why she revealed that information, but decided it was alright; Lilian seemed like a nice person.
Zara chuckled at the sight, Liz was a rascal when she wanted to be. When Liz jumped out of her lap and started to push her a little, she obliged so she could have more room, not thinking any of it. She didn't realize that she accidentally bumped into Zane for a split second. "Aww, you have cute bunny ears like Zane" smiled Zara lightly, slowly stroking one of her ears; feeling as soft as fur.

Lilian double blinked her not really expecting that, her looking back at her as she stopped walking, "That's surprising." She paused and then walked over to Tashii with a slight tilt to her head as she added, "That odd, you are an attractive person." Lilian spoke the truth constantly with little regard to saying anything embarrassing of out of line, her not really registering such things when she speaks with someone. With that in mind she adds with a few blinks of her eyes, fairly close to her face at the moment, "I can't see why no one hasn't asked you out yet, I wouldn't mind going out with someone like you." Honestly Lilian hasn't ever really been on a real date before, she has on occasion went out with some people she knew abck home but they were just family friends.
Liz was rather shocked by the ears, unable to comprehend what had happened. She was only supposed to get his power, not his species. This new founding was rather notable but her attention was diverted to when Zane and Altier spoke. "Fully developed? What do you mean?" She asked, maybe he knew something about it. Turning over to Altier who previously called her adorable, which made her happy, a cheerful smile appeared on her face.

".. adorable?" She questioned him, although she hadn't seen herself yet, she could feel the ears and she thought that they would look quite strange on her. When Zara began began stroking one of her ears, she couldn't help but be a little embarrassed by it, a shade of rose covered her cheeks lightly. She could deal with being a full on animal, just not the features of them when in human form. Although she did have to admit that they were actually very soft.
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Altier grinned as he watched Zara start to stroke Liz's new bunny ears, it being rather cute to watch. He had never seen Zara act this way toward anyone before, him figuring that when cute things are involved she is utterly powerless to resist. In some cases he is the same way, his kitten back home taking full advantage of his weakness for all things fluffy. With that in mind he paused and then said with a slightly quizzical expression, "Maybe your powers are evolving Lizzy, it's known to happen in humans with abilities after all." Some examples are humans that heat up water and then they can create fire with their minds, it's a common occurrence as supernatural beings grow up.

He paused and then added with a slight tilt of his head, "You did have my power for a while, maybe absorbing that much power caused yours to expand or something." At the moment he was just giving educated guesses, them seeming to be pretty plausible.
"Yeah, for a girl of our species they go down to about your stomach" replied the boy to the girls frantic questions, him assuming she was freaking out a little. "But if you don't like them, all you have to really do is absorb someone elses' powers" continued the boy, he figured a while back that she was able to copy powers; this being proof right now.

Tashii was a bit taken back by the girls statement, unsure of how to respond to Lilians' complements; a very light blush appearing on her face for the first time, though you would have to actually focus hard in order to see it.
"Thanks Lilian, that means a lot to me" replied the girl with another awkward smile; though she hadn't really admitted the full truth to Lilian. It was true she never kissed someone, but once a boy was dared to kiss her; even though she knew it was a silly dare, it was still something to Tashii. She began to wonder what it would be like to actually kiss a girl, she had never thought about these thoughts before. She mentally shrugged them off before continuing the walk with Lilian, "So who was that Altier guy?" asked Tashii, politely trying to figure out who he was.
"Evolve huh..?" She restated at the thought of it being possible and the ears were only supporting the assumption. "I believe... It's possible.. perhaps.." Liz was rather fascinated by her power now, it was a rare power so not much research has been done or documented about it, none that she knew about anyways.

Turning over to Zane when he spoke about the length of the ear, her ears bounced as she did so. "No, they'll just need some time to get used to. I probably won't have them for long anyhow." She spoke with a smile on her face, the ears were a bit heavy but they were warm like a scarf of some sort.

She started to walk with Tashii as she began once again, Lilian looking over at her with a slight tilt to her head, "He's Lizzy's boyfriend and a Vampire if I remember right." She left out the "Reverse" part of the sentence which would make the statement even more weird, seeing as how the supernatural world doesn't even accept them a reality...only a myth passed down by normal vampires. With that in mind she looked forward and then back at Tashii wondering what her reaction was going to be, Lilian completely forgetting to say that he was a 'reverse' vampire and not a normal one.

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Altier looked over at Zane as he explained a bit about his species, Altier quite interested in the mechanizations of his species seeing as how he hadn't read much on them. he double blinked as Liz metaphorically and literally bounced in her seat, it seeming that she was quite content with her current warmers. With that he laughed lightly, him quite enjoying seeing Lizzy having a good time with her friends when he is around. He was glad that she broke out of her shell that she initially had at the beginning of the year.
Zane nodded respectfully at the girls decision, but couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "Well since your growing Taguel ears, you should probably be prepared for when the heavy fur grows in" chuckled the boy as he finished off the last of his stew, a slight frown when he ra out of stew; now he couldn't use it as an excuse to look away when he felt awkward around them.

Tashii raised an eyebrow at the girl as they continued to walk,
"Lizzy has a vampire boyfriend huh? That's interesting, would have never guess that Lizzy would be the one to have a vampire as a boyfriend" replied Tashii as she scratched the back of her head lightly, both bewildered and amused about the information just now given. "I do hope we have that sleepover soon though, they always sounded like fun" stated Tashii, revealing she had never been to one in her life.
Zara smiled lightly at her decision to keep the ears, they looked great on her. "What is a Taguel anyway?" asked Zara, curious on what Zane was; she had never head anything about the species until now. She turned her head to Altier to see that he was probably sharing the same curiosity as her; Zara did continued to stroke Lizzys' new ears though.

Lilian placed her hands behind her back and said with a slight nod, "Well you will be sleeping over tonight right?" She referred to her coming over to Lilian's and Lizzy's dorm rom and staying the night, her wondering if ha counts as a sleepover in the grand scheme of things. To her it did but she didn't really know if Tashii considered it one, which didn't really matter she guessed. With that said she placed an arm around Tashii's shoulders and said with a light nod, realizing that it was at least five or so in the afternoon now, "How about we head back to the dorm and relax, there isn't really that much to do around here anyway."
Playing with the other ear which Zara wasn't stroking, she tilted her head at Zara's question. She too was curious on what type of species a Taguel was, Liz didn't recall reading any books on such species. "Yes, if I am going to have ears of a Taguel, I would also like to know what type of species they are." Liz asked, still playing with her ears as Zara played with her other. It seemed that her ears added a new distraction to the whole scheme of things.
Tashii thought about the question for a little bit before nodding in approval, it was not like she had anywhere really to go or anything to do. "Oh, I hope you don't mind, but I might hug you in my sleep" warned Tashii, though she thought that the warning was not really going to matter to Lilian; she still thought it would be a nice warning to have. We don't want Lilian freaking out in the middle of the night.

"We Taguel are a race of being that have the power to transform into different animals depending on which tribe you are from, we are basically a combination of the animal and human but more complicated; kind of like Zara. I am a rabbit Taguel as you can plainly tell, we have giant rabbit ears and extensive amount of fur; which like I said, you will most likely grow if you continued to be one of me" explained Zane, pausing every now and again to take a sip of water; hoping the explanation would be suffice enough for them, he did not wanna talk about what happened a long time ago. "You and Zara look so cute" smiled Zane shyly, hoping that Liz would not mind him complementing her in order to complement Zara.
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Altier nodded at the explanation, him replying, "Sort of like how there are different clans of shape shifters, although your shifting is outwardly shown in your human form as well." That in itself was a bit fascinating to Altier, it seeming that shape shifters and those like Zane had been spit of at some point, seeing as how they share a good deal of characteristics. With that in mind he looked over at Liz and Zara, them looking quite cute as Zane had said him smiling warmly as they continued on.


Lilian cocked her head to the side as she let her know about her hugging in her sleep, her replying as they entered the girls dormitory entrance, "No that's fine." She paused as she started up the stairs toward the room, "I sometimes lick and cuddle in my sleep though, not sure why." It was actually true, although Lilian does not know what she does such a thing when she sleeps...it maybe stemming from a dream or something of the sort. She looked back at Tashii as she opened the door to the room, "I hope you do not mind." It could also be because she does not show emotions when she is awake and therefore she shows them when asleep.

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