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Fantasy Academy For The Gifted

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Zara blushed at being called cute, no one else besides for Lizzy and Lilian had ever called her something like that; even though Zara did not know how to react to the complement, it still felt good to receive one every one and again. She shyly continued to pet the girls new ears as she let the information sink in, adding a shy "T-thank you" to the Taguel boy; her head now facing Lizzy as she blushed, smiling lightly.
Tashii nodded her head, then raised a quizzical eyebrow as she followed Lilian through the girls dorm; "Licking? Never head anyone do that in their sleep before" stated Tashii truthfully, she had read a lot on what different people do in their sleep but licking was one she never heard of until now.
(Last post. Probably. I don't know why today I've just been so light headed and exhausted)

Hearing that she was called cute, and from a boy too, she felt very warm inside. Ever since she came to this academy, she received nothing but endearment, well from her friends anyways. Giving Zane a warm smile she gave him a simple response of "Thank you." in return.

Looking back at Altier, it didn't seem like she was affected much by another boy calling her cute. Maybe he just wasn't the "jealous" type like she's read in books that some guys are. Hearing from girls around her in class, it's been said that a boy's jealousy made them cuter in a way, but of corse Liz was never one to experience that first hand.

Lilian walked into the room and closed the door after the both of them were inside, her not knowing that licking wasn't normal in ones sleep. "Not normal," she paused and thought on that for a moment, her half wondering what was normal then. With that in mind she waked over to the bed and laid down, her looking up at the ceiling or the moment, "Are you tired Tashii?" She figured she might be considering she seemed like the type of person that would get tired fairly fast, seeing as how she did find her sleeping in the snow after all. With that in mind she looked over at Tashii from her position on the bed and added, "You're welcome to take a nap if you wish, I'm thinking of taking one as well.

This day had been quite unique or Lilian, her seeming to have experienced a good bit of new things so far. With that in mind she scooted over on her bed and threw back the covers, figuring it would be better just in case Lizzy came back soon and wanted to rest as well.
Tashii smiled awkwardly at the girl, "Nothing is normal, normal is bland" stated the girl; trying to cheer Lilian up, she didn't mean any offense at her last comment. She walked over to Lilian, after closing the door, and layed right behind her underneath the covers, then preceded to give Lilian a hug as she quickly fell asleep in the position; mad did Tashii fall asleep fast. "Night" she was able to mumble before falling asleep.

(Yeah I got practice tomorrow all day, cya later)
((I'll be signing off now as well))

+ All

Altier didn't really know what he should add to the conversation as of right now so he just contently ate his fruit salad, him looking over at Liz as she seemed to be having a great day so far and he hoped that it lasted. He isn't really one for dances or balls but he wanted her to go to this one and seeing as how his parents already had him learn to dance he figured he might as well use it. At that moment he wondered if any of the others that they knew would be going to the dance as well, him not really knowing if they are or not. With that in his mind he popped a grape in his mouth as the girls at other tables all stare, him either unaware or just not caring.


Lilian looked over as Tashii hugged up against her, this being a new experience for Lilian in more ways than one. When she was living at home she had her plushies to hug up against she slept but when she came here she forgot to pack one, so for months now she had been sleeping alone in her bed at night. It was a hard adjustment but she never told anyone about it, seeing as how she figured it was her own problem. With that in her mind he wrapped her arms around Tashii as well and fell into a deep sleep as well, her wondering what was going to happen next and at the same time wondering if she was going to lick her in her sleep. When she fell asleep she started to cuddle up to Tashii a bit more and started to nuzzle her with her nose, all in all quite odd to say the least. However she didn't lick her until later on, more like a couple hours in she licked her neck out of the blue.

Lilian seems to be quite the odd one...on the outside and on the inside.
Tashii could feel everything Lilian was doing to her, nuzzling and cuddling her, even a lick a few hours in. Tashii is a weird sleeper, she is somewhat of a heavy sleeper; but can feel whenever something happens to her when she sleeps; talk about very weird. While sleeping she got closer to Lilian, when one of the two would wake up they would find that their faces were but millimeters apart. Tashii was having one of her usual dreams in where she was a cat living the life of luxury, yeah that's right; she dreams about being a cat. weird huh?

Lilian did not know that she was doing all of that stuff, her only knowing about it because her mother had informed her of it when she bunked with her once. That was an awkward conversation but it was even more awkward considering Lilian and her mother are pretty much alike in how they talk and so on. Anyway, she awoke from the nap a couple hours later, it being dark outside as she blinked awake. When she did she noticed that either her or Tashii had moved closer together in their sleep, her not really sure who had moved closer but she didn't really think it mattered all that much. She though about whether or not she should move at the moment, but quite frankly enjoyed the position she was in at the moment so she decided against it.

The feeling that she had at the moment was akin to how she felt when she had a plushie but at the same time it was more, her perhaps figuring that because she could feel the warmth from Tashii or perhaps its because Tashii can hug her back. The exact reason for the feeling isn't something that Lilian can pinpoint but she knew that she liked it, her continuing to wonder as she just stared at Tashii for a moment. With all of that in mind she recognized something else as she laid there, her stating out loud in a hushed tone, "Great smell..." Her referring to how Tashii smells obviously, seeing as how they are so close at the moment.
Tashii was still in her dreaming state, now scratching herself with one of those cat stands at a itch a cat just couldn't reach when they got it; though in the real world she was now snuggling Lilians' cheeks with her own, acting like a cat in her sleep. She heard Lilians' words, Great smell, burst into her dreams; though she didn't really pay attention to them nor even notice them. A light meow could be heard from her as she continued to sleep, snuggled up against Lilian. It seemed that Tashii was a pretty heavy sleeper, then again she did fall asleep in the open snow and continued to sleep as she was dragged up her the first time.

She looked on as Tashii all but seemed to turn cat like in her dreams, her having the mannerisms of a feline at the moment. With that in mind she thought at the moment that she was rather cute, her behavior was different as she slept by a wide margin. Along those lines Lilian wondered if her behavior was also extremely different as she slept, her knowing that she did so things when she slept. She did a mental shrug and petted Tashii on her head, her at the moment wondering what would happen if she did treat her like a cat. Also a bit selfishly she wanted to see her act like this a bit more, the sight just being to cute.
Tashii was now purring like a cat would when it gets pet, snuggling up against Lilian; she was very warm to Tashii. The girl was obviously taking the petting into her dream world, and taking it very nicely as her light purring continued. She gave Lilian a lick on the cheek after a little while, Tashii not realizing what she was doing in her sleep. A little while after she licked Lilian on the cheek for a second time, her green eyes awoke to a sight of Lilian closely hugging her, Tashii letting out a light yawn as she awoke a little. It can't be morning yet can it? thought Tashii to herself before gazing upon a alarm clock; it had only been a few hours since they started their little nap. "Hi Lilian, something up?" greeted the girl groggily, obviously not very awake; she only asked since she saw that Lilian was awake as well.

She shook her head and then replied with a slight tilt to her head, "Not really," she paused and then added while she was still petting her, "Just petting a kitten." She did a double blink as she looked into Tashii's sleepy eyes, "You seemed to be having a dream that you were a cat, you were very affectionate." She didn't really know what else to say but she figured she could say what all she had done while she was asleep, her having asked if something was up after all. With that he said as she rubbed her cheek against Tashii's cheek, "You cuddled up," she paused and licked Tashii's cheeks without hesitation, "And you did this as well." The play by play wasn't really necessary but Lilian figured she deserved some attention as well, since Lilian enjoyed the new experiences as well.
Tashii awkwardly smiled at the treatment that Lilian was giving her, had she truly done that in her sleep? A small blush appeared on her face, an actual blush from the girl, a rare sight to behold. "R-really?" asked the girl quizzically; she hadn't know she was doing that in her sleep; though she did remember her dreaming about being a cat; Tashii always wondered what it would be like to be a cat. "I'm sorry if I disturbed you in your sleep" replied the girl, unsure of what else to say besides that.

Zane smiled back a little before turning to raise a bottle of water to drink; him unsure of what else to do. The boy deliberately avoided eye contact with everyone, something was definitely on his mind, (five points to whoever can guess lol), he scratched the back on his neck lightly; it seemed that his fur did not bother him for the most part.
@Defective Kitten

"Disturbed me?" With that outspoken question uttered Lilian shook her head, and then added with a slight nod over to Tashii, "Not at all, I actually thought it was rather cute." She paused for a moment and then added with a slight tilt to her head, "Who know being licked could be so enjoyable." Lilian said that with few blinks and then posed her a question, as they stayed close to each other their arms still around one another, "Were the licks nice for you as well?"

Tashii awkwardly smiled at the girl with long white hair, her blush now clearer at the complements that Lilian was giving her; about being cute and such. "Yeah, I did" stated Tashii with a nod of her head, truthfully they gave her a strange warm fuzzy feeling inside that she never experienced before, her now wondering what this feeling was. "Hey Lilian? What do you think of me?" asked Tashii, curious on the subject, also wondering why she was so nice to her even though she barely meet the girl that dragged her out of the snow.

"Think of you," she stated aloud as she paused for a moment, thinking about how she should answer the question she was just asked. With that in mind she double blinked and then replied with a light nod, "Well I think you're a nice person and quite frankly I like being around you." Lilian isn't really one that knows how to express feelings all that well so most of the time she just tells people what she sees as the truth. She paused for a moment and then added with a slight tilting of her head, "Although I do feel different around you than my other friends." As she said that she wondered what it meant, her coming up with no solid answer at the moment.
Zara noticed that the Taguel boy was acting very awkward, not looking at anyone in the eye, her thinking that quite weird. "Are you guys going to the ball?" asked Zara towards everyone in the group, wondering who was going and who was not.
Tashii awkwardly smiled once more at Lilian, hugging her a little more tightly to show her she was happy with her answer. "I feel the same way about you Lilian" stated Tashii cheerfully; still sounding like she was not yet completely awake from there little nap; her cheek now touching Lilians'.

Lilian did a double blink as Tashii was cheek to cheek with her, her somewhat unaccustomed to such actions in a large way. With that in mind she just simply rubbed her back with her hands that were already positions on her back, Lilian not really sure what to do in this situation. She though about things that she could do at the moment but all of them didn't seem quite right in her mind. As she laid there for a moment she decided to speak up, her wondering if she liked such things, "Do you like dances?" She figured that she was a very close friend in the short time she had known her and she had yet to ask if she wanted to go to the dance.
Tashii thought about the question for a little, still hugging the girl. "Umm..." started Tashii before pulling away to face Lilian, still hugging her though. She shrugged at the question before looking away towards the wall, "I've never been to a dance" replied the girl with a shy embarrassed look on her face.

Lilian said with a slight tilt to her head as Tashii looked away from her, her replying, "Neither have I." With that said she posed another question, he placing her hand on Tashii's cheek to have her look back at Lilian again, "Would you like to go with me then?" Honestly Lilian didn't really know if she was going to like the dance or not but she did see it as an experience one should at least attend once in ones life. Her thinking that if she were to go with Tashii the day would somewhat be more enjoyable seeing as how she brightened up her day already.
Tashiis' blush reemerged when Lilian touched her cheek, forcing her focus back on the girl; she awkwardly locking stares with Lilian. "You wanna go with me?" asked the girl in shock, pointing to herself as she considered the question. She probably just wants to go as friends reassuring herself slightly, she nodded and with an awkward smiles, "I would love to go with you Lilian" replied the girl as she scratched the back of her wild hair, herself as giddy as a school girl right now, thought hiding it really well.
@Odin4Life4Life (We probably should wait for the rest to catch up to the time line I think, haha) (This V will be by last post as Lil until then)

"Great," Lilian said in a tone that was a bit different than her normal emotionless way, it seeming that some kind of emotion made it's way through the wall. With that in mind she stated with a slight nod, "I think it starts at 8, so we can lay here for a while longer if you want." She didn't really want to move from where she was until she had to, seeing as how she was very comfortable at the moment. It was just something about being around Tashii that made Lilian a bit different than usual, it all quite odd as a mater of fact.
(I am going to sleep anyways :3 @Defective Kitten : Hope to see a post from ya soon :3)

Tashii lightly nodded at the offer and continued to hug Lilian, scooting in a bit closer she was now snuggling Lilians' side, an awkward smile of content on her face right now; this year was going to be different and so much nice then other years.


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