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Fantasy Academy For The Gifted

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Liz stopped jumping all over the place when she heard of the sleepover. Transforming back into her human form, she was sitting on the snow near Zara. Who knew that the fur would make such a difference to her temperature. She could feel her hands dropping temperature along with the rest of her body. "I'll be busy tonight and a little bit of next week." She shrugged, Liz had already made plans to go visit his parents before hand. She would feel terrible to cancel on him for sleepover. "Maybe when I get back?" She suggested with a slight smile, shivering in the snow as she did.
Zara felt bad for the girl being cold, it was a horrible feeling, and so did something extremely out of character.; she hug Lizzy to warm her up. "Sounds like a plan" stated the dragon girl as she enveloped Lizzy in warmth. She then turned over to Zane and shyly smiled, "This coat is so warm, h-how is it like this?" asked Zara curiously.
Zane shrugged at the girls question, briefly scratching the back of his neck for a moment before looking back up at the two girls now hugging to keep warm. "I don't know, some say it was an artifact used by the Alanteans" replied the boy with a smile of his own.

Tashii yawned once more, the girl seemed to always be tired and yawning all over the place.
"Cool, this will be my first sleepover" replied the girl with wild hair, it sticking out everyone on the ground.
+ All

Lilian watched as Zara did something out of character, her never really seeing her openly hug someone before. Honestly Lilian didn't expect Zara to hug someone, but she figured it was probably due to the fact that she knew about being cold all to well. With that in mind she double blinked and looked down at Tashii, her asking a question which she should have asked at the start, "Have you been assigned a dorm yet Tashii?" Her remembering that dorm assignments usually take place at the beginning of the year, her not to sure if new transfer students even receive an assignment or not.
Tashii shook her head to the best of her abilities, her being somewhat trapped between snow. "No I haven't" replied Tashii, she was never given any information about the dorms at all; she just figured it was for the super rich people of the school.
To that Lilian tilted her head, her figuring she had at least gotten a letter or maybe a notification about the dorms. With that in mind she looks down at her and says with a slight nod, "Well you are welcome to stay in my dorm if Lizzy is okay with it." Lilian didn't really want the girl to have to sleep outside seeing as how she seems to be a nice person, even if others may call her odd or weird. Quite frankly Lilian had taken a liking to the girl, in some ways she is a bit like herself and oddly enough she found that a bit comforting.
Liz smiled at Zara for hugging her to keep her warm, "Thank you..!" She thanked and hugged her Zara back so they'd share equal amounts of warmth. Listening in to the conversation of Tashii staying in our dorm, Lizzy was open to the idea of another in the dorm, although she was worried for where would she sleep? The floor? "I'm okay with her staying in our dorm, but my one concern of where would she sleep at night? In one of our beds perhaps?" She suggested with a tilt of the head.
@Defective Kitten


Lilian looked over at Liz with a slight tilt to her head as well, her replying as she placed her hands behind her back, "She can share my bed if she would like, I wouldn't mind." Lilian didn't want to have her sleep on the floor, seeing as how that would be rude and she didn't really mind that much if she shared a bed with a girl. With that said she looked down at Tashii and asked with a few blinks down at her, "Would that be acceptable Tashii?"
Tashii nodded in response to Lizs' approval of her staying in the dorm, "I can sleep anywhere if sharing a bed with one of you two is not an option" replied the girl with her usual awkward smile, though in truth she would like it to sleep in a bed with someone; she would not mind sleeping on the ground though. When Lilian asked her to sleep in her bed, her awkward smile widened a bit, "I would love to share a bed with you Lilian" replied the girl, not trying to sound awkward.
Zara smiled a bit as she listened into the conversation, she was glad that the girl would know have somewhere to sleep. "That's really nice of you Lilian" stated Zara with a shy smile, once again her fangs showing.
"Not a all," Lilian replied to the two of their comments, her adding with a slight nod, "I welcome the company, honestly I have been kicking myself for not bringing my plushie." That being said she did in fact sleep with a plushie back at her house, who would have thought it? She paused for a moment and then added with a nod, her looking over at Tashii, "I am curious as to how this will be different." With that said she asked before anyone could reply to her plushie comment, "Oh by the ay Tashii, do you sleep in the nude? I do not but I should no before hand." Once again her lack of social conversation and what is appropriate and what isn't appropriate showing through.

((To much? haha))
Zane somewhat eyed Liz with jealous eyes, it obviously showing on his face what he was jealous about. When he heard Lilians' question, he raised a very quizzical eyebrow, not sure of what to do nor how to respond.

Tashii also raised a quizzical eyebrow, the question was very strange but she took no offense to the question.
"I sometimes sleep with clothes off, sometimes with clothes on. If you want me to stay with pj's, I will do so" replied the girl, her green eyes now looking up at Lilian instead of the sky.
@Defective Kitten


She looked over at Liz who in her mind would not like to have a naked girl in her room with her, Lilian figuring that such a thing would make her quite uncomfortable. "Probably best if you did," she didn't really mind but such a thing might cause Liz to pass out, or maybe turn beat red if she happened to walk in on it. With that in mind Lilian looked down at her watch and read that it said about four pm, her tilting her head in thought for a moment. "A bite to eat perhaps?" She didn't realize that it had trudged on into the afternoon so fast, this being the first time she experienced the 'when your having fun time flies,' phenomena.
Went hugging Zara, Liz glanced over at Zane who seemed to have a.. jealous(?) expression. It took a bit to figure out that she might have a little crush on Zara. 'Maybe I should tease him..' She though before looking at Zara again. "Hey Zara would it be okay I hung in your shirt again as a rabbit? So that you wouldn't have to share the coat and be cold as well." Liz spoke with an innocent smile on her face, as if she thought what she requested wasn't of any wrong doing.
Zara blushed when she heard the conversation between Lilian and Tashii, her never really been comfortable with that type of topic. When Liz asked to be in her shirt as a rabbit, her blush deepened a little but she nodded, it probably wouldn't be to bad to pet her again at a rabbit; Zara always had a thing for cute things.

(Last post, got school tomorrow D:)
Tashii nodded as she saw her look to Liz, her figuring that the girl was probably not comfortable with that. "K" replied the girl before getting up and stretching, multiple pops from her back coming out. "Yeah, I can go for a bite to eat" stated the girl with an awkward smile, her indent on the snow still there, some snow also in her hair.
Lilian did a double blink as she saw Zara agree to what Liz proposed, her finding I odd that Zara agreed...it seeming that Zara is powerless against cue things like rabbits or Lizzy. With that I mind she looks over at Tashii and nods, also looking back at the group as she starts to walk, "We'll be going to get something to eat then." With that she made her way to the Café area, leading Tashii just in case she didn't know where it was exactly seeing as how she is new to the school and all.
Transforming into her rabbit state, surprisingly she was even smaller this time. She was as big as Zara's hand but that would make it easier in the least to be carried around. Her tiny rabbit form getting lost in the snow, but when she jumped you would be able to see her for a second when she was off the ground. Getting piled up in the snow, she was rather getting distressed since the snow was so much bigger than her, that she began squeaking like a rabbit every time she jumped up as to signal for help.
(Yeah, same, last post for me)

Tashii nodded before following the girl over to the cafe area, wondering what there was to eat and what to eat. Two different things indeed. "So, what do you recommend?" asked the girl curiously, not sure what she would order.

Zane chuckled at the girl as she got lost in the snow for a little. He went over and picked her up carefully and softly before placing her on Zaras' lap, avoiding eye contact with the girl as he focused on Liz.
"Here ya go" smiled the boy, a note of jealousy in his voice, though for the most part was still acting his happy self.

"Well," she stated and then continued as she walked into the cafeteria/café area, "There is actually a lot to chose from." With that she pointed to the row of stalls that lined the wall of the café area, "We have soups, cakes, burgers, hot dogs, and so on." With that she simply waited for her to make a decision, her adding before she chose, "Today will be my treat."
Zara picked up Liz, who was now in rabbit form, from her lap and started to pet her lightly with her claws; once more going a little gaga over her. It really did seem that Zaras' attitude completely changed whenever she was around anything that was cute in any shape or form. She saw that Lilian and Tashii had left for food, it was probably a good idea to follow them in a little.
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Tashii thought about what to eat for a little before being offered a free meal, that was awful nice of Lilian to do that; something not many people were towards her. "I'll take a burger if they aren't too expensive" stated Tashii, not wanting to have the girl spend too much on her.

She shook her head and walked over to the stall that sold burgers, if she remembered right the ones at this spot were rather tasty. Although she had only bout one once since she has been in this school, she is more of a soup person. Figuring that today seems like a unique day so she figured that she would at least do something different for a change, a burger being such a different thing in her mind. With that in mind she walked over to the stall and ordered two of their burger, her not knowing what Tashii liked on hers she just acquired the regular ones with cheese and lettuce. It didn't take the cook that long to cook them seeing as how he already had some on the grill when she walked up, them seeming to go for a quick service angle in the Café.

Lilian handed the money over to the cashier and nodded as they handed her a tray with the food on it, her noticing that there was a plate of fries and two sodas as well. She spoke up about the mistake to the cashier, "Um miss, I didn't pay for the fries or the sodas."
The cashier waved it off and replied with a smile, "Don't worry about it, they're complimentary today because of the Dance tonight." "Oh," Lilian replied and offered her a slight nod in thanks, adding, "Thank you and you have a nice day as well miss." As she walked away the woman behind the counter started saying how adorable the customer that was just here was, Lilian double blinking at that as she made her way back over to Tashii.

With that in mind she stopped in front of Tashii and said motioning to a free table, "There's a free table."
Tashii nodded before following Lilian to the free table she had just pointed out and sat down right next her her. The girl then preceded to take one of the plates and smiled awkwardly at the girl; "Thank you Lilian" said Tashii before taking a bit of her hamburger, it was nice and warm; filling for a day like this.
@Odin4Life4Life ((Chicago Style))

Lilian looked over at her as she thanked her, her offering a nod in response. As Tashii took a bite of the burger Lilian did a bit of a double blink, her staring for a moment for some reason. She turned to her own plate and took the top bun off of her burger, her grabbing some French fries and pilling the on the burger. A few students that were in the cafeteria looked over at her as she did this and cocked their heads in response. Lilian placed the top bun back on and pressed down on the burger to make it more compact.

With all of that done she picked up the burger and took a bite of it, her double blinking and then looking around at the people that were looking at her as she chewed up the bite. With that she looked over at Tashii as if to communicate, 'Umm what?'

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