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Fantasy Academy For The Gifted

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Zane smiled lightly as he heard her heat beat lowered, though it was still faster then normal. He layed down on her legs, he wasn't very heavy nor extremely light; he was about as heavy as a big dog; his black fur very warm. "You want a ride?" asked Zane, tilting his head to the left a little.
Liz smiled lightly at the rabbit when he laid on her legs. Hearing his offer she was a bit confused. "A ride? To where?" She asked questionably, they had just met and he had already offered to give her a ride. They didn't even know each other's names yet.
"I don't know" replied the Taguel boy honestly, still laying there as he thought about the question more, unsure where they would go. They could always just walk around campus, he found it a filling time to offer friends ride to places. "Wherever" continued the boy one more.
"Well why would you give me a ride if we haven't even known each other for that long? We don't even know each other's names." Liz statements with a slight tilt of the head. The boy didn't seemed like he thought much ahead but more about what happens in the current moment, which could be a bad or a good thing depending on his situation. Although right now, Lizzy was a bit skeptical.
"Your fun and friendly" stated Zane in response to Lizzys' skepticism, she had the right to it though due to how they just met. "My name Zane, you?" continued the boy joyfully; he seemed to be the quick to trust type of person as he had a small smile on his face the whole time.
"Zane.. Nice to meet you. My name is Lizzy or Liz, whichever." She spoke with a little more cheerfulness in her tone and gave a light smile at Zane who seemed to be enjoying his time on her lap. Thinking back to his statement previous, "Fun..? And Friendly? I would've expected weird and strange." Liz had a hesitant smile on her face. With how she acted before, she would've expect him to think she had some type of mental problem.
Zane nodded and stated "Liz" in unison, as a conformation of such sorts. "Your talking to a giant rabbit" chuckled Zane, when your talking to a giant rabbit weird kinda goes out the door huh?
Liz was about to say something but just ended up smiling and laughed a little, "I guess I am talking to a giant rabbit huh?" She had a cheerful smile on her face once more, it seemed that she had somehow gotten used to being around Zane. Although Liz couldn't pin point why she had grown to be calm around him so quickly. "Maybe I've just gone crazy then." She admitted with a light giggle.
Zara walked outside shivering, though piled up in about 4 different layers of clothing, and started to trudge through the snow. She saw Lizzy interacting with another shy boy and a giant... rabbit? Why was there a giant rabbit at school!? asked Zara to herself as she shyly walked up to Liz and sat down next to her, trying to warm herself up. "H-h-hi L-l-l-Lizzy" greeted the girl, not stuttering out of shyness but out of the cold.
Zane laughed along side the girl for a little before a dragon girl walked up to them and sat down next to Lizzy, looking very cold. That was to be expected though, she did look half dragon. Wow... shes' cute... thought Zane to himself before turning back to Lizzy and tilting his head to the right a little, as if to ask who she was.
Seeing Zara sit down in the snow next to her, it seemed that she was freezing despite wearing more layers of clothes then herself. Lizzy laughed a little at Zara for being so cold, "Hey Zara. Cold much?" She asked with a little laugh at her, as if teasing her. Surprisingly, Lizzy wasn't as cold as she should've been for some odd reason. Maybe it was because she just couldn't feel her skin anymore? Looking down at Zane who had a little tilt in his head, "Oh. Zane this is Zara. Zara this is Zane." She introduced them, "Maybe you should Transform back to your human state" Liz suggested, it had seemed that she had gotten Zane's power while petting him. Transforming into her form, she wasn't as big as he was. Lizzy's form was actually smaller, this always happened. Whenever she touched a shapeshifter, she would get the smaller or younger form of the animal/person that she was supposed to shift into.


She's about the size of an adult bunny
Zara gave a quizzical look, he was a human? Oh great... When Lizzy transformed into a small bunny she smiled and laughed, showing her fangs. She picked up Lizzy and started to pet her, "Oh you look so adorable!" smiled Zara; her shyness gone as she now was going gaga over her new form.
(Ack sorry didn't see response till now D:)

Zane looked at the girl in confusion, she didn't smell like a normal Taguel; so he guess she could copy powers. When he looked back up at Zara, she had picked up Lizzy and was petting her. Your the cute one... thought Zane as he stared at the girl, shaking his head to shake himself out of his daze. "Will you freak out?" asked the boy jokingly, though he was half serious as he didn't want to freak her out.

Haruka threw a snowball at Shady who just let it hit him and threw one back with enough force to knock Haruka into the snow she got up laughing. "Alright you asked for it!" She used her strength to throw a super fast snowball at him but he just opened up a whole in him and it pasted through hitting a rabbit in the backnof the head. Haruka froze and ran over saying sorry. "I'm so sorry I didn't see you there well I guess Shady didn't see you it's mostly his fault!" The shadow looked at her and she sighed. "Okay so it was my fault sorry."
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(Nemma jumped in wrong, that's all. here Ill repost mine and odins to make you less confused)

My last post:

Zara gave a quizzical look, he was a human? Oh great... When Lizzy transformed into a small bunny she smiled and laughed, showing her fangs. She picked up Lizzy and started to pet her, "Oh you look so adorable!" smiled Zara; her shyness gone as she now was going gaga over her new form.

Odins last past:

Zane looked at the girl in confusion, she didn't smell like a normal Taguel; so he guess she could copy powers. When he looked back up at Zara, she had picked up Lizzy and was petting her.
Your the cute one... thought Zane as he stared at the girl, shaking his head to shake himself out of his daze."Will you freak out?" asked the boy jokingly, though he was half serious as he didn't want to freak her out.
@Odin4Life4Life ((Yeah here now, man busy day on my end haha))

((If there is Occ comments Without rp following try to put them in the Occ thread so it doesn't fill up the rp thread please))

Lilian stood from the bed and looked back at Tashii, her cocking her head as she thanked her for something. With that in mind she glanced outside of the window and saw that there were an assortment of people playing in the snow at the moment, something that she could never really understand doing. However as she watched the people have their interpretation of fun she wondered if it was indeed fun to play n the snow with your friends, or even people that you just met. She double blinked as she realized that one of them was Zara, and the other she recognized was Haruka.

"Looks like they are having fun," She stated aloud so that Tashii could hear what she had said, her wondering if she should go join in the fun or not. With that in her mind she turned to face Tashii again and posed her a question, "Is there anything you would like to do today?" Seeing as how for all intensive purposes she is a new student here perhaps she would like a tour or something of the sort, seeing as how Lilian didn't have anything to do today at the moment.
(Oh you were talking to me? I thought you were talking to Zara. sorry my bad then)

Lizzy shook her head, although she had no promises whether she'll be frightened or not. Either way, she would've had to see him in this form sooner or later. She simply enjoyed Zara petting her, Liz did quite fond of this form. Not only did it keep her warm but it was small enough for people to pet her. Seeing a snowball fly by and hit Zane in the back of the head, she couldn't help but snicker since that would be the second time today that he's been hit with a ball of snow.
(Internet= Poopy D:)

Tashii shrugged at the girls question, it didn't really matter to her what she did.
"I don't know" replied the girl, scratching the back of her head again as she responded to the girls question. She walked over and looked outside to where Lilian was, wondering what the girl was looking at.

Zane felt the snowball hit the back of his head in Taguel form, wondering who did that he got up and turned around to see a girl who was apologizing for the act. He smiled before scooping up snow in his ears and dumping on the girl before laughing playfully. The boy started to shrink in size until he resembled a human, though he still had a massive amount of fur on him and his ears from Taguel form; it seemed it was natural for a Taguel to have them.
"Hi" replied the boy with a smile on his face, still laughing.
Haruka brushed the snow off laughing. "Okay you got me hi I'm Haruka this is Shady and he's the one who should get snow dumped on him." Haruka's shadow moved behind her picking up a scoop of snow and dumping it down the back of her jacket. She dropped to the ground wiggling. "COLD COLD COLD COLD!!!!!"

Lilian figured that just staying in the room would get dull after a while, her figuring that they would eventually go and do something or other. As Tashii walked over to look out of the window Lilian said with a slight nod, "I know the two girls out there, although I've never meet the others with hem." At the moment she wondered if this constantly sleepy girl beside her even did things like snowball fights or similar physical activities, which wouldn't really be much of a problem seeing as how Lilian didn't really care for such things either unless necessary. With that in mind she looks over at Tashii and cocks her head as she asks, "Would you like to go and meet them?" Lilian knew that they would be accepting of her, seeing as how they accepted Lilian and her awkward moments.
Tashii thought about Lilians' question for a little before letting out another yawn and nodding. "Umm, sure" replied the girl, now playing with one of the tips of hair that protruded all over;not out of shyness, but out of Meh I wanna play with my hair.

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