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Fantasy Academy For The Gifted

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The dragon girl smiled at the girls response that she would come with her to the cafe, it was nice that now she had someone to talk to. Zara blushed heavily as she suddenly turned around, she couldn't believe that just happened; Lilian was getting undressed in front of them. "I-I-I'll wait outside" stuttered Zara awkwardly leaving the room and waiting for her outside.

Faust opened his emerald-eyes at the sound of a question towards him, he was somewhat surprised at who had asked it as, Altier was it?, was asking him a question. The boy had heard of him, the same popularity as him himself; he had never met him though and was wondering when they would meet. He straightened up and covered his mouth to cough before finally answering the boy, after putting down his arm of course. "Yes, and you must be Altier?" replied the orange-haired boy, still looking drained as before. "Yeah I'm a little drained, still recovering from my termite incident" explained Faust before taking a sip of his coffee he had gotten earlier; it was still hot but not piping hot.

@Nenma Takashi

Lilian double blinked at the two of their polar opposite reactions, seeing how Zara all but bolted out of the room at her first chance. She glanced over her shoulder and sort of cocked her head to the side in response, "Did I do something out of place?" It was quite apparent that she didn't see the problem with her getting dressed in front of other women, her mother being a demon often told her that such modesty isn't the way of a demon when around those of your own gender. She simply shrugged and slipped her blouse and jeans on, seeing how it was now cold out, her grabbing a black jacket from the coat rack in the corner.


Altier nodded slightly about him having a termite problem, him having hear from Liz that he was some form of plant human hybrid. Although that was all that she seemed to know about it, seeing as how Liz wasn't really one to pry into someone's life story. Regardless he replied with a slightly thoughtful expression remembering something back at his home, "Yes termites can be a pain, they almost destroyed my families pear tree one summer." Altier being reverse vampire sort of would lean to him knowing a bit about what Faust was into, seeing as how Altier lives off of plants and such.
Lizzy left the showers and to the cafe not too long after playing with her hair. She happily walked with a bounce in her step as she made her way, unknowing of why she was happy that morning. It was a good thing that all her classes were cancelled that day, at least now she could do whatever she wanted until the dance. Since it was winter, she hoped to see snow that year. Lizzy only saw snow once and that was with her parents before the accident. Since then it's always just been cold and rainy. The breeze was strong and cold which made her shiver but luckily for her, she owned so many big chunky sweaters that it didn't affect her as it did other people. She actually found cold breezes endearing.

Walking into the cafe, she saw Altier and Faust but didn't walk over to them. Instead she went into the line that sold foods in a mug. Everything they sold was in a mug whether it was oatmeal, pancakes, cake, juice, water, literally anything. Liz was being "health" that morning and got strawberries, with a side of ice cream but we won't talk about that. Making her way to Altier and Faust, she simply stood quietly next to Altier, him not seeming to notice her as she listened onto his story about termites and pear trees. She had a short stature and her footsteps were silence in the noise of the crowd in the cafe. Liz was basically like a ninja at the moment.
"That sounds like a sad tale indeed" replied Faust with a nod of his head, his sympathy for the tree showing quite clearly. Faust had always been one to hate termites, they always destroyed him and his "Half-brothers" whenever they got a chance, a sad part of life. "why hello there Liz" stated Faust as he closed his eyes and coughed into the the upperpart of his arm.

Zara waited outside nervously, her face still a heavy pink from the incident that just took place. Zara had always been awkward around people, even more so in situations like this one. As she stood there, a little left of the door, she twiddled her thumbs in hopes of distracting her mind.
@Defective Kitten


He looked back and saw that Liz was standing just behind him, him smiling lightly as he saw her. Altier patted the seat next to him, "Have a seat Lizzy." He paused and then added with a slightly raised brow, "And how are you today?" All in all today was quite a dreary day, seeing as how the sun wasn't even peeking out from behind the grey clouds in the sky. With all of that in his mind he wondered why she was up so early today, him figuring that she would have slept in a bit more today considering she didn't have classes or anything of the like to attend to. He wasn't going to pressure her to answer whether or not she wanted to go to the dance with him, seeing as how she would answer when she wanted to.


@Nenma Takashi

Lilian walked out of the room and closed the door behind her, her still wondering what was up with the shyness that Zara had displayed. When she walked out of the room she looked over at Zara and posed a question in her usual emotionless way, "Are you uncomfortable with a naked woman?" The question was quite odd seeing as how most people would say yes to such a question, although it was quite apparent that Lilian didn't that it was so obvious. Her gazed going from Haruka and then back to Zara as she awaited an answer from one or both of them.
Sitting down next to Altier and munching on her strawberries, she simply greeted Faust with a smile. "Hi there." speaking warmly. "My day just started but it's been okay." Looking down at the watch on her wrist, it had seemed like it was already 10 but it was only around 6am. Looking over to Altier, her hair fell from her shoulders and rested in her chest softly like a feather falling into place. She scooted the the mug over, smiling at him in a way saying that she was offering him some. "Oh this morning I noticed that my hair had grown." She spoke happily, this was the longest her hair has been in a while. "Should I cut it back to its shorter length?" Asking for both of their options, Lizzy was weary of whether it suited her or not.

After hearing both replies she looked over at Faust, still munching on a new strawberry. "Faust, are you going to the dance tonight?" Asking due to her curiosity taking over, she tried not to seem like she was trying to pry into his daily life but if he was taking Lilian it was be so sweet. Honestly, Lizzy was confused on whether they were dating or not but she didn't want to ask.
Zara became very flustered about the question, quickly hiding herself behind her wings once again. "P-p-please d-d-don't" replied the girl, blushing very heavily, any more so she would be a lobster.

Faust tried to rub the sleepiness from his eyes before taking another sip of coffee, it felt nice going down his dry throat. "I might, I don't know" replied the tall orange-haired boy before taking another sip of coffee. He thought about her first question for a little bit as he drank, once swallowing he nodded and replied with "Either way you'll look great." After this reply his brown owl from before swooped into the cafe and landed on his shoulder with a written letter on it. He took the letter and read it to himself, chuckling a bit as he did so; then preceded to take out a piece of paper and write what seemed to be a reply and attaching it to the owl before it flew away.
@Defective Kitten


Altier shook his head as she question as to whether or not she should cut her hair, "Either way really Lizzy, I don't mind how you look." Quite frankly he didn't really mind either hair style, seeing as how she was still herself no matter how she looked at the time. The whole owl thing sort of caught Altier off guard, him not expecting an owl to fly into the cafeteria at that moment. He watched the bird fly away as soon as it had arrived, him tilting his head slightly at the sight that just had happened. With that in mind he looked down and realized that Liz was offering him a strawberry, her having her side of ice cream ready and waiting.

It seems that she was attempting to eat healthier, subtracting the ice cream which was obviously evident. He laughed lightly and took one of the strawberries from the cup and took a bite out of it, it being a while since he had a strawberry. He smiles warmly and looks over at Liz, "Scrumptious."


Lilian tilts her head at the utter embarrassment of Zara, her not quite getting the reaction that she displayed. She though to herself as she stood there, 'Maybe Dragon kin are modest by nature.' She shook her head and said with a slight shrug, "How about we go on to the Café, I find myself quite hungry at the moment."
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Lizzy smiled at their replies, "I'll keep my hair long than." She was happy to know that they both liked her with or without short or long hair. As she got a scoop full of ice cream, an owl swooped into the cafeteria. Scoop still in her mouth, she simply stared at Faust in shock. Who knew an owl could fly into a building so casually. As she watched Faust causally read and write a note, attaching it to an owl, she had a dumbfound look on her face as if she didn't know what just happened. Than again, it's not like she actually knew.

"Owl.." Lizzy was finally able to utter after it flew away. "So." She tried to change subject on the owl but failed, "Why the owl?" Asking with a still dumbfound look across her face.
Zara nodded quickly and shyly before bringing her wings away from her face, then preceded to walk towards the cafeteria; her blush still very present as the past few minutes replayed over and over in her head.

Faust shrugged at the girls question before giving off a light smile, it all he could manage in his weakened state. "Why not?" asked Faust, obviously joking with the girl, something he did often to his friends. A apple grew out of the palm of his hand and he preceded to eat it; the apple looking perfectly fine despite his current condition.
@Defective Kitten


Altier simply cocked his head at Faust's reply about the owl, him finding he boy to be quite odd but in this place such a thing as being odd wasn't really odd it was commonplace. Altier stretched while he sat in his chair, him having woken up a bit earlier today than usual. Not having a roommate made him quite relaxed in his room, if not a bit lonely at times. He honestly wouldn't mind having someone around to speak to every now and then but that doesn't seem like it is going to happen anytime soon or at least not this year. With that in mind he looked out of the window, and started to see snowflakes fall from the sky.

As he saw that he simply replied with a slightly raised brow glancing over at Liz, "How about that."


Lilian walked with them for a moment entirely silent as they made their way down the stairway, however as she continued down the stairs she couldn't help but utter what was bouncing round in her head. She glanced over at Zara and said just loud enough for her and Haruka to hear, "In all honesty I think you two would have fantastic bodies." The way she had said it was sort of a matter of fact way, like anyone would say such a thing to one of their friends. In more ways than one Demon Side Lilian is a character, and the surprises just never seem to stop coming when it involves her in ones day to day life. With that said she opens the doors that led outside and wrapped her coat around her as snow flakes started to fall.
Zaras' blush only deepened and deepened as the conversation went on, this was not something Lilian was expecting at all. "Th-thank y-you L-L-Lilian" replied Zara awkwardly before beginning to try and warm up; even when bundled up in multiple layers, the dragon girl was still cold. She never really liked the cold weather, being part dragon and all. "I-its f-f-f-freezing" stated Zara, even though she was wrapped up way more then the other two girls.
Lizzy just smiled and nodded at Faust's answer. He was rather odd after his recovery from his termite experience, although she couldn't blame him. He must've felt rather weak since he was half plant. That's like having a really bad flu and trying to recover without medicine.

Hearing Altier's statement, she simply looked over at where he was staring out the window. There she saw snowflakes falling from the sky, people were gasping in delight and one of them was Lizzy. An expression of amazement and happiness mixed together covered her face. Rushing out of the cafe, she watched as it fell on her hair and on the ground. Within a few moments her hair was covered in snowflakes and white specks of fluff. Although it was still too early for her to be able to build snowmen or do anything, she was happy to see that he was snowing. Hopefully it would continue to snow during the dance.

Despite wearing a large sweater, she wasn't wearing anything that protected her from actual snow but it didn't seem like she cared for her health at the moment. Her hands cold as ice and cheeks rosy, she seemed to be enjoying herself despite just standing there in amazement.
@Defective Kitten

Altier watched as she made her way outside, him figuring that she doesn't really get snow that often where she lived before the school. It was pretty obvious that Faust most likely didn't want to moved from his current spot, so Altier just stood up and walked outside to where Liz was. He stood over next to her and did a double blink as she sort of just bubbled at the sight of the snow, it almost like the first time he had seen snow when he was just a child. With that in mind he placed a hand on her cheek and instantly could tell that she was freezing, him replying with a slight raising of his brow, "How about we play in the snow later on Lizzy?"

By how the snow is falling and the absence of a sun at the moment it was quite apparent that there was going to be more snow later on, and it would definitely stick. The actual amount wasn't known to Altier seeing how he didn't really pay much attention to the weather much, being that their are UV lamps now a days Reverse Vampires didn't exactly need the sun to feel rejuvenated.


Lilian did a double blink as Zara responded to her comment, it appearing that she had came out of her shell in the past couple months. If Lilian had said that to her when she had first met her it just might have put her into a coma or something, her shyness back then being borderline diagnosable in a clinic. "In that case lets hurry to the Café," she replied to Zara's comment on it being quite cold out today, Lilian agreeing wholeheartedly in that aspect. With that in mind they approached the Café, Lilian making her way to the stalls and waiting to order a good warm soup.
Zara nodded at the girls suggestion and hurried along with the other two to the cafe; it was warmer in there, but still cold to Zara. She followed Lilian over to the soup place and decided a nice warm soup would also help her, it would be nice to be warmer; her fangs chattering the whole time as she waited in line.

Normally Faust would have followed Lizzy, well at least to the door; he was never really a big fan of cold weather; due to him having plant DNA, but he stayed inside, not wanting to get any more sick then he was. The tall orange boy could hear everyone else talking as he put his head down, trying to get a little more sleep.
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Feeling the the sharp like pain on her cheeks, she flinched when Altier touched her cheek. It was rather painful in a sense to be touched by something warm when you were cold, like dipping your freezing hands after a long day into warm water, but she slowly moved her hand over his. Her ice-cold fingers were slow to move but they were able to grasp onto his hand. Looking at him with a tilt of a head, she simply smiled, "Okay!" She replied. With every breath she took, you could see a cloud of her breath in front of her. Weakly grasping onto his hand, he was abnormally warm despite the weather conditions, "How come you're so warm?" She asked, her face was rather pale in comparison to her rosy cheeks.
@Defective Kitten

"Reverse Vampire remember," he said with a light wink looking down at her with a grin, "They are always cold, I am always warm. Sort of comes with the territory." With that said he takes both of her hands in his own and asks with a slight cocking of his head, "So you want to go back in and eat your cold ice cream?" He was being obvious sarcastic at the moment, him at the same time trying to warm up her hands it being apparent that she was very cold at the moment. Her adrenalin of seeing the snow sort of overpowered her common sense part of her brain for a moment, although it seems that the adrenalin is now washing away.

@Federoff (And also Haruka if they reappear)

After she had gotten her soup she walked over to a free table and sat down, Zara most likely right behind her as she did so seeing as how she was right behind her in the line. Lilian had gotten a mish mash of chicken and various spices in her soup, her wanting something to liven up her taste buds seeing as how her human half stayed away from spicy things when she was in charge. She looked over at Zara and asked to trail away from her previous question about her body, "So what did you get Zara?"
(Last post for the night)

After getting her own soup and paying for it, she followed Lilian over to a free table and sat down right next to the girl before taking a spoonful of the soup and eating it; the warmth flourishing in her. "Mmmmm, I got beef soup, a delicacy from where I come from" replied Zara, happy that she could have this treat. For the most part, the wilds offered fish, snake, cat, and nay small birds you could catch for meat, so beef is a welcomed delicacy.
Having her hands warmed up while being teased, she pouted. "I keep forgetting that you're not human. You're not a scary vampire at all now are you?" Liz teased him with a small giggle at the end. Having already ate enough ice cream and strawberries for the day she simply shook her head. From what she remembered, there was only 2 small strawberries left along with 3 or 4 more scoops of ice cream. "No, lets go to the greenhouse. I wonder if the plants are okay." She suggested with a smile that would warm up just about anyone.

Letting out a mouse like sneeze, she felt the cold weather finally settling in after all her adrenaline was used up. Shivers crawled down her spine, it was like she could feel all the cold air finally getting to her. The cold was like a thousand needles just stabbing into the first two layers of her skin.
@Defective Kitten

"Hmm," he said with a slight nod down to her, him remembering that the green house had a heating system if he remembered right. All in all the place was probably warmer than the café was. "Okay then," he said as he started to walk with her, him opening his coat and wrapping it around her as he held her up against himself. The coat around him and her as his arm held her up against himself. The coat that he had grabbed being quite big on him so it seemed to work out pretty well. "Comfy," he stated as he looked down a her with a light smile.

@Federoff & @Nenma Takashi

Lilian double blinked as she said that beef was a delicacy back where she was from, which was something that he mother hadn't relayed to her. She had forgotten that Zara wasn't from a modern day place where nothing is really a delicacy anymore, supermarkets being quite the development in modern society. With that in mind she looked over at Zara and replied, "Beef huh?" She paused and then added with a slight nod, "Well in that case you should come over to my home some day after the school year so we can have a steak or two." Lilian wondered if she would do such a thing, her not being much of a social person after all...although mother would probably love to see her.
Lizzy glanced up at Altier when he wrapped his coat around her, smiling at him as he did so. ".. thank you .." She spoke softly, holding onto his hand that's arm wrapped around her. Being near him like this made her feel like she was being a little selfish since she always needed so much more than he did since she was human and all.

Arriving at the greenhouse, she felt like she was a popsicle melting in the sun but in this case it felt amazing to warm up again. It took for a few minutes before she was able to feel her fingers again, but while she waited she simply sat on the bench. Her face regained it color once more and she was able to move her fingers at a normal pace. It was amazing to see how in the greenhouse it felt like spring all year round, it didn't matter if it was raining, snowing, even haling, within the glass of the greenhouse, it was all at peace.
@Defective Kitten

Altier looked down at her as she thanked him and replied with a light smile, "Anytime Liz." It didn't take that long to get to the Greenhouse, seeing as how they left from the general area of the café instead of the dormitories. When they arrived Liz made her way to the bench in the middle of the Greenhouse as Altier followed a bit behind her at a steady pace, him being correct in thinking the place had heat. With that in mind he made his way over to Liz and sat next to her, him sitting his coat to the side, showing that he was wearing a V-neck with short sleeves...if you didn't know he wasn't human this would surely prove it.

He looked over at Liz and asked with a raised brow, "You warming up Lizzy?" Him quite sure that she is doing at least better than she was out in the pre-snow covered grounds.
Although her hair was a bit damp from the melted snow, she was able to smile at Altier giving him a nod in reply. Remembering the question he asked for the dance she got up and stood in front of him while he still sat on the bench. "Oh. For you answer to the question about going to the Winter Ball. Would you like to know my answer?" Liz asked in a rather cheeky way, a smirk appearing on her face as she looked down on him. Whenever you saw her face look like that, no one knows what she would do next.
@Defective Kitten

He paused briefly and tapped his chin in contemplation, almost as if to be intentionally annoying he waited for a bit before stopping his fake contemplation. With that in mind he nodded and replied dropping his hand into his lap, "Well I guess so." With that he awaited her answer, him figuring she was going to reply his annoying waiting game with her own brand of sarcasm. He actually adored her sarcasm that she seldom shows to anyone but him, and frankly he wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
Raising an eyebrow at him when he was trying to figure out whether he wanted to know or not, she simply gave him a smirk. "Stupid." She spoke jokingly before leaning in, using her hands to place on his knee. There faces only an inch or two apart, she mumbled the words "I would gladly accept." before taking her own initiative to kiss him softly on the lips. Her eyes closed and being able to hold it for a lingering few seconds longer than her normal. Over the corse of 4 months, she's learn to give affection on her own, despite the fact that it was her first time kissing him first.

When she pulled back, her peeks became a soft rosy tone. Although their faces were still pretty close together, her glance moved to the bottom corner of her eye due to shyness of some sort. She felt like Altier could hear her heartbeat racing in the stillness. Of corse Lizzy was proud of herself for being able to do such a thing, she was just new to it and was nervous she might've done it wrong.

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