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Fantasy Academy For The Gifted

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Lilian listened as he eked out a question, her responding fairly quickly to it, "Umm, no she didn't say anything about it." In truth she had previously thought that he just had a cold or something but now after seeing him in this condition she figured that was obviously not true, her never seeing a cold that would be this bad. With that in mind she fidgeted as she turned from him, "I'm sure we should let you get some rest...being here isn't helping you get any better." It was public knowledge that having visitors only delayed ones recovery, even if the patient wanted to refute what was apparent.

@Defective Kitten

Altier watched as she made her way up the stairs, her obviously having a tough time of it. It wasn't like they were climbing a few flights of stairs, this was more like climbing a multitude of them. Nevertheless she didn't give up on it, even though she was probably feeling it floor after floor. With that in mind he smiled lightly seeing another side of Liz at the moment, the rarely seen determined side that she never really lets up for air. After a bit they made it up the last set of stairs, it taking a good bit of time as a matter of fact.

Liz went and opened the door and made her way inside, running off yet again but this time she was more preoccupied with the flora and fauna that seemed to be thriving in the room. Altier could see that this building had way more than just memories, this room seeming to be a self-sustaining ecosystem in itself. As Liz seemed to be thoroughly enjoying herself he simply smiled in response as he also walked into the room. He looked around and saw everything that one would need to live, a water source, vegetables, animals, plentiful sun, and many other resources. He mused aloud as he walked over to Liz, "Looks like someone's pantry."

With that said he shook his head and looked over to see a pathway that lead to what seemed to be a gazebo, "How about we take a rest, all of those stairs had to have taken a lot out of you Lizzy." At least he figured that it had, she was still a human for all intensive purposes even if she did have her special power.
Once Altier talked about rest, Liz didn't realize how out of breath she was. Even with supernatural powers from Altier, she was still human which meant she couldn't have the full affect of healing or have immortality like he did. Power Mimicking only copies the owner's power, not their species. When it comes to other species that weren't human like herself, she would get their power but only have a small effect of the supernatural aspects such as running a little faster for the speed, being slightly stronger than normal, adding a few more years to their life span due to the immortality, or even having their senses enhanced by a small amount.

Running to Altier who was already walking towards the gazebo, she caught up with him and was able to walk a little ways with him before they made it to the structure. Flopping down onto one of the benches in the gazebo, she enjoyed the sounds of nature and the smell of being outdoors. "Are you sure we're in a room? It sure doesn't feel like it." She asked Altier as she leaned back on the bench, her hands grasped on the edge so that she wouldn't fall back. "How do you think all of this is possible even after 300 years..?" You could hear the amazement in her voice and from the expression on her face.
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Haruka's stomach began to growl. "LUNCH TIME!" She yelled and sat on a bench eating a lunch her mom pack she looked at her shadow. "Want some?" The shadow shook it's head. "Suit yourself." She shruged.
@Defective Kitten

"Yeah it's a room," he said as he sat down next to her with a slight nod and smile, him adding, "I figure some three hundred years ago there was a very strong magic user and they made all of this possible." He figured it was probably a teacher in the school back then or perhaps some form of administrator that worked at the school, him figuring that they did this in their spare time. He paused and then added with a slight tilt of his head, "Probably a teacher from back then, humans might not be immortal but they are adept at magic and in some cases they can become immortal through their magic so something like this," he paused and gestured around at all of the things that are around them, "...isn't that absurd." It had taken him a while to put all of it together but after seeing rooms that were using distinctively different magics he had to figure that this was a place that was made over time.

Taking that into consideration his idea of it being simple magical spill off didn't really hold any water anymore, him looking over at Liz with a warm smile, "This place shouldn't be dangerous though, it seems like it was made by teachers or even students after all."
Liz nodded at Altier's comment, "Maybe this place used to be somewhere that they could get away to.. or it was created for students in the future to stumble upon and become somewhere they felt safe..?" She suggested despite not knowing much about this place, it was always good to think positively. "This place, all these rooms. I'm sure each of them were created with the intention to make someone smile if they were to stumble upon it." Giving Altier a heart-warming smile. "Immortal.. Magic.." Her lips trailed these words in a soft mumble.

"Altier, you're immortal right?" She asked him with a slight tilt in her head, "that means you can live forever.." Lizzy's face became a little dim as her eyes no longer looked at Altier in the eyes but rather at his feet. "I'm human.. I don't live for as long as you do, so does that mean I'll only be a small part of your life once… I'm gone?" Liz asked in a serious tone but her facial expression showed a soft sadness, one of which was never showed before.
Faust's smile dipped a bit as Lilian responded to his question; Faust slowly reached for his cup of water and drank from it. Once he put his cup down he lightly nodded at the girl, "Alright, I cannot wait to see you again when I am healthier Kitten" replied Faust before he began to cough heavily.
@Defective Kitten

"Well no one is really immortal," he replied with a slight shrug, everyone had some way that they could die be it age or murder. With that in mind he watched as she became more serious and looked down at the ground, a saddened expression appearing on her face as she posed her question that had gotten her down so quickly. He put an arm around her shoulder's and held her next to him, him placing his hand on top of her own. "I've learned one thing in my life so far," he added as he glanced around at the surroundings and then added in a soft tone, "Immortality isn't ever lasting, all things will end." He smiled down at her with a warm smile upon his lips, "But I know one things for certain Lizzy, and..." he paused as he laid a soft kiss to her forehead, "Even if you do go way one day I will always have you with me."

He had already thought about this situation and he has made peace with it in his won way, for if she will go one day he will always keep her with him. Humans don't live forever and that in itself is something that can not be changed by normal means, nevertheless he plans to spend whatever time she has with her regardless of the consequences. He had thought about things that would give her immortality but those things would be bad, and more times than naught they would most likely not even work. If she were a sorceress it might have not been that much of a stretch but he knew that she was not, so he was content with just spending his time with her for as long as he could.


Lilian nodded and walked out of the room, her not seeing if Zara had followed behind her or not. She made a beeline out of the building and out into the courtyard, her standing beside the fountain which stands in the middle of the area. In her current location she was visible to anyone that just so happened to be around, her at the moment looking into the water zoning out.
Zara bowed her head politely and waved goodbye as she existed the dorm with Lilian; she had to burst into a good job in order to keep up with the girl. "Hey, you ok?" asked Zara, concerned for Lilian; That was really awkward thought Zara to herself.
Haruka saw two girls burst out of the school and approached them. "Hi I'm Haruka nice to met you!" She held out her hand to shake.
@Federoff @Nenma Takashi

Lilian double blinked and offered a simple nod to Zara her not really thinking it would have went any better. With that out of the way someone else approached them, Lilian looking over as the girl introduced herself. Lilian shook her hand and replied, her smiling trying to forget about what had just happened, "I'm Lilian and this is Zara." She paused and looked down at her shadow, seeing that it was moving on it's own. She double blinked and then added with a slight tilt to her head, "And who's your dark stranger?" She was bubbly at the moment, her personality coming back to her right now.
Zara nodded at the girl, quietly whispering "Alright, but we should talk later" before turning her attention to the person who just came up to them; her shy demeanor once more taking hold of her. "H-h-hello" replied Zara shyly; it was out of habit due to her many years of doing this, not out of fear for once.
Liz sighed giving him a weak smile as she did, "Sorry, I don't know what I was thinking of, I shouldn't be thinking of this right now." Cupping her two hands and softly slapping her cheeks to wake her up, "Alright! I'm okay." She spoke in a more happier and energetic tone than before. Giving Altier a small peck on the cheek since he was already so close, she got up from the bench and turned around so she would be standing directly in front of him. You could see a soft pink blush around her cheeks but her smile was something that stood out he most.

"What do you want to do now? Would you like to go back?" She asked him since she was the one that dragged him all the way up here. Liz never thought about how he felt and that made her feel bad since she always just acted on impulse of what her curiosity takes her.
@Nenma Takashi

Lilian watched as the shadow extended a hand like it was trying to shake her hand, she looked over at it with a few blinks. It seemed that this girl had similar powers as Lilian, although it was obvious that she was not part demon as in Lilian's case. She used her own shadow to shake the hand of Haruka's shadow, her manipulating her own shadow and at the same time her eyes flashed red for a moment as she did so. As Lilian did this she said with a light smile looking to the shadow and then to Haruka, "It's nice to meet you Shady." It has been some time since she has met someone that had a power similar to her own, the last time was when she was with her mother before coming to the academy.

@Defective Kitten

Altier stretched and then stood from the bench, saying with a light smile, "Well I don't know about you but I've been having a great day." He walked over to her and scratched his cheek in thought, thinking about what they should do now, "Hmm well we could always come back here, there's no need to see everything in one day." With that said he looks over at her with a nod, adding, "Anyway, I'm sure you're getting a bit peckish right now. He figured that she was getting hungry, unlike him she wouldn't be able to just grab a leaf and be good for the rest of the day. He wasn't really sure what time it was at the moment, seeing as how he had left his watch in his room this morning.

He figured that they have spent an hour and a half in the building or maybe two, it wasn't like he was keeping count of the time while he was in the place.
Haruka gasped when Lilian's shadow moved as well. "Woah you have a shadow friend to that's awsome!" She was happy to see someone who could get along with her and Shady.
@Nenma Takashi

"Shadow friend," she repeated and then shook her head, adding with a light smile, "Oh no, I just control shadows and darkness." She did wonder about the shadow entity that this girl had though, it being rather interesting to her in a way. She had some ideas as to what it was but nothing that was concrete, seeing as how she just met her. With all of that bouncing around in her head she double blinked and then asked with her bubbly personality, metaphorically jumping up and down, "Oh I know, how about us three be good friends?"(Meaning Lilian, Haruka, and her shadow, substitute three with four if Federoff gets back on) It seems that he bubbly nature has came back in full force, her letting the problems of today wait until she can do something about them.
Lizzy nodded in agreement to go back, making her way happily over to the door she seemed to be in much lighter spurts than before. Once on the other side of the door, she looked down, leaning on the railing to see how farther she had to walk. Of corse she was tempted to just jump off and land on the first floor, not in the best of shape but at least she wouldn't have to walk down. 'Oh why couldn't I have touched someone with wings or the power to fly!' She thought in her head, pouting as she did. Her heals rocking back and forth, hands on the railing, her temptation to jump only got worse as she thought about it. Of corse she knew it was a bad idea but you never know.
@Defective Kitten

Altier walked along with Liz, him maybe a few feet behind her as she walked out of the garden-esk room. He stood there for a moment as she looked over the railing, her seeming to be dreading the long climb back down the stairs. She tried to hide the fact that she was tired from her climb up but he could tell that she was dreading the climb back down, her having a slight wobble in her legs when they made it to the top on the way up. He tapped his chin with his index finger for a moment, him wondering what he could do to give her a hand. He could jump with her but that wouldn't be a good idea, seeing as how he would survive but she would probably get whiplash or something.

With that in mind a-metaphorical-light bulb went off in his head, him walking over to Liz and crouching down next to her. He asked with a slight smile looking over at her, "Need a lift?" Sixteen flights of stairs would be a nuisance to any human no matter how fit they were, so he figured he'd give her a lift on the way down. Seeing as how they are a couple he didn't see a big problem with it, although she might have anther idea about that though. So with that he awaited her response.
Seeing that he had noticed her dread to walk all the way down the stairs, she turned towards him and gave him a quirky smile. "That's 16 flights of stairs." Lizzy spoke, giving him a slight smirk and pointed downward, "Won't I begin to get heavy after.. the first floor down?" Lizzy wasn't a very heavy person, it's just that walking down the stairs is already a pain to do by yourself. She could only imagine what it would be like to walk down the stairs with someone on there back.

Looking back down, she saw how far it was and didn't want to take advantage of him. "I don't want you to feel like I'm taking you for granted is all." Liz added with a small giggle at the end of it.
@Defective Kitten

"Hmm...well that is a lot of stairs," he said and then paused for a moment, standing and looking over at her with a raised brow, "Maybe I'll just jump down and let you walk them." How he was just being sarcastic, seeing that she was having a little fun herself. With that said he leaned over the railing and looked down, seeing how far it was and shaking his head. "Woah, that is a lot of steps," Altier asked and the shook his head as he leaned away from the railing, "I wonder if you know vampires don't feel exhaustion like humans do?"

He looked over and her with a light smile, him being content with his teasing of her for the moment, "Anyway, taking each other for granted is what a boyfriend and girlfriend do after all." In truth he adored how she always seemed to try and think about the other person before herself, but he did think that she could stand to be more selfish sometimes. He cocked his head and asked with a raised brow, "So how about it, want to take me for granted this one time?"
Lizzy pouted when he talked about leaving her to walk all the steps by herself. "So mean..!" She pouted before giving him a cheeky smile, "Maybe I'll just jump down from this height and see if I get myself hurt." Speaking sarcastically back, but actually getting on the rail. She sat sitting on the rail, her legs dangled but her hands gripped onto it. "If I just.." Speaking as she leaned forward slowly, "Just kidding!" Added with a giggle and flung back so she leaned away from the height. Turning herself around, but still seated on the rail she gave Altier a playful smile.

"Taking advantage huh..?" She asked him as he stood in front of her from a distance. "Maybe just this one time then.." Her head tilted to her side but her smile still remained. It had seemed that a part of her when with Altier had changed, she no longer was as stiff as she used to be and was okay with joking around with him. She was more of herself, or at least a part of herself and that part hadn't showed itself to anyone until now.
@Defective Kitten

Altier chuckled lightly at her when she said she was just kidding, her joking side coming out more often now. In truth he knew that she was a good person from the start but he figured that there was more hiding deep down inside of her, it seeming that what he had seen was finally coming to the surface. With that in mind he poked her cheek playfully and then said with a light smile, "You know, you are a handful." He shook his head and turned around for her to hop on for a ride, seeing as how she seemed to have consented, "This one time then." This might have been just a simple lift down the stairs but in all honest it was more than that, it was a way to help her out of her shell...maybe a way for her to be Lizzy and not what everyone sees her to be.

With that said he awaited her to do an imitation piggy back, it being reminiscent of days gone by when all you had to worry about was if your crayons would hold out until the end of the week.
"Hehe. I know." Lizzy replied when he called her a handful. She got onto Altier's back, hoping she wasn't heavy, "Sorry if I'm heavy." Liz apologized before adjusting herself to comfortably be carried. 16 flights, oh how long that would take. "If you start getting tired just say so." She mumbled in his ear, resting her chin on his shoulder, her arms thrown around him as he held onto her legs. "You know this is my first time getting carried like this I believe." Liz mentioned to pass time rather than to have that silence that wasn't welcomed.
@Defective Kitten

He started down the stairs with her on his back, him glancing back as said this was her first time on someone's back. He would have figured that she would have done this with a kid in elementary school but he figured that he was wrong on that front. With that said he walks down the stairs and says as he steps in the second flight of stairs, "Well I'm sure I'll be fine." He paused for a moment and then added with a nod looking over at her face that was resting on his chin, her being rather close to his face at the moment, "And besides you're not heavy at all." He wondered what she would even think that she was heavy, such a thing being quite odd to say the least.

As he cleared the second flight of stairs he said in a smooth tone, "This is your first time doing this, well then I guess we have to make sure there is a second time then."

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