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Fantasy Academy For The Gifted

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Zara herself also blinked, she had to pause and think for a moment; ever since Lilians' "human" form was out, Zara sometimes forgot she was still Lilian. She couldn't believe she was most knowledgeable on this subject then someone, since she grew up without knowing this kind of stuff. "Thank you, I like you to Lilian, but...well.." Zara began before taking in a deep breath. "Its very obvious he like likes you," putting emphasis on both of the like; hopingthat would clear up her confusion.

"Like, likes me..." she paused again wondering for a moment about what she was saying, her head tilting in contemplation. She made a Oh face and replied as if a light bulb had gone off in her head, "You mean he has feelings for me." It being quite odd that she didn't even realize this considering how he was acting around her, odd indeed. She gave her a worried look and replied by placing her arms to her side, "But I don't know what to do with that," she paused and showed a sad look on her face, "I mean he's a nice person but..." It was obvious that she wasn't saying something, her perhaps hiding something that she has not told anyone yet.
(The temperature dropped to 54°F and I am still at school :'( )

Checking her watch, Liz started to feel bad about skipping classes. Atleast her last class which was Home Eco. wasn't anything too bad. Picking up all her stuff, she began making her way early to her last period which she stopped by the cafe and got herself pudding. Oh how Lizzy loved sweets, she could eat a full corse meal of just sweets and still wouldn't be sick of them.

In a sense, Home Eco was actually one of the funnier classes that Lizzy enjoyed going to. She just hoped the incident that happened last time wouldn't occur again. Making it to the classroom as the bell rang, it had seemed that she was the first person in the classroom besides the teacher. On the board it wrote, "Baby Project" and that's when she was confused. 'I don't think I've every had a child..' She thought before sitting in her station as students filed in.
(That sucks, I feelz you. During marching band season, we stay at school in short shirts and shorts till about midnight on some nights after comp/ football games)

Zara raised an eyebrow at the girl, it was obvious the girl had something that she didn't feel comfortable saying. "But what?" asked the dragon girl curiously, not showing it but she didn't realize she said that out loud.
@Defective Kitten

Altier made his way to his Home Economics class that he had with Lizzy, this was the one class that he didn't mind that much. The main reason was Liz of course, but he also didn't have to suffer through things that he already knew like in English or History classes. As he walked into the class most of the students were already sitting in their seats, Liz among them. When he saw Lizzy he made his way over to her, him making brief eye contact with the girls in the back of the class that poured the milk yesterday. As he made eye contact with them they instantly looked away, it still apparent that the un announced threat was still in their minds.

He sat next to Liz and smiled over at her, him saying in a melodic tone, "Well hello there Lizzy."

@Federoff (Going deep here. *Twist* )

She chewed on her lip for a moment not sure if she should even say, Zara wasn't part of her family after all. She shook her head and decided to say anyway, "Demons...well demons can't be with other supernatural beings..." She paused and then added with a slight frown, "That's why most demon females go with other females, mother got lucky and found a human she loved." She looked down at the floor and really didn't know what to do about all of this, "Demons can go with Demons, and Demons can go with humans...But other supernaturals can't go with demons. If we go with a supernatural being they die..." This really was a sucky thing, perhaps this was the whole reason Lilian was so emotionless with her demon side...attract no one hurt no one.
"Oh" replied Zara, that wall all she was able to muster as a response as she let Lilians' words sink in. "Well..." responded Zara, unsure of what else to say in response, that was some heavy shit indeed. "You will have to tell him sooner or later, better it be sooner" replied Zara, secretly though she hoped for a loophole in this, she couldn't imagine something like that happening to someone.
Lizzy who had her head laid on the table saw Altier has he called her. Offering him the seat right next to her, she noticed the girl who pour milk on her and her friends shy away. "I don't know what you did.. but the girls don't seemed to be bothering me anymore, they leave me alone." She spoke with a smile of gratitude.

Lucy had walked into the Home Eco. class shortly after Altier did. Looking around in the room, she spotted Aliter, but with Lizzy.. He wasn't hard to spot, the class was most filled with girls anyways. Lucky for her, all the seats were full besides the one in front of Altier and Lizzy. Sitting in the one in front of Altier, she gave him a smile, ignoring Lizzy's presents.

"So today we're going to be doing the Baby Project. You might've heard about it, you have not, but the whole idea of it is to take care of your child as you would a real one. What I mean by a real one is that you will be partnered up and given baby dolls that will cry, poop, pee, become hungry, and all of that fun stuff.." The teacher explained, handing out a paper so we could read up more on it. "Alright. This paper will give you instruction on what to do. Get into partners and give me your names after you found yours. Gender doesn't matter. You could have girls with girls, boys with girls, or even boys with boys. I noticed there is a boy shortage in this class so feel free to pick whom ever you want. You will receive your baby dolls once you report to me." He explained, sitting back into his seat and the class filled with chatter.

The majority of the class had their eyes laid on Altier, one of those girls included Lucy.

"Yeah I know," she simply replied her smile not present like it was when she first turned to see Zara, it all to apparent that she can express emotions now. Her utter cluelessness was not due to her inability to feel such things or even notice them, it was more of a defense mechanism that she had developed while her demon side was in control.

@Defective Kitten

"I'm glad," he replied to her comment on the jerks from yesterday, him happy that they had taken the hint that he had offered to them. He listened to the teacher of the class as she explained about the baby project thing, him cocking his head as she did so. It was something that he did expect in the Eco class but he didn't think it would be so early in the year, these kinds of projects were more halfway through or near the end or so he thought. When she announced that they could pick their partners he instantly thought about seeing if Liz wanted to, to which he looked over at her and said with a nod, "So Lizzy..." Him utterly oblivious that the majority of the girls in the class were staring him down, or perhaps he just didn't care to notice.
(Last post, night night!)

Zara nodded in approval to the girls statement solemnly as they stood there awkwardly, well to Zara it was awkward, for a few moments. "Well come get me when you do go see Faust, I've been told its best to give people as much support as possible when sick" stated Zara, unsure of how to be less awkward right now.
Before Lizzy was able to speak, Lucy spoke up. "I-I.. don't know anyone in this class.. Could you, Altier, perhaps be my partner since you're the only person I know in a way..?" She asked innocently and shyly with a nervous smile for effect. If he agreed she would be in the jackpot, if not then she would have to use another method. Lucy had always thought 3 steps ahead of everyone, that's why she always got what she wanted. She was sly, clever, and a great actor at that.

Lizzy was able to respond in time, rather she just smiled at Lucy when she spoke out. Asking for him to be her partner since she didn't know anyone, she felt what it was like being in her place. "You could be her partner if you would like. She doesn't know anyone and I wouldn't want her to be alone." Lizzy spoke kindly but in a way it sort of tugged at her heart strings. Was this feeling of.. jealousy? Although she was smiling, she didn't know she would be this torn before she said it.
@Federoff (Aight see ya)

Lilian nodded to her statement, her oddly quiet now it seemed. She had things on her mind right now, which was understandable considering what they had just talked about. Lilian wasn't sure what she should do about all of this, her knowing that he wasn't a human which was obvious by his powers and how he said he had acquired them.

@Defective Kitten

"Well," he said as he looked around the room counting the students that had the class, "There's an uneven number." With that in mind he simply smiled over at Lucy and then back at Lilian, "How about all three of us be in a group?" It was pretty obvious that the teacher had thought of this ahead of time, her not seeing why only one person should be alone. The teacher walked over just as he spoke about the three of them being in a group, "Great idea, you read my mind young man. You three are in a group." Altier double blinked as the teacher pretty much answered the question for them, before Lilian or Lucy could answer.
"Okay!" She cheerfully agreed with a cutesy smile. Lizzy was relieved when Altier thought of a three person group. She didn't mind there being a third person, it would be less stress on the group taking care of the doll and all. Taking the doll in her hands once the teacher handed them the doll, it instantly began crying. Lizzy wasn't that great with child, let alone doll babies. "W-what do I do?" She panicked and looked over to Altier.

Lucy was rather aggravated at Lizzy for always interfering, but she had to continue with her act and agree upon the idea, "That's a great idea!" She exclaimed with a cheery smile that was a cover for a bitter expression that she hid underneath. Hearing the doll cry as soon as Lizzy held it, she was rather amused by her uselessness. Watching as she struggled to handle the doll, she looked at Alrier who was staring at Lizzy. 'He probably thinks she's a complete fool. An utter and useless fool.' She thought
@Defective Kitten

Altier smiled lightly and thought on it for a moment, him remembering things that he had read in a book way back when. Books being the one thing that he did back in the day, it seeming to be the one constant in his life from the beginning. Altier scooted over to Liz and grabbed the bottle that was given with the baby, him saying in a warm tone as he handed the bottle to Liz, "It's probably hungry." With that said he looked over at Lucy as well and smiled, him wondering why she was still over at her table. He paused as the baby now had the fake bottle, it stopping crying at that moment, him adding with a smile, "Vwalah."

The other groups were having a little more problems with the dolls, them looking over at what Altier had just done and copying him. Liz was still holding the baby Altier not taking the baby from her as she handed the bottle over to her, "Look at that a natural."
Zara smiled at the girl before waving goodbye and a "See you later Lilian" before walking to her next class. Once she arrived, she was able to go in unnoticed by anyone and sat down in her little corner and waited for the instructions to come. Once they came, she sighed once more, "I should really change classes, non of this stuff matters nor affects me at all" stated Zara to herself as she stayed in the corner shyly.
Cradling the doll in her arms and giving it a bottle, she couldn't help but smile that she actually got something right. Liz looked up at Altier with a cheerful smile, "Look Altier, I'm doing it." speaking with a light giggle at the end. You could tell this was her first experience with this type of thing, instead of reading about baby books or children's books, she read of literature and history books when she was little. These types of things that she learned at this school fascinated her, such as liking someone for the first time, or having friends, or even now, taking care of the baby doll. "You wanna hold it?" Offered Lucy.

Lucy watched as the Altier looked at Lizzy, what was so great about her? Hearing Lizzy's offer, she nodded and was handed the baby doll. 'Now what do I do..?' She thought to herself. It was simply just a doll, but as soon as it was handed to her, the doll started crying again. Lucy tried to sing to it with her voice manipulation but it was a machine robot, not a human so that didn't work. 'Crap, this is embarrassing..!' She thought, as she glanced over to Altier who seemed to be watching. "Altier could you help me..? I'm the youngest in my family so I have no experience with this stuff.." Lucy spoke with a little voice manipulation in her tone.

Her power was strange, she could use to to a certain degree when speaking and it works depending on how weak your consciousness is. If you have a weak consciousness, she could use a little of her power and you would be under her spell. On the other hand, if you had a strong consciousness, you would take a little more to control.
Lilian went to her next class after this, which was the library assistant one, her figuring that it would be a good chance to think if nothing else. with that in mind she sat behind the counter and stared blankly out into the distance her sort of zoning out as she checked off the books that were brought back in during the previous period. Thankfully there wasn't that many for her to go through, her not really feeling like going through a lot of books today for obvious reasons.

@Defective Kitten

Altier watched as Liz handed the doll over to Lucy and pretty much as soon as she did the doll started to cry, it seeming that this doll was pretty accurate in more ways than one. He noticed that she was getting flustered with the doll, her probably not having any experience with babies. His guess was proven true when she asked for his help, her saying that she was the youngest in the family. With that said he mused on it for a moment and eventually said with a nod, "Well it was just fed so it's probably gas." He paused and imitated what you should do when a baby has gas, him holing his arms up and imaginarily patting the fake doll on the back. The good thing about this is that the doll won't spew out throw up, which is one thing that he was glad the manufacturer didn't include in the design.

It was a bit odd that out of the three of them Altier knew more about babies, which caused all of the girls at other sections to stare longingly. It seemed their starry eyed admiration was only getting more serious as the day went on, them thinking in their minds, 'Should have been quicker on the draw, the guy I'm with couldn't even tie his own shoe.'
After a few moments with playing with the dolls, the teacher clapped her hands to get the class's attention. "It seemed you guys enjoy the dolls very much. Sadly you won't be getting them until the end of the semester as your end of the semester projects. This was just your trial run to see how you would handle them. Alright, now place the dolls back on the table, class should be ending in a few minutes." She spoke as she came around and picked up each doll and checking off everyone's name.

Hearing the teacher's instructions, Lucy placed the doll on the table, grateful that that was over. "Thanks for helping me Altier's. How come you know about children so much?" She asked, her voice smooth and elegant. Lucy didn't care for his answer, she just wanted his attention and maybe he would fall for her as they spoke. "You would be a great father one day." She complimented with a cutest smile on her face, but in a way her smile wasn't a genuine one. The way she looked at things and how her eyes were, they were dull and you could say she was cold-hearted but all of that gets washed away by her smile.

Lizzy wasn't really affected by the project. She showed no disappointment or relief, rather she was studying the textbook for the class. The book was a 548 paged book and Lizzy was flipping through each page every few seconds or so, reading all the text including memorizing the page numbers. Within a 10 minute period, she had memorized the entire book and where everything was located. "I know how to take care of children now." She spoke in a monotoned voice, her face was somewhat blank as if that were a normal thing for her to do and placed the book away.

He smiled lightly, his smile noticeably different than the one that Lucy had it mainly being because his was actually genuine. "Oh I just had a lot of free time when I was younger," he paused briefly and then added rubbing the back of his head, "and I don't know about the whole father thing." Lucy was probably getting annoyed at how her voice manipulation seemed to have no effect on him, that stemming from his power to see ones soul...the whole time him seeing her aura, it being a pink one with hints of black. He knew that that meant that she was deceitful and manipulative, however he still treated her kindly regardless of what he saw. He glanced over at Liz with a light smile and raised his eye brow, him figuring this was a thing she had...perhaps a heightened learning curve.

With that in mind he placed his hand on the top of her head and said with a grin, "Didn't think anyone could read faster than I could..." He laughed lightly and removed his hand from her head, "You're just full of surprises Lizzy." It seemed that he learned something new about her every day and it just deepened the hold she had over him.
Lizzy was rather confused when he said that he didn't think anyone could read fast than him. "Doesn't everyone read like that..?" Her head was tilted to the side with a clueless face, she always read like that and thought that everyone did too. As a child she was always studying and reading, never went outside to play with the other children. She would visit the park on special occasions but never often. The way she read and how she was raised made her learning habits become heightened.

When she felt a warm presents on her head, she realized that it was a hand, Altier's hand. Lizzy enjoyed being patted on the head by Altier since they were so gentle and warm. Giving him a pleasant smile when he removed his hand, she couldn't help but want to hold onto his hand, like how Altier said that how couples show affection. Looking down so her eyes wouldn't meet his, she reached out for his hand with both of her own. Despite grasping his hands with both of her own, it seemed that her hands were tiny compared to his. Blushing a little as she realized what she was doing, she didn't know whether to let go or hold on.

Lucy was watching as they did they mushy couple stuff, it made her detest Lizzy even more now. She believes that Lizzy just acts innocent and cutesy so that Altier would like her more but Lucy wouldn't back down. It was obvious that she would be able to destroy her with both hands tied behind her back. Lucy wanted to grit her teeth but ended up smiling for the two, "You two are so cute..!" She spoke, trying to seem like a caring and supportive friend.
@Defective Kitten

Altier looked over as she grabbed his hand, him seeing that she was branching out a bit and just doing what she wanted now which made him smile lightly. It appears that she is being more open with what she wants to do now, earlier on her never even thinking about grabbing his hand in public like this. When she grabbed his hand and started to think about letting it go he simply held her hand a bit tighter and gave her a warm smile. Lucy commenting on how they looked cute, Altier looking over at her, "Thank you Lucy." He paused and then added with a light smile, "I'm sure you would look cute with your boyfriend too."

Now that the class was over Altier stood from his seat, looking over at Liz as he did so. Him not sure what he was going to do today since the school day was over, he didn't make any plans so he thought he'd just hang out with Lizzy if she didn't mind or maybe just spend some time in the library if she had other plans.
Lucy gave Altier and Lizzy a sly smile, "I don't have a boyfriend but I'll see you two later.." She spoke as she got up from the table and left the classroom along with all the other people that rushed out.

Stilling holding onto his hand that he tightened his grip on, she glancing up at Altier with rosey cheeks. "W-where do you want to go now..? Since classes are over...?" Lizzy asked with a shy smile. Honestly, she had no idea of where to go. The academy only had so many places to go. Remembering the layout of the school, she tried to remember if there were any other places in the school to go but none came to mind. Since the greenhouse was something hidden within the school, than maybe there are other hidden places too.
@Defective Kitten

He double blinked as Lucy walked out him tilting his head, "See ya." She was a unique person amongst unique people, which was not an easy task in such a place. He looked over at Liz with a raised brow, "Hmm, that's a good question." He noticed that he cheeks were rosy yet again, which made her all the more cute in his eyes. He paused and then said with a light nod, "Well there is an unused part of the school on the east side that I was wondering about." He was curious as to what was over there, if he had heard right from some girls throughout the day it was closed down hundreds of years ago...it being the oldest part of the school.

He had heard many reasons why the place was closed down, the least ridiculous one being that it was just getting to ruined to keep operational. Although seeing how this school has had many creatures and beings within it the crazy myths of the room wouldn't be that hard to believe, seeing how vampires and werewolves exist after all. With that in mind he smiles down at Liz with his eyes meeting her own.
Zara walked out of the classroom, again not noticed by many and began to walk around campus, looking for Lilian in hopes that she could locate the girl and spend the rest of the day with one of her only friends. Zara was a lonely teen

Leon was walking around campus as well, humming to himself the melody of the song; not actually singing it though. In his hand was another poisonous flower that he was eating, it was still not strong stuff but it was satisfying for now.
"Huh. I guess they don't include any things on the school blue print do they.." Lizzy mumbled as she didn't recall any east building in the school. Curiosity kicking in, Lizzy instantly agreed to go see the building. "Maybe we could explore something and find a whole new world." She spoke with a excited smile on her face as she stared up at Altier who was already looking at her. "Or we could find a pet squirrel!" Liz added on at the end with a childish smile.

Liz and Altier walked hand in hand as he lead her to the building. Arriving on the outside of it, it was rather creepy and had the aura of a haunted house. Some of the windows were broken, the concrete that lead up to the building were cracked and broken, and the greenery seemed to be engulfing of building itself. But for the most part the building just needed a little tidying up and it would look good as new, or at least that's what it appeared to be on the outside.

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