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Fantasy Academy For The Gifted

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Faust smiled and nodded before pulling out his phone and making a call to the store. "Alright they should be here anytime, lets head down to the courtyard so we can pick up our food" stated Faust after ordering the food for them, placing an order for everyone including himself; it seemed like everyone was having seafood today.

"Hmm?" Leo noticed a girl that came out of the office and come right up to him, staring at him; and people called him the weird one. Leo stopped eating the leafs after picking one more, then preceded to hang from the branch from his legs. "Why hello there" greeted the boy as his blue-green hair/ears/tail hung from his body.
@Defective Kitten

Altier just realized that she didn't know very much about him and his species of vampire, which sort of made him do a mental 'Duh' to himself. He placed the fork back on the saucer and rubbed the back of his neck, "Oh I guess you don't know much about me do you." In the short time that they have known each other he has gotten to know her pretty well but in comparison she didn't know much of anything about him. "Well in the case," he said with a light smile and then started, "Due to me being a Reverse Vampire I can only eat fruits, vegetables, and other plants. If I eat any other kind of food or feed off of blood I sort of have the same reaction that a vampire has if the drink dead mans blood, it's not pretty. (Meaning he would vomit and so on)

He paused briefly and figured he should go ahead and explain his power as well, seeing as how she did most likely have it as well at the moment. "I also have the ability to see into ones soul or in another words I can see what kind of person they are, and since you absorbed my power you can probably do the same as well now." He double blinked and placed his finger to his chin for a moment, thinking of how he could explain it, "If you concentrate on the person in front of you, you can sort of see an aura around them. Whatever personality trait is strongest in them relates to the color of the aura, like for instance your aura is an off white/blue color showing how kind and considerate you are." He paused for a moment wondering what color his is, seeing how he can not really see his own aura, it being an annoying loop hole in his power...you can never see your own soul/aura.

With that said he figured he explained enough about himself for the moment. If she wanted to know more about him he would gladly tell her, but at this time he figured on just letting her soak all of that in he had just divulged.


Lilian nodded and followed them down, her not really in any kind of rush seeing as how the delivery might take a while. She didn't really know how far away the restaurant was away so she couldn't really make a guess as to how long it would take. In that case they took a fair amount of time to get down to the courtyard and when the finally arrived the order still hadn't made it to the school yet, her figuring that the place was at least a fair distance away. "I guess they should be here any time now," she simply said as she stood up against the front gate, her looking up at the sky as she did so.
When the three, Faust Lilian and Zara, finally arrived at the front gate, Faust leads them to a nice little bench in the sunlight to sit on as they wait for their food. Hopefully it would arrive soon.

"So how was your day Lilian?" asked Zara, a little less shy then how she had previously been acting but the shyness still there. Zara was just hoping to fill in the gap of silence so it wouldn't feel as awkward.
"Oh..." Lizzy spoke slightly disappointed since she wanted to sure her cupcake with him. "So if i concentrate hard enough.. I'll be able to see into your soul?" She asked to make sure. Staring at him and concentrating, she saw pale purply color. "Woah.. Pretty..." She commented as she saw the color emanating from him. "What does pale purple mean..?" She asked, curious of what each color meant. Lizzy had never gotten far enough with her fever to be able to get this power, it was quite cool. Looking around in amazement she saw a variety of colors, some dark and others pale. It was obvious with the look on her face that she was excited of the power that Altier had given her.

Lucy saw the tail, ears, and hair hang down from the tree. He stayed on his tree branch but it didn't bother her too much, she just thought it was a bit odd. "Hello." She spoke happily, the innocence on her face showed. "Why are you in a tree..?" She asked, smiling with a carefree look on her face. Reaching out, she touched his hair and poked his tail which in a way interested her, or at least she made it seem like she was. The character she portrays is one of innocence and air-headedness, it seemed that people were drawn to that type of personalty.
Leo did not seem to mind the girl touching him, either that or he did not even notice her; probably both knowing him. "Why are you on the ground?" replied the boy while raising an eyebrow, obviously just joking around with the girl like he always did with anyone.

As Lilian sat on the bench she looked over at Zara her replying with a slight nod, "It was pretty good." She paused and then said while she looked over at the entrance of the school for no reason at all, "Other than some boring classes getting to hang out with you two was good. In truth these last couple days have been pretty fun for her, things going far better than she other years in different schools. Those years were rather boring and filled with uneventful days that she could pretty much predict before she even entered the school. This school year was going to be vastly better if the first couple days have any indication of things to come.

@Defective Kitten

"Pale purple," he thought on it for a moment not really remembering anyone with that given color, thinking back to the classifications that he learned way back in the day. He suddenly remembered one instance when he was a kid, it was in an old book describing each shade and what they meant. He did a double blink and said with a light smile, "I think it means that the person will try to bring peace and healing to any situation, sort of a mediator or a protector...or at least that's what a really old book said when I was a little kid." He smiled again looking back over at her closing his eyes, "Does that sound like me?"
Lizzy smiled, "Then pale purple suits you perfectly." She spoke with a light laugh at the end of the sentence. Putting her elbows on the table, she rested her chin in the palm of her hands. "I have a question.." Pausing as she glanced her eyes to the top corner and back at him again, "you obviously have so many girls that like you.. and they're all very pretty.. So why'd you pick me? A girl who's terrified of other boys and quite frankly, plain." The question had always lingered in her mind but never had the chance to ask him, she was with him now, why not ask. Liz was nervous of his answer, she couldn't read his mind. Altier was always smiling and she had never seen him become mad or angry.

Lucy thought about the question he had asked her, "I don't know why I'm on the ground.. Give me a second then." She said before climbing the tree and also hanging from her legs like he did. "Better..?" She asked with a cheerful laugh. He was defiantly interesting, he could be of use to her. "How come we're in a tree..?" Asking him as her hair and arms dangled freely.
"Well I'm glad I could help make your day less boring Kitten" smiled Faust as he began to pet Lilian like a cat again, completely contempt with his choice of doing so. He hoped that the girl would not mind it, it was just something that Faust liked to do.

"That's nice" replied Zara to Lilian, referring to her having a good day of course. Seeing that the boy was petting her, made her giggle a little at the sight; it was adorable. "I think you have a fan" smiled the girl, trying to joke around for the first time ever; hoping that she was doing it correctly.

Leo shrugged before returning to an upright position, laying back against the tree. "I don't know why your in a tree, weirdo" joked Leo, putting away his portrait in his pocket before continuing to eat the flower. The flower was not the best thing in the world by itself, but it would due until the lines died down.
Lucy turned upright not too long after he did. Sitting on the tree and letting her legs dangle, "I have a tail too" She spoke cheerfully with a smile on her face. Staring at Leo when he ate the flower, she tilted her head to the side, "You eat flowers..?" Commented Lucy as she hadn't seen anyone do that before. Than again he had a tail so it wasn't like he was human.
Leo nodded at the girl as he finished off the last of the poisonous flower with a slight sigh. "Only the poisonous kind" replied Leo, satisfied with his answer.

Lilian looked up as Faust petted her, which she didn't mind at all really. In some weird way it was sort of relaxing to her, which is probably something to do with how her mother did the same thing when she was a young child. She looked over at Zara as she made a joke, her double blinking and asking with a slight tilt to her head, "Fan?" She did another double blink and then said with a slight nod, "Oh, that's the first time I have heard you joke Zara." She paused and then added with a second nod and a thumbs up, "You should keep it up, you're funny." Even though it looked like Lilian was being sarcastic she really meant what she said, she just isn't really able to show humor...at all really.

As they sat there the car pulled up to the gates with the food, the guy getting out and making his way toward them.

@Defective Kitten

Altier scratched his cheek for a moment and then replied with a slight tilt of his head, "Why I picked you." He paused for a moment and poked her nose gently before saying with a nod and smile, "Isn't it obvious silly." He straightened up and crossed his arms across his chest, "You may think you're plain but I can see who you really are." He shook his head and added with a light smile uncrossing his arms, "And it's not because of my power, the first time I met you I was entranced. Your song pulled me in and made me want to get to know you, and when I actually talked to you I could tell that you were a kind person. You may have an awkward shell but I can see the princess that hides deep inside."

He did a few blinks before he placed his hand on her cheek, saying with a warm tone, "These other girls might ogle me and want to be with me but the truth is...you had me from the first day we met.
Faust nodded in agreement with Lilian, smiling as he did so. "Kitten is right, you should joke more" stated Faust, backing up Lilians' previous statement. Faust always admired people who joked around, as long as the jokes were funny that is...

Zara blushed at all the attention the two were giving her, this was the first really that she had received this most positive attention from people. It was weird compared to every other time in her life, but otherwise pretty nice to say the least. "Thanks" replied Zara shyly as the redness from her blush showed underneath her blue-scales. "It looks like the food is here" stated Zara as she pointed towards a teen with a box of food in his hand and a uniform on.
Lizzy stared at him, his answer was unexpected and made her blush. Looking down and her cheeks pink, she glance to the side and up at him. "Princess huh.." She mumbled. Although it seemed like she didn't like the answer, in reality she was actually really happy. Placing her hand over his that held her cheek, she squeezed it to let him know she embarrassed but also really happy. For the past few days, her main emotions have just been shocked, embarrassed, but also very happy. "Since you know so much about me.. tell about yourself. I want to know the person in front of me so that I don't have to wonder things about you." She asked with a slight smile. Thinking back, Lizzy really didn't know much about him. They both didn't know each other very well but somehow they were where they are because they cared for one another.

Lucy was quite intrigued by his answer, "Poisonous? Won't that hurt you..?" She asked, faking her worry for him. Honestly she couldn't care but she wanted to build a trust with him so he would become her alley.
Kaname walked around outside, hands in pockets and head looking at everyone and everything, he spotted a group of people near a tree talking to each other and he decided to say hi, "hello" he said to each of them with a calm smile.

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Leo shook his head in a no fashion, the poison did not affect the people of his time, they had figured out a way to become immune to it and well, they were quite tasty indeed. Though some were not as satisfying as others... "So you are a new student?" asked Leo, referring to her walking out of the admin.

Lilian nodded and stood from the bench, her walking over to the guy with the food. She handed him the right amount of money and replied in her usual emotionless way, the guy rubbing his neck awkwardly as he walked back to his car. She double blinked and then turned around, saying aloud with a slight nod, "He was pleasant enough." As she walked over to the two of them she asked with a slight tilt to her head, "Would you all like to go to the girls dorm?" She paused and then added to clarify what she meant, "They have a pretty large dinning area on the first floor for students that make there own food in the dorm."

Odds are no one even knew that you could do that in the girls and guys dorms, they probably didn't even know that there was a kitchen as well...the truth of the matter is that the girls don't even really need to leave the dormitory, the only thing they have to do outside of the place is classes.

@Defective Kitten

"More about me," he thought on it for a moment and then held up one finger as she replied, "Well for one I love cats, I even have one back home her name is Rea." He thought once again placing his finger on his chin now, adding with a nod, "Um I sing when I am bored, I don't like the smell of chlorine which I think is a reverse vampire thing, and I adore strawberries." As he finished it up he leaned back in his chair, figuring he could say one more thing about himself. With that in mind he winked over at Liz and replied, "Oh and when you smile it makes my day." He wasn't really sure if that is what she meant about wanting to know more about him but he figured it would suffice, seeing as how she didn't really as a direct question pertaining to himself.
"Where ever you want is fine" replied Faust as he smiled before standing up and offering to carry the food over there. They spent a good time walking, Faust following Lilian and Zara over to the girls dorm as he had no idea where it would be, being a guy and all.

"Sure" replied Zara with a smile before standing up herself and walking along side Lilian as they walked towards the girls dorm. "So whats the deal with Faust?" asked Zara in a whisper, unclear of why the guy acted so... weird.
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It seemed that Lizzy had finished the cupcake within the short few minutes. Pouting as she heard the last fact, "that wasn't what I was talking about.. stupid.." She muttered as she looked away from him. ".. but if it makes you happy.. I'll smile more.." she said in a soft mumble so he would have a hard time hearing it. Standing up to put away her dish, she walked towards the door and waited in hopes that he would know to follow her. Checking her watch, it was already half past 5 and curfew was at 8. They still had time left of the day before they would have to part.
Lucy nodded to his question, "Yup! I just transferred to this school today. I was just getting some.. rearrangements to my classes since my last one wasn't very fun you could say.." She spoke slyly, a smirk appeared on her face as her sentence finished. She wasn't lying, just bending the truth a little.
(Last post for tonight, ugh school tomorrow blows!)

"Ah, I see; I am new here as well" replied the fox boy to the girls response. "My name's Leo, its nice to meet you" greeted Leo to Lucy as he continued to sit in the tree, one of his hands in his pocket as he fumbled around with the trinket. In his other hand was his feathered fan, now fanning himself; the fan creating a very cold breeze. "Man how does your time survive this heat?" asked Leo to no one in particular as he waited for Lucys' name.
"Nice to meet you Leo. My names Lucia Nyx but call me Lucy for short" She spoke with a cheerful smile. Seeing the boy who was on the ground she simply did the same thing Leo did to her. Hanging from the tree by her legs she simply said, "Hello there." Her hair dangled along with her arms.

Lilian glanced over at Zara and said quite plainly, "Faust is just Faust." Her answer was short and sweet, having no need for over explanation in her mind. In Lilian's mind everyone was strange, no one had a corner on the market as far as she was concerned. She thought of herself as weird as well, no one was what humans would call normal. Everyone has something about themselves that makes them weird in their own way, whether it be the way they walk or the way they talk...it didn't really matter, no one was normal. They arrived at the girls dorm rather quickly, it being right across from the boys dormitory...convenient eh?

@Defective Kitten

He watched as she called him stupid, him not being able to hold back the slight smirk on his face...it was just to hard to hold back the grin. After that she got up and put her dish away, him following her out of the café without having to be signaled. He took his spot next to her, him looking over at her with a sly grin on his face. It would seem that she has a small bit of icing on her cheek, him wondering if he should tell her about it. Altier taps her on the shoulder and whispers into her ear, "You got some leftover on your right cheek Lizzy."

He would have licked it off himself but that would cause a bit of vomiting and that would really spoil the mood, which was something that he was attempting to avoid today. He just smiled down at her as she realized this and at that moment he was utterly happy, this day going rather well-in his mind-even with the very bad start.
Embarrassed by the icing on her cheek, she quickly wiped it off with her sleeve. 'He probably thinks I'm a piggy now' She exclaimed on her head, her cheeks getting bright red once more like I did many time before. 'Boys like girls with elegance and grace. I have neither!' Lizzy said again in her head but it showed on her face that she was overthinking or worried or in some way distracted. Walking at a rather fast pace without noticing, she began walking in front of him, too distracted with thoughts to watch where she was going. Tripping over a small curb, she felt herself fall but wouldn't be able to catch herself in time. 'oh no..!' she thought, too fast to even scream or yelp.

"Goood!" Lucy spoke with a cheerful tone of voice. He was actually not bad looking himself but she wouldn't loose sight of her target so quickly. "What about yourself? You seem rather.. what's the word.." She paused and brought her finger to her chin, tapping it before "remembering" the word, "composed.. that's the word right?" she added on to make herself seem like an air-head.
"Yes that would be the word" he tapped her forehead, "but I am doing good as well, such a nice day might as well spend it outside, correct? And please be care full wouldn't want you to fall" he said, looking at the way she was hanging upside down, 'hm, if her legs give out she could probably break her neck' he thought, as he was thinking he was staring blankly at her neck.

@Defective Kitten

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