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Fantasy Academy For The Gifted

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Once outside, Lizzy sat against the wall and knees against her chest while she hands were placed on top of her knees. Hearing that the song he sang was about a girl also named Lizzy was actually quite surprising. "Oh, you knew a girl named Lizzy..? I'm sure she was beautiful.." She spoke not looking at him but at the ground. The halls were empty due to classes and it seemed like she could hear a pin drop. Thinking back to the song, he was singing about finding someone and that person not being them so something along those lines. Liz rather not dig too deep into the subject, she'd rather not if it was something personal since she already asked yesterday.

Lilian thought about it for a moment, her thinking on what her next class was. She remembered and said with a slight nod, "I have library duty." She had been assigned to work in the library for that period, which she didn't really mind considering she rather enjoys quiet places more so than loud rowdy classrooms. She paused for a moment and looked over at Zara, "You're welcome to come if you would like to." She thinks that if Zara went with her it would be more fun, her figuring having someone to talk to would be rather fun.
"I would live to" replied Zara, it would be nice to have a friend to talk to. Since she had nothing to do next period, it would be nice to have something to fill the void of time she would have; better then sitting to herself she thought

"Lets see do I have it?" asked Leo rhetorically as he dug around his pocket for something. After a few moments of digging, his hand grabbed what he was searching for and pulled it up; a gold necklace that could house a small portrait. He flipped open the middle part, a portrait of his Lizzy was there, and he showed it to Liz. "Yes she was beautiful" replied the boy with a bitter-sweet smile and voice.



The teacher spoke over the mass of students now chattering all around track, her telling the students to go and get changed and ready for the end of the period. Lilian double blinked and looked over at Zara, "Ready to get changed?" She was surely ready to get the gym class over with, it not being one of her favorite classes. Lilian half wondered how the rest of her friends were doing so far today, her knowing that Lizzy wasn't much of a social butterfly.
Seeing the picture, she wasn't surprised by the beauty of the girl. Liz gave Leo a genuine smile as she looked up at him, "Defiantly beautiful." She spoke as the bell rang for next period. Getting up off the ground, she brushed herself off and walked back into the classroom where a majority of the students had left. The teacher eyed Liz and Leo that walked in but didn't do anything but give the death glare. Quickly grabbing her bag, her next class was Music Class which she happily went to. Music was one of her favorite classes.

Arriving in front of the class room, she opened the door and students had already filled the room. They all did their own thing, whether they sang or played an instrument or even just talked, music class was more like independent studies. Grabbing a case from a cubby with her name on it, she got out her violin which was painted white. Instead of practicing outside today she decided to practice inside in one of the practice rooms.
Zara nodded at the girls question, responding with a quick "Yes" as they went into the locker room's to change. She changed from P.E. clothing back to her normal clothes and walked outside, waiting for Lilian to come outside as well.

Leon put the portrait back into his pocket and walked around campus, not having much to do himself. After a little bit of walking, he decided to stop at the library, fanning himself as he went in. The air inside the library was cooler then outside, but it was still not what he was use to at all. Leo took a random seat and kicked up his feet, fanning himself the entire time.

Faust stopped his playing once he heard the bell ring, people had to leave now for their next class. He waved goodbye to his fellow classmates and the sight of Liz walking into one of the practice rooms caught his eye. Faust got up and walked over to the practice rooms and knocked on the door, asking for permission to join her.
Absentmindedly Altier looked up at the clock, him realizing that he had made a bit of a mistake. He thought to himself realizing that his chemistry class was actually set for first period, him thinking to himself as he walked out of the class before it started to fill, 'Well that's a bit embarrassing...maybe I need to write this down somewhere...' Altier has never been one for time management, which is one of the negative aspects of his character. Most people think of him as a perfect guy but in reality he is pretty normal as a matter of fact.

With that being said he made his way down the hallway, him not sure what he should do for the next period having already missed his chemistry class earlier today. He figured he could go into one of his club rooms, either the cooking club or the music club. (Not to be mis-represented by the music class) He eventually settled on just making his way to the courtyard, him sitting on the fountain which decorates the center of the courtyard. The spot that he was sitting is quite visible from many of the classrooms that dot the academy, whomever that looks out of the windows would be able to see him taking a load off. While he sat there he held onto a rather jagged looking leaf, it looking to be rather poisonous but such things wouldn't affect him negatively...at best it gave him a sort of spicy taste as he ate it, taking small bites as he sat there.


Lilian walked out shortly after Zara, tying her hair back up as she did so...it having coming a it undone as she ran during gym. She looked over at Zara with a nod and said as she started to walk to the library, "Okay, ready." Library duty wasn't really a class, it was more of a service for the school when you had a free period. Lilian didn't mind doing the service, seeing as how none of the upperclassmen wanted to do the job for this period this year so she volunteered for the position.
Zara nodded and began to slowly walk with Lilian over to the library, taking her time to be in the sunlight as much as possible. Once they finally arrive at the library she opened the door and walked in, almost immediately she began to shiver lightly. "Its cold in here" stated Zara as her fangs chattered together.
Hearing a knock on the door, she looked over and it was Faust. Setting her violin and bow down, she went over and opened the door, "Do you want to come in? The practice rooms are quite large." Liz offered with a light smile as she opened the door wide for if he wanted to come in. She didn't react shy or frighten with him anymore, he wasn't as scary and for some reason it was like she could tell that he was a kind person just by looking at him.

Lilian looked over at Zara with a few blinks, realizing that she seemed cold at the moment. The fact that she was half dragon obviously meant that she preferred warmer temperatures, which would explain why she was so comfortable in the sun a bit earlier. Lilian said as she placed her hand on Zara's forehead feeling almost out of reflex, "You cold?" She didn't really know why she placed her hand on her forehead, her figuring it was something from her human half of herself.
Zara flinched a little when Lilian put her hand on her forehead. "Yeah" Zara managed to stutter out through her shivering. Dragons were not made for this climate, not at all.

Faust smiled at Liz, "I would love to come in" replied Faust as he slowly moved into the practice room with his sax around his neck. He took a seat in one of the comfy chairs and pulled out a wrapped box, inside the flower ring he promised he would make for her. "A little birdy told me it was your birthday, so happy birthday" stated Faust with a smile as he stretched out his hand to give her the present.
Taking the present that Faust had made for her, a smile grew in her face. Tears of happiness began forming, ".. thank you.." She said with delighted smile, this was the first gift someone had ever given her. The tears escaped her eyes and streamed down her flushed cheeks. Opening the box there was a beautiful white camellia flow ring, and in that moment she was happy that she went to this academy.

A beautiful smile light up her face and her eyes glowed like big yellow diamonds in the sunlight. A giggled as she put it on her finger, "This is the first gift anyone has given me. I honestly didn't think you would actually make something for me, I thought it was just a joke" she spoke and wiped the tears with her sleeve. "It's beautiful" She spoke giving Faust another smile. "Oh no, but I didn't get you anything.." She had realized, since never receiving a gift before she didn't know what to do. "I'm such a bad friend, I'm sorry!" she apologized with a look of remorse.

Lilian paused for a moment and went back behind the library checkout desk, coming back with a fairly large coat. She held it out to Zara with a nod saying as she did so, "Here you can use this, it's mine." She wasn't planning on using the coat later anyway and it seemed that Zara needed it more than she did anyway. Lilian wanting to help out her friend if she could and well it made her feel rather good inside when she did stuff like this. This was a new experience for Lilian and she rather enjoyed it, her hoping her time in this school could be like this the whole time.
"I'm glad you like it, but no your not a terrible friend" stated Faust with a comforting smile, as soon as Liz calmed down he would speak once more. "It's your birthday, friends give each other presents on their birthday" explained Faust to the girl, Faust wondering why she would not know this, but did not ask her.

Zara smiled at Lilian and took the coat, slowly and carefully putting it on so she would not hurt her wings. It wasn't comfortable, bit it felt warmer. "Thank you" replied Zara with a smile as the warmth enveloped her.

"You're welcome," she said with a slight nod as she made her way over to the libraries checkout desk, her sitting down in the available chair behind the computer. She looked over at Zara and said while motioning at the seat next to her, "You can have a seat if you want Zara." That seat would be for the other attendant if there was one in this period, Lilian taking care of the library by herself during this period. The librarian has this period off, which is sort of a nuisance considering before Lilian volunteered the library was closed during this period.
Zara followed Lilian and sat right next to her before looking around the library. "So this is a library" stated Zara as if she had never seen one before, and she hasn't. In truth Zara had never seen much of the world, she had only hunted and gathered her whole life.
Wearing the dainty little ring on her hand, she sat down on a stool facing Faust at an angle, "So tell me, does it suit me?" She asked happily, teasing him a bit but wanted to know what he would say, still looking at the ring, amazed by the handy work he put in. "Oh, and what did you do yesterday? I saw you in the cafe with Lilian but I was only getting ice cream so I stick around for long. Did you guys get wet from the rain? It came out of no where."
Faust chuckled and did a little bow in response to her question. "You look heavenly" stated Faust as a complement, smiling as he returned to an upright position. "Kitten and I walked and talked" smiled Faust, more happily then he should of been, but that was him alright."I stayed in the rain, being part plant makes the rain feel refreshing" continued Faust as he scratched the back of his head.
@Federoff (Sorry about that, had to go out for a bit)

"Um hm," she simply said with a nod wondering how much of the world she had seen, her mother saying that not many dragon kin get into the modern age. Lilian looked over at Zara her putting some books of to the side, "How about we do something after school is over?" What they might do not really registering with Lilian in earnest, the school not being a bevy of activities after all. She did enjoy spending time with Zara though, and wanted to do something more than just simply talk with her like last time.
Zara smiled when she hear Lilian ask her to hang out after school, in truth she was the only person who she ever hung out with at the school. "I would love to" replied Zara calmly, slowly her shyness around Lilian was fading.

"Great," she simply said while she arranged the books into stacks, her not having to put them up. That was the duties of the next period, Lilian was pretty much just a person to make sure no one just walked out with the books. Lilian just sat there marking off book after book almost like a bloody robot, only blinking ever so often. If people didn't know better they would think the girl is an android or something, such a stoic exterior would nary be found on anyone in the world. She paused her marking and looked over at Zara with a slight tilt of her head, "Do you have anywhere in mind?"

Lilian had been pretty much all over the school so far and had yet to find a place that she would really call her own so she didn't have any places in mind. The library was about the only place she knew where she could be alone, but it isn't really a place that you'd hang out in with another person so she was up for suggestions.
Zara thought about the possibilities in where they could hang out, not much coming to her mind at all. After a few minutes of silence, she shook her head in response. "No, nothing comes to mind, sorry" replied the girl, maybe the two of them could find some place, hopefully.
"Kitten? Who's that?" Lizzy asked confused at first but than an idea popped into her head, "Do you call Lilian.. Kitten?" She asked giving him the 'are you serious' type of face. She gave him a smirk, "Well at least you enjoyed the rain, the only thing I remember was being at the greenhouse and then.." Remembering what had happened but not so far as when she touched Altier she paused. She placed her hand over her mouth, 'Did I really tell him that..' She thought in shock, "No.. I couldn't have.. could I?"
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(Over her house? lol)

Faust smiled and nodded, "Yes she is like a little Kitten, so I call her that" replied the orange-haired boy before giving her a quizzical look. He didn't know they had a greenhouse, he would most likely have to check it out later. "No you couldn't have what?" asked the boy, both genuinely concerned and confused, equally.

Lilian thought for a moment after hearing that Zara didn't have anywhere in mind either, her figuring that that might have been the case. Zara hadn't been here any longer than Lilian so she probably hasn't seen much of the place either, this school being pretty big on it's own. With that in mind she double blinked and said with a nod, "How about we meet on the room after next period?" The next period being the last one for most of the students, unless they had previous engagements in clubs or something.

Altier had been sitting out in the courtyard for some time now, him simply taking in the bright sun. Being a reverse vampire he reveled in the bright rays unlike his normal vampire kin...them simply scowling at the warmth and in more extreme cases being burned by it. He let out a light sigh and wondered what he should so now, him figuring on going to his last class in a little while. It was going to be his last one if he remembered right, this time him looking at the schedule twice to make sure he wasn't mistaken this time. He went ahead and stood from his seat and started on his way to his gym class, wondering if anyone he knew was going to be in the class.

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