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Fantasy A Bunch of Horrible People Get Drunk

Noah kept on taunting Marron in any way he could. It was only going to get him deeper in shit than he already was but he obviously wasn't a big thinker.

"You can barely tell what you're doing, how can you smash my face in?!" His irritating smug laugh filled the air around the bar. Some part of him was hoping he would have the jump on him if he tried anything funny. Noah looked over at Rae from the corner of his eyes, then back at Marron, raising an eyebrow.

"You heard her."

@Axel1313 @egghead
"Don't test me smallfry I can see just enough to beat your face in." He glowered and jabbed his finger into the guy's chest. "Best save your money folks I plan on taking this punk out in mere minutes!" He tried shouting but a pain in his chest cut him short and made his voice crack.

@autumnwind234 @egghead
"Yeah buddy, whatever you say." Noah poked Marron's nose teasingly then backed away a few steps.

"I'll be waiting for whenever you decide to grow a pair. You're all talk from what it seems." The vampire grinned widely, moving some hair away from his face.

"You little rat. I swear I'll kick your arse!" He snapped again and lunged at him again. Wincing as his wound stung and stated to bleed again. That wasn't going to stop him from wringing a neck! "You're gonna regret talking that way to your elders!"

"BRING IT, OLD MAN!" Noah shoved him away from him whether he was hurt or not.

"You wanna start something with me? Then show me you ain't all talk~" Sudennly the fear returned again, he was making a big mistake and it only clued in just now.

"GLADLY!" He shouted. He was done with this little arse. Without a second thought he uppercut the little punk as best as he could. He may have been worn out for the day but he still had enough strength left to deliver a good beating. "You're lucky I don't have my gun on me anymore arsehole! It'll give you a chance!"

It came faster than he expected, even with his senses. He thought there would be some time to block but before he knew it, he was knocked back onto his ass.

Noah shook his head a bit and looked up with his hair in his eyes. "So you weren't just yapping on?" Standing up, the vampire attempted to jump on Marron, seeing as he was terrible fending for himself.

"That all you can do old fart!?"

"Wrong move pal! I may be a few hundred years old but I haven't been wasting those lying around." He let the punk jump on him, so he could use the momentum against the guy and flip him over his shoulder. He could have simply hit him again, but nothing was more fun than using an opponent's force against them. It was a surefire way to irritate them. "I'm not just some pampered old world fool."

Taran tore ass down the red halls, his blood rushed thick with adrenaline and his heart beat in his ears. He glanced back at the single guard and dove into a room, pressing himself to the wall, begging for a few seconds to recollect his scattered mind, 'There's only one' he thought 'Why are the rest gone? I swear i saw five chase me in' he closed his eyes for a moment, listening to the approaching footsteps 'You're fine. Don't be a bitch. Kill this f*cker!'

With that his mindset switched from prey to predator, he laid a hand on the door frame and waited for it to open. A calm fell over his mind as he delivered a silent scolding for letting himself be chased by some human.

The door swung open and he sprung forward, shocking the man and getting him to the ground. The demon held his hand right above the agent's throat, ready to deliver a quick death when a jolt of hesitation froze him in place 'what if this makes him end up like me?'. That was all the agent needed, he reached onto his belt and pulled out a dainty glass bottle with a cross on the front. Without Taran even realizing the man smashed the small thing into the right side of his attacker's face. Instantly, Taran fell off, holding his face and crying out in agony as the holy water burned his skin away.

All he saw then was red, coherent thoughts fled his mind as the glutton again sprung forward, this time grabbing the mans hair and forcing his head back as he grinned inhumanely,

"An eye for an eye" Taran hissed, plunging a clawed hand into the man's right eye, rewarded with the screams he craved "Oh...but you got a lot more than just my eye, didn't you" he pouted, "Oh well!" he shrugged, hooking his fingers. The agent tried to remove the other, but only succeeded in getting his hands covered in blood and leaving a print on Taran's cheek in an attempt to push him away.

The demon continued his game, forcing his hand further into the socket emaciating the eye and shredding muscle as he went. His form shook with laughter, the most hollow and plastic happiness he's ever felt in his lifetime, but shit. It felt good.

"The lamb- doesn't- chase- the wolf" he snarled, thrusting his fingers in deeper for punctuation. At this point the man had passed out, his left eye rolled back and his screams reduced to absent moans. Taran took notice of this and grit his teeth, "Already worn out, huh? Well, when you do wake up-" he began, yanking the barely conscious man's face up to his own "-How about you get some of your friends together and play with some of mine...y'know like what we did today" with that he retracted his blood soaked fingers and got up.

With his high gone, Taran tread back to the main bar, a hand over the book that still sits in his jacket. By the time he found his way back he looked and felt like a walking corpse, a much more fitting look for what the stereotypical demon would look like. He slicked over the the little group Chris had accumulated and dropped the book in front of him, adding a little descending whistle, "Wow, didn't take ya long to replace me" he chuckled, acting like his left cheek and all the way down to his chest didn't look like it'd been set on fire, or that there was a bloody hand print on his face, just overall looking like he just walked out of a slasher flick.

(Christ that was long, i hope it makes up for my absence)
Noah hit the ground, air getting knocked out of him slightly but he wasn't going to give up there, no matter how much his hits actually hurt.

"Ahaha...you got me there.." As he caught his breath, he stood up and threw a punch at Marron, hitting his face. It stung, reminding himself of how pathetic he was.

"Gaaaah...." he hissed. Rubbing the part of his face the kid hit. It stung! Of course it did not help he hadn't really fed in a while or slept to heal. "Son of a.....you hit harder than I thought for a complete wuss." he smirked and took another swing at him.

Chris had been watching the vampire fight while ordering drink after drink. He was starting to feel a little bit drunk but not too much. The fight was kind of disappointing to him, maybe because they weren't ripping each other open yet....Chris didn't even like that stuff but he suddenly wanted to see it.

He jumped a little when his spellbook was dropped infront of him, he turned to see Taran again. "Taraaaan!" He said a bit too happily as he hugged the demon. He giggled some but then stopped, "hmmm, where is the rest of my stuff?" He asked as he started patting at where he thought would be where any persons pockets would be. "Ah! What happened to your face?! Was it the government?!" He asked suddenly worried.

@MindScape @Deadly Darkness @Midnight Peace
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Allen's attention had wandered to the fight.

"Well, this is intriguing." He sips his Manhattan.

You truly aren't phased by this. It's probably the booze…

He looked at the newcomer who Chris was hugging. He rose an eyebrow, getting a strange feeling about him, and… Not just because of the poor state of his face.

Gray gasps inside of the confines of Allen's mind.

Allen! Oh goodie! It's another demon!

Allen looked down, hoping that the new demon couldn't pick up on the demonic presence nestled inside of him.

@MindScape @Deadly Darkness
If Marron kept saying things like that about him he was going to get too cocky and lose faster than ever. He got punched again and stumbled back, but quickly threw himself after Marron, ramming him back at the wall.

"C'mon!! This can't possibly be all you got!!"

Ooooh that definitely hurt, he took in a sharp gasp of air as there was a shot of pain through his rib cage. "I was about to ask you the same thing." He sneered and quickly wrapped his hands around his neck. "I've had a lot rougher kid so come on!"

Taran stumbled a bit, catching Chris's enthusiastic greeting in his arms. He laughed, surprised at how quickly Chris had gotten him out of his shit mood. He reached in his jacket pocket and pulled out the dagger, along with the chalk and crystal, he jolted when Chris started fretting over his face,

"Oh" he paused, dragging his fingers across the wound, retracting them quickly as the holy water seemed to wake back up and start to burn again. He saw no reason to lie, "This is kinda what holy water does to demons" he snorted, "I'll be fine, i look like shit now, but i've gotten through worse, calm down you little doe-eyed freak"

Taran sat down on an empty bar stool, "So who're your friends?" he asked, taking the detail of the two(three?) newcomers, idling on the blond for around 15 seconds before dawning his bright and happy personality, despite the oncoming dizziness from what could've been the sulfuric acid evaporating.

@Magical Squid Senpai @Deadly Darkness @Midnight Peace
It almost resembled a child fighting and adult, Noah grabbed his arms and tried to pull them off of him, although to no avail. Edging his face away, he struggled to get lose from his grip.

"It almost seems like you're scared to hit me. What's wrong? Too soft?" The vampire grinned despite the grip Marron had.

Chris gathered all of his belongings and put them back where the belonged. He smiled at Taran, "Taran you missed it!! The bartender lady had a flamethrower! And the vampire had a thing with bees! There were flaming bees! I got it on video." He said suddenly excited, "what were you doing the whole time? Who hit you with the holy water?"

@MindScape @Midnight Peace @Deadly Darkness
"I just don't feel like having to deal with a dead body tonight." He growled. "I've had it rough enough already I don't need your attitude!"

"I must agree, it was... quiite the show." He began to feel fuzzy and lightheaded as the true affects of his drinks flooded his system, his eyebrows relaxing.

"I'm Allen, bby the way." He downed the rest of his manhattan. Now he's getting somewhere, but it's not time for him to stop in the least.

The bar owner watched the two vampires beat on each other with a satisfied look on her face. If there was anything she liked more than being in a brawl, it was starting one, but this was missing something...

She pulled out a big vat of cherry gelatin and dumped it directly over them to turn their little fist fight into a full-blown jello wrestling match.

"Don't go easy on him, babyfangs!!!!" she shouted. "I'm betting on you to win this, you knooow!!!!"
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Noah got Marrons hands off of him in between the commotion Rae was causing.

"Really?!" The male picked a piece off his shoulder and tasted it. "Mmm, cherry." He shrugged a bit, going silent for a second before attempting to throw another punch at Marron despite the jello.

@egghead @Axel1313
"one of the goons that chased me in. Anyway it's not important, I took care of it" he grumbled, still sour about the whole thing.

He watched with lazy interest as Rachel poured jello on top of the dueling vampires, he really couldn't figure out why she did that, just more work for her at the end of the day. The intrest he could muster up was faint, only really wanting to see a fight because they were vampires, he always disliked things like vampires anyway, they just seem like interlopers or in-betweeners to him. The demon knew it was just jealously that made him think that way, but really couldn't bring himself to care at the moment.

@Magical Squid Senpai @Midnight Peace
"Gotcha Rae bae! Watch this." A devilish grin spread across his lovely face. He could use this new terrain to his advantage. And oh how that made him laugh.

"Nope! Try again pipsqeak!" Marron quickly dodged it, by using the slippery jello to slide into a full split. With a carefully aimed uppercut to follow. Sure it was showing off, but hey! That was his style.


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