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Fantasy A Bunch of Horrible People Get Drunk

He giggles even more at Taran's sudden response. Oh, how lovely this was turning out to be. This had to be one of the funnest places he's been in for a while.

"Awww, we should really be calling you Taurus, cause you're really seeing red right now, aren't you?" He wrinkles his nose.

"Dear, don't you know what humans do to deer? I'd hardly say they like deer as much as they like the taste of deer. But that's beside the point, now isn't it? Forgive me, I love to stray off topic… Now, where were we? Oh, yes!" He chuckles. "We were having our little pre-match trash talk? Well in that case… Stag? Really? You look better fitted to be a worn-out Christmas decoration, sweetcheeks."

@Songless Butterfly @Napsterbox @egghead @Magical Squid Senpai @Deadly Darkness
He raises an eyebrow, noticing Taran's body language grow… Defeated.

"Tsk, tsk, did i strike a chord with you? Aw, well, Im sorry."

In all honesty, Gray had been getting excited from the fire in Taran's eyes. A good roast was a wonderful activity, but if you cut too deep too early, well… Where's the fun in that?

"I thought that any demon could take far more than that… Oh well," Gray observes his nails. "Perhaps it's just a lower demon thing."

@Napsterbox @Deadly Darkness @egghead @Songless Butterfly @Magical Squid Senpai
Taran nearly tore a hole in the leather seat with how hard her was gripping. Every muscle in his body told him to march on over and tear this guy apart, but that little section in his brain devoted to logical thinking, no matter how small that was, kept him seated.

"Says the parasite that has to be some teen's bottom bitch just to exist" the glutton snapped back hastily.

@Midnight Peace @Magical Squid Senpai @egghead @Songless Butterfly
This "shit talk" was dragging out longer than the bar owner wanted it to. She slipped her fingers around the neck of an empty vodka bottle while nobody was looking, then flung it at the top hat demon's head with the accuracy of someone who was good at throwing around bottles.

"NOAH!" she gasped dramatically. "Why'd you do that?!"
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Noah's gaze shot to Rae with confusion and a sense of dread coming over. "WHAT THE HELL RACHEL?!"
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(OOC: Im screaming, I cant believe my phone corrected smile to ankle in my last post??? I meant smile, holy shit)

Suddenly, he feels something smack against his top hat. His eyes widen as he hears the noise of his top hat hitting the floor, which is quickly followed by the sound of shattering glass. His pupils narrow and shrink, his eyebrows lowering.

"Oh, so you want to play like that, do you?" He snickers, closing his eyes, pushing his cane to the ground behind him. He takes a step towards the edge of the table, sneering. He opens his eyes, staring into Noah's. He grabs the edge of the table, sending a jolt of azure magic down the table, leaving a singed tone on the wood in it's wake. It makes it's way to Noah's seat, crawling up his body and to his chin, sinking into his skin and causing an unpleasant stinging sensation. He rips his hand from the table, swinging it up into the air palm-first, forcing Noah's chin to go upwards. Gray grins, on the verge of a chuckle.


[COLOR=rgb(86,86,86)]@Songless Butterfly[/COLOR] @Napsterbox @Magical Squid Senpai @egghead @Deadly Darkness
That was it, he knew the moment Rachel did that he would be done for and he was right. Noah winced at the magic, feeling the sting work into his mind and irritate him. He grumbled then looked over to Gray but it didn't end there.

After the demon spoke, he ripped himself out of the spot he sat and and hopped over the table with quick speed. Noah ended up a few feet away from where he stood.

"I'll admit, I don't care for that feel your magic gives but I'll never straight up let my ass get kicked, might as well try." The vampire snickered as a grin crossed his own lips.

"I wonder how demons taste?" He tore off at Gray with a wide smile, hoping to grab him by the neck area.

@Midnight Peace
Gray steps back, making space for Noah after he's jumped. He lowers his eyelids, adrenaline pulsing through his system.

Once Noah comes sprinting after himself, he steps to the side, charging his right fist with magic. He sends a hook coming for Noah's stomach, calm and collected in the face of this simple bar fight.

@Songless Butterfly
The vampire got hit straight up after attempting to make his own move. It knocked the wind out of him at most but he could handle it...so far. After stumbling back a bit, he came back with a punch of his own, aiming for Gray's face.

"I've been beat up three times tonight-" a crazy laugh filled the air. "Bring it on!!"

@Midnight Peace
Taran watched the fight begin, taking note of the blue sparks that seemed to control Noah, he turned to Chris and retorted smugly, "Instincts, bitch" before standing up and striding comfortably over to the squabble, eager to fight now that he had seen a little more of what Grey was capable of. With a swift scan the glutton had spotted a nice looking chair that was just begging to be broken. He snatched it up and smashed it against a wall, pulling away one of the legs, complementary jagged nails sticking out at the end that used to hold the rest of the chair. Taran reared back and whipped the chair leg against the back of the other demon's head, silently comparing the sound to that of a baseball against a metal bat.

@Midnight Peace @Songless Butterfly @Magical Squid Senpai
Gray grins, cocking his head back to avoid Noah's punch. However, this only works in throwing his head against the chair leg which is already hurtling towards the back of his head. He goes cross-eyed for a moment, stars dotting his vision. He shakes his head, now scowling as he turns only his head to look at Taran. He pulls a half grin.

"Aww, look a' that." He bends his right forearm over his torso, and then springs his arm towards Taran's face, sending a string of magic towards his nose. Upon planting the stinging mass of magic in his face, he swings his hand, and consequently, Taran's face, towards the ground.

@Songless Butterfly @Napsterbox
This was the most action the bar had seen in at least two days. Half of the building was destroyed, the floors were scorched black and covered in broken glass and blood and who knows what else. Even the jukebox in the corner stopped playing, and it never really worked to begin with.

Glen found himself back in main part the bar. There was no trace of the men in black that attacked earlier, but now there was another bar fight. He sighed, then shuffled over to the booth everyone was sitting at and slid next to Rachel while also trying to avoid staring at the bar owner, who was making an ass out of herself.

"Come on, boys!" she banged her shot glass against the table, spilling vodka everywhere. "You call that a fight?! Let's see some guts fly!"
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He barely registered that the magic had entered the tip of his nose before his face was smashed into the floor. Taran scrambled to his feet, viscous, black blood smeared under his nose, he had annoyed look about him as he jolted forward, grabbing a hold of Grey's neck. The glutton lost his footing, probably due to his double vision left over from his face plant, dragging both of the men down to the floor. He did his bast to recover, hastily straddling the other demon all while keeping a firm grip on his neck,

"I think i promised a wringing of a douche's neck?" Taran hissed, digging his pointed nails into the other's gray flesh

@Midnight Peace

(ooc, sorry about the 2 months of silence, end of the year school stuff got a little overwhelming. I'm back though)

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