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Fantasy A Bunch of Horrible People Get Drunk

"You're… welcome…"

Allen was a little offput by the brief, unsettling look in Rachel's eyes. He looks at the counter, feeling the booze sedating his system. It was a lovely feeling, just to be able to let go for a while.

He slid down the rest of it. Three cranberry n vodkas, one beer, and two manhattens. Time for a forth CnV.

@Deadly Darkness @Napsterbox @Magical Squid Senpai
Allen had ordered his drink, and was just beginning to slide it down when Taran asked his question, to which Allen responds by choking on his spirit.

After he regains his bearings, he sets down the drink, swallowing the booze in his mouth. He looks at Taran, one eyebrow raised and the second low.

Oh, how wonderful! Someone's caught on.... Hehhe....

"Uhhh... W-Well, I'm a maagge.... But beyond that, uh, everything's normal."

@Napsterbox @Magical Squid Senpai @Deadly Darkness
He sneers, bringing his fist down on the table.

"My personal life isss noooonne of y-y-yyour business or anyone else's business now SHUT IT-"

His eyes turn a bright azure once he yells, but once this occurs, Allen suddenly realizes how angry he is, taking a second to calm himself down. He takes a deep breath, looking back behind the bar.

"I-I need another drink…"

@Magical Squid Senpai @Deadly Darkness @Napsterbox
Rachel raised an eyebrow in response to Allen yelling. This must have been a sensitive topic for sure, but knowing that only made her curiosity grow to the point it threatened to consume her. "How 'bout this," She spoke softly, her gaze focused solely on him as if the others didn't exist. "A secret for a secret. You can ask any of us a question and we have to answer it truthfully," She stared at him with a sense of hunger; it certainly wasn't a natural, human stare. "And then it's our turn."

@Midnight Peace @Napsterbox @Magical Squid Senpai
Allen casts a subtle glare at Rachel before he nabs Taran's bottle of everclear, keeping his gaze fixed on her as he takes a few hearty gulps from the bottle. He sets it down four gulps later.

"Just cause you're nosey doesn't mean I am." He looks down at the counter, feeling his booze creep up on his senses, his body relaxing and his emotions being brought closer to the surface.

"I don't want to talk about h- It."

He looks back over at Rachel, a little unnerved by her stare.

@Deadly Darkness @Napsterbox @Magical Squid Senpai
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Rachel frowned, but then shrugged. "So be it. Excuse me boys." And with that she began out the back door. The humid air clung to her skin as she continued along. "Oh good, you're still here," She said with a soft laugh as she walked innocently up to the corpse of the man Taran had killed. She clasped her hands behind her back and swayed to and fro. "I was worried I would go hungry today." She giggled as she knelt down by the body. She took a moment to admire the demon's work. He certainly knew how to have fun, that was for sure. Rachel usually entertained herself by playing with her food before eating it, but unfortunately this man was already dead. No matter, a meal was a meal.

She grabbed a hold of the man's arm and began twisting it in ways it didn't bend. After a few minutes a sickening crack emanated from the shoulder. She worked quickly, pressing her foot to his chest as she ripped the limb from its socket. Pleased with herself, Rachel sank her teeth into the bicep, tearing away at the flesh. Once finished with that she moved to her favorite part: the thoracic cavity. Cracks and snaps echoed out into the night as she ripped through the ribs and continued feasting.

@Napsterbox @Magical Squid Senpai @Midnight Peace
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Allen puts a hand to his face. He takes a deep breath. He came here to get drunk, not to be berated.

You know Allen, this is a little rude. They obviously want to know about me, why don't you just let me out? I can tell them the whoooole story for you...

Allen sighs. He can't get this worked up. Besides, maybe he needs to talk about this for once. But not all at once. He could get himself another drink, ask some questions, and let himself get drunk enough to talk about his... Issue.

Still, it was strange how pushy these people were to know about him.

"Curiosity, huh?"

Well you know what they say. Curiosity killed the cat. Hehehe~

Game on.

"Fine. Let's play. But I'm not going to be questioned first."

@Napsterbox @Deadly Darkness @Magical Squid Senpai
"Cool, so nothing's off limits and no bullshit answers" he stated "why don't you start us off and ask one of us a question, salty?" Taran chided

At this point the burn had healed, only leaving a dark scar that painted the side of his face, stretching from midway into his cheek, to the area around his right eye and to his hairline. His eye, having sustained most of the damage, was now only slightly irritated with a pale pink tinge to his sclera and an unfocused pupil. He chose to keep his right eye closed, it still ached and the air made it sting.

@Deadly Darkness @Midnight Peace @Magical Squid Senpai
He looks up at Taran, his lids lowering, partially with annoyance and partially with inebriation.

"Ok, first of all, don't you dare call me Salty... Ssecond of all..." He looks around at the group, pursing his lips.

He looks at Taran. Now, something was definitely up with him. There wasn't even something off about him, it was flat out obvious that he was far from human.

Chris? Now one question on his mind was, "Why is he so damn perky?" But this didn't seem like a question that could be answered.

Rachel, though. Where had she gone just now?

"Alright, you, whatever your name is. You left just now. Wh-" He hiccups, but regains his bearings a second later. "Where did you do, and what... Sorry, sorry, where did you go and what did you do?" Fuck, the liquors getting to him already.

@Deadly Darkness @Magical Squid Senpai @Napsterbox

(OOC: I actually didn't mean to fuck up that last bit of dialogue, it just kind of happened and I was about to fix it but then I remembered he's had a fuckton of booze, so.)
Noah wiped his mouth and walked over the table, jumping the booth where everyone was playing their little 'game'. He jammed himself between them and slammed his hands down on the table with a loud smash.

"SO, ALLEN, BUDDY...how's drowning that demon in alcohol huh?" Not realizing he had jumped in the middle of something, Noah placed a hand over his mouth sarcastically. "Did I ruin the surprise? Ohhhh noooo..."

This whole time he was able to sense it surprisingly for being such a young vampire.

@Midnight Peace
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"That's rude, ask a girl a question and you can't have the decency to remember her name?" She smiled. "I went out back to eat. I'm a shy eater I suppose. I have one of those weird diets." She watched as the rambunctious vampire forced his way in between everyone. She raised an eyebrow to what he said, but then let it fade. If what he said was true, then she would still wait for Allen to say it. No point in letting the kid get the reaction.

@Midnight Peace @Napsterbox @Magical Squid Senpai @Songless Butterfly (Yes I know he isn't a kid xP)
Allen furrowed a brow at Rachel's response. Weird diet? Now, there was weird and then there was this fucking bar.

He was just about to order another drink when he found a new body wedged between him and his other bar mates. His pupils shrink from the sudden surprise.

He cocks his head back when he upfront yells his name. How the hell would he know that?

Though, the moment he said "Demon", a bigger question was on his mind.

How the hell did he know that?

His eye twitches. God, the least he could've done was let him answer any questions to be had about Gray on his own terms, since these people were so pushy. But this prick had the AUDACITY to upfront yell his affliction out for the world to hear. If he still had a glass in his hand, it would be broken into a million pieces right about now. He shakes lightly, scowling up at the presumptuous vampire, specks of azure lighting up in his eyes.

"Ok, if you're gonna upfront shout about my personal life for this entire establishment to Hear, how about you at least buy me a drink?"

He turns his lips inward, anger welling up in his stomach. "Cause I've got half a nerve to let that demon out here right now just so he can pound your ssmart ass into the ground, lad." His eye twitches, hurt and anger showing in his expression. Truly, he'd never let Gray out willingly, but he felt he needed to make some sort of comeback against this asshat. Part of him wanted to cry, but he didn't feel drunk enough to warrant such an outburst.

Aww, looks like someone's a little sensitive. What's the matter? Do you just think people merely talking about yours truly will cause me to come soaring up from the abyss? Should I just go by he-who-shall-not-be-named? For your sake?

@Deadly Darkness @Songless Butterfly @Magical Squid Senpai @Napsterbox
Taran hiked up his shoulders to avoid touching Noah, but giving up once he heard what the vampire said, "So you smelled it too then? Glad it wasn't just me" he laughed, pausing when he saw Allen, he seemed like he had some kind of inner monologue going on. The glutton shrugged, sinking back into his seat, half reveling and half despising the controlled chaos this booth was forming into.

@Deadly Darkness @Songless Butterfly @Midnight Peace @Magical Squid Senpai
After hearing the mention of another demon in her bar, Rachel stuck her own nose into the conversation. "ANOTHER DEMON, HUH?" she laughed her hourly witch cackle (she dies if she doesn't do it). "WELL, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR, KID? WHIP IT OUT."
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Taran snorted, "Bet mine's bigger"

(2 minutes later i deeply regret this post, but i refuse to take it down)
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Rachel's eyes widen as the bar tender then joined in on the conversation. Yes, Rachel was curious, but she never meant to get the entire bar in on it. Finding it too crowding she stood up and began back towards the back door. She turned and beckoned Allen to follow. If he did then she figured he'd get away from all the people and she'd tell him the truth as a way to apologize for her and everyone else's nosiness. If not then she would leave none the less and he would be stuck there with a bunch of gawking strangers. She honestly didn't care which option he chose, she just wanted to present him with the option.

@Midnight Peace @Napsterbox @Magical Squid Senpai @egghead @Songless Butterfly

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