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Fantasy A Bunch of Horrible People Get Drunk

Allen looks at Taran, pursing his lips and furrowing his brows.


He then jumps upon seeing the barkeep join in the chorus, too busy paying attention to her presence to see Rachel's offer. He furrows his brows, looking at the bartender Rachel as if she's insane.

"YYou… You want me to unleash a demon on your establishment? Do you have a death wish for everyone in this bar, including yourself?" Allen hiccups, going cross eyed for a second. He looks Rachel dead in the eyes.

"Not to mention that's just really bad economics to shout something like that in your own business."
Noah cackled at Allens response, slamming a hand down repeatedly on the table again. "Buy you a drink? Think again, PAL you're drunk enough as is! The most out of us all!"

Turning to Taran, the vampire smirked in response to his comment. "I guess you aren't all slack, huh? I think I like you better now." He then jumped up in his seat and pointed down at Allen.

Come on, Al. Spare yourself the hangover. Ive been waiting for a good fight. Come on, you little bitch, stand down. I'll bash his face in, just for you.

Allen looks up at Noah, fear evident on his face. What was happening? What the hell was going on? Where the fuck was he that all of these people were rooting for him to submit his existence to his worst enemy? What the absolute fuck?

He finds himself speechless, wordless in the face of such madness. He wanted to run out of that place, all of him did. Except one little inexplicable string kept him there.

And that same part was saying that he should so go through with this. Was this part Gray? Shit if I know.

"You… You people are batshit nuts. I thought… I thought
I was batshit nuts. But this place takes the fucking cake. I need a drink." He puts a hand to his forehead, a little pale as he chuckles.

"God, I came here needing a drink, and this place makes me want a drink more, maybe the agenda is tto put me in a coma. Iss that it?"

Come on man, listen to yourself, you need a break.

Gray shakes his head inside the mindscape.
Rahcel let out a tired sigh before walking back over to the group. Ignoring everyone's shouts she walked straight up to Allen. "Do you want to get out of here?" She said in a genuinely caring tone. Deep in her stomach she had a slight feeling she was the cause of this, though it was only a slight feeling.

@Midnight Peace
"The manifestation of our souls- jeez, what did you think i was talking about ya little nasties?" Taran scoffed, stretching his arms across the back of the booth seats.

He rasped his eyebrow at Allen's little outburst, "Tender's probably on parole, Chris killed a werewolf, I don't even want to know what doe-eyes #2 ate in the back room, but i think i have a good idea, Noah tried to drink the tender and i'm a glutton that crawled out of hell- quite literally- for a drink. If you're as crazy as you say you are, you'll fit right in. You should be more worried about your own safety rather than ours"

@Magical Squid Senpai @Midnight Peace @Deadly Darkness @egghead @Songless Butterfly
"Aw come on Rachel, don't ruin the fun! We all want to see such a daaaaangerous demon here." Noah narrowed his eyes then glanced at Taran with a toothy grin.

@Deadly Darkness
He closes his eyes once Rachel asks him whether he wants to leave or not.

Now, many parts of him would say, "Yes". However, this is the most frustrating yet exciting thing to happen to him in a long time. And so what came out of his mouth instead was…

"You know what I'd like? A fucking Manhattan. With a side of prozac while we're at it, God…"

He opens an eye to look at Taran when he speaks, his expression growing even more pale as he goes on.

"Alright. So you're all murderous, too." He sighs, turning his head towards the table.

"Gee, I really should just let him out right now, should I? He'd fucking fit right in."

He looks at the glossy table for a few seconds, thinking over his options.

Simply refuse, continue to be berated.

Go through with it, possibly commit murder. Wallow in misery at his own pace, like any respectful bar should allow their patrons to.

He looks back up, pinching the bridge his nose.

"Fuck it."

Oh, come on- Wait, really?

Allen, his eyes still closed, slides his way out of the booth, dusting off his hoodie.
"I'll show you a dangerous demon." She said in response, before redirecting her attention to Allen. Looks like he had made up his mind. Rachel sat down, watching him in slight amusement. She honestly wasn't sure on what would happen, but she was excited none the less.
"I never meant to kill the werewolf."

'But I do have his soul. I'll save it just incase....'

Chris just sipped on his drink, watching everyone around him. He was ready to see the other demon. He wondered if there would be another bar fight with a new demon.
"hAAAHA NOW THIS IS WHAT I COME TO BARS FOR!!" He swiped the drinks off the table and rested his head in his hand, waiting to see if Allen would actually go through with it.
He sighs, his eyes remaining shut. Once he's standing a foot away from the booth, he extends his arms at his sides.

"Alright. You asked for him."

He exhales harshly through his nostrils, ready to be taken.

Thanks a bunch, Al. I'll return the favor for you sometime.

Suddenly, Allen's chest and shoulders tense up, his eyes clenching shut. He cringes. Switching control was never a pleasant experience.

His fingertips turn a vibrant shade of grey, the color slipping down his hand, down his arm. The color grows up his feet, through his legs, though this can't be seen due to his clothing. A few seconds later, it creeps over his collarbones, climbing it's way up his neck. Every instinct in Allen pushed to fight back, but he ignored them. He didn't care much about anything as it is, and on top of that he's drunk. Among all the possible outcomes of this combination, this wasn't near the worst.

Finally, the color grows up his face, over his lips, into his eye sockets, and once it reached his hairline the wave of color grew into his hair, transforming the bright shade of blonde into a dark, nearly black grey.

Once the color reached the very tips of his hair, azure magic burned through his clothes, turning his old, worn white hoodie and jeans into a pinstripe tuxedo with a polka-dotted blue tie.

This new figure smirks, tipping his right hand out to the side, a top hat forming in it, which he promptly places on his head. He opens his eyes, which are now a vibrant electric blue, with pupils cat-like in form. He looks at the booth, summoning a cane and positioning his hands on top of it right in front of his chest as he leans all of his weight onto the glorified stick.

"Ahem, you
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Rachel was guilty of almost every crime known to man. She had a horrific, blood-soaked past of robbing banks and loitering in public on top of owning a bar where she served fuzzy navels to things with teeth longer than her forearm. She had seen/done it all, so that's probably why she didn't look impressed when the demon revealed itself.

"Wait, you mean this is the demon?" she laughed so hard that spit flew out of her mouth. "HAAAAHUAUAHH!!! I saw craps in the bathroom scarier than this guy!"
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Gray turns his head to Chris, smiling at him, a row of sharp teeth shining from behind his lips.

"Why, thank you. I treasure the hat as well."

He raises an eyebrow at Rachel's initial remark. He watches as she bursts into laughter, rolling his eyes.

"So I'm not the scariest, I'll admit that. I prefer to let my actions speak for themselves. What's in a man who can puff out his chest, yet can't even hurt a fly?" He removes his hands from the cane, the object staying exactly where it was when he was leaning on it. He stretches, crossing his arms at the wrist and extending his arms behind his body.

"Give me a second, it's been an awful long time since I've been in control, I must regain my bearings."

@egghead @Magical Squid Senpai @Deadly Darkness @Songless Butterfly @Napsterbox
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"Oh plot twist, he actually did have a demon in him" Taran lazily exclaimed "Oh, but he's not your average sin committing demon- say, why are you possessing some kid's body anyway? Doesn't seem like he wants you there" He knew he was poking at a bear, he could feel that the other demon was easily more powerful than him, but he was always one to live life dangerously.

@egghead @Deadly Darkness darkness @Midnight Peace @Magical Squid Senpai

(Taran wants to get his ass kicked *_*)
"Force of circumstance, Bambi. Unfortunately, my nature is rather... Parasitic." He lowers his hands, stretching his arms out in front of his body, bending his neck to the side.

"God damn this man is tense!" He straightens out his neck, lowering his arms by his sides, balling up his hands into fists and extending his arms as far as they can go, desperately trying to stretch out his muscles to the amount he will feel satisfied by.

"Jesus christ, I knew I stressed him out, but I didn't realize I was doing this good of a job..." He grins, mentally patting himself on the back for successfully making his host's life a living hell.

@Napsterbox @Deadly Darkness @egghead @Magical Squid Senpai @Songless Butterfly
The vampire snorted and sat back. "You're quite underwhelming. The way Allen made it sound had me convinced for a second that I'd get my ass kicked then and there by ya." He moved some hair away from his face and sneered.
"Pfff," Gray gives a few good chuckles at Rachel's joke, resting his hands back on his cane, his arms extended fully. "Well, aren't you a funny one..." He Contrary to the posture Allen took in himself, Gray's presence truly seems to justify his tall stature. Given with an ungodly stance at 6'5, Gray truly seemed fitting to the height.

"No, no, my name's Gray. Creative, idn't it?" He bends his shoulders backwards, his lips drawn together once again and his eyes closed as Noah makes his remark. He opens his eyes, his chin up as he looks down at the vampire. He pulls the edge of his lip back in a half-smirk, raising an eyebrow.

"Tell me," He lowers his chin, tapping his foot. "Why are you so intent on getting your ass kicked? Ego? Plain old masochism?" He leans his body closer to the group, keeping his weight on his cane. "Fetish?" A toothy smile splits across his face once again.

@egghead @Deadly Darkness @Songless Butterfly @Napsterbox @Magical Squid Senpai
"Oh me? You've got it all wrong." Noah chuckled and sat back up then pointing to Taran. "This is the guy with the pain fetish here...Taran was it?" Turning around to face the other demon for a second, he smiled brightly.

"And maybe I just love to talk shit."

@Napsterbox @Midnight Peace
He looks over to Taran, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, what an interesting revelation." He giggles, closing his eyes.

"And well, you know what they say, mister...

"...Talk shit-"

He snaps his right fingers, a bolt of azure magic shooting from between his thumb and index finger, flying towards the very edge of the table in front of Noah, a half-circle about three inches in radius now singed completely black from the blast. He opens his eyes, his expression just the slightest bit unstable.

"Get hit."

@Deadly Darkness @Napsterbox @Songless Butterfly @Magical Squid Senpai @egghead
'Oooh! This is getting interesting! I should have ordered something to eat...' Chris drank the rest of his beer as he thought of who would win in a fight like this. 'Definitely not the vamp. He seems weak. Taran is just awesome! So he could win! But this new guy dresses pretty good and a good dressed demon could never lose. But Taraaaaaan hmmmmm. I'll have to see when it starts.'

@Midnight Peace @Napsterbox @egghead @Songless Butterfly
A wild blush flew across Taran's face, at the mention of 'Bambi', oh how he despised that name. He stood up, his hands on the edge of the table,

"Oh yeah? Ever seen a deer wring a douche's neck? At least people like deer" he shouted. He jumped a bit when the blast was shot at, the demon whipped his head back over to face the other, "Also I'm a stag you absolute fucking walnut- Note the antler!" Taran furiously pointed at his remaining horn, he again went to glare at Rachel the bartender "-While i'm at it- Fuck you for shooting the other off, but thanks for the drinks"

@Midnight Peace @Magical Squid Senpai @egghead @Deadly Darkness @Songless Butterfly

("Bambi" and "Rudolph" along with any and all of other names of Santa's reindeer just happens to be Taran's trigger words ; ;)

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