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Fantasy A Bunch of Horrible People Get Drunk

Noah fell back with a splitting pain in his neck and face, this guy really hit hard. harder than he ever probably could. That's what he gets for holding off on feeding so often and losing control, there was much to learn about himself yet. He hit the floor, laying on his back wincing, his smart mouth kept going though.

"That was nothing..." Uttering words through the pain, he sat up on his elbow and scowled at Marron. "This only makes me want to snack on Rae more, just to spite you~"

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Rachel crouched down besides the younger vampire. "Nothing, huh?" she asked as she scooped some jello off of his head with a spoon and ate it. "Looks like you're getting your ass kicked to me."

It was obvious that she wasn't taking his threats to bite her too seriously anymore, especially since Marron was around to watch her back. "HAH! Guys like you should swing by my place more often. I like watching you eat fist."
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Rachel looked from Chris to the man with the fresh burn marks. 'A demon, huh?' She thought. He seemed liked someone who had fun, and not just based on his appearance. A faint smile pulled at the corner of her lips. "I'm Rachel," She looked from the group at the bar to the fight between the vampires. Was that... jello?
"Nothing eh? Then why can I hear the pain in your voice?" he smirked. "Go ahead and try to snack on her again. I dare you. The Sun will be up in a few hours and I wonder which of is can stand it the longest?"

He shook his head and moved the hair out of his face, scowling at both of their comments. "Why must you be so cruel, darling?"

Looking away from Rae, Noah stood up and threw a fist at Marron, missing again then attempting to trip him with his leg. "You both have no faith in me!"

@Axel1313 @egghead
"I have no faith in anything anymore sweetheart." He shot him a snide smile. Moving to avoid getting tripped up. "You really should stop while you're ahead. You know you're not going to win this with how young and inexperienced you are, you're probably even younger than I was when I was turned!"

Noah grumbled something to himself, anger building up slowly inside to cover up the arrogance. "Yeah!? Well it's certainly no cake walk!" He threw a punch again with his other hand as fast he could.

Soon enough, Noah was going to be the angry one.

"Hmm, I wonder why? You're only a few hundred years younger than me and a fairly newborn vampire. I guess it also doesn't help that I've made a few deals with some devils in that time too." He chuckled. Taking the punch with hardly a wince. It hurt a lot, this kid knew how to hit hard, but it would be entertaining to see how he reacted to getting no reaction to it.

"What the hell!? I can't even budge you, even with you already hurt!" The vampire groaned loudly in frustration and waved a hand as he started to walk away.

"Screw this, my face already hurts too much." His footsteps were almost childlike stomps along with the muttering. Noah went to sit at a table on the other side of the bar with his head in his hands. Marron struck a bit of a nerve within him, mentioning how old he was. It was hard being him, harder than he wanted to admit, especially with his terrible binge feeding.

"You bet smallfry. I'm not one to be messed with." He huffed in satisfaction. Standing up and wiping as much jello off of him as he could. "Don't hurt Rae again and you and I will get along just fine. Understand? Maybe I'll even show you the ropes some day so you won't try anything again." He smirked as he headed back to Rae's side.

@autumnwind234 @egghead
Chris ordered another vodka. The jello didn't help! After those flaming bees, that was pretty boring! He wanted to see a real fight! With lots of violence and such.

"Boooo! that was a boring fight!! There should be more blood!!" He yelled at the two vampires, "that was disappointing." He pouted.

@MindScape @autumnwind234 @Axel1313
Allen was really feeling the booze comin' on, but he needed more.

"Hhey, bartender, get me another manhattan, yeah?" His british accent began intensifying.

The bartender slid him another drink.

"Ahhhhh yes" He took it, smiling as he sipped the concoction, feeling Gray's bitter presence ease up.

@MindScape @Deadly Darkness @Magical Squid Senpai
She had to agree with Chris. "You went too easy on him, babe," she handed the vampire a cracked glass filled with her version of a Bloody Mary. "I think you should've ripped his arm off or something. You know, for fun."

Rachel took the other drink to the loser sitting by himself on the far side of the bar. "Awww, pooooor baby, want a drink? Slight discount if you get another!"
Noah took his head out of his hands and glared daggers at Rae, although taking the drink anyway. After all she did make a mean bloody mary.

He did say anything back to her, all he did was sigh and edge his head away, taking a sip of the drink.
Allen resorted to flat out gulping his Manhattan. No sobriety to be seen tonight from this motherfucker, folks.

He places the empty glass down, then looks behind him to Rachel.

"Hhhey, i-I need another manny." His British accent was reaching unimaginable levels

"Ohhhh, not talking to me now, huh?" she bulldozed her way into the booth and slid her arm around his shoulder. "C'mon, don't be such a sourpuss! You didn't lose that match, you just ran out on it!!"
Allen raises an eyebrow, but then shrugs it off.

He looks back to the other waiter, tapping his finger. "Cranberry nnn vvodka, please."
He shifted uncomfortable when she sat next to him, glancing at the hand near his shoulder. "Yeah, you're right, darling. At least I still have you here."

Noah grabbed her hand, pulling Rae closer in the process and sunk his fangs into her forearm, drinking just to spite her.
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"Thanks hun!" Marron grinned and took at seat at the bar. "Ahh, if I would have torn his arm off that would only be more for you to clean up. And by the looks of it. There's a lot to be done after tonight."
Rachel looked over to Allen with a grin. "Thirsty aren't ya?" She teased. She set her bottle aside and looked to Allen's drink."Mind if I have a taste?" Her glasses slipped further down the bridge of her nose as she watched him, waiting for a response.

@Midnight Peace
The bartender slides him his cranberry and vodka.

He looks over at Rachel. He frowns. Why does someone want to steal his booze?

"Uhh... Sure..." He slides over the cranberry and vodka. "JJjust a sip, though."

Rachel almost shattered her own teeth when her jaw clenched in pain. "Ugh, what the hell?!" she tried to take back her arm, but he had a harsh grip on her...probably because he was still a little peeved about her sending another vampire after him. "You don't learn, do you?!"
His tongue licked the bite he had made clean and finally let go with a smug look spread across his face. "Just wanted another taste." Even though he looked fine, his body was scooting away slightly from Rae, who he figured would be a seething mess of anger right away.

"Your other little friend didn't believe me, I guess you guys think I'm all talk." Noah grinned even wider at her.
Taran shook his head and popped his neck, the holy water really fucked him up, he could barley see out of his right eye, and it continued to fizzle away at his flesh too. On top of that he was really hungry, to put it simply he was is a pissy mood. He ordered another bottle of ever clear, snatching it up as soon as the bartender came back with it. He poured a bit on the side of his face, sighing in relief as the rest of the holy water was consumed by the alcohol, he then switched the nozzle to his mouth, drinking it greedily and shivering pleasurably at the battery-acid feeling that rushed down his throat. With the holy water out of the way Taran could focus now, the demon lowered it, surprised he only drained around an eighth of the liquid, he glanced to the side and watched Rachel and Allen, not sure who to zero in on. Allen had some weird spirit hit going on, he could tell that much, but Rachel had a different demeanor all together.

@Magical Squid Senpai @Deadly Darkness @Midnight Peace
"Of course," She said with a smile. She took small sip, but her gaze remained on Allen the entire time. It was much sweeter and smoother than the drink she had been chugging down. She set it down and slid it back. "Thank you," Rachel pushed her glasses back up her nose as she looked over at Taran. She smiled, but something seemed off in the smile, like a hidden deadly toxin that couldn't be noticed over her honey sweet exterior. But then it was gone as she let out a bubbly giggle and returned to her bottle.

@Midnight Peace @Napsterbox

(sorry it's been awhile)

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