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Fantasy A Bunch of Horrible People Get Drunk

"That's kind of his I found this place. I guess that's how almost most if the people here found it too." He laid his head on the bar counter, "I don't know how long I've been here! I'm kind of tired now. Maybe this place has a special spell on it!"

@Midnight Peace
After watching the amazing anomaly of flaming bees she let the spell die away. To the others it would have seemed as if she and Glenn had suddenly appeared. She let a sigh of relief that she could now return to her bottle of whatever. Rachel began over to the bar, spotting two strangers; one was here throughout the fight, but the other must have recently joined the fun. "May I sit here?" She spoke softly as to not startle either of the two.

@Midnight Peace @Magical Squid Senpai
Axel1313 said:
"It's good to see you're okay!" He grinned and picked her off of the ground in a spinning hug. "I was helping a couple of cuties escape the fray. Can't have you lose customers right?" he chuckled. "So is the rif-raff gone yet or you still need me to kick a few a$$es?"
"Mmm, maaaybe just one..." Rachel leered at the other vampire, the one that hadn't exactly gotten what he deserved yet. "That little neckbiter there really made a mess of my bar earlier. Marry, do your best friend a favour and make a mess outta him too."
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The vampire scowled at Rae's friend, feeling an odd aura around him, a familiar one. He pouted slightly and decided to leave her side, seeing as she was only making him frustrated at the moment by talking to them.

Noah walked away and sat on the table of a nearby booth, legs swinging back and forth as he ran a few fingers through his hair. There were people here he didn't notice yet, they were unusually boring for what happened earlier.
Allen looks over at the new patron. "Oh, uhh... I dont see why not?"

His sips on the drink absent-mindedly turn into steady gulps, autonomous actions coming from his underlying instinct to get smashed. He lowers the drink from his lips to drink, looking back to the customer he was having a conversation with.

"Spell? What sort of spell?"

@Magical Squid Senpai @Deadly Darkness
"Hmmm, him sweet thang?" His head snapped in the direction of the other vampire. You would think creatures of the same kind would feel some kinship or get along, but unfortunately not. Unlike other creatures their meals could exactly be shared, that and this arseface messed with Rae. He was never a fan of people like that. "For you, I'll try my best to make him pay for the mess he caused you. K?" He grinned and messed up her hair teasingly.

"Hey you!" He called out from across the bar. "Bats for brains! You've got some explaining to do!"

She smiled and took a seat. Seeings as her previous bottle of alcohol had been smashed in all the chaos, she snatched another bottle of random liquid and began drinking. Her plan was the same as before; get drunk and have fun. She was hoping the people surrounding her would be able to help. Just as she thought that Marron yelled across the bar at the vampire who had attacked the bar owner, and then was stuck to her like glue.
Chris waved at the girl, "hello!" He said, he noticed that she had been in here earlier, he was glad that she was safe like some others. "I don't know, like a beckoning spell? Something that attracts you to this place....maybe." He had almost no idea what he was talking about, maybe he should stop with the vodka.

@Midnight Peace @Deadly Darkness
"Oh, uhh... Maybe." He finished off his cranberry and vodka, and upon realizing there is no liquid left in his drink, he looked into the cup, then set it down on the table.

He looks at the barkeep.

"I'll have a manhattan, please."

Allen sure was changing it up quite a bit today. He could begin to feel the effects of the alcohol tugging at him, encouraging his body to relax, his feelings to become bigger and more vibrant, more visible to himself than they were before.

@Magical Squid Senpai @Deadly Darkness
Noah's attention was caught, making him smirk in response. "Can I help you?" He chuckled lightly and jumped back off the table, taking a few steps back to where he stood with them previously.

Flicking a bit of hair away from his face, he smiled widely. Despite his frustration of another vampire being around his own meal, Noah tried to remain as put together as he could.

@egghead @Axel1313
"Why you most certainly can." He flashed him a toothy grin. "You can start by apologizing to my dear Rae Rae here for trying to make a meal of her. And help pay for whatever damage you did to her bar. Can't have hooligans destroying her means of living...or my favorite watering hole." He crossed his arms over his chest. "Where else do you think I find my meals?"

Rachel waved back to the man with a kind smile. She then set the cold, glass bottle to her lips, tilting her head back slightly, taking in large gulps of the drink. The taste of this drink was certainly different than the first bottle she grabbed. This one was very tart and she found no problem in chugging it down.

@Midnight Peace @Magical Squid Senpai
The bartender slid him the drink of his request.

Now we're gettin' down to business.

He promptly picks up the fancy drink, sipping the smooth cocktail.

This is quite nice. Wanna know what would make it a little bit better? If I were drinking it. That's what would make it better.

Gray I'm not doing that

@Magical Squid Senpai @Deadly Darkness
He threw his hands in the air and shrugged irritatingly. "Too bad none of that mattered to me when I was dying of thirst. Besides I wasn't the only ones who had helped in the destruction. Let's see here..." Noah looked around, tapping a finger to his chin. "There was those two dorks who tried to stop me earlier, some demon and human....then whatever happened before I got here...the government....the bees...the flamethrower." He went on and on for a minute before laughing and fixing his gaze on the two.

"It's not really my problem, you see. So you can deal with it yourself." Narrowing his eyes at the other vampire, Noah grazed his teeth with his tongue. "I will express my thanks to her though, she was a wonderful meal.."

@egghead @Axel1313
Against his own wishes, that he never made. Chris ordered another drink. Maybe he could get himself drunk tonight and not act like he did back in highschool. It could end up being fun! He drank it while watching the two men talk about something, he noticed the vampire from earlier, maybe he would get beaten up.

@Deadly Darkness @Midnight Peace
"Rachel," She said after letting the bottle down. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance," She paused allowing him to introduce himself. She set her elbow down delicately on the bar counter, resting her chin on her palm.
"Oh don't worry, I'll make sure they pay too, but you?" He chuckled. " Well, let's just say I don't much appreciate other vampires feeding on Rae or anybody around here." His tone took on a slightly more menacing tone. He really didn't like his comment about her. "You do know that places like this usually have banks too right? No need to feed on people and upset others. Besides, have you tasted her bloody mary's? The are to die for." He sneered.

@autumnwind234 @egghead
Her gaze flicked over to Chris. "Human," She responded. "Though I have magical capabilities." She always tried to refrain from simply saying, 'I can do magic.' When she heard people say that she always imagined dumb card tricks and pulling rabbits out of hats. Rachel mentally shook the thoughts away, refocusing on the people in front of her.
"Oh yes, but nothing could compare to the taste of her pure blood. Why I've never been a fan of sweet things, I like my meals bitter and she was just perfect for the moment, Rae's bitter in more than one way." He sneered and walked closer.

"Why target just little ol' me? If we're going to play it that way then..." Noah walked up to the two and placed an arm around Rae's throat from behind.

"You can watch me help myself once more..."

@egghead @Axel1313
Marron couldn't help but growl. "How about a stake through the heart? That's all pure blood gets our kind anymore." His temper flared when he saw the guy grab Rae from behind.

"Oh yeah wise guy? I'd like to see you try and feed without any teeth!" He snapped and despite the resounding pain in his chest from tonight's earlier letter opener staking he launched himself at the guy.

@autumnwind234 @egghead
His eyes widened at Marron before he even had a chance to sink his teeth into Rae again. Noah got thrown off her at his grasp and laughed obnoxiously.

"OOOH DID I STRIKE A NERVE~?" Behind the cocky attitude, he was pretty scared for every bone in his body, there was literally no chance he could stand up in a fight against Marron. He had only been an actual vampire for 5 years, hence the terrible binge drinking.

@Axel1313 @egghead
"Maybe...." He grumbled, unhappy that he had missed and cursing his lack of eyesight. At least he could see some movement and color still, thank the Gods he could see auras too as well. That was enough to keep track of what he was doing and some slight details of the punk. "You leave her alone and you get to keep that....pretty face of yours intact. and of course I won't bite you either. I don't care if you're also a vampire I swear I'll do it!"

@autumnwind234 @egghead

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