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Fantasy A Bunch of Horrible People Get Drunk

The vampires eye twitched at the noises, on the verge of panic. He was pretty drunk and wouldn't know how to fend for himself very well at this point. Another reason why he didn't like to drink.

Among all the panic, he stumbled up and ran towards the office door Rae had thrown herself in, he frantically twisted the handle and ran in, closing it behind him.
"I thought these shitheads finally left me alone..." Rachel muttered to herself just as she heard the office door fly open. She gasped and spun around, and pointed a gun in that direction, thinking it was one of the intruders.

"Oh, it's just you," she said, still keeping the weapon on him.
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'Oh my gosh! What do we do? Why are they here anyway!' Chris didn't dare to look over the counter. He could already here all of the footsteps and the poor door being bashed open. He didn't want to use any spells just yet, but he had summoned the book, nervously skimming through it. He found a couple of spells that could work! "Taran we should freeze them! It wouldn't get all of them but it would get some of them." He whispered to him. "I could give you some of my life matches. But what do they want with all of us? We're we doing something bad?" That was when he remembered all of the fights and killings and crap that happened in one night.

Noah placed his hands in the air when she pointed the gun at him. She probably wouldn't hesitate to shoot his brains out, especially what happened earlier.

He edged the gun away from his direction. "Geez, calm down princess. What are they even here for?"
Taran slid down further, practically laying on the floor just so his remaining antler wouldn't poke up over the bar. "I don't know, these guys are serious, i'm not sure anything will work out to well for us" He ran his hand through his hair nervously,

"They're here to detain us i think" he paused covering his mouth to quiet a fit of anxious giggle, "You've never had a run in with these guys, have you?" the demon asked 'i'm so screwed. I'm gonna die here. i am going to f*cking die in a rinky-dink bar' he thought, imagining every single person he's killed, whether under contract or just for food and just how he's going to have to pay for all of them.


The bar was in utter chaos. Several groups of agents had branched off and surrounded several of the bar goers, some went quietly, willingly putting on the odd looking hand-cuffs and allowed themselves to e carted out the door, while others decided to fight and were swiftly met with a gun that discharged a static, paralyzing the resistor with little effort. The agents that didn't go off the capture any creatures were escorting the few humans out the door, or searching the booths for anyone that decided to hide.

@autumnwind234 @Deadly Darkness
"It's a place full of demons and monsters," Rachel's voice came out in a lash, but the look on her face was a fearful one, "what do you think they're here for?!"

She crawled over to the cowboy mannequin sitting in the corner and pushed it aside, revealing a small cache of weapons. They weren't anything strong or practical, but they might help.

"Here," she tossed the vampire a gun that had an attached canister filled with what looked like live bees. "Give it a good shake before you shoot it."

She kept the flamethrower for herself.
Chris watched all that was going on. He didn't know what to do. Would he be in trouble? Maybe he could just slip through. He looked at Taran, "m-maybe we should just go...they could hurt us if we don't do what they want...but..." He really didn't want to go with them, so he really didn't know what he was saying!

He took the gun and raised the canister connected to it to eye level with an odd look. "Bees? The hell?" Noah shook it gentle in curiosity then shrugged and held onto it.

"I got bees and you get a flamethrower?!" He scowled at her, almost childish. "Fine, so you expect to out there and torch them with flaming bees?"
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Rachel sat anxiously. Adrenaline pumped through her body; it was fight or flight. People were beginning to search the booths and it was only a matter of time before her and her undead friend were found. With a last quick snap of her fingers she and Glen disappeared. It was a small trick she used to use when playing hide and seek or hiding from big scary adults when she was a child. Silently she slipped from the booth and, when no one was looking in her general area, picked a broken bottle and toss it towards the back door. She hoped it give the people still hiding, as well as herself, a chance to escape.
What is she doing...?

Glen sat in petrified awe as he watched his friend leave from their hiding place and walk straight into the open. It took him about a second to realize nobody but him could see her, and that he probably was under the same spell.

He quickly slipped out from the booth and followed her. "Over there," he whispered, pointing to the hallway leading to the back rooms.
"You can probably slip out with the other humans if they don't find your book or anything else on you" he said, a hopeful rise to his voice. He flinched at the sound of a tranq gun going off. The demon immediately shifted in his spot, hearing a group work their way over to the bar, "Here, give me your stuff, they might search you" he hissed


The bar had quieted down, though it was still very active, as most of the occupants who decided to put up a fight had been dealt with and removed. A few of the branched off groups had begun questioning humans in the bar, asking how they found this place and if any others were aware of its existence. One particular group, consisting of three burly men and two women, one of which was just as large(Or even larger) then the three men, while the other was lean and could even be described as petite. This woman seemed out of place physically, but put off a dark, dominating aura, this was the head of the bust in.

A bottle shattered in a corner, the four behemoths all snapped their heads toward the noise and shot towards it. The small woman stayed behind, curling her lip into a sneer at her subordinate's hasty actions. She let out one loud one single barking command "HOLD IT" and the whole place froze. She paused, slowly walking around the bar, the only noise being her combat boots tapping against the floor,

"If you couldn't tell, you are all being apprehended. You will be taken into custody where you will be questioned. If you all act like good little dogs and do what your told maybe you will be let back out into the public, under the agreement you do not disrupt the social peace. If you decide to resist arrest you will be locked up and never see the light of day for the rest of your natural lives....excuse me, unnatural lives." The woman sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose to ease the on coming headache, "I was going to give you all this information as soon as we walked in, but these sorry excuses-" she took a moment to shoot a piercing glare at the agents, all of which flinched, "Decided to jump head-long into this mess with out thinking, so for that, i apologize."

The bar remained silent for an awkward amount of time before she sighed "You may resume", instantly triggering a more organized madness as the agents began working again.

@autumnwind234 @Deadly Darkness
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Chris un-summonded his spellbook. He he a lot of stuff with him. He handed Taran his dagger, matches, pack of chalk and crystal that he had hanging on his belt. He was going to reach for the small crystal he had around his neck but the agent lady was talking, so he hid it behind his shirt. He didn't want to leave Taran or any of the others that he had met. He guessed he could get away safely but he was still worried. "What about you? Are you going to do what they say?" He whispered to Taran.

There was a loud, wall-shaking crash as the office door flew open...again. Rachel stood in the doorway, white smoke fuming from her eye when she caught sight of the woman who seemed to be in charge.

"You..." she seethed, tightening her grip on the flamethrower. It wasn't clear whether or not she actually knew this woman, but either way she wasn't going to surrender herself or her bar without a fight.
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Eden stumbled into the bar. "Hehe, the party's here baby! VODKA SCOTCH ON THE ROCKS PLEASE!" He shouted to nobody in particular. He noticed the bar fight and started to turn around. "You know... it looks like a bad time... ill be back later... hehe..." He tried to open the door but couldn't figure out how to use it. "Umm... little help? Hehe..."
The demon almost burst out laughing at the the stuff Chris had on him, he stuffed everything in his jacket and pockets. He looked at Chris, a little unsure of what to say he knew he was screwed no matter what he did, but Chris didn't and he rather keep it that way, "I'll just....um... i'll just pop on over to hell, y'know, with portals n' shit" he had no idea what he was talking about, but prayed Chris wouldn't pick up on his lie.


The woman snapped her head to face Rachel, her eyes scanned the bartender and vampire. She grabbed a clean file from under her arm and opened it, looking between the odd pair and the contents, matching Rachel's face to profile. Her brows furrowed, looking again at the tender,

"This is curious... you're the owner of this...-" she paused, looking around, visible disgusted "-establishment, but we have little information on you. Could it be that you've changed your identity or do i just have an incompetent workforce?" As she spoke a few of the agents raised their tranq guns towards the two only to lower them with a quick wave of the hand, "We can settle this like adults, right? No need for-" she squinted "- are those bees?"

She shook her head "Let's start with introductions, shall we? I'm Cheif Special Agent Mathews, head of junior ranks of the CIA, and you are?"

(Had to look up the CIA ranking system to make sure the "Special agent" was actually a thing ; ;)
"You got my name on that piece of ass wipe, don't you?" she kept her finger on the trigger, just in case they tried anything. "The only thing you need to know is that you're in MY place, and you're trespassing."

She licked the lipstick off of her teeth, analyzing the other woman from the top of her head down to the points of her heels. She was so prim and proper, it was almost sickening.
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Noah held back laughter as he gripped the gun, standing behind the bartender. He debated on sending bees flying but figured he'd wait to see what Rachel did first.

Moving ever so slightly, he spoke in her ear. "I really don't expect this to go peacefully, especially with you handling it." He snickered and stepped back, hoping he could get a drink or two out of it anyways.
Chris felt that something was up but he ignored it. He bit his lip and was about to stand up, but then he saw Rachel with what looked like a flame thrower, so he sat back down. "I think we should stay here."

Eden walked up the the person with the flame thrower. "Hey, can you cook dogs with that thing? (hot dogs of course) I think I got one in my pocket, lets test it out!" He then dug into his pocket, trying to find the hotdog he thought he had.
Mathews sighed wearily, this really was dragging out way too long, "You see the thing is that this whole place is illegal. You might as well be running a bed n breakfast for drug dealers, you are harboring sentient beings that are not human, and frankly i can burn this whole place down and get absolutely no repercussions for it, i am just doing my duty." she tossed the file on the floor, there wasn't any useful information in it anyway "Please cooperate, this will go alot easier if you do"


Taran shifted and got ready to make a break for the back door, he turned to Chris and shrugged, "Uh, so i'm not sure what's gonna happen next so...it's been nice drinking with you Chris" he ran for the door. More then a few agents saw him and gave chase down the back hall, much to the demon's displeasure.

There was no getting through to her after making that threat. "Nobody burns my place down..." she hoisted up the flamethrower and pulled the trigger, "...BUT ME."

Hot inferno gushed out of the nozzle, spraying everything in front of her with flames that could definitely cook a hot dog. Her laugh was the most horrific yet as she watched the stream of fire. "NOW, fangboy! Shoot the damn bees!!!"
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"It was nice knowing you Taran." Chris sighed when he saw the agents go after him. He also remembered that he gave taran most of his stuff, Chris would have to find a way to get it back. He had to get out of here, he saw there was about to be a big fight. So he crawled over to hide under a booth, hopeing that no one would catch him due to all that the bar tender was doing. She really was an interesting woman.


(RIP Taran the demon.)
Noah took the canister from the gun and gave it a violent shake, then placing it back on. "On it, darling!" He gripped it and pressed the trigger, laughing as actual bee's shot out among the flames, swarming the agents.

"Release the bee's!!" The vampire kept laughing as he made the stupid comment.

autumnwind234 said:
Noah took the canister from the gun and gave it a violent shake, then placing it back on. "On it, darling!" He gripped it and pressed the trigger, laughing as actual bee's shot out among the flames, swarming the agents.
"Release the bee's!!" The vampire kept laughing as he made the stupid comment.

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