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Fantasy A Bunch of Horrible People Get Drunk

Noah looked as if he was sick when she handed him the cup, this sure was that high end bar he heard out about the whole time. "Cheers." Taking it, he took the lid off and shrugged, downing a big amount of it. She sure did know how to make a mean drink though.

"You know, I wouldn't mind getting totally drunk with you, this is a pretty good drink, and you're quite the fine drink yourself." He turned to Rachel and gave a sleazy smile.
"Everyone likes getting drunk with me," Rachel replied pridefully, as if it were obvious. She poured some more tabasco sauce into her mug, then drank. "and is biting and smooth-talking all your mouth can do?"


Glen sighed in relief when she declined. He tossed the vial away, hearing it hit the glass-covered floor with a delicate tink!

"Yes, please..." he took the bottle from her and took a long swig of whatever was inside of it. If he was going to end up doing anything crazy that night (aside from killing werewolves), he'd need to be drunk.
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"Oh don't worry darling, it can do a lot more." He took a large drink and set the pink cup down on the desk with a slight bang, it was empty now. Seems there was just no quenching his thirst for blood.

"I could show you, but I'm just not drunk enough yet." Noah licked his fangs, tongue grazing over the canines in almost a teasing way.
With a small yawn, Rachel stretched her arms above her head. She made soft sounds as a symphony of cracks rolled up her spine. "So, what kind of fun would you like to get into? At least I hope you're looking for fun, having a partner in crime would be much more entertaining." She rambled slightly as she scanned the shelves for another in tact bottle of alcohol.
Glen almost inhaled his entire cigarette when the door to the office suddenly swung open and banged loudly against the wall. A familiar asshole stood in the doorway with two big bottles of vodka in her arms.

She slammed the bottles down on the table, and looked at everyone with an awful, awful smile on her face. "So, how about a drinking contest?!?!"
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Noah popped out behind her, now in better shape from earlier. He had a couple drinks in him and this time, no blood all over his face.

His smirk widened with Rae's actions, glancing at the other woman in the bar before turning back.

"I think that's a fine idea~"
"HAH! Good luck trying to keep up with me!" The wretch of a woman pulled out four perfectly in-tact shot glasses from beneath the counter before filling them all to the very brim with vodka.

She drank hers in one gulp, squeezed her eyes shut at the taste, then slammed it down for another round. She was really out to get pissed...
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Shivers practically went down Noah's spine watching her do that. He picked up a glass of his own and reluctantly downed it in one go, barely able to make it. Alcohol was something he enjoyed but shots, not so much.

The vampire grinned and grinded his teeth, hoping once he had enough of these, he wouldn't taste it anymore.

"Oh yeah? Watch me." He signalled her to pour out another.
Rachel poured some more into his glass, so fast that some of the vodka spilled onto her hand and the table. She cackled with delight, her laugh as loud and villainous as her personality.

"Um..." The zombie watched the two hedonists inhale their shots before he could even look down at his own. He shrugged, and finally drank it. Might as well join in.
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Once seeing the shot glasses she regretted drinking the bottle previous to this event, but there was no way she was going down without a fight. She picked up the shot glass and downed it. She slammed the glass down more so from the alcohol than her determination to remain the contest. Her muscles finally relaxed allowing her to the release the shot glass she threatened to smash.
In a flash he took the next and somehow it went down easier than the last. He covered his mouth with the back of his hand and swallowed, putting the glass down for another. Noah would have preferred something more, red and bloody but there was no backing out now.

"C'mon, darling show me what you can do." His hand let go of the glass and looked at Rae with a smirk.
Glen felt the burning liquid trickle out of the hole in his chest and seep onto his clothes. He sighed and pulled out a roll of duct tape, then went to work sealing it back up. It wasn't easy being dead...

On the other side of the counter, Rachel prepared another round of shots. She glared at the vampire, grinning. It was like she only really wanted to beat him at this.
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Finally, Noah took a seat since he was already feeling it take effect. Just the slightest bit..

He eyed the shot glass with a sheepish look before again taking it all down.

It didn't get better.

He still hated the straight taste and it was going to make him sick sooner or later but wasn't going to show it to the people sitting around. Instead, he licked his fangs, setting the glass for another deadly shot.
Taran stumbled at Chris's sudden laugh, a sudden red blush fled across his face, the demon's pale skin only accentuating it's effect. He straightened up, laughing like a moron,

"You're one to talk you little doe-eyed jerk, it's hard to move around with all this-" he took a long sweeping gesture up his body "hot shit in one place" Taran paused and blurted out, completely off-topic "Do you smell hand sanitizer and...plastic?" he asked, scrunching his nose at the new scent

@Magical Squid Senpai
"Oh yes, it must be so hard with all that hot shit!" Chris giggled.Chris tilted his head at Taran and sniffed around, he faintly smelled what he did. Chris turned and looked around. "Yeah...what is that?"

"Smells like a library" he grumbled, staring down the ally of closed shops and garbage. His face paled and he swallowed the rock in his throat, all before grabbing Chris by his arm and dragging him inside the bar. The demon did a quick scan of the room, letting go of the other male and striding over to Rachel,

"u-uh bartender iI don't know if you were aware but, there's f*cking government outside and i don't think they came for the booze"

@egghead @Magical Squid Senpai
"I saw them coming down the ally" he muttered, digging his sharped nails into the wood in anxiousness, a million thoughts racing through his head at once. Taran tapped his boot heel on the floor quickly, his eyes darting back and forth between Rachel and the door.

@egghead @Magical Squid Senpai
"Oh, shit," was all she could say before the sound of thumping feet and yelling broke in from the outside. It became pretty apparent that they were being quickly surrounded, and Rachel could already see the guns pointing at her head and the shiny black safety glass of the hazmat suits.

"UH. Sorry, guys, bar's closed for the night!"

She half-stumbled, half-ran for her office just as the building's front door was blasted to pieces.
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Noah looked back to see the two from earlier, he thought they left. It all happened too fast honestly, he had no time to react. What the hell was the government even here for?


Quickly, he jumped behind the counter and ducked down, watching Rae run into the office.
Chris didn't know whether it was an adrenaline rush? Sudden super strength? Or just not wanting to get shot. Well whatever it was it gave him the sudden strength to grab Tarans feet, lift him up and push him head first over the counter the minute the door was blown off. After Taran was over it, Chris jumped over the counter and ducked behind it. "Sorry!" He said to Taran.


(It's super doe eyed boy!)
Her eyes widened at the sound. In panic she quickly grabbed Glen's hand and pulled him into a booth so that they were hidden. There was no hope; as soon as the people stormed the building everyone would be found. Though hopefully if they were distracted by the people behind the bar they could flee out the back door. She felt selfish for thinking that, but there was no point if they were all caught.
Taran let out a string of curses as he tumbled over the counter, somehow bumping every part of bis body. He squirmed to get right-side up, propping his feet against the bar as his eyes shot around frantically for an out, landing on a dirty washcloth. He snatched it, yanking a bottle of some drink from one of the many open cabinets. The adrenaline-high demon crammed the cloth into the neck of the bottle then began searching for a pack of matches. To his surprise he found nothing of the sort and hopped onto his knees to peek over the counter, landing on his favorite little doe-eyed witch,

"He~ey Chris-y, gotta light?" Taran asked, an exited rise to his voice

@Magical Squid Senpai
Chris probably would have cracked up at how Taran collected himself after Chris had tipped him over, but now was not the time. He peeked over the counter and then shrunk back and looked at Taran. "I have blue fire matches, they will work even better." He reached into his pocket and have Taran the box of beautiful blue matches.

The bar doors caved in as nearly 70 men and women of a variety of sizes, dressed in the same perfect black uniform came in, all bearing a manner of odd looking guns and tranquilizer-like things that looked like they could all take down a bull elephant. The sudden increase in the occupation of the room also came with the assertive shouting of phrases such as "Come out with your arms and other like appendages up" "This is government, you are all being detained until further notice" and even "Any resistance of arrest or aggression shown will be met with force

Taran's face dropped and his eyes widened at the sight of the box before dropping into a twisted grin, "And now we have a backup-" he was cut off by the sudden rush of noise, snapping his head back to see the new crowd. He visibly deflated at the sight of the group, dunking once again behind the counter, gripping the cocktail in a twitching hand.

@autumnwind234 @Deadly Darkness

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