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Fantasy A Bunch of Horrible People Get Drunk

The zombie kicked at the broken glass and chunks of debris spilled across the floor. He shuddered thinking about what could have happened while they were outside getting free drugs.

"Does this always happen...?" he asked just as an unconscious body was dropped in front of him.

He almost screamed when he saw Rachel. She looked like she just came out of a battlezone; her clothes were torn up and crusty with blood, and the plastic crown she was wearing was melted on one side.
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Taran shuffled up to Chris eagerly, legs crossed obediently. He folded his hands in his lap, hoping that Chris's winning streak of spells would continue.

"uh, sh-should i like...? tilt me head or something?"" he asked, tilting his head forward, not exactly sure how or what to do.

@Magical Squid Senpai
Chris reached his hands up to Tarans head and tilted it forward. "You are at the right angle! Just hold still for a minute." He pulled out a fancy white marker that was only used for spells, it could write in anything. Chris uncapped it, "I just need to draw something on your head. But don't worry, it will disappear after the spell." He measured where the antler would have to be. He put his hand on the side of Tarans head to keep it steady while he drew a circle and some symbols in it. Once he was done he put the marker away and sat back, "ok! You need to be quiet while I do this and be still." He put his left hand on the remaining antler and his right hand on the circle. He closed his eyes while he started to mummble the spell.

Taran jumped when Chris touched his head, surprised at how warm his hand was, he was aware that his own skin was cold, but was always pleasantly caught off guard whenever a human touched him. The pen felt odd on his hair, 'it tingles' he thought before focusing on sitting still, tuning in to the spell, he caught one or two words, but in whole couldn't make out much.

(If you don't mind i'd like the spell not to work, i'm growing on the idea of him only having one antler ; ;)

@Magical Squid Senpai
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Chris was almost done the spell. He could feel the antler in his hands! When the spell was over he opened his eyes and there was the new antler! "I got it!" But it disappeared just as fast as it had come. He pulled his hand away. 'What the heck? Where did it go?' He looked at the antlerless spot, even the spell circle was gone. He bit his lip and looked at Taran, "um. It didn't work....it disappeared!"


(Yes, one antler for life!)
Noah's eyes slowly opened to a room more dim than the main bar. He felt terrible, as if someone had smashed his face in....oh wait..

The vampire grabbed his face, only to feel his own blood all over it, still warm. He didn't know how long he was out but judging from the pain, it wasn't long. His eyes looked up to see the bartender, a face he couldn't forget but there was some other people he didn't recognize. Amongst the pain, he tried to sit up but fell back down, that blow was going to take a bit to heal...
Taran shrugged, he wasn't exactly surprised, but still a little disappointed, "Don't worry about it, i'll say i lost it in a big fight or something" he chuckled, "and maybe it'll grow back quicker this time"

He reached up and wiped a trail of the black, mucusy blood that had slinked down the side of his face. The glutton took one glance at his hand and grimaced, flicking the stuff against the wall, only to have it stick and creep down the surface. Taran decided it was way to stuffy in the room, that and the stench of blood, alcohol and sex was getting to him. He turned to Chris and asked, "Could we go outside?"

@Magical Squid Senpai
Chris sighed, kind of disappointed that he couldn't help Taran. Sure he could bring a man back to life but an antler? No way!

He got up and looked at Taran, "you can tell them it was against a bunch of vampires with big guns or something." He Looked around the bar. It was quiet again, with a few extra bullit holes. "Yeah, I could get some fresh air."

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"...Wh-what happened?" Glen heard himself ask, his dark eyes wide as he gawked at the bar owner's cheesy horror movie-esque appearance.

"I kicked this guy's ass, that's what happened." Rachel explained as she kicked the vampire casually in the head, not realizing that he was conscious. "You wanna grab his legs for me? Give me a hand with this, and we can forget aaaall about you paying for that big hole in my wall."

It didn't seem like he had much of a choice. Glen sighed as he lifted up the younger man's legs. "Um, where are we taking him?"

The red woman only smiled. "You'll see."
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"and lasers." Taran got up and hopped over the bar counter, he strode over to the door opening it and bowing in an exaggerated butler like manner, "After you, young master" putting on a silky-smooth British accent

@Magical Squid Senpai
"Yes, and lasers." Chris followed behind Taran, over the bar and over to the door. "Why thank you Taran!" He said trying to say in a British accent, it kind of sounded more Scottish. He chuckled and walked out the door, taking a beep breath and then coughing. He had breathed in that random spoke coming from a sewer. Surprisingly it was still dark out. Chris leaned against the wall on the other side. "There's definetly a better smell out here. It's less stuffy."

@MindScape (I'm guessing it's still dark out.)
Rachel lead them into another hallway. It looked separate from the rest of the building, and even smelled different...like some kind of disinfectant.

"It's a bitch keeping everything alive in a place like this," she said to Glen as they hauled the vampire down the strange new hallway. "Everyone's trying to kill or eat each other all the time, so I had to make a cozy little place in the back for the guys that get messed up bad."

They continued into a small, pale room bright with fluorescent lighting. This was obviously the "infirmary" she was talking about, because there was a gurney, a table covered in medical tools and gauze, piles of rope, a chair with straps, and many other strange devices laying around. There was even a toilet in the corner.

She dredged up her surgical mask and pulled out a pair of shackles. "It used to be the bathroom."
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Noah didn't even realize that he had passed out again after trying to get up the first time, he'd just wish it would heal already before something worse happened. But it must have only been the beginning, or he had jinxed himself because his eyes opened yet again to am extremely bright room, the scent burned his nose more than it already hurt. This time he could put his head up more, shaking his messy hair away from his face, he could see strange tools and other things laying around. Soft footsteps filled his ears which made him try to jump up, only to find he was tied by...chains? Wait, what's going on here, what are they trying to do? The vampires arms struggled against the restraints until his eyes focused on a familar woman. "Heyyy, any idea whats going on here?" Noah chuckled nervously, he was completely oblivious at the moment. Suddenly the pain wasn't so bad, all he felt was panic now.
Glen saw something being thrown at him. He caught whatever it was and held it up to see that it was a nurse's uniform.

"Put that on, will you?" Rachel's voice was muffled through her mask. She dug around in a cabinet and threw out some used bandages before producing a tool with lots of sharp bits (that were mostly for show). She turned around and leaned over the gurney Noah was strapped down in, and held it out for him to see.

"Let's make sure you never bite anyone again, eh?" she reached out and pried his mouth open forcefully, revealing his fangs.
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Once the woman touched him, he realized what was going on. "H-Hey!" He could barely talk from her holding his mouth open, it was extremely uncomfortable. There was no way he was going to let her do anything to his teeth. Noah tried to bite her hand just before he jerked his head away and then holding his mouth closed. The red in his eyes lit up with anger, could he even reason with this woman at this point?

Daring to speak, the vampire opened his mouth, somehow a smirk being able to cross it among everything going on. "I never caught your name, you're quite the delicious freak, aren't you?" Just as the words exited, he closed his mouth again, keeping as much distance that he could possibly get on the gurney.
"I'm just getting some practice," she seemed a little peeved that he wasn't panicking as much as she thought he would. "I want to..be able to go to medical school someday."

Glen finished slipping on the nurse outfit, but didn't look so sure about whether or not to put on the red fishnet stockings that came with it. A heart-felt tear trickled down his cheek when he heard the sad confession. "Oh no...you've never achieved your dream?"

"Nah, I did." Rachel replied as she tried to shove her fingers into the vampire's mouth. "I got kicked out."

The audience laughed.
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After watching the brawl between the vampire, feisty bar owner, and a now one-horned demon, Rachel had the urge to start something. Obviously, she had no chance in a full-out brawl, but just watching was boring. Both Glen and Marron had both reentered the bar, but the zombie was quickly pulled away to help drag away the unconscious body of the vampire. Rachel slid off her glasses and pinched the bridge of her nose. 'I'm not drunk enough,' she before heading towards the damaged bar and searching for a bottle that was still in tact.
Noah laughed at her at first, just to have his mouth toyed with again. He almost choked, having a terrible gag reflex. This time he bit down on her fingers with force, letting her mouthwatering blood tickle his taste buds for a second time. In between it all he was able to spit some words out.

"Just put it on my tab, darling."

He yanked his head away again, hoping the blood would be enough to give him strength and escape this insane game she was playing. The male licked his lips one more time, getting a mixture of his own blood and hers, it was wonderful.
"Ow!" Rachel yanked back her hand when he bit her. She tore off her mask and kissed her throbbing fingers, frowning when she tasted blood.

She looked down at him angrily, then held up the "prop" she was holding earlier and turned it on. It buzzed loudly, like a chainsaw, as she brought it dangerously close to his face.

"All right, smart guy, how about this: you stop screwing around with me and my bar, and maaaybe I'll think about not putting this in your mouth."
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He smiled in satisfaction at her reaction, Noah liked that feisty side of her but he didn't like the....THING she was bringing to his face. The vampires eyes widened, watching it closely, trying to figure out what it was even.

"Be careful with that thing, if you cut yourself I might have to put your own restraints on and suck you dry."

He couldn't help himself, making comments to her like that was what made it all the better. A cocky laugh could be heard under the buzzing noise along with the sound of metal bending and snapping. The side of the gurney had broke, freeing one of his hands, the chains still hanging on his wrists. It actually hurt to do that...

Raising a hand to her arm, holding the prop back he looked her in the eye. "Would you trust me if I said yes, cupcake?" Again he was surprised as to how strong the bartender was when she was angry.
Rachel grated her teeth in frustration as he continued to sweet talk her even after she just threatened to rip out his teeth. She switched off the torture device, and eyed his face closely, searching for any trace of deceit in his expression.

"We'll see..." was all she said as she walked away, leaving him tied down to the gurney.

Glen looked around frantically. He had no idea what was going on, or why there was so much tension between them, but didn't risk losing an arm asking. "Um, do I still have to wear this?"

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Noah's eyes stared her right back when she eyed him, laying straight on his back and careful not to move. A a sly smirk on his face up until the second she moved away from him. "Ah, yes how can you resist someone like me, not to mention these darling eyes I posses." He started laughing really hard, reaching over to his other wrist and undoing the chains. They dropped with a loud noise, the male sitting up and wiping most of the blood from his face, at least what wasn't dried on.

"Who's this weirdo?" Noah glanced at the other guy in the room, he looked like a fool in the nurse outfit, making him snicker and raise an eyebrow. "You her lackey? Lucky ducky." The vampire swung his legs off the gurney, letting them swing back and forth in an irritating manner while he sat staring at Glen.
The zombie didn't know what to say or do. It felt like he was going to fall apart, but he managed to keep his composure, and made sure that the duct tape was still holding his limbs together.

"Hmm, I wouldn't mess with him if I were you." Rachel hummed, now standing besides the table with the tools. She was cleaning black gunk off of what looked like a scalpel. "The guy's a cold-blooded murderer, killed a werewolf with his own two hands."

Glen shrugged. It was sort of true.
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He threw off his bloody hoodie, revealing his black and white t-shirt, the article of clothing being tossed to the floor. It was almost as if the beautiful murderous look in the bartenders face had disappeared. What a shame...

The vampire hopped off the bed and stretched, fixing his hair a bit in the process. "Oooh~" Noah spun around towards the two again, glancing back and forth between them. "Tell me more.." His gaze finally settled on Glen, smiling wide with his fangs showing.
Glen shrunk back towards the toilet when the boy flashed his fangs at him. A vampire? He definitely wasn't human...but then again neither was he, so he relaxed. It wasn't like he had any blood left to drink anyway.

"Not much to tell..."" The woman sounded bored while she touched up on her makeup in the reflection of the scalpel. She made it seem like it wasn't even an interesting story to tell. "Let's just say the mutt didn't want to stay dead, so I had to put him down myself."

She looked up at them when she was finished; her face and arms were blood and blemish-free, no trace of any bite marks or glass, and her lips were freshly painted in a coat of dark red lipstick. Even her clothes were back to normal.

"Coming?" she stepped into the hallway leading back to the bar.
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