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Fantasy A Bunch of Horrible People Get Drunk

Taran fell back and groaned in annoyance, making his way back over and seeing even more blood across the floor. He stared down at the vampire, glass sticking out of his arm. The demon kicked the vampire off of the bartender with a harsh blow to the stomach, taking the chance to get in between the two.

"Calm the hell down" he snapped, pupils dilating to the point of almost blacking out his entire iris

Rachel rubbed at her arms, hoping the friction would help recover some heat. Deciding it was a better idea to go back into the bar, she made her way around the building and back to the front entrance. She looked at the sign she had seen when first approaching the bar. She smiled as if it were an old friend. With a turn of the doorknob she looked in at the hell that was breaking loose. With a simple shrug she made her way to one of the tables to watch.
Axel1313 said:
"Hmmm..." Marron squinted his eyes curiously as he inspected it. He hadn't seen anything like this before...it looked odd. He carefully wiggled the cap off and dumped the most minute bit of it in his hand to smell it... That was certainly a poor decision. As soon as he did his nose burned and..and the world went all kaleidoscope colors on him and his head felt like it was going to fly off of his shoulders.
"Guhh....Good Gods." He groaned, thankfully he'd only got a small amount of that. "Whooo! You got some powerful stuff there Glenny. I'd definitely keep that stashed away for a rainy day." He laughed.
Glen took back the vial and looked it over again, this time more cautiously. He stuffed it into one of his pockets and walked with Marron through the big industrial door leading to the back rooms. The interior hadn't changed much, aside from the huge hole in the wall and the bullet holes. It still smelled like cigars.
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The smug look faded into a concerned one as the woman reached for something. Preparing himself for anything the vampire stood in a stance as if he was going to run any moment. Was it a gun? Knife? Something worse?

Something splatted on his face, it was gross and he wanted to throw up. "Seriously!?" Noah swiped his hand across his face, trying to take off the remains of the rotten fruit. Most of it came off but before he could do anything else someone kicked him away while he was distracted. Hitting the wall behind, a few bottles of liquor fell down and shattered to the ground, adding more to the scent of strong alcohol and broken glass.

Noah winced and wiped his face off again, looking at the male who had done that to him. His eyes narrowed with anger, standing up from the ground while he waited for the pain to fade.

"Goodness, how many time do I have to tell you?" The vampire jumped the counted again and threw himself after the demon.

"Stay out of it!"
Chris watched the vampire, taran and the bar tender. He didnt know what to do. It was only when the vampire lunged at Taran, he found a good spell. He jumped infront of Taran and summoned an electric wall between him and the vampire. He was hopeping it would be strong enough to throw him back, but not kill him.

@autumnwind234 @MindScape @egghead
"I'm not a very good liste- hey!" Taran started, but was cut off by Chris jumping in the way and summoning a wall of crackling electricity. He stood still, not really used to someone helping him out.

@autumnwind234 @egghead @Magical Squid Senpai
Noah pulled himself to a stop before he could hit the electric wall in front of him, just centimetres away. His eyes looked over to see a male with a spell book in his hands, he hated these kinds of people, thinking they could stop things like him. Scoffing, he looked at the one with the book in his hand and smiled. "You can try all you want, but you're just a mere human." His eyes seemed to almost glow again.

Back when he was first turned, he used to try and act as human as he could, only to build some type of hatred to them. Walking around taunting him unknowingly...

Noah walked up to the male, turning his attention away to the one behind the electric wall. He ran and batted the book he held away. "Why can't you stay out of this either!?" His tongue traced his sharp canines, this guy was a human...
'Oh crap. What did I expect would happen?' He gasped when the vampire knocked the book out of his hands. He had to think of something quick! He had some things in his jacket that he could use. He slid his hands into his pocket and nervously shrugged at the vampire, "uh, I don't know. Just something I do."

@autumnwind234 @MindScape @egghead
Taran grabbed the vampire's shirt, pulling him close to his face, teeth bared in anger, "Didn't i say to calm the f*ck down?" he snarled. The demon reeled his fist back and hitting the other, square in the jaw. He dropped him on the ground and ground the heel of his boot into the vampire's hand, waiting for the satisfying snaps and crunches of bone.

@autumnwind234 @egghead
Rachel managed to crawl to her feet. She cracked her eye open, and blinked as blood dripped into it. In her glass-impaled arms was a laser rifle that she stole from a time traveller she used to play poker with.

"You all get out of my way!!!" she yelled to the crowd as she aimed the cheesy sci-fi weapon at the vampire, who still had her blood dripping from his mouth.

She was going to make him pay for wasting her (very expensive) stock...
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The punch hurt more than one from a human, along with the stomping of his hand. He desperately tried to pull it out from under him before a familiar voice yelled from behind the bar counter, making him smile through all the pain. He was reminded of how good she tasted, also making him chuckle. Immediately after, Noah ripped his hand out from under the demons weight and adjusted it, the bones cracking back into place. Although it did hurt to do so.

Noah stood up and dusted himself off from the glass and dust of the bar ground. He adjusted his jacket and lowered his head to the bartender. "No need to get mad, how about that bloody Mary?" Completely disregarding the males near him, the vampire walked closer to the woman he had bitten with a smug look on his face.
His taunts stirred something inside her, a nostalgic thirst for destruction that made her pull the trigger. She unleashed a barrage of energy bullets at him, not exactly aiming to hit him...right away. That would end it all too quickly.
Noah tried his best to dodge her shots, although it was quite hard she was shooting like a crazy person. A laser rifle miiiight hurt a bit to get shot with...

"So I guess that's a no to my drink?" He laughed as she shot at him, snickering as if he was having fun. "C'mon! We can be friends." The words ended in a full out laugh before a shot came too close to his arm for comfort. The vampire got closer, continuing to dodge. He got close enough to lean against the counter with a smile on his face, taking a finger and moving the gun away from him. He held it away.

"Be careful with what you do with that thing." Noah narrowed his eyes, a smile so smug it could edge it's way into her nerves by a single glance.
"I do what I want."

She yanked back the rifle, then flashed a grin before giving him what he had coming by ramming the butt of it into his nose.

It connected with a loud, satisfying crack. The sound of metal on flesh was sickening, and Rachel felt her arms and fingers vibrate dully with the hit. That's gonna leave a mark.
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His eyes went wide just before the end of the gun connected with his face. The pain felt like it rammed it's way into his brain. "SHIT!" Noah gripped his face and stumbled backwards, knocking over more things, this time stools. For a moment he tried to handle it, but ended up hitting the deck, out cold. His nose bled all over his face, eyes closed and unconscious. That would have hurt a lot more if he hadn't drank blood before it but even so that woman packed a punch when she was angry.
Taran stumbled backwards, trying to keep track of this guy. Right as he saw Rachel pull out the gun he dropped to the floor, yanking Chris down as well. He waited until the bullets(lasers?) ceased and sat up, watching with wide eyes as she practically blew the vampire's face off. The demon burst out in a loud hyena-like laughter, falling back onto the ground while holding his stomach. He kicked his feet in the air like a child, riding out his fit of obnoxious chortling, teetering on hysterics as fat tears welled up in the corner of his eyes.


(Mama deer protects her deerling ヽ( ´ー`)ノ )
"Well....supposed I've seen this place in far worse shape." The vampire scratched his head as he glanced around at the mess. "At least this time around I'm not the one who's going to have to pay Rae back for damages." He chuckled.

Chris just sort of stood there like an idiot until Taran had pulled him down. That lady was crazy! But he liked it! He laid there until the mess was over. He heard Taran laughing rather hysterically. "What is so funny?" He didn't really find any of this funny, Taran definitely had a different sence of humor. He stood up and looked at the vampire, he was out cold. Chris let out a sigh, this sure was one hell of a night.

@autumnwind234 @MindScape (best deer mama! (^ ^)
Rachel looked down at the man who dared. She pressed her heel against the his mouth, tempted to break his teeth, but nearly fell back. Frustrated by her lack of coordination, she instead searched him for cash and weapons before doing anything else.

"Pssh, of course," she muttered when she found nothing valuable on him. He wasn't off the hook though; she pulled up his unconscious body and hoisted him over the counter behind the bar.

"I was having fun, dammit!!!!" she shouted as she kicked him towards the hallway.
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Taran finally calmed down enough to breath, barely able to talk, "oh- oh my god, she blew his damn face off" he chortled, clapping his hand over his mouth.

The demon kept watching, forcing back his fits as Rachel beat the shit out of the vampire, which at this point he felt a little bad for. He glanced over to Chris and smirked under his hand, still snorting and chortling, "H-had enough yet?"

@autumnwind234 @Magical Squid Senpai @egghead
Chris watched Rachel kick the vampire to some place. Although it wasn't really getting him anywhere. He turned to Taran who had kind of stopped laughing but he was still acting crazy. "Had enough..." He shrugged. He could leave, yet for some strange reason he didn't want to. He sighed, "I don't think so. Have you?"

"Hell no" he blanked, combing his fingers through his tangled hair in one swift motion, stopping noticing something was missing. The glutton's hands shot up to his head, frantically feeling the left side, "Son of a bitch!"

"She shot my antler off!!" He shouted in shock "She shot it off!" his hand felt for the remaining one, just to check, it was still there.

Taran twisted around, seeing his pride laying on the floor a few feet behind the two, end charred from the blast. He stared with wide eyes, his jaw hanging open "I'm a uni-horn" he whined

@Magical Squid Senpai
Chris tried to hold back his laughter, "its not that bad! I could probably fix it!" He looked at the antler, or what he thought was an antler. "You don't look that bad!" He hoped he had something to fix it. Chris felt the top of his head just to make sure he wasn't missing anything.

"These have been growing ever since i've been a demon! s-so that's what? 200-ish years?" Taran guessed unsure "What if it takes that long again!?" he gasped "what if it doesn't grow back at all" a look of dread washed over his face "Chris my group is ruthless. They will NEVER let me forget this. Please you have to fix this" he begged, "I'll do anything!" just imagining the jokes, unlike people, they don't give a shit about feelings, or political correctness for that matter.

@Magical Squid Senpai
"Ok, ok! Just calm down." Chris went to get his spellbook from the ground then he went back to Taran. "Just sit down infront of me." He kneeled down and flipped through the pages of the book, hopeing to find something useful. He found a spell that could duplicate the other antler. "I have a way to fix it! Come closer."


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