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Fantasy A Bunch of Horrible People Get Drunk

Taran grabbed the nearest fork and bit the handle to conduct some of the bitter anger. When Chris came back he sighed and dropped the utensil on the counter, the tip dented with the imprint of his canine and incisor,

"So this isn't regular for you?" he laughed "Tame in my book." He tossed back the jägerbomb, effectively dousing the remaining vexation that lingered in his mind. The demon glanced at the beer Chris had and quipped "Careful, Jerry might be here this time, and for his sake he might not wanna be found"
Chris thought for a second, "well, being a witch in training is not a very...calming thing but this had nothing to do with my family! I just stumbled into this place." He took another sip of the beer and blushed at Tarans remark. "B-be quiet. That was only once!"

Taran rolled his eyes, still grinning "Calm down, you shouldn't be embarrassed" he insisted "It's not like sleeping with people is exactly uncommon, right?" he balanced his cups onto one another, making a tiny tower that he personally thought was amazing. At this point he'd compleatly forgotten about the thing that had made him mad- or even that he was mad for that matter, as it usually was whenever he tried to remember something from before his death.

@Magical Squid Senpai
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"I know it's normal, it's just not normal for me." He took another sip, the beer wasn't that good but he was too thirsty to care. "So what about you? Do demons like to sleep around? What do you even do all day?"

Taran looked at Chris, a little surprised by the question, "Well... the only ones that 'sleep around' are lusts, and that's only because it's their drive. Food's my main focus so, I don't have any real interest in hooking up. If a someone i thought was hot threw them self at me-" he stopped to laugh "- don't get me wrong, of course i would, but i won't go out of my way for it. That seems to be the case for anyone else that isn't a lust." The last one made him stop for a moment as he pondered on it,

"What we do all day?" he began hesitantly, "Nothing much happens down in 'Hell', a lot of us talk and do random shit to pass the time, like me, others lay around and try remembering their life as a human, some do nothing but go out and wreck shit up here.... then there's the guys that've been around so long they just...aren't right." he shook his head, "We usually distance ourselves from those ones."

Taran knocked over his little tower on the counter, "Me personally? people will summon me, as cheesy as it sounds, and get me to kill someone they don't like. Of course I have rules, like nobody younger than 15, nobody who didn't do anything really bad- if they're halfway decent I won't do it, but if they're a murderer or something It's no problem. After that i clean up the body, I'm uncultured and span. What do you think happened to the pedos and abusers that just up and disappear?" he said it all of it was very matter-of-factly, because it was.

@Magical Squid Senpai
The woman laughed loudly at the giant's burp, then mixed him a glass of vodka and something sinisterly red. She took a sip from it, leaving a lipstick mark, and it started to glow.

"Here's a special one, juuust for you, hon," she smiled as she pushed it over to him. A stronger drink for a stronger guy.
"Hmm, it sounds...boring. Just lazing around all day. But I guess you can do fun stuff, like you being here right now."

For some reason, Chris was just imagining a bunch of demons just laying on a couch doing nothing. Like a bunch of bored college kids. Yet he still thought that was not what it would look like.

"So people summon you to do their dirty work? Seems interesting. Has anyone ever summoned you for a stupid reason?"

Hearing the lady laugh, Jean couldn't suppress a toothy smile. "Yes!" He spoke bluntly, cupping the glass and raising it to his thick lips. The taste made him cringe, but the feeling was still oddly satisfying. The old man placed it down on the bar, inhaled deeply, and took another chug. Again, he slammed it down. "YES!" The booming voice of the basajaun penetrated a few of the other patron's conversations. Jean spotted them shooting him dirty looks and hid his face.

"Ooh, sorry." He snorted. "I got a little excited. I'm gettin' old, ya know. But thank you, missy."
"sure" he shrugged "one time some delusional teen summoned me so i could marry her or something, it was kinda freaky how sure she was- 'You're my soulmate, i know it!'" he scoffed, still fiddling with various things on the counter "I stopped listening half way in then booked as soon as she stopped talking to breathe"

@Magical Squid Senpai
Chris laughed at that, "wow! How the heck could some teen girl find a spell or something to summon a demon?" He chuckled, "and she claimed you were her soul mate? I wonder why she thought that?" He took a swig of the beer, setting the bottle back down and fiddled with it. "Maybe you should've taken up her offer." He teased.

"Eugh" he cringed "No thanks"

Taran continued to mess with one of the small glasses until it slipped and shattered on the counter, a few shards embedding themselves in his hand "Whoops" he said, enthusiastically. He paused before cursing at the sharp burn where the shards were, snatching a stray napkin to catch the blue-black sludge that seeped from the cuts.

@Magical Squid Senpai
"Oh, let me help you!" Chris took out a cloth and wiped the 'blood' from Tarans hand. Seeing as the napkins wouldn't be of any help for this mess. "You should get the glass out of your hand before they get stuck or something." He said as he took some of the napkins and wiped up the glass.

"it's fine, just the alcohol" he mumbled, snickering at the discomfort that crawled up his arm "What were we talking 'bout?"

@Magical Squid Senpai (sorry for disappearing like that for a week ;; i signed up for a cram school last minute and compleatly forgot about rpn)
Taran yawned, stretching and popping his left shoulder "Shit, that's right, yeah no thanks. She just kept going on and on, she talked about how she was "waiting her whole life for this" I really hope i wasn't like that when i was a teen, delusional n' shit" he cringed at the thought "...you ever have anything like that happen to you? Like with a crazy stalker chick"

@Magical Squid Senpai
Chris chuckled, "Yeah, there are alot of people who like to follow witchs. When I was in middle school, this girl and guy kept watching me. They wanted to know if I was a witch. Back then I kept it from everyone, kind of still do. But they thought I was up to something bad! They followed me around school, the walk home, anywhere I went." He took a sip of his beer. "I never told my mom until they started talking to me, telling me weird things. My mom found out and put a forgetful spell on them. And they never bothered me again!"

Taran thought 'creepy ass kids' "About you're mom... she seems a bit weird. I mean, on one hand she's throwin' you at a monster to see if you could handle yourself and on the other she's swooping in when two weird kids start bothering you, not that them stalking you isn't bad, but you know what i mean"

@Magical Squid Senpai
Chris shrugged, "yeah, my mom is weird. She always tells me that this is how her mother raised her too. Sure she'll throw the weird stuff at me. But that's when we were training." He played with his beer bottle and chuckled when he remembered how strange those kids were. "She did that because she didn't want them to find out. She said they were annoying."

Taran stared as Chris talked, and raised an eyebrow once he finished and deadpanned, "That's weird."

He tried thinking of what Chris's mom would look like, coming up with something akin to a teacher, " I thought mom's were supposed to be..." He paused, trying to think of a word that would fit, "-nice? Warm? I don't know." After that he hummed, thinking of what a mom mom would look like,.

"Are all witches like that? All mean and snarly towards their kids?"

@Magical Squid Senpai
"My mom isn't mean or snarly towards me. She is just...a little tough when she needs to be! She acts like a regular mother would only...different." He chuckled, "she is nice and warm. She is caring. That's what a mother should be! But all witch mothers are different." Chris thought of another answer. "Maybe she is different because she was younger when she got me, she told me she had just turned 25 when I was left on her doorstep." Chris just shrugged. He really could not explain his strange mother.

"25's kinda old..." He muttered, scratching at the base of his left antler. The calm was bothering him a bit, it itched at the back of his head.

"It's really quiet" he stated "is it quiet where you live?" His voice cracked as he fiddled with his hands aggresivly, rubbing them together.

@Magical Squid Senpai
"Hmm, well she says she's still young." He looked around the bar. There was barely anyone here, besides some passed out drunks. "It's surprising how quiet it got after the fight." He turned back to Taran. "It's quiet, except for the occasional explosion from mixing the wrong potion in the back yard. But otherwise its fine."

"Oh, it's loud downstairs-" he laughed "by now something would've happened...like another fight or something." Taran messed with his remaining snake-bite as he talked, picturing the brutal mosh pits that would form every few hours and leave the whole place in shambles and demons half concious, only to start up again later.

@Magical Squid Senpai
The place was pretty busy, although he just got there Noah figured this place was pretty wild from what he had seen and heard from others. The Bartender was a rumored asshole too. Except he wasn't here for no fun and games, he was thirsty for blood and bad. Off into the corner of the bar at a table, alone there he was. His red eyes glancing around at the people and...things of all kind, it kind of made him feel at home but the scent of human blood filled the air, making his heartbeat go wild and hands tremble with excitement.

Noah licked his lips slowly and rested his head in his hand, fixing his eyes on a certain bartender with the scent emanating strongly from, his thoughts racing a hundred miles an hour. It was either he'd get a drink strong enough or end up sucking someone dry. Standing up from the table, he walked towards the counter with clenched fists and biting his tongue so hard it was practically about to fall off.

"Excuse me, could I perhaps get a bloody mary, be generous with the bloody part if you will." The male looked like he as about to lunge, eyes darting around the room and hands trembling as he leaned against the counter. His red eyes, almost glowing, slowly fell to the sight of the heavenly liquid, his heart was going to leap out of his chest. The smug smile on his face slowly faded into a look of distress and pain, the craving was too strong. After all it had been a while since the last time he drank blood, he was almost a binge drinker at this point. Her leg, it was bleeding...it made a small smirk return to his face showing off the sharp, white canines.

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