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Fantasy A Bunch of Horrible People Get Drunk

"Oh, ok." He sighed, "I'm not just a kid in a bar. I know how to take care of myself!" Chris laughed nervously, finely relaxing, his hands were shaking some. "I'll be sure to remember that!"

Chris is a big softy, he would never hurt anyone unless he really had too. He felt like he could run a mile right now! He stood up and paced around the room, breathing in and out.

He turned to Taran and frowned at him, "what would have happened if I had hurt you!? If you hadn't stopped when you did I probably would have used a spell against you! I had already killed a man tonight, I don't want to kill anyone else..." What a violent night!

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Holding the artifact in front of him made him feel safe. The horned man-beast seemed to not like that gesture, though he recovered fairly quickly. Fortunately, there were no repercussions.

Jean's friend Chris and their assailant began talking deeply, and the basajaun was definitely not interested. They need a room, anyway.

His wide feet inched closer to the door, and as he approached his freedom, a creak of the wood broke his silence. Without looking for a reaction, Jean bolted out the door and back onto the neon dance floor.

The bar was empty. "I guess I'll help myself!" Jean shuffled towards a bar stool, sat down, and gulped down a half-empty can of something.
Chris was still pacing, a worried look on his face. "Yeah, I was trying to protect Jean and someone else and I put up a protection spell on a werewolf and he suffocated in the glass box that I summoned!" He took a deep breath. He let it out, "I brought him back to life though, but now he's human!"

"Sheesh, that's not violent at all" he muttered, wondering what it'd be like to die twice. Taran shook his head, once was enough for him.

He sighed, feeling the burn leave his skin, "where'd your friend go off to?"
Chris hadn't realized that Jean was not with them. He got up and looked out the door, Jean was drinking beer at the bar. He was surprised that the bar was empty! Well except for some unconscious drunks laying here and there. He turned back to Taran, "the big fight is over. Everyone must have gotten tired and just left."

"Hey!!! You have to pay for that!!" Rachel yelled from behind the bar, on the floor. She looked awful; her hair was messy, her lipstick smudged, and her plastic crown was sitting in a puddle of beer.

She got up to her feet and leaned her entire weight against the counter, staring the basajaun in the eye. "Don't tryyyy me, pal. I already killed the last guy that tried to pinch me."

She burst out laughing as she pulled out a glass for herself. "Just kidding, big guy. Let's drink."
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Glen traded the vial for the cigarette. He watched nervously as the vampire looked it over. "Well? Do you know what it is?"
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"Hmmm..." Marron squinted his eyes curiously as he inspected it. He hadn't seen anything like this before...it looked odd. He carefully wiggled the cap off and dumped the most minute bit of it in his hand to smell it... That was certainly a poor decision. As soon as he did his nose burned and..and the world went all kaleidoscope colors on him and his head felt like it was going to fly off of his shoulders.

"Guhh....Good Gods." He groaned, thankfully he'd only got a small amount of that. "Whooo! You got some powerful stuff there Glenny. I'd definitely keep that stashed away for a rainy day." He laughed.
"Oh yay! More booze then!" He shouted, rolling over and getting up and following Chris "So sprite, have ya tried clear befo......r. Oh my god, the tender's hammard! oh, there he is"

Taran slingshotted over to the seat he took at the beginning of his night. Digging around in pocket he tossed out a flurry of differing bills, not even trying to see what he was paying, it's not like he could actually read them, and they weren't even his.

"here's for the last shot...annnnd the rest of the bottle" he called down to her, yanking the alcohol from behind the counter and unscrewing the top with a satisfying pop

(hehe rhymes)

#Magical Squid Senpai
Chris walked after Taran and sat with him. He watched him dump out a bunch of money. "You suddenly seem really excited."

Chris could only imagine how much beer the demon could drink. "Do you come here a lot?"

Taran responded by shaking his head "no" quickly rolling the bottle's neck in between his palms "I don't get to do many recreational activities up here, too busy with work," taking a long swig and being careful not to get any on his skin all while reveling in the harsh burn that fled down his throat.

"I can't remember if i've ever had alcohol before, can you?"

"I'd offer you some but it feels like battery acid and oven cleaner" he paused "probably has the same effect on this kidney too." The glutton laughed loudly "One time me and a few other guys i know from downstairs-" he gestured at the floor "- got a damn car to run with this stuff!" Swinging his arm over Chris's shoulder "Besides, you're way to cute an' squishy to be giving gasoline to drink"

@Magical Squid Senpai
Chris looked up at Taran and chuckled with him.

'Wow this demon sure is something!'

"Well I don't drink alot. Only one glass of vodka when there's a special occasion."
He blushed, suddenly remembering the last time he had gotten drunk. "I once got drunk at a party when I was in highschool... It was embarrassing." He still can't believe he got so shit faced over a couple of beers!

Taran felt his thoughts slurring over, but kept himself tuned into the conversation as little random thoughts bubbled around in the back of his head.

"What'd you do?" he asked eagerly, scenarios of a little drunk Chris running around with a bunch of horny and equally drunk teens amusing him
"Uh, well...I kind of just ran around the house doing stupid drunk things. My friends told me they said I was looking for someone named Jerry. They also said I would go around giggling at random." He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "And then they explained to me the way I was dancing so...sexually with some random dude!" He grimaced at that part. "Then we played spin the bottle. And I took that too far! I think I kinda just jumped at the guy that the bottle landed on..." He blushed a very deep red. "You can guess where that went." He mumbled.

Taran grinned in amusement, taking another long drink from the bottle,

"Didn't think you had it in you" he remarked, on both the other's drive and preference,after Chris finished. "Also didn't know you liked guys~" he teased playfully

@Magical Squid Senpai
Chris sighed, "yeah, I didn't really know I had it in me either." It only his last year in highschool. Like a last hura. "My mom was furious with me! But my aunts calmed her down, they thought it was funny."

He blushed at Tarans teasing. He never really goes around telling people that. "Uh yeah, I've liked guys since I was in....I think the end of middle school."

At this he looked mildly interested, he never thought about what people liked "Really? huh...have anyone special?" Taran cooed.

"I'd be surprised if you didn't, a hunk like you'd have guys falling all over him" The demon snickered, trying his best to sound like a vally girl, but failing horribly and landing more in a British-ellen area.

@Magical Squid Senpai
"Um, I used to have a boyfriend. But we broke up." He said looking down a little. But he chuckled at Tarans fake accent. "I don't have guys falling all over me! I mean I wish I did!" He shrugged and smiled, "that wouldn't be so bad."

"Well don't get all sad about it, sometimes i can remember having a wife and kid, so that means a girl had to find me tolerable enough to settle down with. If i can do it, i'm sure you won't have a problem!" His mouth twitched downward halfway through the sentence, but he kept his tone.

Taran set the bottle of everclear down, after draining the last of it. He surprised himself, remembering that bit of info, especially under the influence.

@Magical Squid Senpai
Chris saw that Taran seemed a little sad after that. He wanted to ask about what he remembered before he..died? But he didn't want to upset the demon.

He sighed, "I think I need a drink, do you want me to get you anything?" He said as he got up.

The already shaken old man was about to spew out what was in his mouth when he heard the sudden yell, but luckily, he was able to keep it in. Most of it.

Jean laughed along with the bartender, albeit nervously. "Ah, it's the prrr..." His voice trailed off, trying not to actually incite an attempted murder. He glanced at the woman's hair, studying her face, intrigued by the sudden shift from put-together to falling-apart.

"I'd be delighted!" The basajaun took another swig of fuel from a nearby glass. He let out a loud belch.
Taran furrowed his brows, obviously deep in thought. He didn't think about it often, so when he did he really tried to gather as much as he could before something else drew his attention, "Huh?" 'shit.' "uh, sure" 'wait damnit' "ohh~ how about a Jägerbomb!" He asked enthusiastically, afterwards bringing his fist up to his forehead in frustration. He felt like he just walked into a room to do something important, but forgot.

'It'll be easier if i just forget about it' he thought as he begrudgingly accepted the all too familiar lapse in memory 'As awesome it is being a demon, this bullshit got old four damn centuries ago' he thought sourly

@Magical Squid Senpai
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Chris nodded and went to the bar and ordered a bottle of beer and a jägerbomb. He paid for it and made his way back to his eat.Chris handed Taran the drink before sitting back down. "Wow, this sure was a crazy night for me." He opened the bottle and took a large gulp of it.


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