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Fantasy A Bunch of Horrible People Get Drunk

Jake let out a manly shriek as the woman jumped on his back. He stood up and slammed his back against the shelf full of beer bottles. He may not be a werewolf anymore but luckily he was still kinda built like one, he still had a little strength left! But obviously not enough because he was going down like a pansy. 'Holy crap this woman has one strong grip!' He did not want that to be his last thought! He struggled with her, tried to see if he could transform back, but it wasn't working. He would have to settle with this stupid human body. But he wasn't done fighting yet!
Taran followed Chris to the quiet waiting room and dropped jean on the nearest sofa. He looked around the new room excitedly, rushing over to a vase with blue pompom flowers. He gazed at them, looking from all different angles, "What are these?" he asked, sounding more like a child than someone who just ripped a man's arm off let alone eat it.
Several rare, expensive bottles crashed to the floor as the wolfman tried to throw her off, but that only fuelled her murderous intent. Rachel waved around a familiar trinket: the pocketknife that killed him earlier that night. She had picked it up in the hallway, and planned to put it to good use.

She hollered as she jammed the blade into his neck.
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"Fuck!" Was the last thing Jake said before he blew up in a cloud of black smoke. Dropping everything on him, money, clothes, beer and Rachel. They all fell to the floor where the wolfman once stood. The black spoke traveled through the bar until it reached Chris. It was absorded into a crystal hanging on Chris' jacket. The wolfman was no more.

Chris was surprised when he saw the smoke enter the crystal, 'a failed spell? What spell was I useing?' He just ignored it for now and turned to Jean on the couch. "Uh...they're flowers." He said, unsure as to why the man was so interested in the little vase.

He gently picked out one of the flowers, still looking at it.His wide eyes had gone half lidded and his constantly tense form relaxed for once. 'this feels weird.' he thought sticking the stem through his shirt, pinning it in. Taran turned around and returned to his regular, high energy state, "What's your name again?"
"Tarandrus, but just Taran is easier" he pause "and ah, no, not really. These dainty little things wouldn't make it too long where i'm from"
Taran laughed "No problem! Well it's kinda like hell, but not in the "Eternal torture" sense, it's more like another dimension where demons stay" he paused then started back up "And it's not like we're pure evil either, see, when a human is killed in a really violent fashion or died with a lot of regrets or whatever, the soul re-manifests into a type of demon that relates to how they died. They'd become a wrath if they were murdered, or a greed if they lived and died in poverty. i know a few guys who remember being kings and were killed, so now they're prides."
"Wow. That is really interesting." He got up and peeked out the door. "The bar is still in a frenzy. It's definitely much safer in herexl." Chris shut the door behind him and turned to Taran, "what even started all that?"

He shrugged, sitting down in the sofa not occupied by Jean. The glutton stretched his arms and legs, groaning and popping his neck, he cartoonishly gripped his stomach and whined, "That guy's arm barely had any meat on it~ hey tell me if someone croaks so i can get a good meal in". flopping on his side, sluggishly.
Chris really didn't want to do something like that. "I could try to summon some meat for you. If you eat any kind of meat." Chris said as he flipped through his spellbook.

'Cause I really don't want to watch you eat a person.'

"Let's just hope I don't kill someone this time..."
He mumbled to himself.

"You can do that!?" he gasped, rolling over on the couch and landing on the floor with a thump "Yeah, i'll eat anything" he confirmed eagerly, "one time i went like 3 weeks without eating and blacked out, woke up next to a half eaten cow and something else i couldn't even figure out from what was left"

Taran sat up, watching Chris's spellbook with interest "Oh hey! I've always wondered, are you like, born a wizard or are you a human that learned..?"

@Chris Montaview
Chris sat down in front of Taran and looked through his book. "I'm just a human. I was left on the doorstep of a witch's house. She took me in. She and her sisters taught me all I know! But because I am only a human it takes a lot of time for me to learn spells." He finally found the food section of the book, labeled 'don't starve, use when you actually need it' "my aunts tell me that I must've been born with some magic in me. They say they can sense it."

He smiled as he remembered how they would always tell him that, they still do. "Ok, I found a spell for a...ew...big dead pig. Would that do?"

Maybe it was because his eye was so swollen that it obstructed his vision or maybe it was because he had actually been knocked out of consciousness. Either way, Jean got himself in wild trouble. An entire crowd of creatures throwing their fists all around them. The poor old man couldn't believe what had just happened until he awoke from the horrible dream and lay on a brightly-colored couch. He stared at the clean wall and gasped. Was it all a dream?

It wasn't soon before he heard a familiar voice and a more sour, inhuman voice. Jean grumbled, slowly rising. A sharp pain in his abdomen made him slump onto his back once again.

"Ohhh... Geez, the kids in this place are..." He looked at Chris and the unfamiliar face next to him. "Aside from you kids, thank you."
"That's really nice, taking in a kid they just saw on their porch. Weird ta' think about the circumstances, huh? If you're aunts had been meaner, or if your real mom dropped you on the wrong house, you probably wouldn't be here now" Taran said plainly, not really thinking about his blunt words

"It's nice to know there's still good people in this world..."his voice had grown soft before snapping back "Like you for getting me dinner! Hell yeah i'm good with a pig!" Taran exclaimed, pressing his hands to his face and squishing his cheeks "Those little jackasses are hard to catch and mean too, but are sooooo good once ya get the little bastard" He lifted up his shirt and pointed to a scar on his side (among dozens of others of varying shapes and sizes) "This is from the last time i tried wrestling a hog down, lil' maggot got me in the side with his tusk, i couldn't walk for weeks-" He stopped, seeing Jean sit up "Morning"

@buzz @Magical Squid Senpai
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Glen pushed past the vampire to get into the alleyway. He slipped on a puddle of blood on his way out, and ended up colliding into a pile of boxes and trash. The noise sent rats skittering across the concrete.

It was unusually humid outside; the sky warped in a dry red haze that sucked the sweat from skin, and the moon stared down at them all, watching.


After she had retrieved her belongings, Rachel spat on the werewolf's remains then sat down behind the bar to examine her wound. It didn't look too bad, but it wasn't any paper cut.

She grumbled to herself as she grabbed the nearest open beer bottle and took a good, long pull from its neck. She needed it after what had happened.
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"You wanna know a secret?" Johnathan mused as he sunk his shoulders just below the surface of the water to keep himself anchored down. "I've....known what you are this entiiiire time. I've worked in the bar long enough ta know." He cocked his head to the side slightly. "I...don't know why I'm following you though. I know better? Maybe I...still wanna be dragged away forever. Y'know?"


"Whoaa, careful there buddy. Don't want to have to stitch you together yet again." He laughed and took a seat next to him to check for any bad scratches. "Least out here nobody will have to get any bullets pulled out of them though."
Chris chuckled at his bluntness and the way his mood can change so easily, "yeah it is a good thing that they weren't evil or anything!" He said as he got up and backed away from Taran a little, so the pig couldn't hit him or anything. He opened the book and quietly said the spell. When he was done, out popped a big pig right in front of Taran. He grimaced at it, "here you go, enjoy!"

Chris walked over to Jean and knelt down in front of him. He pulled out a tiny potion bottle full of bright blue liquid. "Here Jean, drink this and it will help you feel better."

He smiled warmly at the young man. "Bless you, dear." His voice was hoarse and breathy as he reached for the small liquid. Jean twisted the cap open and gasped when glittery colored smoke arose from the container. He quickly let the liquid down his throat, satiating both a lingering thirst and any sense of tiredness.

"I feel..." His eyes grew large. "I feel like I'm young again! You sure are a magician, Chris."

Jean sat up. "And now you've got this farm animal in here?! Oh, boy..."
"I'm glad you are feeling better!" He smiled up at him, "oh and that is just for Taran, he was hungry." He turned back to Jean, "now you should take it easy! You keep running off and getting hurt!" He was starting to sound like his mother.

"Don't worry 'bout me, boy." He snorted. "Worry 'bout this guy." Jean eyed the creature that looked willing to eat live swine. Keeping another dish of vomit down, the basajaun cleared his throat and leaned back on the couch.

@Magical Squid Senpai
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Rachel flinched, watching Glen slip and land in a pile of decaying boxes and trash. She tried her best to take a deep breath, but coming from a place with little humidity and heat she found it rather difficult. Pushing her thoughts aside, she knelt down by the undead. "You ok, Glen?"

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