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Fantasy A Bunch of Horrible People Get Drunk

He was unsure of what was happening, remaining still and not pursuing the wolfman any further. Jean knew better than to entice something cursed with far more horrifying mutations.

The sudden screech of countless explosions of some sort made Jean flinch with a scream. "What's that, what was that, Chris?!" He turned, not wanting to find out. Jean concentrated his thoughts and closed his eyes the way an elderly basajaun would do in meditation. As soon as he was ready, the elder forced his head through the wall before him, charging through an array of grime and guck as he made his way out of the room, trampling the cheap wall beneath his feet.

Jean grunted, sprinting through the crowd and spiraling into the stomach of an oblivious patron. The scaly gentleman's stomach made crunching noises as it collided with the basajaun's firm forehead. They both collapsed on the floor, the reptilian spilling it's drink and breaking the glass on it's assaulter's head instead. "You lookin' for a fight, ssssshithead?!" Jean saw red, oozing down his own face and spilling out of the yelling lizard's mouth. The slithering of it's tongue flicked the crimson everywhere. "Who's this geezer, Stick?" A breathy voice resounded from above them. Before Jean could look up, Stick's friend pummeled a hoof into his hairy face.

The reptilian man got onto it's feet and began to violently kick Jean's stomach, his hoofed friend aiding him in the brutality. The old man said nothing, lost in a painful trance.
The bar erupted into a frenzy. Loud screams and hollers shook the building as patrons either joined in on the violence or rushed out to avoid it. Blood and spit of all colours flew out of mouths as fists met with them. It was just another ordinary night out at Rachel's place.
"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!! Jean where are you going?!" Chris yelled as he covered his ears. The sound of gun shots and screaming everywhere. He looked over at the man and the red lady with the gun. He slid against the wall and out the door to find Jean.

The bar was in chaos. He mad his way through the crowd, dodging punches and kicks. When he finally found Jean he was covered in a couple bruises that will look awful tomorrow. He two wierd creatures beating up Jean, he was not going to let them beat him like that! He took a deep breath and ran over to the snake dude and tackled him to the ground. Chris pulled out a small can of wasp spray and nearly let the whole can empty in the guys eyes.


Jake rolled to the side and quickly tried to crawl out the room. When he made it out he was immediately met with a punch in the face. He stumbled back into the hall. "Screw this place! I'll go out the back!"

Taran watched the place go to chaos, not saying much before gleefully shouting "It's just like home~!"

He continued watching before seeing two freaks whaling on some poor old dude and a what looked like a young adult macing the hell out of one of the attackers.

He walked over, inches away from the scrap "Y'all need any help?" He knew he didn't really have to ask, but it was a force of habit.
After spraying the screaming snake guy and then hitting him in the head with the can, Chris got up and looked behind him at the other man. "Uh yeah I guess so." he said as he glared at the horse man. He went to see if Jean was ok after pushing the guys hooves away.
He smiled widely, pupils contracting as he grabbed horse-man's forearm roughly, "I thought it was general practice to respect your elders, not beat 'em half to death" Shoving him to the ground he shrugged, looming over him "It's alright, i was hungry anyway. Always wondered what horse tasted like"

Naturally the creature looked horrified, earning a loud cackle from Taran, "Wow, you are easy to scare! You're so tough until you get zeroed out, huh?"

Dropping to his knees and twisting the "man's" arm in a completely unnatural direction and finally yanking it completely out of its socket. He looked down at the squirming form, a look of disgust on his face, "Why aren't you bleeding? What're you a mannequin?...Ah... anyway, bullying is bad. Don't let me catch you doing it again now, ya hear?" Pointing to him with his own arm

Taran walked back to the odd pair, chewing on the arm-leg like a dog. He stopped, swallowed a chunk of meat and asked "Is he alright?" pointing to Jean
Chris watched as the man continued to eat the leg of the horseman. "Um yeah, he seems a little zoned out. We should take him to a quieter place. Can you help me?" He looked up at the other man with a worried look. He hoped that Jean wasn't hurt again.

"You're not goin anywhere!!!" Rachel yelled above the shouting and gunfire as she snagged the wolfman by the shirt before whipping him into a bullet-riddled wall. She was unusually strong, so it took no effort for her to hustle a werewolf...or at least, it looked effortless.

@Chris Montaview
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'Oh shit! I wish I was still a werewolf!!! I could probably take her!' The thought came to his mind. "Hey! I didn't do anything! I was knocked out and then somebody screwed me up!" He shouted at her. "Actually, somebody killed me while you were here! I should have this place shut down!!"

That last comment made her blood boil. "Ohhh, and you should've stayed dead, wolfy!"

She turned the glock at an angle and prepared to shoot him, but a stray bottle flew in from the bar and hit her in the back of the head. The impact knocked her over and even made her drop her gun. It fell to the liquor-soaked floor with a clatter.

@Chris Montaview
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Marius nearly jumped out of his skin when chaos erupted in the bar, but...that was really nothing new to him surprisingly. "Better sit farther back you two, wouldn't want to get caught up in this." He slid to the back of the booth and kicked his boots up onto the table to watch as he sipped his beverage.

@egghead @Deadly Darkness
Jake lunged for the gun and grabbed it. "haha!" He pointed it at her as he slowly backed up. A sick grin on his face. "Fricken humans!! I should kill you! But I have other plans." He started laughing as he shot her right leg. He ran out and over to the bar. Jumping behind it he started to look for were they keep the money. He wasn't leaving empty handed.

It was about time those shooting stars and four-leaf clovers did their job: the bullet somehow only grazed her leg, though that didn't do her any favour other than not having to pick out bits of metal.

Rachel roared angrily as she tried to chase after him, but her leg screamed pain and spat out dark blood. She doubled over and groaned, her mind racing with every horrible thing the werewolf could be doing in her bar.

"That asshole..." she muttered dryly as she leaned against the wall.
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@Chris Montaview i guess there's a money box beneath the counter? though rae rae keeps the most valuable stuff on herself
He nodded curtly, picking Jean up and throwing the basajaun over his shoulder. He looked over to see a ratty looking guy rummaging around behind the bar,

"What's he doing?"

He pursed his lips wondering if he should do something 'Bartender was nice...but i already have this guy...'

Taran shrugged, "Where to sprite?"
Rachel jumped at the sudden burst of action. She swore, scooting farther back until her back hit Glen. "Does this normally happen?" She watched with a look of shock an eagerness. She had half mind to join in, but being only a human who can do card tricks she didn't think it would be the most wise idea. Though she did know how to throw a good punch.
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Glen shielded himself from the flying glass and chairs as best as he could. He was screaming, but he couldn't be heard over the other noises in the room.

"Oh god, get me out of here!!!" he pleaded to his new friends.
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Rachel watched the two, nodding almost too excitedly at Marron's comment. "Alright, let's go." She knew it was bad to get excited at such a violent scene, but she couldn't help it. She loved a good fight.
Glen was more than willing to let the vampire lead. He didn't realize he was doing it, but he was clinging to both of their shirts, and even though he was already dead, he was afraid to lose another limb.
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Jake laughed as he stuffed a little bit of money in his pockets. 'Hehe, if I had a mustache I would be twirling it right now!' He thought to himself. He moved around the bar and decided to take some beer with him before he left.

Chris looked up at the man when he just lifted Jean up like he was nothing. "Uh. Over here!" He stood up and lead him to a different hall way, just so that he didn't have to look at all the mess he made in the last room. He opened the door to a random room, it may be a waiting room? "Here set him on this couch."

"Aahhaaaa...Try not to grab the shirt there bud." Marius wheezed as pain shot through his chest. "I'm still not one hundred percent in that area quite yet." He chuckled. Trying to make light of the situation as he escorted them both to the exit in the back.

@egghead @Deadly Darkness
"Here," She stuck her hand out to Glen with a kind smile. "That way there's no chance of anyone being lost or left behind."

She then turned to Marron, a hand out for him as well. "Care to join the preschool safety rope?"
There was a holler as Rachel pounced on the werewolf's back. She had used up most of her strength to make it back into the bar, and her pride wouldn't let her go down without a fight...or until someone was dead.

"Getcher hands off of my shit!!!" she yelled as she strangled him from behind.

There was fire in her eye this time. Nobody messed with her bar, and more importantly, nobody messed with her money.

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