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Fantasy A Bunch of Horrible People Get Drunk

It felt as if the stomach he had in his body had turned against him. Old Jean gripped his own neck to keep the grime from overflowing. Why is this happening? The tension was too much to bear and when the man spoke, it all broke out.

He didn't know what to do, the stench engulfing his senses and ruining the shining floor.

"Ah..." Jean wiped his mouth. "Nice to meet you..."
egghead said:
"Sure thing, babe!!!" Rachel called back, her voice crystal clear despite her being halfway across the floor. In an instant, one of her shadows glided over and delivered his order: a Bloody Mary...with a shot of actual blood, just the way he liked it.
Meanwhile the zombie's legs trembled underneath the booth, making the table shake a little. "I guess I'm here because I've never been before," he replied as he stirred his drink obsessively. "I didn't expect to see so many people that are like me, I mean, that are...um, dead."

He shut himself up with another drink.
Axel1313 said:
"Thanks a million Rae Rae!" He happily sang back to her as his drink was delivered. Aaah, definitely what he needed. "Good motive. It's always fun to keep moving around. Searching for people like you. Stick around long enough here and I'm sure you'll have no issues with that." He grinned. "As for me? I'm just a regular around here."
@Deadly Darkness wink wonk
Chris was still trying to clean up the chalk. But the chalk wasn't the problem! The light from the spell had burned a circle on the floor, it looked like someone had used a pencil to color in the dot. 'Oh my gosh! I don't know how to get rid of this!' He's really going to have to pay for this!

The wolfman gave Jean a strange look. "What's wrong with you?" He turned around and started to get up, he stretched and looked back at Jean. "Hey...didn't you hit me....with a bottle?"

Taran crept into the bar, stretched, curious eyes rapidly taking in as much detail possible, landing on many of the odd characters that dotted the area. Stopping on an obviously drunk merman in particular, then on an a woman in red behind a bar. He slid over , seating himself in a chair and scanned the counter top for something to entertain himself with, finding a steak knife another patron had left behind. He picked it up and moved it around in his hand, flipping it over and inspecting it, thoroughly engrossed in this activity.
Rachel smiled, "Me too. This is my first time being in a place like this, but so far I like it." Her steady gaze flicked to the man who said to be a regular here. "I guess then if you keep coming back it must be a good time." She rested her arm back on the table before mentally face-palming. "Oh, not sure how it slipped my mind, but I'm Rachel. It's nice to meet you guys."

@Axel1313 @egghead (So sorry, was out all day, but left my computer on!)
Like a half-dead cockroach, Jean scurried towards the nearest box of tissues and overflowing water fountain.

"Yes," he began to explain as he wiped the grime from his mouth, "you were a monster." His eyes narrowed as he turned to face the strange man. "But whatever you remember, know that it was your fault." The basajaun put his hands on his waist and puffed his chest. Jean wasn't scared of any man-eating werewolf from hell, or so he thought.

@Chris Montaview
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Darts and empty bottles flew over her head, the bar buzzing wildly with cackles and screams of the otherworldly. Rachel loved the chaos, and she somehow managed to keep up with everything going on.

She noticed another new patron sitting at the bar, and as she leaned in to ask what he wanted to drink, she inhaled the earthy smells of dirt and mud. It was also hard to miss the horns protruding from his skull.

"Hmm, haven't seen any of you guys round here in awhile," she hummed, referring to his demon kind.



"Rachel..." the dead man repeated pleasantly, tasting the word for the first time. What a stylish name! He certainly was meeting many interesting people tonight!

He started to feel a little out of place. "...Oh! Uh, I'm Glen."

@Deadly Darkness
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"You hit the nail on the head there" He chuckled. "That's exactly why I come here. My customers love it and Rae is a real sweetie." He leaned back in his seat and sipped his drink. "My name is Marius, or Marron. Either one is fine. It's nice to meet you Rachel and you too Glenny poo."

@Deadly Darkness @egghead
He looked up, meeting the bartender's eyes and smiled widely at her comment. Continuing to fiddle with the knife, only half as invested as he was 30 seconds before. He excitedly began,

"Oh you like them? And it's no wonder you don't get many of us, half aren't allowed to leave hell and the other half just don't care! Firs'time I've been up here though! Well for recreation anyway... I don't get the chance to really look around-" he paused ,took and deep breath, before turning back. "Did somebody die?" Not really in a surprised tone, just a curious one.

"Eh, somebody always karks it down here," she replied with a shrug, not really answering his question. "The only reason this place doesn't get shut down is because most of these guys just exist in the underworld and because I clean up damn well."

She looked up from the glass she was cleaning to return his smile. "Annnd you bet I like you demons. The last one that was here almost destroyed the bathrooms, but he waaaas a good time."

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Glenny poo?

The zombie couldn't stop himself. He choked on the ice in his drink, and somehow ended up spilling the rest of the gin all over himself and some of the booth. "Oh, god..."
Rachel found herself smiling once again. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you, Glen and Marron." Her gaze wandered back to the crowd. She itched for excitement. Suddenly Glenn choked on his drink, spilling what was left in the glass over himself. "Are you alright?" Though she wasn't certain if the undead could die again, she was still rather concerned. "Here, I'll go get something to help clean this up." She quickly stood and headed towards the bar. She wanted some excitement, but this wasn't what she had in mind!
"Oh! Woops. Careful there hun. Don't want you dying on us again." He giggled. Watching as Rachel ran off to get something to help clean up the mess. "Hmm. I could always lick it off to~" A wide devilish grin spread across his face. "Course you're a little out of luck. I'm not a fan of drinks like Gin. Bit too strong for my taste." He winked.

@egghead @Deadly Darkness
Taran chuckled, continuing his fiddling with the knife"That's interesting, he was probably a wrath, those guys are freaking insane" He paused before sticking the knife through his hand, cackling loudly. Then like nothing happened, he continued,"You ever got a body you need getting rid of call me, i'll take care of it."

He pressed a finger to his lips for a moment, "Ya' got ever clear?" he cooed, the most quiet he's been since he walked in.
Glen practically wheezed when the vampire winked at him. He didn't mean to overreact, but he wasn't used to so much teasing. "You're killing me here..." he rasped, half-joking, as he wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his ratty coat.


"Everclear?" her eyebrows raised slightly as she watched him stab his own hand. "You really are a demon. I'll check the back for some, kay? Ohhh, and don't bleed like that, you're making a mess."

She disappeared into the staff room for a second before returning with some tissues and a small bottle of the spirit. It looked different from any other kind, and had a label with words that weren't in any human language.

"Here you go, sweetie," she filled up a small glass and handed it to him. "Uh, you sure you want it straight?"

With a few napkins in hand, Rachel soon returned. She sat back down and began wiping up the spill. She couldn't stand sticky counter tops; it always irked her. Once the table was decently clean she then turned to Glen and, without any thought, began dabbing at his jacket and shirt. Quickly realizing that this was a fellow person she looked up at him. "Sorry, force of habit." Her words tripped over themselves anxiously. She pushed her glasses up higher on the bridge of her nose, while the napkin continued to move without her. She squeaked, seeing the floating napkin and with a snap of her fingers it disappeared, leaving a small puff of grey smoke.
"I'm sorry bud. I just can't help myself." He laughed. His eyes widened as he watched the woman begin to clean up Glen aaand make the napkin disappear. "Wow. That's some trick there hun. gotta be real handy when cleaning up."

@egghead @Deadly Darkness
He looked at his hand and jumped a little in surprise at the sight of blood. Dragging his hand over his lap, Taran continued to watch the blood move, feeling like a child in the weirdest way. As soon as the bar tender returned, he nodded excitedly, snatching the drink as soon as it hit the table and downing it and quivering at the burning sensation that followed. He placed the cup down and sighed contently, his eyes now lazily half lidded as the drink did its job. Then as quick as flash they popped back open, interest sparked once again,

"Hey, are you human? I mean you look it but..." he eyes leading up her figure

The glutton leaned back in his seat, still focused on her, head cocked curiously to one side.
The man just raised his brow at Jean. "Please, if someone ever hit me with a bottle it would never be my fault!" He looked down at himself in disgust, "wait a minute!!! What the heck! Why am I a human?!" He sighed, "whatever. I'm going home!" He stormed towards Jean, "your lucky I'm way to tired and confused to hit you."

Chris tried alot of spells to try and get out of this one but none of them worked! He sat back and sighed. He heard someone else talking in the room and it was not Jean's voice! He got up and walked through the door to see the man was awake and Jean looked very very nervous. "Jean are you alright!!" He said as he ran over to his friend.


(Sorry I have not been getting notified about some of my rps!)
"You don't ask a lady that kinda question," she mocked, her smile crooked as she wished she had the same alcoholic prowess as a demon.

Suddenly, Rachel felt her pendant vibrate against her throat. She glanced towards the hallway leading to the back rooms, and somehow knew that there was trouble still going on back there.

She sighed as she excused herself. "Sit tight, sweetie. There's somethin I gotta take care of."


Rachel stalked into the hallway, her mood shitty and her pendant buzzing angrily. She didn't expect to see what she saw, and it brought out a gasp from her.

"What, you're still alive?!"

She groaned loudly as she reached behind her back and pulled out a glock before taking aim at the werewolf. "Ugghhhh, this'll teach you to pay your tabs, asshole!"


She started shooting, though the bullets didn't hit anyone. It was chaos regardless; pieces of the walls and ceiling flew everywhere, and gunfire rattled at ear-piercing volumes, but nothing was louder than the bar owner's own cackling.
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"Ah! Lady what the crap!?!" Jake screamed as he dropped to the floor. Pieces of ceiling and wall flying all over. "I always paid....eventually!" He yelled as the crazy red lady laughed hysterically.

Chris just pulled Jean against the wall on the opposite side of the man. He made sure they were out of the way.

@buzz @egghead

(I'm just gonna name him Jake -_- )

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