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Fantasy A Bunch of Horrible People Get Drunk

"I can't wait!~" He responded eagerly. Practically leaping into the cab with her, a wide, clueless smile on his face. "And do I like it? I love the ocean. When I was small that was my escape." He sighed wistfully at the thought of it. "I was even told I'd be snatched away by mermaids if I wasn't careful, they would think I was one of them with how I almost seemed to live there."


"Geh....careful there buddy." He grimaced as getting bumped into caused him to jump. Sending pain shooting through his chest. "I'm not too up for surprises and getting tossed around anymore tonight...and other people may not be so understanding if you do the same to them. He turned to give him a warm smile. Understanding that it was just an accident.

Chris looked at the strange bearded man. He chuckled, "well kinda, I'm a witch... In training that is. I learned it all from my aunt!" He looked back over to the dead wolfman. "Say...could you help me move the body a little?" He asked shyly. He was going to bring the werewolf back to life!! And for that he would need a few strange ingredients. But there were a lot of strange people here, so it should be easy! He hopes.
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"I hear that..." Glen sat down in the vampire's booth, his coat making a sound that faintly sounded like sighing as he did. His arm still hung loosely from his shoulder. "Some asshole back there ripped off my arm...Heh, it's going to take a long time to get it back on properly..."

He chuckled, though it was dry and held no hilarity. It was then he realized that he was probably intruding. "Oh, um...I'm sorry, you probably didn't want to hear that..."
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"Of course!"

Jean waddled over to the corpse. It was odd, but he distracted himself with the thought of how intriguing it'd be to see actual magic.

"Oh, by the way, I'm Jean! Sorry." The basajaun snorted, bending over to grab the deceased's shoulders. His gray hair scattered all around the man, looking almost like a coffin of hair.
Chris smiled up at him, "hello Jean! My name is Chris." He got up and looked at the dead wolf. "Hmm, can you please move him to the middle of the floor? That way I can draw a circle around him easier." He took off his coat and scarf and laid them to the side, he pulled out a piece of magic chalk, not only was it good for a summoning circle, it was also washable!
"Ah yes, mermaids would do that. They are not exactly the smartest fish in the school." She chuckled then looked back at Johnathan. "Hmmmm..." She muttered leaning in closer. "How long can you hold your breath?" She asked with a grin.
"I've been told they are really pretty though." he spoke with a smile that never faded. "Hold my breath? Ohh...two minutes maybe a had longer? I trained myself to do that. But I bet I cooould hold it even longer if I tried."

"Hmmm. So you too eh? Tonight's been rough." he chuckled. Sitting up straighter in his seat. "If ya want I could fix that for you."
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The basajaun gladly tugged the werewolf across the floor. The further he went, the more audible his breathing was. It took him a while before the body was in what would be considered the middle of the floor. "There we go, Chris!" The old man stood up slowly, pausing to allow his back to fall back into place before returning to the far side of the room. "I'm ready for you to blow my socks off!" Jean scratched his head, guessing his companion found his humor reflective of his age. "Uh, you know what I mean.."
Rachel quickly jumped up onto the porch, escaping the rain. She slid her hood back to get a better look at the sign. A smile tugged at the corner of her lips in amusement. Carefully opening the door she was hit with a mixture of strange smells; fish, wet dog, and most pronounce, alcohol. She slid through the crowd towards the bar. After finding an empty seat she turned to look at the diverse group. "What a fun looking group." She said as she pushed her glasses higher up on the bride of her nose.
Chris chuckled, "yes I know what you mean!" He looked down at the body and drew a circle around it, this spell wa skimda weird because all you need is a circle, no fancy lines or anything. When he was done he looked through his spell book for a resurrection spell. "Hmm, we need vampire Blood and flesh of a zombie.....some frogs....vodka and....another witch?" He turned to Jean, "Jean, can you help me get some vampire blood and zombie flesh?"

He stood there confidently, hands on hips and head nodding until the wizard began listing bizarre ingredients. "Am I hearing yer words correctly, 'cause I'm hearing zombie flesh and zombie blood." Jean stared at Chris with wide eyes. "Can't you do the hard shimsham? I can get the, er, vodka!" The elder's eyebrows furrowed. Vampire hunting and zombie killing was something he had only heard of in stories, and Jean knew very well that he was nothing like the heroes in those tales.

@Chris Montaview
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"Ok, then you go get the vodka and I will get the rest!" He double checked the list, "you will need to get 3 bottles of it." He turned away and went look for a vampire and a zombie. Chris held a syringe in his hand as he looked around the bar for ingredients.

The dead man looked confused. "Fix...? Oh, you mean my arm?"

His drunk, tired eyes glanced down at his torn limb. It had fallen off again, and peered back up at him sadly. "Um, you can try, if you want..."


Rachel was in front of the newest patron before any her shadows. She smiled at the young lady who shared her name while her trusty pendant worked a special spell that made everybody around her feel thirstier than they actually were. It was a dirty trick, but nobody ever complained.

She leaned against the bar, still smiling. "Sooo, what can I getcha, hon?"

@Deadly Darkness
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Rachel twirled around on her seat. She found herself looking up at a woman in red. Though she was leaning on the counter, she still towered over her.Registering the question, Rachel licked her lips; she hadn't realized how thirsty she was. She scanned the shelves. "Something with a bite," Rachel shrugged. "I don't know, surprise me," She stated simply.
Axel1313 said:
"I've been told they are really pretty though." he spoke with a smile that never faded. "Hold my breath? Ohh...two minutes maybe a had longer? I trained myself to do that. But I bet I cooould hold it even longer if I tried."
"Hmmm. So you too eh? Tonight's been rough." he chuckled. Sitting up straighter in his seat. "If ya want I could fix that for you."
"Aah, try? My eyesight may be bad, but repairs like this are something I can definitely do." He smiled kindly and sat up. Tearing the sleeves off of his tight leather crop top and into strips to go across the zombie's arm. He then pulled a small box with some needles and thick sutures out of his back pocket. And a glasses case, he did need some aid in seeing with stuff like this. Situating the black framed glasses on the bridge of his nose he got up on the table and sat right in front of the man as he worked carefully on getting his arm back in place and secured better with the strips of leather. Working as delicately as he could. "I tend to get cut up pretty bad quite often and my clothing torn up too. So I'm used to repairing things like this."
He hadn't expected Chris to actually allow him to be so sluggish. As the almost overly kind boy turned and exited the backroom area, Jean's hanging jaw could only muster a low "thanks." The basajaun promptly shuffled out the entrance, glad to be in the liveliness once again. It felt like a sanctuary compared to his recent encounter though the flashing lights hid many of the creatures he hoped to avoid. Without a choice, Jean trudged on. He approached the bar and eyed a deflated seat before refocusing on his assignment. Poor Chris was left with so much to do, and the elder wanted to at least do this properly.

"Uh, excuse..." He stopped. The woman at the bar seemed to be busy. The tall bottle labeled 'vodka' stood there and Jean was left yearning to simply take it and go. He concluded a man's life was worth more to the bartender than a few coins.

With shaky hands and a cape of hair, Jean pushed through the small counter door and stretched his arm to grab the bottle. His mane, however, was tangled around the door. "Pain!" He yelped, quickly clasping his hands around the bottle and sashaying away from the scene. Aside from a few calls (ranging from "what the hell" to "who is this hobo"), Jean left unscathed.
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Glen didn't know what to say. He wasn't used to anyone understanding his...condition, let alone getting some help with it. The vampire worked on him like a surgeon, and he watched in awe as his hands moved back and forth with skillful precision.

He stayed quiet, not bothering to bring up that his arm would probably fall off again later on.


The bar owner grinned, her smile slightly unpleasant. "A bite, eh?" she hummed as she snapped her fingers. "I'll getcha exactly what you waaaant."

A strange looking drink appeared before them. Tiny flames danced around the glass before she blew them out and slid the cocktail towards the young woman. "Heeere you go, sweetie. Drink up."

@Deadly Darkness
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Chris had actually found a vampire very easily! Getting away from the guy was the hardest part, he just had to bother the flirty vampire! He had almost gotten bit, but he stabbed the guy with the syringe and took some of his blood before the vamp could get to his! He left after slapping the guy though.

He sighed, next he needed skin of the undead. He looked around and saw the zombie he had saved earlier. He looked like he was getting his arm fixed. So he didn't really want to bother him. The guy looked like he had gone through enough! Chris was gonna have to look in his book to see what he could find. He hoped Jean was doing good.

As Jean navigated through the swaying crowd, he caught sight of that young man again. "Chris!" The old man called with a hoarse voice, pushing past a drunk satyr and stumbling to the boy's side. "I snatched the vodka, right 'ere..." He raised the bottle up, glancing at the spell book. There seemed to be both of the ingredients in front of them. "So, uh, are they workin' on it for you?"

@Chris Montaview
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Rachel looked between the woman's wide grin to the sinister drink. She smiled before thanking the bartender. She looked at the drink like a dare; there was no way she was going to turn away from it. Wrapping her fingers around the base of the glass she lifted it up. "Cheers," And with that she took a large gulp of the drink. Her eyes widen for a moment as she felt the urge to spit it out. It had a bite alright. She forced herself to continue drinking it, as if the harsh taste didn't bother her.

After swallowing the last few drops of the drink, Rachel set the glass on the counter delicately. She smiled to the bartender, the burning of the alcohol still prominent in the back of her throat.
Chris looked up at his big friend. "Good! I just need two more ingredients and then we can start!" He had to think of how to get dead skin. He suddenly gasped, "that's it! A scab, it's dead skin on something that is living, I hope itlr work though." Next he needed a frog, he and Jean went back to tje room with the wolf. He read a page from his book and summoned a frog. He held it close to himself. "OK, now we can start!"

There was a look of mild amusement on the bar owner's face. She took back the glass and blew out the last of the tiny green flames before flinging it at the nearest wall. It soared over the still-unconscious merman's head then exploded loudly into a million pieces, though Rachel's laugh was louder.

"Alrighty, let's see if that one turns you into a frog!!!" the plastic crown on her head bobbed as she lost it at her own joke. "HAH!!! Just kidding, that drink costs extra."

@Deadly Darkness
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Rachel flinched at the sound of the glass shattering, though the woman's cackle drowned it out. "Alrighty, let's see if that one turns you into a frog!!!" Rachel's eyes widened as her head whipped around.


The woman than burst out laughing at her own joke. Rachel sighed in relief; she wasn't certain if she could remember the spell that would change her back, and was glad she wouldn't need to find out.
"Really?" she asked surprised, "That's impressive, for a human" she said chuckling playfully as she heard the taxi driver murmuring about the rain. "So why train yourself? Is it cause you were actually planning on the meremaids taking you away?" She teased playfully as she shifted in her seat and took his hand spreading out his fingers to reveal normal human fingers. "Just holding your breath for a long time won't help you in the deep sea, especially not if a siren catches a hold of you~" she said sounding sickeningly sweet and terribly pleased with herself as her hands slid up his arms gripping his shoulders as she leaned in closer to him. Her lips just inches from his mouth and her bright blue eyes locked onto his... "Hey-!" The taxi driver suddenly barked, and Lilianna jumped in surprise. "None of that in my cab ya'hear me?!" He ordered and she hissed at him annoyed, then sat back in her seat.


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