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Fantasy A Bunch of Horrible People Get Drunk

"Calm down, kiddo, you didn't kill nothin," Rachel nudged the pocketknife lying in a pool of blood. She was already in a bad mood, she didn't need somebody throwing up. Ugh, those stains were never going to wash out...

She bent down and slipped the rings from the werewolf's fingers, the flashy watch from his wrist, and the fat diamond studs from his ears. Cash in his torn up plaid shirt, too, a thick wad of her favourite thing. "Mm, about time this guy paid for his tab."
Chris just watched as the red lady took stuff from the dead wolfman. "Are you sure I didn't kill him..." That was when he noticed the knife on the floor and all the blood on the wall. He sunk down on his knees and thought for a second. "I can fix this!" He said as he summoned his spell book, he flipped through the pages till he found a cleaning spell. "Here, I'll use a spell to clean up the damage!... And then I wanna borrow that wolf body.." He put one finger on the book. "Also this might take awhile, so be patient please." He closed his eyes and started mumbling to himself in an ancient language, as he did the blood on the walls and floor slowly started to disappear.
As she pocketed the loot, Rachel watched with vague interest as the boy cleared the hallway of the mess. There were still cigars and broken glass on the floor, but at least the blood was gone. "Ohhh, good boy!!! I should keep you around for cleanup!!!"

She gave him a pat on the head, then flashed a smile at everyone who was there. "Hope you all know you're paying double for this!!!"
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In an instant, the fear was gone. "Bless you, boy..." Jean watched through puffy eyes as another woman sashayed into the room, casually inspecting the scene and yelling at the trio. Young people these days.

"Watch your mouth, missy." The wrinkly man scoffed as he made his way over to Glen's side. Knowing better, Jean didn't question the sudden detachment and reattachment of a limb with a stapler.

"Come on, boy, looks like we've got some explainin' to do." He eyed the woman in red. "Though it wasn't our fault."
Chris sighed as he had finished cleaning. He nodded, "yeah, I could use a job!" He chuckled. He turned towards the hairy man who he had also saved, "oh! Are you OK? You didn't look that good back there." Hr asked worriedly. He also noticed the other male stapleing his limb back on, but he ignored it.
"Something like that." Lilianna said picking up the drink and taking a sip. "Whoo-" she said clicking her tongue and shaking her head. That was not the cocktail she was expecting to drink, it wasn't bad, it just wasn't what she was expecting. "That's new..." She muttered quickly getting over the intial shock. "What is this?" She asked taking another sip, more carefully this time. Then out of the corner of her eye she spotted the pimp of a vampire watching her. Still with her drink against her lips she gave him a small nod as if letting him know she knew he was looking at her.
"That? Oh..well. I uh.." His face turned the slightest shade of red. He hadn't counted on her tasting a difference in it. "Well...I added one of our more expensive liquors to your drink this time. A bit of a treat for the lovely lady." He smiled sheepishly. "If you don't like it I'll get you an entirely different drink and pay for it."

Marius noted that she had seen him by returning the small nod. He had no interest in her tonight though. As a nice wad of cash had just been slipped into his back pocket by a newcomer to his little group. She whispered something too him and he simply nodded and excused himself from the group. Disappearing into the back room areas with her.
Lilianna chuckled gently when she saw the red tint in his cheeks. "Sorry no, you don't have to do that, it's perfectly fine, it's just the lack of extra salt in it threw me off for a moment." She said smiling at him sweetly. She noticed the salt content in everything, the saltier the better. And she knew the more expensive the more filtered it was and so the less salt it contained. "Say," she said deciding to change the subject. "Didn't you tell me you got off in and hour? That was about 45 minutes ago, what are you doing still here?" She asked curiously.
"Huh?" His head snapped around to look at the clock. Upon doing so his cheeks redeemed even more...he had waited past his quitting time for her.. "Oh, would you look at that. It is." He chuckled. Putting his apron behind the counter as the guy taking the best shift sighed behind him. "Looks like I can join you in a drink now."
Glen had to whip out the duct tape after a few unsuccessful attempts to staple his arm. He ripped off a long piece with his teeth then wrapped around his shoulder, right over his clothes. It was a temporary fix, would have to do for now.

He looked at the others nervously. They'd just watched him do something veeery intimate and embarrassing, but then he realized that none of them cared. He sighed. "...He attacked me first."

Rachel shrugged, unimpressed. "I bet he did. The guy was an asshole anyway, scared off my customers," she gave the wolf another hard prod before leaving, though she stuck around long enough to remind them: "You're all still paying double!"
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Heads snapped around as there was a loud scream from the back rooms. Marius came back out soaked in blood, not all of it his own and with a letter opener staked through his chest. "God....D..." He grimaced as he wrapped his shirt around it, preparing to yank it out and wrap the wound as it sealed itself. He couldn't remember the last time someone had freaked out like this...as soon as they found out he was a vampire they flipped their lid and stabbed him with the nearest pointy object...humans. Almost always the same!
Jean stroked his beard and pushed the hair out of his face. "I'm fine, son. It's nice knowing someone 'round here got manners." He stepped back, looking closely at the man who was once a beast. The lifeless body was perplexing and the old basajaun sought answers. "What could make a man so rabid?" He whispered to himself, looking out the nearest window to see the shape of the moon. There were countless stories about such beings back in his green village.

When thinking of looking at the blood stains, Jean suddenly recalled the wizardry that the young handsome boy had done. "Hey, son, where'd you learn to do that? You must be a sorcerer, there is no doubt!"
Rachel was chatting up some patrons when she heard the commotion. She craned her neck towards the noise, and immediately recognized the face of one of her regulars under a veil of blood. She quickly reached under the bar and grabbed a small blanket. Most of the crowd had already dispersed, giving her enough room to jump over the counter.

"Nothing to see here, people!!!" she yelled as she covered up the vampire and led him through the remaining crowd to a private staff room. This was the second incident this week...
"You can, but I don't see why you'd want to stay here any longer. After all the red queen over there might just try to make you work more." Lilianna said to Johnathan with a knowing yet endearing smile, that was quickly interrupted by the scream. "Poseidon-!" She cursed as she jumped spilling some of her drink as she did so. Irritated she turned to see what caused the scream and frooze at the sight of blood. If she wasn't full that would have enticed her but it wasn't the blood that made her freeze it was the person whose blood that was. "I didn't know vampires could bleed." She said in awe as she watched Rachel take him away.
"Ahh..I don't really like it here, but I haven't sat down and had a nice drink either." His eyes widened at the sound of the scream and he snapped to catch the glass the Lilianna dropped before it smashed on the floor. "Jeezuz...what's goin' on?" All he could see through the crowd was a lot of blood and panicking people.

"Ahhh....gods almighty...thank you." Marius groaned as he was led into the back room. Wiping his mouth as he coughed up some blood. "She didn't hit my heart...thank the gods. But she did hit my lung a bit...it will heal just fine though." He grimaced as he sat down to try and catch his breath. "Gah....crazy b**ch... I wasn't even going to bite her, but she left me no choice..I'll clean that up later if you want..."
"Mm, looks like she got you good there..." she hummed as she inspected the letter opener sticking out of his chest. "You should really go for the ones with the big drippy scars on their necks, you know, the ones that'll let you bite. Anyway, hold still."

She grabbed the opener and yanked it out with one pull. A bit of blood spattered out and hit her cheek, but she didn't seem to notice (or care). It was just another bodily fluid she had to clean up after every night.

"There we go, all better!" she said as she tossed the bloody plastic into the trash. "So, what'll your band-aid be tonight??? Bloody mary? A little kiss from your lovely nurse? Ohh, there's some packets left over in the fridge if you want em."
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"Looks like somebody staked him." Lilianna muttered taking her drink back from John "thanks." She said taking a sip of the now half empty drink. After a moment more she turned away from the door as the vampire wasn't coming out yet. "Hey," She said looking up at Johnathan with a soft smile. "You wanna get going? I know of a place much better than here." She coed harmoniously, putting her hand on Johnathan's shoulder as she sweetly smiled at him. Her turquoise eyes meeting his.
As soon as it was out Marius bound the wound tightly to stop the bleeding. Thank goodness most of his shirts could do that simply by being zipped up. "How about both?" He chuckled. Giving her a wink as he grabbed a packet of blood from the fridge. "All flirting aside though. Thank you, but this will be just fine." He swiped a straw from the counter and stuck it in the container on his way out the door. "I'll dismiss my crowd for tonight and just laze around to cause you less grief kay Rae? You've had enough of that for the night."

"Um...s-sure." He tripped over his own words as he got lost in her eyes and hypnotized by her soft words again. "Let's get outta this place. It's soo crazy for my liking tonight." He joked.
Rachel had grown mostly accustomed to the strange behaviours of her customers, but she could never get used to how the vampires drank from plasma packs like they were juice boxes. Her laugh was a loud cackle. "Hah! Suit yourself," she called from a pile of boxes she was lounging on. "It's only gonna get crazier around here!! There;s a full moon tonight!!!"
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"Excellent." Lilianna smirked setting down her glass and delicately hoping off the stool and taking his hand. "We can have a good time all by ourselves~" She sang leading him through the crowds of people and to the door. Her golden hair flowing over her shoulders like water. Both her hands on his she pulled him playfully out into the gentle misting rain. As the water touched her, her pupils dilated like that of a shark's. It only lasted a second and was quickly replaced with a delicate smile and doe eyes. "Come along Johnny boy, sing with me~!" She giggled swinging her hips as she began singing. "What do ya' do with a drunk'n sailer~? What do ya' do with a drunk'n sailer~?"
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"Thanks for the assist and blood on hand as always hun! You're a lifesaver." he flashed her a fanged grin as he headed back out. "Alright alright. Party's over, babyfangs is done for the night..." there was a groan from the group, but they surprisingly listened and dispursed. Allowing him to flop down at a booth exhaustedely.
"I can't wait." he grinned widely and follwed her without even a second thought. He was even too mesmerized to notice her eyes change for a moment. He was to lost and unfocused. "Sing? But I don't know any good tunes~" he mused. Letting himself be drug around like a ragdoll.

Rachel burst out from the staff room with a smile so wide that it showcased every sharp tooth that was in her mouth. There was a plastic crown sitting on her head and a drink with too much ice in her hand.

She climbed onto the counter and slid across the bar, yelling: "It's ALL NIGHT HAAAPPY HOUR!!! Woo, slight discount on drinks for everybody!!!"

There was a cheer from the ravenous crowd.

She pulled out a bowl and poured some more BBQ peanuts into it as she summoned several shadows of herself to help work the bar. It took a lot of energy out of her to do, and trying to get anything more than a shadow wasn't recommended, but tonight was a special occasion.


Glen slunk back into the bar alone. He felt too embarrassed to talk to the others after they'd seen him fall apart (puns), so he pulled up his collar and decided to call it a night...but on his way out he bumped into someone. The zombie looked up at their face and seen dark lashes surrounding golden irises, tight clothes, and sharp, sharp teeth. A vampire.
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"Then I'll teach you some~" she said then spun around. "Taxi-!" She waved at the bright yellow vehicle as it drove by. Her entire body was drenched from the rain but she didn't care, it only made her feel more alive! "Scarlet Wauter's Light House, please." she said to the taxi driver "That the one up north one the coast?" He asked turning back to Lilianna as she pulled Johnathan in with her. "Yup." She said as she grinned at John. "So do you like the ocean?" She asked her face bright with curiousity as she leaned in close she could smell him, he smelled strongly of alcohol of course but his own pure human scent made her hunger for him come back.

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