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Fantasy A Bunch of Horrible People Get Drunk

"I actually did... I hated life at home. My mother died and my dad didn't care about me...so I really hoped mermaids would take me away... I don't think I cared if I died either. As long as. Was away from that place for good." He was about to lean in closer as she did,but the driver yelling at them made him jump. "Why don't you keep your eyes on the road pal!" Johnathan instantly snapped in return. He didn't take kindly to being interrupted like that. At least not tonight as he was in his dream like state around her.
"Oh! Uh, okay!" Jean scurried behind Chris, returning to the wolfman's body that still lay lifeless on the backroom floor. "We can get rockin', huh? Get to it, boy!" He stood behind the wizard with eyes watching intently. It was a rare experience and the elderly basajaun nearly wet himself with excitement.

@Chris Montaview
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((@EvelienLocalArtist , woop! Forgot to tag you in the last post. P:))

"Aaand there we go~" Marius tightened it and secured it with a firm knot before cutting off the extra with his teeth. "That should hold for a while, this leather is real tough, as are the sutures as well. These ones won't dissolve or wear down so that arm is going nowhere. Although you really should think about preservative measures. Wouldn't want a cutie like you rotting away on us so quickly." He smiled sweetly and gave his arm a pat before getting back into his own seat."
Chris took a deep breath. He tied the frog up and set it on top of the wolfs chest, put the blood on the frog and found a scab on his knee(from when he had fallen like an idiot last Monday) and set it near the blood. He stood back opened his spell book again, "ok Jean here we go!"

He read a passage from the book , the minute he was done reading a bright light consumed the wolf. He started shouting the spell over and over again. The light finally died down and what they saw laying there was....a human man. "...well that wasn't supposed to happen!!" Chris went over to the male and took his pulse, he was alive but he wasn't what he used to be.

Lilianna snickered at John's snappiness and the taxi drivers grumbling reaction. "Jump on three..." she whispered to John spotting the Light house down the block, then without waiting for the taxi to pull over next to it she jumped out."Three!!" She cried a brilliant smile on her face as the rain met her skin. "Hey no-! What are you doing?!" The taxi driver yelped watching her leap onto the side walk and start running full speed away toward the light house.

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Without a second thought Johnathan leaped out of the cab with her and kept up as best as he could. Smiling blissfully as the rain pelted his face. It felt wonderful! He hadn't felt this way in so long! Maybe even never before. It was...odd, but he liked it. Even though it was greatly clouding his judgment.

The dead man's neck hairs tingled with embarrassment. He gave his arm an experimental swing, and found that it held on pretty good. Something like gratitude filled up his dead heart, but he only managed to mutter a weak "thank you".


Rachel's pendant throbbed around her neck; she glanced over the crowd, but didn't see anything out of the norm. Her thoughts briefly lingered back to the three she'd caught murdering in the back, but she brushed away the suspicion.

They wouldn't be stupid enough to try anything else, not unless they wanted to pay triple.

"So, what brings you down to my place?" she asked as she conjured up another drink, undecided on whether it would be for herself or the younger Rachel. "We don't normally get...normal people round here, not unless they're lookin for some kinda rush."

@Deadly Darkness
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The taxi driver yelled after them and honked but obviously didn't want to go out in the rain. But Lilianna just kept running all the way to the beach side and began taking off her jeans just as she had with the two boozoos back at the hotel."You said you could probably hold your breathe more than two minutes right?" She asked tossing her pants past John and a ways back onto shore. "Let's see just how long shall we?" She said myschiviously as she turned around taking a running dive into a large wave as it crashed onto the beach. As the water receded her shirt and undergarments where left laying in the sand and the siren was already fairly out into the ocean motioning John to come to her, unseen by him her long pearly tail swished back and forth easily going against the tide to keep her in place her gills along her ribs filtering in and out the water naturally yet John's only clue to her transformation was her all shark-like black eyes that watched John hungrily.

(@Axel1313 )

(Lilianna's eyes right now.)

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"Coming!" His smile widened as he followed her into the water. Discarding his shirt and pants on the shore. "I bet I can hold my breath even longer now. I've been trying to get into shape again." He chuckled as he wadeded out to her without a care in the world.
"No problem! Come to me if you ever need patched up again sweet heart." He winked at him. "I'm usually found here most days."
"Well then I suppose that's me. I like having fun." She said with a shrug. "Crowds like these don't usually disappoint." Spinning around in her chair, she watched the crowd move and pulse, hoping to find some kind of entertainment. "Know anyone you could point me towards?" She directed back at the bar owner. "Someone who's fun, but I'd like to be able to leave with most of my limbs, if possible."
"Hmmm..." Rachel feigned deep thought as she scanned the mob of creatures for a face that didn't look entirely vicious. "How about over there, in the booth?"

She leaned in closer and pointed over to a pair of losers lounging by the mirrors. One of them was covered in blood, and the other had zombie grey skin, but anyone who kills less than two people in one night was considered good company by Rachel's standards.

"Those guys are having some bad luck tonight, so maybe a spunky little cutlet like you can cheer 'em up? That one wearing the dirty jacket got his arms ripped off earlier, and don't get me started on the shit fangboy gets himself into..."

She shrugged. "They probably won't kill you."

@Deadly Darkness
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Rachel nodded, watching the two the bar owner had pointed out. "Arms torn off? That's unfortunate." There was a small pause as she scanned over the two. After weighing out the pros and cons (pros: no longer being bored, cons: being a potential victim) the choice seemed clear.

Rachel managed to slip through the mob and find her way to the booth. "H-Hi," Her voice came out small and timid. She mentally shook the emotions away and smiled kindly. "Would it be alright if I sat here with you guys?"

The worst they can do is say no... A small voice in the back of her head whispered.

@Axel1313 @egghead
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Glen jumped at the sound of a new voice. He twisted his neck around to see the lovely young woman who asked to join them, and nearly spilled his drink. Her cheeks were full and rosy, and her chest filled with breath; she was alive!

"O-of course you can!" he cried with a dry exhale, as if he was trying to breathe too, while he adjusted the black rose hanging from his front pocket. He scooted closer to Marron to give her some space to sit.

@Deadly Darkness
"Knock yourself out sweet cheeks. There's plenty of room." He turned his head to give the woman a kind smile. Being careful not to show his fangs too much. He knew that not many were really used to seeing such daggers, not even some creatures! "Hey! Rae! Could I uh....get another 'Bloody Mary'? He called across the bar. "I'm still feelin' a little weak, if ya know what I mean."

@egghead @Deadly Darkness

EvelienLocalArtist said:
How John had not noticed those is a mystery...
Jean's palms were sweating as Chris began chanting. The elder wiped his hands on the worn pants he wore, eyes fixated on the corpse. It felt like he was about to lose himself in the werewolf's lifeless pupils when a flash of illumination snapped the basajaun out of his trance.

The outcome was far more exciting than he thought. "Who is this? Geez, Chris, you seem to attract good-lookin' people like bees to a hive." He snorted, stepping forward with the wizard to examine the dead man's face. "Maybe we oughta get 'im to a couch or somethin'."

@Chris Montaview

Sorry I'm late!!
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"Thanks," She took a seat, brushing a strand of chocolate brown hair out from in front of her glasses. "So what brings you guys here?" Her cheek met her palm as she leaned on the table; her calm gaze flicking between the two. They were certainly an odd couple, complete polar opposites. One was more timid and nervous, while the other gave off an audacious and flirty aura. A small smile formed on her lips. This conversation should be interesting.
"Uh...oh yeah w-we should!" Chris got up and looped his arms under the man's arms and dragged him over to another empty room and tried to put him on the couch, he was an awful witch and an awful person for lifting heavy things! "Can you please grab the feet?" He was surprised the guy was alive. He was still wearing the same outfit but it was torn and very loose on the man. He was also still kinda big, like muscular. 'Jean is right, he is attractive. But that isn't important now! Chris sighed, "jeez what a night."


(It's ok!)
"Sure thing, babe!!!" Rachel called back, her voice crystal clear despite her being halfway across the floor. In an instant, one of her shadows glided over and delivered his order: a Bloody Mary...with a shot of actual blood, just the way he liked it.

Meanwhile the zombie's legs trembled underneath the booth, making the table shake a little. "I guess I'm here because I've never been before," he replied as he stirred his drink obsessively. "I didn't expect to see so many people that are like me, I mean, that are...um, dead."

He shut himself up with another drink.
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"Yes, coming, Chris!" There was no time for daydreaming, he thought, hurrying to his partner's side and helping him lay the unconscious man onto the couch. Jean took a step backwards, rubbing his face with a frown. Maybe he should follow the young men and care for his own appearance. The civilized world was complex.

The old man heard Chris mumble something and looked up. "You can say that again, son. I'm too old to walk sometimes, and this place got me fightin' beasts that appear outta nowhere! And then there's the rude staff, and the crowded floor, did you see....." Jean continued to mumble complaints until he finally concluded with a groan. "And now we've got sleeping beauty over here!"
Chris groaned along with Jean. "Yeah, I kinda don't want to get caught by the red lady at the bar." He walked over and closed the door and locked it. "It's bad enough I have to pay for damages, now I have t- oh shoot!" He unlocked the door and ran out, "I have to wipe up the chalk circle. You stay here and watch wolfman!" He closed the door behind him.

"Exactly!" Being a cranky senior, Jean grew excited as Chris tagged along in complaining. But that soon trickled down to hesitant whimpers as his wizard friend left him alone with someone who used to be a creature of nightmares.

"Uh..." His body began to burn, palms once again becoming moist and the poor man grew paranoid. He looked around the room, hoping nothing would ooze out of the walls while keeping a sharp eye on the unmoving body that lay on the worn couch. "Hurry up, Chris!" He shrieked, hoping the walls wouldn't contain his cries.
"Thanks a million Rae Rae!" He happily sang back to her as his drink was delivered. Aaah, definitely what he needed. "Good motive. It's always fun to keep moving around. Searching for people like you. Stick around long enough here and I'm sure you'll have no issues with that." He grinned. "As for me? I'm just a regular around here."
At the sound of some screech. The once wolfman slowly opened his eyes and began to move around a bit. Sitting up and rubbing his eyes, he looked over at Jean. "....who the heck are you?" He asked, his voice a little scratchy.

@buzz @egghead (can I use your wolfman?)

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