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Fantasy A Bunch of Horrible People Get Drunk

Taran looked up from the squealing pig he had under his hands, cackled "Nah, it's cool, i get it, it's gross." he sniggered "Guess you don't wanna see my face come off either, huh?"

He walked over to the pig and scratched between its ears. "You ok sir? You look sick"

@buzz @Magical Squid Senpai
"Oh, ok" he shrugged, dragging a clawed hand under the pig's chin and slicing its jugular, killing the it painlessly "Sorry, bud"

(I'd rather not describe him eating the pig, it'd be very tedious. Let's just agree it was nasty as high holy hell and fairly quick hehe)

He sat up and wiped his mouth of black saliva and blood, mind you doing little to help the mess, before saying in an overly satisfied voice "You can look now"

Taran touched his lip and felt one of his piercings were missing "Oh no, my piercing" he laughed "I liked that one" he whined still cracking up, food always put him in such a good mood

@Magical Squid Senpai @buzz
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"Aah. I'm sure he's just fine. Coming from a fellow undead I know how hard it is to really hurt us or kill us a second time right hun?" He laughed and patted Glen on the back. "Come on. Let's go somewhere to take a breather for a while."

@egghead @Deadly Darkness
Chris had covered his eyes before Taran had started eating. It did not sound very fun. He uncovered his eyes when he was done. Chris thought it was funny how he was laughing at almost nothing. "You are a very interesting being!"

Taran chuckled at Chris, he seems so innocent and naive, easy to manipulate even came to mind. 'I'm regretting lying to this guy' he thought, a grimace crossing his face as he recalled every word. ' kid should know not to trust anyone then, it's not my fault he buys into my word. Who the hell even believes the "Not all demons are bad guys" shit? That's the whole point of a damn demon" His face grew more sour as guilt gnawed at him, deciding to ease it he spoke, this time abandoning his happy-go-lucky tone and adopting a deeper, more fitting voice,

"You really shouldn't be so nice, people will take advantage of that you know" he paused "Not that i don't appreciate the food, i do, but if you're that willing to just give people what they want they'll just see what else they can get from you. Hell, i could've decided you looked better tasting than a pig and snuffed you and grandpa out the second you turned your back, and who's to say I still won't" As he spoke Taran turned one of the pig's ribs in his hand, making the sharpened bone visible for Chris, at this point even he didn't know if what he was saying was true or not, but he liked this kid and wanted to teach him a lesson.

@Magical Squid Senpai @buzz

(Tell me if it's getting too heavy XP i just wanted to spice it up a bit)
"I know you could. But I feel like you wouldn't." Chris shifted on his knees, he looked Taran in the eye. "And some people have taken advantage of me, and yet I still believe there is some good in others." He sighed and gave a sad smile, "but I guess I will never learn."


(Yes, I like spicy!)
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Taran grit his teeth, laughing bitterly "That logic is going to get you killed, but please, tell me how you were taken advantage of, Lamb" He sneered, striding across the room, coming face to face with Chris. He knew all the tricks and scare tactics to pull, intending to use everyone on this kid, 'to teach him a lesson' he repeated in his head 'if i don't show him how easy it is someone else will really go and do it'

At this point his pupils were fully dilated and his face devoid of any emotion. Taran continued closing the gap between the two still, intending to back the other into a corner.

@Magical Squid Senpai
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The zombie forced himself to stand. There was a rotten banana peel on his shoulder and a sharp piece of glass impaling his neck, but he pulled it out without any issue. "Ouch," he muttered as he flung it away.

He pulled a cigarette out from behind his ear, lit it with a match (the flame burned his fingers black) then took a drag. He handed it to Marron as they headed around to the back entrance. "I'm fine. I just needed, um, fresh air."

At the alley's end, beside the door leading to the back rooms, a bunch of skinny fairies stood around a fire burning in an old oil drum. Their faces dripped rainbow sweat, and they giggled and drooled as they fondled each other's wings.

A blond, shirtless one looked up and blinked at them, almost coherently, as his pointy nose tested the air for their scent. His feet fluttered when he realized they weren't human. "Oh-ho-ho! Who's the one that tastes like the pine trees?"
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Trouble never seemed to leave him alone. Jean stared intently into the diluted eyes of their warmonger. "Watch it, boy. You don't want to try anything foolish." There was no time to relax anymore as the basajaun realized the companion was not half-beast but a demon. His wrinkly, fat fingers delved into a worn pocket in his pants and pulled out a wooden charm. It was his only memory of home.

The old man shakily held it up in the air, in the demon's direction. "Be gone, product of the underworld."

Chris did not back down, no matter how close Taran got. "I've had people take the kindness I give them and...turn around and smash it into the ground." He refused to break eye contact with him. "Are you going to take advantage me, is that what you want?" He asked softly. Chris tried to hide the fact that he was a little scared.

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The fairy leapt over to Rachel and licked her palm, frowned at the sweet taste, then plucked a hair from Marron's head and ate it. He shuddered. Too spicy!

His butterfly wings puffed dusty gold when he licked Glen's collar bone. His tongue felt rough and unpleasant, like sandpaper, and the zombie cringed at the sensation.

"You do, you do!" the fairy chanted as he dug into his pocket and pulled out a tiny glass vial, filled with what looked like glitter. "Piney boy wins, tee hee! Take this, your special prize!"

Glen pushed his face away. "Um, what is it?"

The fairy only giggled and dropped the vial into his hand, then hooted gleefully as he scampered off.
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"Thanks, I really need that after tonight." He happily took a big drag from the cigarette and blew a smoke ring into the misty night air. "Aaaah, you want a drag?" He looked at Rachel as he held out the cigarette to her. His lips puckered a bit as the fairy that had flown over to them plucked a hair from his head, but he paid little attention to it.

"Well then, looks like it's your lucky day after all Glenny poo. What'd they give ya there?"

@Deadly Darkness @egghead
"I...don't know," he answered truthfully as he turned the vial over to examine the contents. It looked exactly like glitter, the kind that little kids used in arts and crafts, but Glen knew that this couldn't be the case.
Taran winced, his revealed skin burned as soon as the (cross?) became revealed. He snapped his head in the direction the irritation was coming from and set his eyes on Jean. On top of that the room reeked of adrenaline, and with all of his senses kicking in he began to feel that familiar high from excitement.

"You re~ally don't want to do that..." He threatened, snapping back to Chris "-and I seriously doubt you want to bet whether I'm going to or not."

@Magical Squid Senpai @buzz
"Fine then, I won't bet. But why do something bad now? You could've killed me in the crowd." He said now looking away from Tarans emotionless empty eyes.

He shrugged "More entertainment for me, that's the whole point of this place, right? And if i decided to kill you off in a crowd all anyone would see is some jackass with horns tearing apart some kid, that wouldn't look too good on my end." He followed the other's gaze, hanging his head sideways and going out of his way to force Chris to look at him.

"You're scared. Aren't you?" it wasn't really a question, just another prod, to let Chris know that he was aware when to be honest he was surprised this kid was holding up so well, anyone else would've cracked under the glutton's gaze.

@Magical Squid Senpai
"I'm good," As much fun as it would've been trying to watch her home-made negative pressure ventilator try to control her breathing while smoking, she decided it was better not to. A shiver ran up her spine as the fairy licked her palm. She squeaked quietly as she then quickly shoved her hands deep within her jean pockets.
"Suit yourself." He smiled and took another drag. "Hand it to me for a moment bud. Maybe I can tell what it is. I'm pretty good with back alley trades like this. Maybe it's something of great value."
He just frowned as he was forced to look at Taran. He didn't know what to say. The look of the demon in front of him made him uncomfortable. He started to clench his fist, setting both hands on his lap. But no matter what, he did not want to back down. He had seen a lot of scary, horrifying things in his life. Heck he's met a lot of different demons but he wasn't prepared for this. He calmly took a deep breath, "I am not scared."

Taran's lips pulled into a wide grin, "That's a lie. I heard your heart pace pick up a minute ago, you're sweating and you won't look at me." his dead eyes flickered with amusement, "It's alright to be scared though, you don't know it but you're a lot more capable of defending yourself now than if you weren't. I can even smell your adrenaline...it tenses up your muscles ya know, makes it so you're ready to fight or run the second you need to. Funny thing is, sometimes it doesn't work. You freeze. I can usually tell what someone will do in that situation, especially if i'm this close....but, you? i'm not so sure" He leaned forward

"What do you plan to do if i decide to hurt you? Know any spells for self defense? Maybe something that can kill me off then? would you rely on grandpa to help you?" at this his mouth twitched, the irritation from the trinket turning to a dull pain "Or are you just a baby bird that can't do anything in the claws of a cat but squeal for it's mother? Wishing that by some stroke of luck she'll swoop in and save you at the last second, fending off the beast that preyed on your vulnerability" Taran's voice grew steadily more quiet, packing venom into each and every word, teasing the chance that Chris might be sensitive to the mother card.

@Magical Squid Senpai
Chris smirked a little when Taran mentioned his mother. "I am not relying on my mother, even if she was here she would watch to see what I would do." She always let chris protect himself no matter what the threat was. When he was 14 she let him fight a monster, just to test his strength. He looked Taran straight in the eyes, " I do have some spells to protect myself from you. I even have some that will harm you. You hurt me, I hurt you."

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Finally, his face relaxed, and he straightened up, ruffling Chris's hair, "Good, i'm glad i was wrong about you" taking extra care to soften his voice. He fell backwards onto the floor and groaned, closing his eyes to relax his body "I'm glad you finally said that, it was getting tough to keep that up! I was starting to believe you wouldn't push back"

He smiled a genuine smile, directly at Chris "Sorry for doing that to you, had to be sure, ya know?" still feeling the growing ache on his exposed skin from the item Jean held
Chris flinched when Taran ruffled his hair. He raised a brow at the strange demon. "Wrong about me? What did you think about me?" He was still sitting in the same position, he tried to relax the best he could.

"I thought you were a kid in a bar full of monsters-" he shrugged, seeing him flinch "I just wanted to make sure you wouldn't let some other guy with half the morals I have tear your throat open" he grimaced, "also, I'd never kill a human if I was hungry, I may be fucked in the head more ways than you know but, I'm not sick" he added in, more to convince himself more than anything "if I ever do you better light me on fire or something"

Taran ended with a bitter laugh, running his fingers through his hair, hitting one of his horns and sighing wearily.

@Magical Squid Senpai

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