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Fantasy A Bunch of Horrible People Get Drunk

Taran scoffed, " Of course, all the time. It's not that big of a deal though, it's just how things work. It's not like we can die or anything- oh wait... well it's unlikely, and we know when to stop...most of us." he paused taking a quick breath "Ok, maybe not most of us... alright so it gets out of hand, every time, what's important is that we have fun doing it" as he finished he looked past Chris to see a vampire a few seats away from them.

Taran bumped Chris on the shoulder and pointed towards the new face "Check that out"

@Magical Squid Senpai
Chris turned to look at the man who was ordering a drink. He looked like a normal vampire. "Hmm. What about him?" Chris looked again, he seemed like he wanted something.

"He's about to have a goddamn melt down" Taran exclaimed, like it was the most obvious thing in the world "I feel bad for him, probably hasn't fed for a while" he turned back to Chris "-See, this is what i was talking about back there, you're strong an' all, but you need to be able to see stuff like that, 'specialty in his case, vampires who haven't eaten in a while are backwards insane"

@Magical Squid Senpai
Chris turned back to Taran. "I know! I can take care of myself." He pouted as he fiddled with the beer bottle infront of him. "I won't get hurt and I tend to stay away from such things if I can."

Taran rolled his eyes "Mmhhmm, sure. If that were true you wouldn't even be in this bar" he cooed. While he talked he kept an eye on the vampire, curious as to what he'll do, if anything at all.

@Magical Squid Senpai
"Yeah well I found this place by accident! I don't really even know what I was doing before this." He looked to watch the vampire. He was interested in him. He wondered if he was going to do anything dangerous. "What do you think he will do?"

"Might go after the tender is a drink's not enough for him." he pitched his voice dramatically slow "And then when he's done... he might come after-" Taran pinched the back of Chris's neck while he looked away "-you!"

@Magical Squid Senpai
Rachel's pendant vibrated furiously against her throat as the vampire leaned against the counter. He looked...desperate, and not in an attractive way. His sweat glistened in the red glow of the bar, and his thirsty eyes burned through her body.

"...Something the matter, sweetie?"
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Noah's eyes darted back towards the bartender, licking his lips again. "I-I, uhh." He couldn't even answer the question, the blood was so distracting. Something snapped in him, the male swung his legs over the bar, knocking over a bunch of glasses. It was almost in the blink of an eye. Grabbing her by the neck, Noah threw the female down with a harsh swing, his smile widened into that of a sadistic one, the fangs showing themselves completely. He lowered himself over top of the woman while he held her arms down, spilled drinks in puddles around them.

"You look like a fine drink." Noah's thighs tightened around her waist with excitement, his eyes wide with ecstasy, joy pouring from his expression. A hand raised to her face, tracing her jawline with a cold touch, it settled at her neck, his fingers brushing the skin gently. He started to lower his head with an open mouth.
Chris was so busy watching the vampire, that he yelled when Taran had touched his neck. "Ah! Don't do that!" He covered his mouth and blushed. That was when he saw the vampire attack the bar tender. "Oh my gosh!"

"Oh~ look who's sensitive. Find an e-zone did we?" he snickered, but as soon as the vampire made that move Taran jumped up, "See Chris? This is EXACTLY what i'm talking about! He's insane. Now let's go help her before something bad happens" he sighed

Taran strode over and leaned over the counter, half waiting for Chris and half for the hell of observation. In the meantime he contemplated how to deal with this and somehow squeeze a witty gag in there.

@Magical Squid Senpai
Chris blushed, "its not an e-zone.." He mumbled. He followed after Taran and looked over the counter, but he didn't get too close. "What should we do?" He said to Taran.

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Taran reached over the counter and grabbed the guy's hair tight enough to snap his head back and keep him from connecting with the tender's neck. He mentally prepared himself some kind of recoil from the agitated vampire.

Chris watched Taran and summoned his spell book just in case. He looked through it to see what he could use against vampires. "You shouldn't just attack people like that." He said to the vampire.

@MindScape @autumnwind234
The floor shook as several drinks shattered against it. Rachel struggled against his weight, her legs and arms wiggling uselessly beneath his grip. He was so strong...it was impossible to fight him off.

She held her breath as his fangs graze eagerly against her neck, ready to bite. "What, you're not even gonna kiss me first?" she suppressed a shudder, her voice surprisingly calm and mocking despite what little control she had over the situation.
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The vampire batted the hand that had pulled him away from the sweet treat before him. The hunger was so intense that it made him stronger and more angry. "Stay out of this!" His head darted back to the demon behind him, his eyes narrowing with shear frustration.

Wasting no time, Noah turned back around and gripped her arms harder, hands trembling. He lowered his head again and bit down on the bartenders neck. Her blood was sweet, but bitter it felt as though it was alcohol to the palate. Keeping it there for a moment, it was almost as if he was going to suck her dry. It was so soothing, the pain was fading and relief set in to numb the rapid thoughts and heart rate. A stream of blood fell downwards on her neck and before it could trickle any further, Noah traced it back up with his tongue towards the bite, leaving nothing wasted.
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He grit his teeth and narrowed his eyes, "Bro, you are pushing it. Like damn." Taran took a breath and grabbed the vampire by his shoulders, heaving the creature up and over the counter, away from the two. "Wow, you're heavier than you look! Hey Chris, you can take care of that right?"

Taran stood where he was kinda hoping the vampire would back off and not come back for more, he really didn't want to get his head ripped off.

The stink of blood filled the instant air. Her voice came out in a slight choke when his canines sank into her flesh; she didn't expect it, considering her reputation, but she became a victim to another attack. She felt his tongue trace up along her neck, rough like sandpaper, tasting her life. Gross.
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"I told you two to back off!" The enraged vampire shoved the demon back yet again and lunged past the two males trying to take his snack away. Her blood...it was so good, the best he had in months, it left an orchestra in his mouth. Noah landed himself back on the bartender after jumping the counter again, mouth dripping with the red substance, making him look even more of a mad man. He wasn't going to give up so easily, the craving invaded his mind, blocking out any sense of decency in him.

His teeth were like a magnet, sinking themselves back into the delicious meal once again. Although he was beginning to calm down again, the thirst was getting quenched. Noah licked the blood that had spilled all over her shoulder up with ravenous movement. Finally, his tongue grazed over the gouge he had left, the scar he would give her as memory.

He lifted his head up from her neck and glanced at her face, he forgot how it must have felt to be bitten by such a filthy monster like him. "How was that for a kiss?" The red in his eyes became less vivid through the strands of his bangs, his hands were covered in blood from the woman's arms being cut by broken glasses. A stench of blood and alcohol filled the air around them, mixing with the sticky feeling of the bar.
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Chris had almost screamed when the vampire had jumped past them. There was just something about vampires that Chris didn't like. He looked at the bar tender, she had already been attacked by something else and now she was bitten by a vampire. She seemed fine though. "Are you ok?" He asked her as he leaned over the bar to see her.

@MindScape @autumnwind234 @egghead
Before she could have a chance to react, the monster came back at her throat. His fingernails dug into her skin and twisted her neck to force her to look at him. Through his corrosive smile, she could see his teeth, those pretty, pearly white knives exclusive to his kind.

This was getting bad. She reached out to her side and grabbed a large piece of broken glass, stained with blood, and gripped it tight as she brought it up to stab him.
Her facial expression wasn't one that welcoming of the kind of kiss he had given her. Her arm rose from his grip after being loosened, she was trying to be sly...His hues watched her grab the glass, although he was caught up in the moment and ended up getting stabbed in his upper arm. The vampire flinched and grabbed the wound, wincing but backing off a bit. "Ah, god, why did you do that?!" Noah inched backwards on his knees, glass crunching beneath. The cut wasn't too deep, luckily he was able to heal quick to seal the pain away. No longer was the male who walked in minutes ago there, he was now a different person, more calm and sensible but still quite angry. His head was lowered before he looked up and met eyes with the female in front of him. The crushing fact that he had just bitten her badly was starting to weight him down, this binge drinking was started to get out of hand, a habit of going without a life source for so long. It was't healthy for his kind...
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Rachel's breath was hot smoke that seared the ends of her hair. She held her wound, feeling warm blood seep through her shaking fingers. She was angry, murderous, but had no strength at the moment to do anything drastic. "Ugghhhhh, I should kill you right now, you crazy bastard!!!"
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"Screw you!" Noah scowled at her with a disgusted look on his face, as if he did nothing wrong. He caught his eyes glancing to the blood seeping from her leg and inched back towards her. "Kill me? With these injuries?" The male squeezed her thigh that seemed to have been previously wounded, he squeezed a significant amount. Blood oozed out onto his fingers and hand, the red tainting his skin. Noah smiled, his teeth showing yet again and bringing the hand to his mouth to lick the blood. It was almost savory, he cleaned the blood off slowly, enjoying the bitter taste she had with a smirk plastered across his face.

"That's no way to talk to someone who spared you."
Rachel felt her chest rip with a scream that didn't make it past the lump in her throat. She swallowed it down like a bitter pill, and felt tears burn her eye. Pain licked her thigh like fire, but nothing suffered more than her pride.

How dare this guy talk to her like this. She slowly reached for a hidden compartment in the counter behind her, already fantasizing about filling him with bullets, and pulled out...a rotten banana?

She whipped it at his face. It hit him square in the forehead and exploded in a brown mush.
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