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Fantasy A Bunch of Horrible People Get Drunk

Taran slipped out of the bar's front door, welcoming the cold air. He stretched his arms for the umpteenth time that night, taking a deep breath, wrinkling his nose at the new smell of heroine and sweat, guessing that there was a druggie near-by,

"Y'know i'm kinda curious, like i said i don't come into cities unless i'm on duty, are they all this trashy? I'd make a joke about feeling at home, but..." he trailed off, stepping over a used rubber "you don't live around here, right?"

@Magical Squid Senpai
"Hey, you're not allowed to look that good while I'm covered in my own crusty blood!" Noah walked out after her, eyeing glen, almost like a warning for something. His hands frantically tried to clean his face up completely while they walked. He would probably be latched onto Rae for a while, after all her blood was something truly wonderful, a non forgettable taste.

"How about that drink when we get back out there?" Noah ran up to keep with her pace and snickered.
Chris looked around at the place. He was not used to these kind of places. "No, I do not live around here at all! Actually, I was supposed to buy some ingredients for a potion from someone around here." He Looked at the dirty street and sidewalk, afraid of what he might step in. "I never usually come here....and gosh! What is that smell?"

Sitting on one of the bar stools, Rachel chugged down a bottle of... well she didn't actually read the name, but once she saw the warning label "keep out of reach of children" the liquid was sliding down her throat. It wasn't bad, whatever it was. It had the familiar buzz of most alcoholic drinks, so with that she continued to chug it.

Once she had downed a good portion of the bottle she set it back on the bar counter and spun around on the stool, waiting for the alcohol to kick in.
Glen gathered his street clothes from the floor and chased after them into the hallway. He'd have to change later, in a place that wasn't the infirmary. His leg hairs tingled in the open air.

"I'll see if there's anything left after what you did to my place." Rachel didn't mention herself as being part of the destruction; she just did what she had to do, and that was shoot everything up with a laser rifle.
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Taran's eyes took a full sweep of the area, a predatory glint taken to his irises, all while listening to Chris's voice. He thought for a moment, curious as to where this guy had hidden himself. The demon folded his arms irritably, scolding himself for overestimating his own abilities and deciding to drop his little hunt,

"It's some drugged out guy, shooting up heroine, " he pointed over to an overflowing dumpster, surrounded by trash and detritus "That's where he's holding up, so....maybe don't go over there, lest he shiv you" he chuckled, kicking an empty beer bottle over to said dumpster and snickering at the surprised shriek that followed.

"So, you're brewing a potion?" Taran asked, pretending that the past few minutes never happened "What kind?"

@Magical Squid Senpai
Chris looked over at the druggie, sort of skooting away from him. "My aunt sent me out to get some ingredients for a binding spell. I kind of don't know what I need but the man I am supposed meet knows what to give me." He leaned against the wall and sighed, "she also told me that I should go out and enjoy myself... So here I am at this random bar!"

"She probably wants to catch a husband. Or a demon, could want a demon husband." Chris didn't notice the druggie run away, "I wouldn't get jumped." He mumbled.

'It worked!' She thought to herself. Her vision was somewhat wonky even after the chair had stopped spinning. Smiling with glee, she stood up from the bar stool. But the smile soon disappeared and she swore, remembering her glasses were still sitting at the previous table she had occupied. Rachel let out a sigh as she snatched up the bottle and walked back towards her glasses.
"Tell me how that works out for her, seriously, finding out how to get a demon to commit to anything will be the find of the century" he scoffed. Taran caught a glance of Chris's face and snorted "I'm joking! No need to be sensitive about it" he assured "Is my humor too coarse for my young master? Shall i adjust my speech so it is more accustomed too your liking?" he asked, softening his tone to a point of mockery.

@Magical Squid Senpai
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Chris pouted at him, trying not to laugh. "If I am your 'young master' than you as the servant should know not to joke around." He turned and smirked at Taran, trying to act snobbish.


(My phone keeps auto correcting Taran to Tarzan!)
"Of course young master, onto a serious subject, is there anything you desire in this world?" he asked, bowing in the most proper way his lanky figure could allow. He really despised how tall he was even in a 'semi' human form where he is downsized quite a bit he's still unusually tall. It annoyed the hell out of him, the inconvenience of it all, yet here he was, fumbling while trying to look graceful all thanks to his awkward height.

@Magical Squid Senpai

(Tarzan the human eating demon, at your service, also, Black Butler much?haha)
As soon as they got back, Rachel kicked the jukebox sitting in the corner. It came to life, and sputtered out a jaunty decades-old tune that livened up the near-empty bar.

"Damn, it's a ghost town in here." She grumbled as she imagined all the patronage she lost. That's what happens when the alcohol ends up all over the floor instead of in a shooter glass...

Good thing there was more in the back.

"Over here, fangboy." She nodded for the vampire to follow her into a room explicitly labelled: RACHEL'S OFFICE- STAY OUT, FUCKER.
Noah finally got a good look at the damage that had been done, it was pretty bad. There was blood and glass pretty much all over, making him wonder where the two who had also messed with him earlier went. His gaze turned back to the bartender and smiled, almost excitedly.

"Oooh~ Where you taking me, sugar?" He laughed teasingly and followed her into the room.
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Chris was about to answer but he just chuckled at Taran. He was just too tall and clumsy looking. "I-i'm sorry! You just look silly!" He started giggling, he couldn't help it.

The office was just as horrifying as the rest of the bar; there were papers and empty bottles scattered across the floor, and a department store mannequin dressed up in assless chaps and a cowboy hat stared at them from beside a mini fridge.

Rachel stepped over a small pile of clothes to get to the fridge. She opened it and pulled out several bottles of vodka, tomato juice, tabasco sauce...and a few packets of blood labelled with their types and when they were "extracted".

"Here," she tossed him one of the packets casually. "Drink up."
He watched curiously as to what she was grabbing until he saw the blood pack being thrown at him, catching it just barely. His red eyes scanned it, until he figured out what it was exactly. Noah's walked around a bit and rested against a desk littered with random stuff. "Rachel, huh?" His hand raised the blood pack and ripped it open with his teeth, taking a drink of it, shaking his head at the taste a bit. "You know, a bloody mary with your blood would be quite the treat. This stuff just isn't as delicious as you." A smirk crossed his face, she probably wouldn't agree anyways so the stuff she had stored would just have to do.
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"Dream on, pal." Rachel cleared off the desk with her arm, sending papers and a mummified finger flying. She dumped the supplies and started looking around for some glasses that weren't broken.


Glen lit himself a cigarette as he took a seat at the bar. He saw the woman he met earlier that night, but couldn't work up the nerve to talk to her right away.

He eventually bit the bullet and turned towards her. "Um...hello?"

@Deadly Darkness
"I'm surprised, earlier I didn't think you had it in you to take me somewhere like that. What kind of bar has a torture room in the back?" The vampire scoffed and watched the paper swirl to the floor. "It was pretty hot, not gonna lie." Noah smirked at Rachel and finished the rest of the blood pack.
Once she picked up her glasses she turned back to the person who had called out. She quickly through her spectacles on and smiled warmly when seeing his familiar face. "Hey Glenny-poo." She cooed teasingly. With careless steps, she made her way passed the shards of glass and to the seat beside Glen. "So how's your evening going?"
"It's not a torture room," Rachel insisted as she pulled up a pink princess sippy cup and a coffee mugーthe only things she could find. "But if you think it's so sexy, why don't I take you back and leave you there this time?"

She was only half-joking, since she was still feeling a little vengeful about her bar. She finished the Bloody Marys, making sure his was extra bloody.

"Cheers!" she said as she handed him the sippy cup.


Glen couldn't help but laugh a bit hearing the embarassing nickname. He scratched the back of his head and avoided her eyes. "It's...interesting."

That was a huge understatement, but he didn't want to trouble her with the horrible and wonderous things that happened to him so far. "This place is pretty dead, huh?"

@Deadly Darkness
Rachel watched as he avoided eye contact, scratching the back of his head. She mentally shrugged it off, assuming he didn't feel comfortable telling her. She groaned at Glen's next comment. "You're telling me. It's so boring!" She huffed as she spun around in her chair. She then came to an abrupt stop and leaned in close to Glen. "I wanna start something, get in trouble." She said in a soft, almost seductive tone; she licked her lips and scanned Glen's face. But as quickly as she had moved in she sat back. "But I'm human and what kinda can you have when you're human."
When she mentioned getting in trouble, Glen remembered something...the little vial of magical fairy drugs. He reached into his jacket pocket, and slowly pulled it out. It winked deviously at them in the shitty bar lighting.

Glen smiled cautiously. "...Want to try it?"

@Deadly Darkness
Rachel stared at the vial for a moment considering it. She then pulled her gaze away and grabbed the bottle she had been drinking. "Nah, drugs aren't my thing. Besides, if I do something dumb or fun, or both," she said with a bubbly giggle. "I'd like to remember it." Resting the bottle to her lips she took a long drink. She let it down and wiped her mouth. "Want some?" She held the bottle out to him.

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