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  • Users: Nemal
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  1. N

    The last scene from MoEP:Sidereals

    Think of it like this. The Loom of Fate is basically an Artifact that enforces the natural laws that we all know and love. Such as: things fall down, actions have consequences, things happen one after another, objects occupy different spaces. As such, as human beings, the Loom of Fate is...
  2. N

    Chargin' mah lazor!

    Neat charms, IMO. I usually don't worry too much about it when people go "doing this is the purview of <creature type>", because it's usually a non-issue. The question is: is this in-theme for the creature type you're writing for? If the answer is "yes" (and in this case, I think it is)...
  3. N


    That's the logical leap. It's a weapon, it's tattooed. Without a rule that states that tattoo weapons count as unarmed attacks, we must default to the standard assumption, i.e. weapons count as weapons. Honestly, balance-wise, Claws of the Silver Moon is damned good enough without needing to...
  4. N


    Nothing in the manual seems to indicate this. If it helps, imagine the tattoo smash fist as an aura around the Lunar's hands. Either he hits with the blunt smashfist-thing or he uses the Claws, but not both.
  5. N

    Social Combat is ruining my campaign

    Let's say I have Cha 3, Presence 3, App 3. (A socially "competent" character) I'm talking to an average dude, who I'm guessing has App 2, Integrity 1 and Will 4. An average roll hits. I'm not spending anything...? I'm not sure what it would accomplish? Is your problem with Social Combat...
  6. N

    Help me out here

    I don't have a problem with magical oversized swords, though. I also don't have a problem with giant magical mecha wielding giant nonmagical swords, either. I specifically have a problem with beings of great strength but little mass swinging giant swords when not backed by magic. It really...
  7. N

    Help me out here

    This comes up fairly often in RPGs, not just Exalted. See, thing about strength is... You can push up as much as you like, but how much you can pull is capped by your weight. If you have Strength 1, or have Strength over nine thousand, you -still- can't pull a Zeppelin down. If you pull on...
  8. N

    Help me out here

    If you find it cool, roll with it. Me? I feel more comfortable if there's an actual explanation for why aresomeness works. "The Exalted are awesome" on its own doesn't work for me when explaining why a human-sized being can swing around a two-ton weapon. If the weapon is attuned? The...
  9. N

    Changing the minimum damage

    The main problem with your change is that it makes small weapon builds unfeasible. Sure, having a guy run around with an insanely huge two-handed sword is cool. They're also a dime a dozen. Problem is, the agile, sneaky character who fights with knives, based on precision and speed... does...
  10. N

    Social Combat is ruining my campaign

    Nope! Our group uses Social Combat as written and it's worked perfectly so far. You probably missed the part of the manual that states that you can get past the "maximum 2 willpower per scene" limitation with a stunt. Stunting is so easy as to make that limit irrelevant... Yeah. Tip 1: Use...
  11. N

    My Anima Flares then what?

    Note that in some occasions, simply basking in your golden glory and watching people fall to their knees and worship you is an acceptable reaction to having your anima flare. In other words, if you can't do this, you're not far enough from the Realm. ;)
  12. N

    Keychain 117-120

    Well, there's also the fact that their technology, while cool, tends to poison Creation badly enough that even Abyssals are disgusted... (An impressive achievement, to be sure)
  13. N

    Keychain 117-120

    Not really. As far as Creation is concerned, Alchemicals are bad news all around. About as destructive as Abyssals, but harder to feel righteous about fighting. ^^;
  14. N

    Combo Advice

    Yup! Except for the part of making multiple attacks with a single Counterattack Charm... or the increase dice pool per attack that PB will grant you. ;) If I may make a suggestion? You might want to toss Hungry Tiger in there, too. It's really good for 1m per use.
  15. N

    Combo Advice

    It's understandable. :) Basically, what the comboing rules do is allow you to fuse a number of Charms into one single huge Charm-like ability. It keeps the timing rules of the Charms therein, as far as they're compatible. Nice combo. Note, though, that Peony Blossom Attack is Simple (it's...
  16. N

    Keychain 106-110

    I caught that! :D *proud*
  17. N

    Chejop Kejak must be on his death bed

    All I can say is that I'm already gathering confetti, champagne and paper hats to properly mourn his death. ^_-
  18. N


    The point was to illustrate that anyone can overreact to a request for help. Lunar faster than Solar. Lunar can carry Solar faster than Solar can move on his own. If the Lunar and the Solar need to -get- somewhere, the Solar asking the Lunar to take him is just that, a request for help...
  19. N


    ... what? ô.o Lunar: "Hey, buddy, I'm hurt. How about some of that nice Solar Healing?" Solar: "I AM NOT YOUR SLAVE!" Lunar: "Uh... no. That's not the idea at all. I was asking? See, 'cuz I'm hurt?" Solar: "NO! I SHALL NOT CONSENT TO BEING USED BY YOU, AND I ASSURE YOU THE REST OF THE...
  20. N

    Hopping Bunnies, Running Swordsmen.

    Pretty much. Whenever you hit him, he can hit you. Of course, this strategy lets you abuse the hell out of the R tag on weapons, since if your opponent's weapon doesn't have it, you -can- hit him over and over and he'll never be able to hit you back, at least not without a R or ranged weapon...