Keychain 117-120

merle said:
And why did Misho say his own name in the next-to-last panel? *blink blink*
Oh feck dammit, that was supposed to be Marena saying that! Just a moment...

EDIT: Fixed.
Arthur said:
merle said:
Wait...I thought Alchemicals were 'good guys'?
If good guys would feed your soul to their machine god...
Not really. As far as Creation is concerned, Alchemicals are bad news all around.

About as destructive as Abyssals, but harder to feel righteous about fighting. ^^;
I just realized. Misho said he spent a DOT of Willpower on that cloak. There are maybe 5 things that take whole dots of willpower, and they're all very high-end. Whatever that cloak does, I don't think it's at all good that the locust crusade has it now.

Or Misho made another oopsie. Either way.
Brickwall said:
I just realized. Misho said he spent a DOT of Willpower on that cloak. There are maybe 5 things that take whole dots of willpower, and they're all very high-end. Whatever that cloak does, I don't think it's at all good that the locust crusade has it now.
Or Misho made another oopsie. Either way.
"Dot of will" in this case is a short way of saying "a dot of temporary willpower".
Are you sure they're the locust crusade? House Rules country is notorious for that sort of thing.
Welcome to the forums, so far I'd think house rules country is referring to the appearance of alchemicals at all in second ed. Whether or not they're the locust crusade by name is moot I think.

And nice one Jukashi, I already like Her, standing around waiting for you opponents to stop talking is awesome, especially when you stop to conside that means she was already there and start to wonder how powerful she actually is...

so, any bets on Caste? I'm gonna say Jade, maybe Orichalcum due to the hair and hunting down miscreants
Smegged, I wouldn't assume she's a badguy. You might note that her belt is different. Autochthonians don't need such things to discriminate status, as their Soulgems in their forehead already do that. She'd need it for organization, so it might mean she's not in the police at all.

Yeah, I got the book. It's rather interesting. There are some unforgiveable things in it, but there's interesting stuff too.

Oh, her artifacts are clearly green jade, so she's either a Jade Caste or a very strange young lady.
Brickwall said:
Autochthonians don't need such things to discriminate status, as their Soulgems in their forehead already do that.
Where is her soulgem, anyway?

Brickwall said:
There are some unforgiveable things in it
Such as?

Oh, her artifacts are clearly green jade, so she's either a Jade Caste or a very strange young lady.
I just saw her as a Solar, with a Orichalcum necklace on. She lives in a autobot city, so she is going to wear autobot style clothes.
skafte said:
I just saw her as a Solar, with a Orichalcum necklace on. She lives in a autobot city, so she is going to wear autobot style clothes.
The "news" section calls her a "hippy robot".
I never said she was a bad guy, perceptions get skewed, I just figgered she was after them because she was obviously waiting for them. she could just be the local tourism rep ;)

why is her stuff obviously green jade? I thought she was just wearing green to further the hippy image (tiedye Jade?) and thought it mightbe jade but if she was jade cast her hair'd prolly be green (plus her necklace)
It's supposed to be on her forehead (it needs to touch her brain), but she seems to have long bangs, so maybe it's kinda high up? I was under the impression it'd be more on the caste mark area, but eh.
Or she could be using a charm to y'know... hides it... :D

Also... with regards to the green jade stuff you're seeing. Do remember you're looking at an Alchemical, and alchemical charms do NOT have to be made of the same material as their user. They in fact come in a variety of magical materials.
Their Charms are literally implanted Artifacts, so they have to be the correct material or double the implant cost. Page 61.

And the soulgems are all on the forehead, not precisely touching the brain, but she does have the long hair, sooo...
She also has a strange text bubble, the other "houserule country" characters had not :roll:
Flagg said:
Brickwall said:
(it needs to touch her brain)
If you're going to make things up, say so. Don't state them as fact.
Soulgems do touch the brain. Page 72 and 186 spells this out, if you want some page numbers.

Though the idea of a Soulgem implanted on the chest or hips does sound intriguing... And this is the house rules country after all...
Their Charms are literally implanted Artifacts, so they have to be the correct material or double the implant cost. Page 61.
And the soulgems are all on the forehead, not precisely touching the brain, but she does have the long hair, sooo...
Page 61 of what book? ^_^

Please note that in the 1e Autochtonian book, page 61 says NOTHING about the material of their charms. Also, if you go to page 88 of the Autobot book, you'll note that they are said to be made of a combination of brass, magical materials, hardened glass, and exotic alloys. Materials, not material.

Yes, they are artifacts... but nowehere does it say that they're charged extra motes for their personal committment, the only inplant cost they have is as noted in their charm text. They don't have notations like the DBs saying that "out of caste" charms cost more. They do however, have a way to make them cheaper by putting them in an array.

If you can find a text that states that they are charged extra for inplantation or activation, please provide the page.

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