My Anima Flares then what?


Ten Thousand Club
Im curious if a exalts Anima Flares... what should he do Especialy if he's in a populated area, most especialy: one that will be quick to summon the wyld hunt.

Presumably he's allready run out of Personal essence so it can be hard to say the least.

what are the best ways to hide until the Caste Mark Finally Disipates again?

not every solar has amazing Atheletics/ Telportion that lets him dissapear.

some solars and lunars can , of course slaughter an entire city, but if that seems reprehensible to you... or might be undesirable nay ideas?
No effect short of truly powerful charms and some sorcerous effects can make you "hide" if you went bonfire, so you are left with two options: fighting or running. Running is often the best option. Not that it is good at all, but it is generally better than fighting Wyld Hunters. Fighting should only be done if you are sure you can kill them, which is rare. Note that "fighting" may involve things like kidnapping and threatening the daughters of a local Immaculate, or persuading the DBs that Anathemas are really the good guys (if you are a social master Eclipse). You can also try to take advantage of specific environments. If you are, for example, in a labyrinth made out of metal leaves in the Wyld, running/hiding may be easier. All depends on surroundings.

Also note that surviving such situation should not be easy. The Wyld Hunt managed to keep Creation free from Lunars and Solars for centuries, and they are supposed to be very powerful and efficient.
Also, Social Fu. With the right charms, you can even make having this, that, or the other anima flare in vogue with the locals.
Also' date=' Social Fu. With the right charms, you can even make having this, that, or the other anima flare in vogue with the locals.[/quote']
If they haven't already killed themselves from the horror of contemplating the unrelenting hunger of Oblivion...

The Abyssal answer to "my anima flares, so then what" is "laugh at the fragile mortals once it goes fully totemic".
Which can be a real bitch as a rogue Abyssal in a mixed game.

"Well, we almost saved the village, but then somebody just had to use one more combo...."
I didn't say it was a bug. Just that its a problem. I felt more than mildly sheepish when I melted the brains of the folks we were supposed to be saving. It was just after I had gotten the MoEP: Abyssals and was running my shiny new Dusk Caste in our first big combat.

We were defending a village from a company of troops led by a few DBs, and the population was watching the battle from their houses. I went totemic with the intent of making the mortal troops run off, and the DBs wet themselves.

ST : "Is the Dusk caste anima effect any different than the Dawn caste one?"

Me : "I don't remember. Let me check.....Oh....Guys, I think I just drove the whole town mad...."

The looks of the other players would have been funny if it hadn't destroyed an evening's worth of effort.
xD ouch. I guess your ST isn't big on retconning something like that. ;)

Still, it's funny in retrospect. Has the rest of that group forgiven you?

Also, feature-not-bug was meant to be tongue-in-cheek. ;) I imagine there might still be rogues for whom accidentally driving a village starkers while saving it is not really that bad...
Note that in some occasions, simply basking in your golden glory and watching people fall to their knees and worship you is an acceptable reaction to having your anima flare.

In other words, if you can't do this, you're not far enough from the Realm. ;)
Feverfew said:
Still, it's funny in retrospect. Has the rest of that group forgiven you?
Yeah, no worries. We just rolled with it and the ST let us know at the end of the evening she had planned on the village getting destroyed a bit down the line and us getting (falsely) accused of it. She actually liked the fact that we, or more pointedly just me, were in fact responsible.
What should he do?

Stunt, Stunt, Stunt his way to success...

And then collect the worship that you richly deserve, after driving your enemies before you and hearing the lamentations of their women...
And, if all else fails, and you're cornered and flat out screwed, Peleps Deled leading a hunt to slay your poor, poor doomed ass...and this isn't one of those times your ST lets you off him surprisingly easy...then you can take it like a Exalt and go down fighting...or pull out one of those travel spells or charms people forget about, and book.

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