Keychain 106-110

yeah but the Lion lunar had tattoos on his cheeks, unless Jukashi's being really subtle and that guy's using hide of the cunning hunter to confuse US, it think it's just Jukashi accidentally re-using artwork (or the sidereal thing I Guess)
merle said:
Oh, come on, he is SO that lion Lunar! They've both got gold eyes and brown hair...and...well, I'm just really wanting that character to show up again. I like him!
Because brown hair is SO UNCOMMON, nevermind that it's the most common hair color in the Eastern direction :roll:

Hairstyle is the clincher. Trust me, comic artists will go through pains to make sure no two characters have the same hairstyle+color. It extends to extras too. So, given that it's the exact same hairstyle, down to the last line, but he didn't have tattoos in any of his appearances, I'm guessing that the lion totem is someone else (cats often have golden eyes, which would explain why the lion totem had them in DBT). I mean, the mane looked nothing like that guy's hair style. 'sides, Lion-dude only knows Clawspeak.

That one was all over the place, but the conclusion is: that's so a Sidereal. The Lion-totem is someone else, not at all related.
Brickwall said:
merle said:
Oh, come on, he is SO that lion Lunar! They've both got gold eyes and brown hair...and...well, I'm just really wanting that character to show up again. I like him!
Because brown hair is SO UNCOMMON, nevermind that it's the most common hair color in the Eastern direction :roll:

Hairstyle is the clincher. Trust me, comic artists will go through pains to make sure no two characters have the same hairstyle+color. It extends to extras too. So, given that it's the exact same hairstyle, down to the last line, but he didn't have tattoos in any of his appearances, I'm guessing that the lion totem is someone else (cats often have golden eyes, which would explain why the lion totem had them in DBT). I mean, the mane looked nothing like that guy's hair style. 'sides, Lion-dude only knows Clawspeak.

That one was all over the place, but the conclusion is: that's so a Sidereal. The Lion-totem is someone else, not at all related.
Why...why do you have to crush my dream? :cry:

Nah, really, I guess you have a point. I'm still hopeful, though.
You know arts can be hobbies, right?

Seriously, I take enough of them too seriously already. Gotta put some in the hobby category.
bah, you try to use logic on me? where I am it's 6:20 in the morning and I've been up since 8 the previous morning*, I am almost impervious to logic about now

sweeps cape across face


exit stage florg

*not a contest, I'm very aware that people on this forum have probably been up a lot longer thant 22 hours in a row at any one time
Nemal said:
NateDojo said:
Jukashi said:
The number 108 is a number of auspiciousness and significance in many cultures and several religions.
I call that Shenanigans.
I caught that! :D


Anyway, in response to Smeg, in all the Wiki entries they refer to "Eastern" stuff. Obviously nothing important to our North American neo-Colonial Empire known as Amerigo, err, I mean, America.
ignorance is not a defense :)

but seriously, it's not Like I caught it, I just did a quick wiki search on "108" after it was pointed out
What's marena supposed to be doing inside the cart while Misho's measuring that guys heartrate?

and yes, Magic Science solves EVERYTHING!
I think it is, at least I hope it is.

if Jukashi has commited the cardinal sin of cutting a female characters long hair I may have to moan a bit and do nothing about it...I mean boycott the comic until the next update...I mean..d'oh
Time for some humorous one-shots with little to no story attachment! Not that story is bad, but WOOHOO, is it nice to have a break.
Secret plays the flute?


I also like the dress with the high slit. On a stick figure, it's no big deal, but that's what imaginations are for. Mmmmm... :roll:

Anyway, the art style in the legend is interesting. An excellent comic.

I must now hunt down the story from which that was derived, as I have forgotten it mostly (I remember it's there).
Poor Secret. Playing the flute, getting all starry-eyed at creation mythsdistorted accounts of history is probably earning her massive Resonance points. Then...

At night...

That's when the runnin' and screamin' starts. That's when the kids are dragged off, shrieking into the night, by abominations best laid to rest, abominations so horrible that they could only be spawned from the Underworld or the Wyld itself. Abominations that strike into the souls of young children, and leave only lifeless corpses in their wake, beasts and fiends of malevolant cunning, aganist which Secret's might and Cluivnarhe's (soul)steel are useless, beasts against which Ten Winds' fists cannot find purchase to deliver Justice, fiends the likes of which Thrice-Radiant Misho's Keyklaive cannot harm, monsters which Marena's shifting forms, her claws and her voice are no use.

Pity she didn't have the presence of mind to sling that Essence Cannon over her back, because (IIRC), Essence blasts can hit unmaterialized things. :)

I'm just being an ass. Though it would be the suck if enough Resonance build-up in Secret could trigger an invastion of immaterial soul-snatchers out to kill the kids.

But, uh... Why is Secret standing out in what looks like direct sunlight?

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