

New Member
If a lunar gets prosthetics (of clockwork elegance) would they be present in his spirit forms?

Also could a lunar get prosthetics as a moonsilver tattoo?
Their basic forms should be covered if the prosthetics are made of moonsilver, but the other forms should look like the creatures did when they were taken. An amputee that was taken by an amputee Lunar might qualify if the missing limb is the same, but that's only with ST permission.

Otherwise, I'd say yur fooked.

By the way: Welcome to the board.

Your mind is allowed to wander and delve into any weird aspect it so chooses. Just keep the pictures rather safe, by work standards (or only put up a link, with an NSFW marker).

And try to keep the fowl language to a manageable level.

Poor speeling (as it were) is occasionally encouraged, but generally, we just deal with it and keep going.
You can't take tattoos of magitech, I think, because Repair ratings would just not. Make. Sense. Still, water breathing is a low level power, so you could probably make a custom artifact to have tattood.
Nope. Nothing with a repair rating, that has no attunement, external weapons, or anything heavier than light armor is makable as a Tattoo Artifact. (So no, you may not have your Tattoo Artifact Moonsilver Daiklaive.)
I very much want to break that rule for a certain exalt of mine. An armadillo, I want to have moonsilver plate armor tattoo... I think that would be hilarious and fun
Dracogryff said:
Nope. Nothing with a repair rating, that has no attunement, external weapons, or anything heavier than light armor is makable as a Tattoo Artifact. (So no, you may not have your Tattoo Artifact Moonsilver Daiklaive.)
However, one example given is a Smashfist TA. That then raises the question of, what would be better for the Lunar? Taking this as a tattoo, or getting the Charm Claws of the Silver Moon?
Since I think they would stack, why not both?

I'm not sure I like the implications of that...but I really do think that as they would as it's written and works so far. Armor doesn't count as armor and stacks with other armor if it's a Tattoo Artifact, so a logical extension is that Tattoo weapons don't count as being 'armed,' per-se (IE, they still count as unarmed attacks).

jeriausx said:
Edit: NVM.
Darn you. I shall now be forever curious about what I should nevermind. *shakes fist* :P
Hmmm. How would CotSM and Smash Fists stack together? I get the image in my mind of someone trying to combine a daiklave and razor claws in one attack.
Pretty simple; CotSM is already just all enhancement. All it's stuff is +(insert amount) to your unarmed attack. Tattoo Smash Fists, I would presume (if Tattoo armors don't count as armor), are basically now your unarmed attack. CotSM, in my opinion anyhow, sheathes your fingers/claws in moonsilver, adding the benefits. The tattoos give you the base stats of having smashfists, by covering your hands in moonsilver tattoos. Neither of them are actual physical I don't see where the issue is, personally...and I really get how your comparison is in any way relevant. Trying to use them both (razor claws and daiklaive) with the same hand isn't really the same as just putting tattoos on your hands, then covering them in sharp pointy moonsilver. Am I missing something somewhere? Sword plus clawed gauntlet isn't anywhere near similar to claws plus gauntlet-shaped tattoos in my mind...
Dracogryff said:
Tattoo Smash Fists, I would presume (if Tattoo armors don't count as armor), are basically now your unarmed attack.
Nothing in the manual seems to indicate this.

If it helps, imagine the tattoo smash fist as an aura around the Lunar's hands. Either he hits with the blunt smashfist-thing or he uses the Claws, but not both.
Nemal said:
Dracogryff said:
Tattoo Smash Fists, I would presume (if Tattoo armors don't count as armor), are basically now your unarmed attack.
Nothing in the manual seems to indicate this.

If it helps, imagine the tattoo smash fist as an aura around the Lunar's hands. Either he hits with the blunt smashfist-thing or he uses the Claws, but not both.
My vote is with the new guy.
One or the other, not both.

Unless you stunt it.

Perk the little bastiches up to lethal, then put your fist in through the flesh and rip your claws back out.
*shrugs* Nothing specifically states that it ISN'T, either...

And when it says 'A moonsilver design encompassing a Lunar's entire hand might qualify for a smashfist,' as well as the Official Errata put up on the wiki by John Chambers stating the following things:

1) Question: The write up of the background mentions both Hearthstone Bracers and Hearthstone Amulet as sample artifacts that can be tattooed into a lunar. Does this mean Tattoo Artifacts can have working hearthstone settings? If yes, then how does it exactly work? Does the hearthstone just stick to the Lunar's skin? Does it partially sink in wearer's flesh? Or something completely else perhaps?

Answer: Tattooed hearthstone bracers and hearthstone amulets would indeed possess working hearthstone settings. As for how it works, I imagine the heartstone is encompasses about the edges by the mixtire of moonsilver and flesh that makes up the tattoo. It's very similar to the way a skin mount amulet works, though it counts more on the natural proclivities of moonsilver and the malleability of Lunar flesh.


2) Question: Can tattooed armor stack with any other worn armor?

Answer: Typically, yes.

as well as

3) Question: Does tattooed armor count as armor for the purpose of Martial Arts?

Answer: No.

I then presume that if armor doesn't count as armor for the purposes of stacking or martial arts, artifact weapons will count as unarmed attacks, since the armor doesn't count as armor for the purposes of being armor, apparently. You can choose differently, but that's the conclusion I reach. *shrugs* And since both the Tattoo artifact and CotSM simply affect your hands in this case, I then also presume they would stack.

Whether I'd actually allow such...I don't know, but it seems not illogical to me to see where it'd be possible.
Dracogryff said:
(A bunch of accurate stuff)
Dracogryff said:
I then presume that if armor doesn't count as armor for the purposes of stacking or martial arts, artifact weapons will count as unarmed attacks, since the armor doesn't count as armor for the purposes of being armor, apparently.
That's the logical leap.

It's a weapon, it's tattooed. Without a rule that states that tattoo weapons count as unarmed attacks, we must default to the standard assumption, i.e. weapons count as weapons.

Honestly, balance-wise, Claws of the Silver Moon is damned good enough without needing to buff it further.
Me said:
Whether I'd actually allow such...I don't know, but it seems not illogical to me to see where it'd be possible.
You have no specific argument from me. I even stated such was just a potential logical extrapolation from said facts. Interpretations may vary, but I can see where the argument isn't illogical, so say that it is possible to conclude such from what is present. *shrugs*

Don't much care for Tattoo Artifact anyhow, personally.

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