Keychain 117-120

Also... look at the flower that she has on... it might be that her soul-gem is there and is decorated to look like a flower. :twisted:
You are a horrible person. I won't forgive you until you make a generous unforced donation of $5000 to my off-shore bank account.
I guess I'll just have to get used to the fact that you hate me.
In theory, if you could make a soul-gem long enough and flexible enough, you could just replace the spinal cord with it, or something like that. Does it have to be exposed to air?
Though you could modify a Soulgem like that, especially so if you are an Alchemical, Autochthonians use Soulgems as actual caste marks. They would have to be exposed to plain sight to serve their secondary function.
Jukashi said:
Flagg said:
Where is her soulgem, anyway?
*whistles nonchalantly*
"House rules country", eh?

Is there any reason why it can't be that flower she's 'wearing'?



This is from an unofficial wiki, but I could swear I've seen this elsewhere, too:

The Alchemical Exalted were created to serve somewhere between ambassador' date=' administrator and priest for the Autochthonian people. Unlike the Exalted of Creation, the Alchemicals were explicitly created to fulfill a role of assistance; the Alchemicals do not rule the Autochthonians, and were never intended to. Instead they serve as the foundation of Autochthonian society - as heroes, bureaucrats, administrators, inspirational guides and, eventually, cities. The Alchemicals help to intercede between the often-hostile mechanical lifeforms of Autochthonia and the humans living within - Alchemicals are recognized as part of Authochthonia, and as such they are granted further access to the deeps of the Machine God than mortals[/quote']
Is that accurate?
Pretty much. does that fit with:

Not really. As far as Creation is concerned, Alchemicals are bad news all around.
About as destructive as Abyssals, but harder to feel righteous about fighting. ^^;
Do they go nuts if they leave Autochthonia, or something?

And Flagg: I dunno, but it was the first thing to come up when I did a search for "Alchemical Exalted".
merle said:
Not really. As far as Creation is concerned, Alchemicals are bad news all around.
Do they go nuts if they leave Autochthonia, or something?
Not, it's just that their god/world Autocthon is dying and needs souls to keep him alive, while the human nations they watch over are running out of food, so now they've come into Creation the Autocthonians are engaged in a "Locust Crusade" which is stripping the south bare of humans and vegetation and anything else that's useful, and leaving behind naught but icky pollution. Since Exalted are in charge everywhere in Creation, the Alchemicals have to step up to the plate and they get seen as representative of the whole thing.

The reason it's so hard to feel righteous about fighting them is that they really do mean the best for their people, and they don't really know any better as far as Creation's concerned.

Oh, but they do go nuts sometimes if they get a bit too much Void in 'em.
Durn gremlins!

Jukashi said:
merle said:
Not really. As far as Creation is concerned, Alchemicals are bad news all around.
Do they go nuts if they leave Autochthonia, or something?
Not, it's just that their god/world Autocthon is dying and needs souls to keep him alive, while the human nations they watch over are running out of food, so now they've come into Creation the Autocthonians are engaged in a "Locust Crusade" which is stripping the south bare of humans and vegetation and anything else that's useful, and leaving behind naught but icky pollution. Since Exalted are in charge everywhere in Creation, the Alchemicals have to step up to the plate and they get seen as representative of the whole thing.

The reason it's so hard to feel righteous about fighting them is that they really do mean the best for their people, and they don't really know any better as far as Creation's concerned.

Oh, but they do go nuts sometimes if they get a bit too much Void in 'em.
...eep. Thanks for the heads-up, I hadn't even heard of this "Locust Crusade" before. I'll have to ask some of my more Exalted-savvy friends for more info...
As originally presented, please note, it's an optional addition to the setting. There have been a few references in 2E comics and the like, but not much beyond that.
Why is it hard to feel rightious about fighting them?

Frankly, at that point, they're just like the Fae invasion, intentions be damned. They're scything through Creation to feed something the souls of the mortal population of Creation, which means they need to be treated as any other Outside Invasion - that is, destroyed.
Well, they're kinda desperate, but they could've tried to lure people instead of conquering them.

I'm sure many people would've traded their lives in Creation to join the great clockwork, it's safer...
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Why is it hard to feel rightious about fighting them?
Frankly, at that point, they're just like the Fae invasion, intentions be damned. They're scything through Creation to feed something the souls of the mortal population of Creation, which means they need to be treated as any other Outside Invasion - that is, destroyed.
Because Autocthon functions as a reincarnation mechanism once he "digests" the souls.
The Fae ravage Creation and try to destroy it for fun. The Neverborn try to kill everything because they don't want to suffer any more. The Yozi try to break out and overtake Creation so they can mistreat everything that exists again (and probably more this time around.)

Compared to that, Autochthonians simply want to survive.
I will survive!

Oh as long as I know how to love,

I know I'll stay alive.

I've got all my life to live.

I've got all my love to give.

And I will survive!

I will survive!

Hey! Hey!
The Fae ravage Creation and try to destroy it for fun. The Neverborn try to kill everything because they don't want to suffer any more. The Yozi try to break out and overtake Creation so they can mistreat everything that exists again (and probably more this time around.)
Compared to that, Autochthonians simply want to survive.
So what?

Motives don't really matter much.So they want to survive? That's nice.

They commit atrocious and appallingly vast acts of genocide to do it? *Daiklaive*

Well, there's also the fact that their technology, while cool, tends to poison Creation badly enough that even Abyssals are disgusted...

(An impressive achievement, to be sure)
ShadowDragon8685 said:
The Fae ravage Creation and try to destroy it for fun. The Neverborn try to kill everything because they don't want to suffer any more. The Yozi try to break out and overtake Creation so they can mistreat everything that exists again (and probably more this time around.)
Compared to that, Autochthonians simply want to survive.
So what?

Motives don't really matter much.So they want to survive? That's nice.

They commit atrocious and appallingly vast acts of genocide to do it? *Daiklaive*

That's a thought that generates wars in any world.
It's been pointed out to me that one of the main tragedies of Exalted is that everyone attempts to take what they want by force. The Alchemicals in that sense are no better and no worse than the gods and the Exalted who obliterized the Primordials, or the Dragon-Blooded and Sidereals that massacred the Solars, or most any other side who wants to change/rule/break Creation.

The fact that you're doing something for the greater good, or for your survival, doesn't mean you should feel entitled to crush whatever stands in your way.
"Hello we are ancient human like you who went Elsewhere following our Machine God, but now our God is dying, we need ressources and your souls to save him..."

Yeah... right, you bet the people of Creation will try to defend themselves !

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