Chejop Kejak must be on his death bed


I really cant believe I havent seen this posted before but the fact is we now have the information ,assuming I got the dates and math right, to track dates in the Second Age using the First Age years and this allows us to track exactly how old anyone with an official exact birth date in the First Age. Admittadly the only one I can think of at the moment is Chejop Kejak.

So here is the important dates:

Year 1 of the First Age Chejop Kejak is born.

Year 1807 of the First Age Ingosh Silverclaws is born.

Realm Year 762 Ingosh Silverclaws dies at age 3189.

Realm Year 768 Current year.

So if you add the age at which Ingosh Silverclaws dies to the year he was born you get 4996. Add six years to get 5002 as the current year by the First Age calender. Knock on year off and you get Chejop Kejak's age at 5001 which mean he is knocking on death door.
It's been acknowledged since the 1E core book (i.e. the first Exalted book ever) that he's going to die soon.
Yeah, there has been a fair amount of mention on that in the books. I remember that the Bronze Faction really wants him to wear this one hearthstone or something that will prolong his life but he refuses.
magnificentmomo said:
Yeah, there has been a fair amount of mention on that in the books. I remember that the Bronze Faction really wants him to wear this one hearthstone or something that will prolong his life but he refuses.
The explanations are very cool, by the way. One of them says that it's because he's too tired. The other is because he looked at his own destiny and saw what would happen should he live.

There is also the Saturn prophecy that said he would end two ages...
It's not specified. The full story is: the sanctioned Chejop Kejak biography says that when he was a child, he once met a scary old lady, who looked at him and said "What an irony. This boy, not even a Chosen of my own, will end one age." The Sidereal book says that the biography is almost true. The only error is that the lady, who was Saturn, didn't say "one age", she said "two".

Oh, and the age he already ended is the First Age, of course.
Arthur said:
magnificentmomo said:
Yeah, there has been a fair amount of mention on that in the books. I remember that the Bronze Faction really wants him to wear this one hearthstone or something that will prolong his life but he refuses.
The explanations are very cool, by the way. One of them says that it's because he's too tired. The other is because he looked at his own destiny and saw what would happen should he live.

There is also the Saturn prophecy that said he would end two ages...
I like to imagine that his relationship with Saibok Gauto also contributed to his refusal to live any longer. :|
As far as I can remember, he pretty much is in the last decades of his life. Which, to Exalts, may as well be weeks.
Well, considering he already ended the First Age, and all that happened during the Second Age... I guess his final decision will lead to more confusion.

What could this action be for you ?

I believe he would somehow acknowledge his error on his death bed, as the various threats rises from every corner of Creation, proving the time limit of his former "killing the solars was a necessity" logic.

That would mark the end of the Factions and the reunification of heaven, and exalts.

A bit like the last words-fu Ingosh invoked when he died "the eeeeend is neeeear" :D
I thought about a campaign-ending scenario involving that. Somehow, the characters are in the Imperial City at that time. And, out of nothing, the Empress decides to come back with her fiancée (or husband, not sure) and her army of demons. The Imperial City is under siege, and some of the greatest armies of Creation clash. Kejak then suddenly realizes that it's all his fault: the fall of the Solars (who would have been able to counter the attack), the rise of the Empress (well, kind of), the weakness of Creation. He manages to very quickly send a major alert in Yu-Shan, and actually gets the Aerial Legion to the battle. In the epic combat, of which the PCs partecipate, CK himself fights, using dozens of Sid MA charms. At some point, he is severely hurt, and is about to be killed, when the PCs for some reason have the opportunity to save him. It's up to them, now.
I usually put Kejak into the last year of life he has left. It makes for an interesting Sidereal's game to see the Old Man in somewhat of a rush to get some things done and for the final two months just stop what he's doing to reflect.
Considering how much he coordinates his Faction and, through them, the Realm, he could well end the Age simply by dying.
Yeah, there have been hints here and there that the current Age is about to end and with all kinds of pent up stuff hitting the proverbial fan, a new Age is about to begin.
Jukashi said:
Considering how much he coordinates his Faction and, through them, the Realm, he could well end the Age simply by dying.
So some Maiden should be very interested in the continuation of his life...
Which one?

Maiden of Battle? As it looks now, this new age will start with battles not seen for a long time.

Maiden of Endings? An age will end 8)

I'm sure there are good reasons for the last three, but it's still to early on the day.
So some Maiden should be very interested in the continuation of his life...
Considering the nature of the Maidens. I seriously doubt that. Kejak is going to die exactly the day he is fated to die. And can't get out of his predicament.
MrMephistopheles said:
So some Maiden should be very interested in the continuation of his life...
Considering the nature of the Maidens. I seriously doubt that. Kejak is going to die exactly the day he is fated to die. And can't get out of his predicament.
Unless... you need a good plot hook.

And I'd say Serenity will be hard to get in the Third Age of Men.
If anyone, I figure it'd be Jupiter who'll fall. Kejak's plan was the biggest secret in the entirety of the Second Age, after all.
All I can say is that I'm already gathering confetti, champagne and paper hats to properly mourn his death. ^_-
All I can say is that I'm already gathering confetti, champagne and paper hats to properly mourn his death. ^_-
There is a certain amount of ironic joy to take out of knowing that so many Sidereals in his own faction are planning the same.
That gets old after awhile when it comes to White Wolf: The whole "the End of Everything as You Know It is Coming" deal. Every damn one of their games. I kind of like where Canon doesn't have everything coming to a head at times.
That gets old after awhile when it comes to White Wolf: The whole "the End of Everything as You Know It is Coming" deal. Every damn one of their games. I kind of like where Canon doesn't have everything coming to a head at times.
This doesn't really apply to Exalted. There are a myriad number of threats to Creation in the current setting. None of which are any worse than any threat that has ever come to the fore previously in the Exalted setting. There is in fact no big sword of doom hanging over your game unless you want to to be there.
Actually the biggun that they have been building towards is the Empress' return and what she brings with her.

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