Chejop Kejak must be on his death bed

Coyotekin said:
Actually the biggun that they have been building towards is the Empress' return and what she brings with her.
Really that's only in the comics, though. Nothing in the game says that everything has to end or even come to a head in the next few years (except for all that Chejop Kejak stuff, which I think is in the books), but all that's even more optional than what they tried to make in WoD.
Really that's only in the comics, though. Nothing in the game says that everything has to end or even come to a head in the next few years (except for all that Chejop Kejak stuff, which I think is in the books), but all that's even more optional than what they tried to make in WoD.
There's also nothing in all that(the return of the Empress) that says to me that it is worse than all the things that have threatened Creation in the past. There are plenty, in fact, a ton of major threat to Creation plot hooks in Exalted. But there's no big hu hum nothing you can do, Creation is doomed and it doesn't matter what the players do attitude in Exalted. Well..unless you read Exalted threats. Then apparently there are :)
Aside from Auto, she's the only whole primordial left, and he was always being bullied around by the other primordials. I'd say she's the single most powerful entity in canon at this point (as far as primordials can be "single"). Even if something came along that was bigger and badder than her, well, so were the other primordials. If anything will unite the Exalted again, it's Gaia persuading them to do so. And this time the gods would be able to fight as well.
Eh, I just clean house wholesale in my games sometimes. Everyone fucking dies. Primordials, humans, gods, all of them right down the shitter for the next eyeblink in the Wyld when something new comes along as the tumor on the perfection of Chaos.
Jukashi said:
Aside from Auto, she's the only whole primordial left, and he was always being bullied around by the other primordials. I'd say she's the single most powerful entity in canon at this point (as far as primordials can be "single"). Even if something came along that was bigger and badder than her, well, so were the other primordials. If anything will unite the Exalted again, it's Gaia persuading them to do so. And this time the gods would be able to fight as well.
Um... there is that other Primordial. The one that's in hiding. That's whole.
Yeah, two prims fled Creation, one came back and was taken care of, and the other is still at large. DotFA.

As if there wasn't enough possibilities for 2 or 3 apocalypses in the previous setting :lol:
Yeah, since the Aftershock War there are only three whole, active Primordials left. Gaia, Autocthon and the Other One.

The Other One isn't friendly.
Flagg said:
And he's doing what, exactly?
Well... based on the one they actually managed to tag and bag in the Aftershock War... it's probably studying all the mistakes its siblings made and is remaking itself over and over again to perfect itself for combat. It could very well be biding its time until it feels it's the perfect moment to strike.

Hell, it could have been behind the Deathlords, the Great Contagion and the Fair Folk invasion.

It's also entirely possible it's also counted its losses, picked up its ball, and fled the fuck back into Deep Chaos to get away from certain doom.

Whatever way you choose, it's hiding. Hiding so well that the combined might of the Celestial, Terrestrial and Heavenly movers and shakers couldn't find it.
I think most of the celestial gods would not forget that info, as well as the siddies in place back in the days. Creation might have forgotten all about him, but the Heavens... I don't think so.
Maybe not but they're not exactly in a position to do anything about. What with their great economy of late. :P
I've been toying with ideas for this primordial, but I suppose that's why the left it blank, so you can come up with something yourself. Having a spare primordial around gives you pretty much whatever possibilities you want as an ST.
I think it's disheartening that everyone assumes this Primordial is a threat. Maybe it's been gone all this time perfecting the Ultimate Cheeseburger, which it will then selflessly gift to Creation.

You kids have been playing too many violent video games.
One of the people that worked on DoTFA suggested that the primordial has actually been dealt with by the Age of Sorrows and that it's mostly there to provide a neat plot hook for DotFA characters.
Funny thing is that I had an apocalyptic game where it was discovered that the Games of Divinity was actually a Primordial bound and sealed. Something had damaged the wards and the Primordial was able to awaken enough. The Incarnae were still held in its influence and could barely react as it started to consume all of them and Yu-Shan.

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