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Fantasy Zeta Academy ( Finished The Bad Side has Won.)

DizjayDeathPride said:
"A few made their way onto the island but a couple of us handled it. Other than that, nothing to note. It's apparent that they disappear in smoke when they die so we do not have any corpses, sorry. Speak to our headmaster for more"
Alexandra smiles at her and continues to stare into her eyes. Not saying a word. Last year the headmaster didn't know all too much about the monsters either so why would he know now? Why did the monsters act up around the academy? Why Is Ryan giving hints to knowing things but refuses to tell us what? She had so many questions to ask but she continues to smile and stare into Daliah's eyes. It's been a good 8 minutes now.

Gavon decides to step up, clearing his throat to grab their attention. "Do you mind giving us the information log on which patients have been here within the last two weeks?" Gavon took a look around the room and the students.

Ruby had to stay calmly. They were interrogating them all. "I don't trust them. They seem strong so try not to say anything."
"Well I certainly don't feel metal in any way. Plus, we've both been inside my subconscious. If I was an android, would it even exist? Also, I can bleed," She said, shaking her head, "And I hope you know, you are very confusing. You're technically 16, but at the same time you're not?"
Light said:
Alexandra smiles at her and continues to stare into her eyes. Not saying a word. Last year the headmaster didn't know all too much about the monsters either so why would he know now? Why did the monsters act up around the academy? Why Is Ryan giving hints to knowing things but refuses to tell us what? She had so many questions to ask but she continues to smile and stare into Daliah's eyes. It's been a good 8 minutes now.
Gavon decides to step up, clearing his throat to grab their attention. "Do you mind giving us the information log on which patients have been here within the last two weeks?" Gavon took a look around the room and the students.

Ruby had to stay calmly. They were interrogating them all. "I don't trust them. They seem strong so try not to say anything."
Daliah shrugged. "It's Ryan's classroom/office. He probably takes them with him when he leaves. Can't leave important paperwork like that laying around"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Daliah shrugged. "It's Ryan's classroom/office. He probably takes them with him when he leaves. Can't leave important paperwork like that laying around"
Alexandra nods her head and gets up. "Come on Gavon!~ Let's go find Blue!"

Gavon bows respectfully and leaves with Alexandra.

AtlasTheShapeless said:
Carter didn't bothered to look up, while waiting for everyone to leave, mumbling a few words in the Forerunner language.
Blue was still looking for Katie when he finds another student. "Hello."
Ameythyst said:
"Well I certainly don't feel metal in any way. Plus, we've both been inside my subconscious. If I was an android, would it even exist? Also, I can bleed," She said, shaking her head, "And I hope you know, you are very confusing. You're technically 16, but at the same time you're not?"
"Hmmm... I guess you're right. Very well then you're not an android. Maybe it will figure itself out in time,"

Daliah watched them leave. "Interesting. Something is happening"
Dante dashed to the side with the beam only hitting his left arm causing it to be limp and almost unusable for the moment, he then channeled all of the rage that had gathered through out the fight into his fist. He then began to sprint towards Fehy.
Somnus charged another beam while waiting for the perfect opportunity and then released it at Dante's feet and the ground a little ahead of him and Fahy stopped waiting for his reaction to decide his next course of action.
AtlasTheShapeless said:
"Yes?" Carter didn't looked up, the Forerunner Language suddenly turning into a 'Perfect English'
"So what's been going on here lately? Oh I'm sorry. Where are my manners?! Names Blue, you'll want to remember it."

DizjayDeathPride said:
"Hmmm... I guess you're right. Very well then you're not an android. Maybe it will figure itself out in time,"
Daliah watched them leave. "Interesting. Something is happening"
Ruby takes a deep sigh once they both leave. She couldn't believe Gavon was back. "Yeah... something is happening." She looks at Daliah. "Thank you."

AnthonyWrath said:
Dante dashed to the side with the beam only hitting his left arm causing it to be limp and almost unusable for the moment, he then channeled all of the rage that had gathered through out the fight into his fist. He then began to sprint towards Fehy.
Drumonkey said:
Somnus charged another beam while waiting for the perfect opportunity and then released it at Dante's feet and the ground a little ahead of him and Fahy stopped waiting for his reaction to decide his next course of action.
Katie was finally starting to see some action. She flew closer to the ground flying parallel to Dante. "Ooohh. What are you going to do?! Slam him up good?" She flies away and makes her way to Fahy. "Who do you think will win? He seems pretty mad." She chuckles as she keeps her distance.
AtlasTheShapeless said:
"A few demons, nothing too dangerous..." Carter was still looking down. "And...I'm Carter..." He said.
Blue had his hand in his pocket because he was recording this conversation. He offers his spare hand to shake. "Hello Carter. What are the demons you speak of?"
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*Leon walks through the academy gates, amazed by all the sites*

^Guess human stuff all looks grand like this^ Leon thought as he looked about.

"Id better find the front office and put this stuff in" he said to himself as he put the registration documents into his pack and ran toward the main building

*goes to main office and does formalities*

*sees poster about beast taming tournament*

I got to check this out said Leon as he ran toward the beast tamer arena
Coprov said:
*Leon walks through the academy gates, amazed by all the sites*
^Guess human stuff all looks grand like this^ Leon thought as he looked about.

"Id better find the front office and put this stuff in" he said to himself as he put the registration documents into his pack and ran toward the main building

*goes to main office and does formalities*

*sees poster about beast taming tournament*

I got to check this out said Leon as he ran toward the beast tamer arena
( You don't have to do the ** Things for actions. Just type them out normally. For thoughts you could just put it in italics or just make it obvious that your character is thinking so you don't have to put it in italics. For example. )

Rikka was sitting in the stands. Thinking to herself as she watched Dante and Fahy fight it out. She knew they were fighting hard, she couldn't imagine having to choose a winner but it had to be done. She looks up at Decimus and remembers the previous fight in which he actually voted for. He would usually be neutral. She turns her head back to the arena and watches the match, wondering how far her students could go in terms of bonding. "I wonder...." Is all that comes out of her mouth in a low whisper. She turns her head and notices a new student coming into her class. She stands up and approaches him, ready to greet him. "Hello, you must be new. My name is Rikka. I teach Beast Taming. I see the fighting has brought you here."
Carter finally looked up. "Ummm...lets see...they use some boulders as long range weapons...can create dark mist... they disappear in the mist..." He said. "And you know something? One hand in the pocket is...very....very...suspicious..." He joked.
AtlasTheShapeless said:
Carter finally looked up. "Ummm...lets see...they use some boulders as long range weapons...can create dark mist... they disappear in the mist..." He said. "And you know something? One hand in the pocket is...very....very...suspicious..." He joked.
Blue laughs at his joke and pulls both hands out of his pocket. "I'm sorry if me putting my hand in my pocket made me seem suspicious." Blue grins at this. "So what else do you know? I think I know what your talking about."

DizjayDeathPride said:
Daliah nodded to her. "So why exactly are we all in here?"
Ruby looks at the room around her then back to Isabella and Daliah. "Simple. I was drawn here due to a calling. You're here because you were following me and she's here." She points at Isabella. "Because she's gotten the same calling I did. Which could only mean...."
Light said:
Blue laughs at his joke and pulls both hands out of his pocket. "I'm sorry if me putting my hand in my pocket made me seem suspicious." Blue grins at this. "So what else do you know? I think I know what your talking about."
Ruby looks at the room around her then back to Isabella and Daliah. "Simple. I was drawn here due to a calling. You're here because you were following me and she's here." She points at Isabella. "Because she's gotten the same calling I did. Which could only mean...."
"Well no I didn't get a calling. Sitri did. And he told me to go this way so I did" She smiled and shrugged "I don't know what to really say about it"
"Lets see...creepy maze....,I'm a Forunner...I don't know if that helps....and...thats all..." Carter said, mumbling the same words in the Forerunner language before looking down.
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Well no I didn't get a calling. Sitri did. And he told me to go this way so I did" She smiled and shrugged "I don't know what to really say about it"
Ruby raises an eyebrow. "Sitri?" Ruby had an idea of what Sitri was so she wanted to do something to flush him out. "Ruby starts to sing in the way she would to communicate with other Meta Demon.

AtlasTheShapeless said:
"Lets see...creepy maze....,I'm a Forunner...I don't know if that helps....and...thats all..." Carter said, mumbling the same words in the Forerunner language before looking down.
"A forerunner?! That's amazing man!" Blue grins even more at this. "Come on. A forerunner like you has to know something else. How do you know they're demons?" Blue stops for a moment and points at him while nodding his head. "You fought one before did you?! Bet you kicked it's ass! What happened?"
Somnus' blast blew Dante back a bit and onto the ground. As he layed there he was becoming severely more angry, but he could also feel the ground shaking behind him. That's when he looked up and saw Rampage jump over and land in front of him." You didn't really think I was going to let you fight them alone did you? We're a team, now get up and let's win this!" "Right!" Dante stood up and grabbed Rampages tail, Rampage then jumped at Somnus and bit into his Somnus' back and whipped his tail towards Fehy, shooting Dante at him. Dante cocked his arm back and punched Fehy with all the pent up rage he had in the face feeling not only Fehy's cheek and jaw break as well as all the bones in Dante's right arm.
Alice looked down, thinking. "So, are you just going to spend all day here? Don't you have princely things to do?"

Jasper had gotten bored in the room, and decided to go back to the forest, humming as he walked through the halls.
"Being a Forerunner isn't 'amazing'... I am alone....no matter where I go..... they are dead..." Carter said, still looking down. "And no...that was my first time...but I couldn't do anything...my arm was stuck under a boulder..."
Isabella tilted her head. "You're a great singer Ruby! It sounds so pretty" Sitri however was being drawn to the lure. But he couldn't come out without Isabella's permission. "Let me speak to her" "Why?" "I need to" "if she asks sure" Isabella continued to listen to the singing, tilting her head

Daliah raised an eyebrow. "What're you doing?"

Zaphkiel chuckled. "No. I'm a student. Besides, mother handles everything. That's her dream. I'm only here because I came to check on you and make you feel a bit more integrated. If you want me to leave, Ill go"

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