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Fantasy Zeta Academy ( Finished The Bad Side has Won.)

"No that is it thank you." Fahy bowed and then turned leaving the room and heading to his room with his backpack on and grabbed a few things before heading into the forest and standing a distance away from a tree as he pulled off the bow then drew back to fire an arrow and missed the tree completely not to mention the string injured his arm. Fahy just continued practicing learning from each failure until he decided to fill up the one jug he had with sleep sand breathing into it 4 times to fill it up before dropping it into his quiver.
Alice woke up, and moved into a sitting position. Zaphkiel was still sleeping on her, so she poked his face, "Get up. Your head is hurting my legs."
DizjayDeathPride said:
He jogged after her and grabbed her hand. "You know I care. You also know I don't believe in crossing boundaries. If you want to be alone I'm not going to push unless you ask me to. You know that Rachel. That doesn't mean I care any less"
"I thought we really connected but so far you show no interest in me. I've tried so hard but it's all one sided. Just please tell me this. What do you see me as?" She looked into his eyes.

Reed finished and sent back to the dorm. "Rebecca I'm gonna take a shower." He walked into the bathroom.

Gaige smiled as the jug landed in her class room. She put it in the cabinet and sent him two sets of arrows. One set was a gift.
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Fahy smiled and returned to practicing getting better and better until he didn't suck with the bow, he wasn't perfect but he could hit a big enough target enough times with some accuracy. Next he began collecting arrows and using them to practice from further away.
Ameythyst said:
Alice woke up, and moved into a sitting position. Zaphkiel was still sleeping on her, so she poked his face, "Get up. Your head is hurting my legs."
Zaphkiel groaned. "I'm not asleep. I just didn't feel like moving." He got up and rubbed his face. "How'd you sleep?"

Tazmodo said:
"I thought we really connected but so far you show no interest in me. I've tried so hard but it's all one sided. Just please tell me this. What do you see me as?" She looked into his eyes.
Reed finished and sent back to the dorm. "Rebecca I'm gonna take a shower." He walked into the bathroom.

Gaige smiled as the jug landed in her class room. She put it in the cabinet and sent him two sets of arrows. One set was a gift.

He sighed. "I'm not certain. Love hasn't been good for me and I typically avoid it. I like you, yeah. You're great. But if you're looking for a settle down and be in love guy I'm not it. I enjoy being around and with you. I like making you happy. But I have my limits"

Rebecca was laying on her bed talking to Chester. "Yeah sure have fun"
Somnus reached Dante and told him the news that Fehy was alright," Do you mind guiding me to him? I'd like to speak with him for a moment."
"Decent, but when I woke up your head was killing the circulation in my legs. Your head is quite heavy," She said rubbing her legs, trying to stimulate the blood flow again, "How did you sleep?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Zaphkiel groaned. "I'm not asleep. I just didn't feel like moving." He got up and rubbed his face. "How'd you sleep?"

He sighed. "I'm not certain. Love hasn't been good for me and I typically avoid it. I like you, yeah. You're great. But if you're looking for a settle down and be in love guy I'm not it. I enjoy being around and with you. I like making you happy. But I have my limits"

Rebecca was laying on her bed talking to Chester. "Yeah sure have fun"
"I see. Then I guess we're just going to have to be friends. I've been down this road before and I got my heart stomped on. Sorry." Tears rolled down her face.

Reed walked out wrapped up in a towel. "Hey are you hungry?" He said grabbing some clothes.
Ameythyst said:
"Decent, but when I woke up your head was killing the circulation in my legs. Your head is quite heavy," She said rubbing her legs, trying to stimulate the blood flow again, "How did you sleep?"
"It's filled with countless knowledge. Anyways I slept fine. Did you dream?"

Tazmodo said:
"I see. Then I guess we're just going to have to be friends. I've been down this road before and I got my heart stomped on. Sorry." Tears rolled down her face.
Reed walked out wrapped up in a towel. "Hey are you hungry?" He said grabbing some clothes.

"If that's what you want then I won't stop you" He wiped her tears nonetheless

"Sure why not"
Somnus growled at Dante and then nodded and began to head to the forest where Fahy was practicing with his bow and arrows. @AnthonyWrath
DizjayDeathPride said:
The clone of Zaphkiel woke up and smiled at the sight before him in his bed. He relaxed and fell back asleep.
Meanwhile the original Zaphkiel woke up and equally did the same. Alice and he were close friends now. He could tell. And he liked that

Everyone else had gone to sleep and returned back to the stands. The fighting was put on hold for a moment to sleep but would resume when Kaylee and Telieos woke up. @Light @Tazmodo

Fariella decided to go home with William to make things easier. Nothing happened of course but she did love the layout of his home. She slept on the couch to make things less awkward and when they were both up and ready he flew her back to the stands
Katie had gotten up, showered, and got dressed. She looks at Zaphkiel and tries to wake him up. She jumps back on the bed and grins as she messes with Zaphkiels cheeks. "Come on Zaphkiel!~ Time to wake up!" Katie starts to slowly drag her finger down his chest. Adding a slight electric feeling to it. Katie still felt at ease with herself. Usually she would always be on guard. Always on the alert due to slight PTSD from the battlefield. She definitely didn't have anything serious though. When she looked at him she no longer felt the need to be so alert.

Telieos morphs back into a white flag. Willow grips the flag in her mouth and waves it around. "We quit. There's no point. I don't have a tight bond with Willow so there's no point in letting her get hurt."


Drumonkey said:
Somnus growled at Dante and then nodded and began to head to the forest where Fahy was practicing with his bow and arrows. @AnthonyWrath
Blue was sitting in a tree above him. Simply watching Fahy practice with a bow and arrow. He wondered if he should help him out.
DizjayDeathPride said:
"It's filled with countless knowledge. Anyways I slept fine. Did you dream?"

"If that's what you want then I won't stop you" He wiped her tears nonetheless

"Sure why not"
Rachel walked back to the dorm and made pancakes.

Reed got dressed and waited for Rebecca. "How about waffles I like those."

Kaylee sighed. "But thats no fun."
Light said:
Katie had gotten up, showered, and got dressed. She looks at Zaphkiel and tries to wake him up. She jumps back on the bed and grins as she messes with Zaphkiels cheeks. "Come on Zaphkiel!~ Time to wake up!" Katie starts to slowly drag her finger down his chest. Adding a slight electric feeling to it. Katie still felt at ease with herself. Usually she would always be on guard. Always on the alert due to slight PTSD from the battlefield. She definitely didn't have anything serious though. When she looked at him she no longer felt the need to be so alert.
Telieos morphs back into a white flag. Willow grips the flag in her mouth and waves it around. "We quit. There's no point. I don't have a tight bond with Willow so there's no point in letting her get hurt."


Blue was sitting in a tree above him. Simply watching Fahy practice with a bow and arrow. He wondered if he should help him out.
He looked up at her. "I am awake katie. How was your sleep?"

Beleth stood up. "The battle is decided. Kaylee continues. The next fight?"

Tazmodo said:
Rachel walked back to the dorm and made pancakes.
Reed got dressed and waited for Rebecca. "How about waffles I like those."

Kaylee sighed. "But thats no fun."

Zaphkiel sighed and went after her. "Rachel. Talk to me"

Rebecc looked at him. "It depends. Do you eat your waffles wrong too?"
Fahy glanced at Dante then at Blue and shrugged his shoulders, he still wasn't fully comfortable around multiple people and sensing that Somnus growled at Blue then laid at Fahy's feet. Fahy's next shot was awful and worse than the first one because he couldn't concentrate and was freaking out a little bit at all the attention.
DizjayDeathPride said:
He looked up at her. "I am awake katie. How was your sleep?"

Beleth stood up. "The battle is decided. Kaylee continues. The next fight?"

Zaphkiel sighed and went after her. "Rachel. Talk to me"

Rebecc looked at him. "It depends. Do you eat your waffles wrong too?"
"I'm fine I'm just gonna eat breakfast and head back to the tournament. Don't worry about going you dont have to."

"I don't eat anything the wrong way. Besides I like them with cinnamon and syrup. What about you?" He fed Adalinda and started walking with her on his shoulder.
Tazmodo said:
"I'm fine I'm just gonna eat breakfast and head back to the tournament. Don't worry about going you dont have to."
"I don't eat anything the wrong way. Besides I like them with cinnamon and syrup. What about you?" He fed Adalinda and started walking with her on his shoulder.
He sighed and leaned against her like usual. "You know I know you're upset. Talk to me Rachel"

She shook her head holding Chester. "See my point? Wrong. Just like the pizza. It's about simplicity that births elegance. Plain waffles are key"
DizjayDeathPride said:
He sighed and leaned against her like usual. "You know I know you're upset. Talk to me Rachel"

She shook her head holding Chester. "See my point? Wrong. Just like the pizza. It's about simplicity that births elegance. Plain waffles are key"
Rachel started eating. "It's just that it's hard fir me to get over someone I really cared about. Just please let me eat."

Reed shook his head. "First the pizza and now this. If it's simple then it gets borring. You need something to spice it up give it new flavor."
Tazmodo said:
Rachel started eating. "It's just that it's hard fir me to get over someone I really cared about. Just please let me eat."
Reed shook his head. "First the pizza and now this. If it's simple then it gets borring. You need something to spice it up give it new flavor."
He bit his lip but backed off like she asked, letting it go for now

She shook her head. "No you're trying to fix something that isn't broken. Theres no reason to spice it up it's fine as is. And if you're getting bored of it so quickly you seem to be the problem and unable to settle down. And if thats the case" she turned, walking backwards. "How would you expect to be with someone like me? Or help me in your words. Are you going to try and spice me up and change me too?" She smiled and turned back, walking forward. "Checkmate"
DizjayDeathPride said:
He looked up at her. "I am awake katie. How was your sleep?"

Beleth stood up. "The battle is decided. Kaylee continues. The next fight?"

Zaphkiel sighed and went after her. "Rachel. Talk to me"

Rebecc looked at him. "It depends. Do you eat your waffles wrong too?"
"It was amazing." Katie winks at him. She brushes her hair behind her ear as she kisses him. Electricity flows through both of them. Zaphkiel feels a slight shock but mostly feels energized afterwards. With a slight twitch but that would go away. "Should we get back to the tournament? Or do you have something else in mind?" Katie now sits up straight on top of him.

Rikka stands up. "It seems like we have Dante, Kaylee, and Rachel. I'd like to knock this out once and for all. So I'll participate to even the numbers. Winning team has to face off against one another afterwards."

Drumonkey said:
Fahy glanced at Dante then at Blue and shrugged his shoulders, he still wasn't fully comfortable around multiple people and sensing that Somnus growled at Blue then laid at Fahy's feet. Fahy's next shot was awful and worse than the first one because he couldn't concentrate and was freaking out a little bit at all the attention.
Blue chuckles. "Oh come on! It's not nice to threaten me. I've never done anything wrong!" Blue quickly draws his bow and fires an arrow which hits Fahy's while it was moving through the air. "Well maybe for that. I just don't take threats too kindly. So how are you doi-?" Blue's eyes widen as he pulls out his phone. "You're that one kid!"
DizjayDeathPride said:
He bit his lip but backed off like she asked, letting it go for now

She shook her head. "No you're trying to fix something that isn't broken. Theres no reason to spice it up it's fine as is. And if you're getting bored of it so quickly you seem to be the problem and unable to settle down. And if thats the case" she turned, walking backwards. "How would you expect to be with someone like me? Or help me in your words. Are you going to try and spice me up and change me too?" She smiled and turned back, walking forward. "Checkmate"
Rachel finished eating and headed out. "If you don't want to go you don't have to."

"That may be so for waffles or pizza but who could ever get tired of a beautiful and amazing person such as your self. Waffles and pizza are imperfect that's why it takes time to try. You on the other hand are already well past perfect. " He spread his wings. "Compared to your beauty these wings look like trash. How could anyone try to change you?"
"Don't worry I'm not here to hurt you. I just came to answer your question from earlier." Dante said as he lean against a tree.
Alice shook her head no. "No dreams tonight. Maybe its you, maybe you suck the dreams away from people," She said smiling, gesturing with her hands. "You could be one of those weird creatures who eat people's dreams as they sleep."
Fahy puts his bow onto his back and it turns into a backpack an he turns to walk away he glances at Dante and gestures for him to go compete, Somnus shoots a small solarbeam at Blue then quickly follows Fahy away from this new person. Fahy had went from feeling scared and worried to embarrased to the extreme and couldn't handle being around that kid in the slightest. @Light @AnthonyWrath
Light said:
"It was amazing." Katie winks at him. She brushes her hair behind her ear as she kisses him. Electricity flows through both of them. Zaphkiel feels a slight shock but mostly feels energized afterwards. With a slight twitch but that would go away. "Should we get back to the tournament? Or do you have something else in mind?" Katie now sits up straight on top of him.
Rikka stands up. "It seems like we have Dante, Kaylee, and Rachel. I'd like to knock this out once and for all. So I'll participate to even the numbers. Winning team has to face off against one another afterwards."

Blue chuckles. "Oh come on! It's not nice to threaten me. I've never done anything wrong!" Blue quickly draws his bow and fires an arrow which hits Fahy's while it was moving through the air. "Well maybe for that. I just don't take threats too kindly. So how are you doi-?" Blue's eyes widen as he pulls out his phone. "You're that one kid!"
"Actually I do. And you're halfway there. But after that, I do have buisness to take care of. Will you accompany me?"

Beleth shook his head. "No Rikka we can not allow that. Since Kaylee's fight just ended, Dante and Rachel will fight amd Kaylee will be in the finals"

Tazmodo said:
Rachel finished eating and headed out. "If you don't want to go you don't have to."
"That may be so for waffles or pizza but who could ever get tired of a beautiful and amazing person such as your self. Waffles and pizza are imperfect that's why it takes time to try. You on the other hand are already well past perfect. " He spread his wings. "Compared to your beauty these wings look like trash. How could anyone try to change you?"

He sighed and walked with her

She smiled and turned back. "Sweet but you're wrong. Waffles are definitely perfect. Guess you need better ones"

Ameythyst said:
Alice shook her head no. "No dreams tonight. Maybe its you, maybe you suck the dreams away from people," She said smiling, gesturing with her hands. "You could be one of those weird creatures who eat people's dreams as they sleep."
He gasped dramatically. "My parents have lied to me my whole life!"

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