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Fantasy Zeta Academy ( Finished The Bad Side has Won.)

Rachel woke up in hey dorm. She left and walked around aimlessly.

Reed woke up at sat up in his bed. "Hey Rebecca imma be gone for a while." He didn't know if she was there he walked out and did his morning routine.

(So kaylee was cutting through the dome what now?)
Tazmodo said:
Rachel woke up outside. Memories of last night came back to her. She was heading back to hwr dorm when she heard Zaphkiel with someone. She instantly turned and walked out. Rachel had truly cared for him and she thought they bonded. She immediately dismissed any thought about him that came to mind. "If he wants to be with her then I have no right to stop him." She got up and walked aimlessly around the campus.
Reed woke up at sat up in his bed. "Hey Rebecca imma be gone for a while." He didn't know if she was there he walked out and did his morning routine.

(So kaylee was cutting through the dome what now?)
(he was in his room in the castle not the dorm and continue cutting slowly)
"I need a weapon. Any weapon really then I need to see how to use it properly once I do that I will be able to use it properly."
(I edited it)

Kaylee was cutting through the dome and had almost finished. "This is really boring." She said to Telious.


Drumonkey said:
"I need a weapon. Any weapon really then I need to see how to use it properly once I do that I will be able to use it properly."
"Well a weapon is just a mere tool. Tell me about the way you fight. Your tactics style anything that you think is important. There are tons of weapons and the perfect weapon depends on your compatability."
"I don't fight, not until recently. I can memorize information quickly and fighting styles as well. I tend to use the enemy against themselves I guess." Fahy shrugged unsure of what else to say because to fight one needs to fight people and Fahy was scared of them but it was better now.
Zaphkiel realized he didn't have a clone with Rachel anymore. He had one appear in front of her and block her path, leaning on a wall. "How're you holding up after this fight? Ready to win?"

Rebecca rose out of Reed's shadow holding Chester and extended him to Reed. "He got your flower. Do you like tulips?"
"I see and given you power you don't seem like the brute type. How do you feel about archery or long range attacks?"


DizjayDeathPride said:
Zaphkiel realized he didn't have a clone with Rachel anymore. He had one appear in front of her and block her path, leaning on a wall. "How're you holding up after this fight? Ready to win?"
Rebecca rose out of Reed's shadow holding Chester and extended him to Reed. "He got your flower. Do you like tulips?"
"Im fine." She kept walking.

Reed jumped at he sudden arrival. He smiled. "Thanks Chester and I love them." He looked at Rebecca and smiled. "I'll be done in a few if you need me." He spread his wings. "Just need to finish with this."
"Archery seems fitting since my contract is a dragon... I would like to learn more about long ranged weapons." Fahy nodded his head setting his mind on the task ahead.
Tazmodo said:
"I see and given you power you don't seem like the brute type. How do you feel about archery or long range attacks?"

"Im fine." She kept walking.

Reed jumped at he sudden arrival. He smiled. "Thanks Chester and I love them." He looked at Rebecca and smiled. "I'll be done in a few if you need me." He spread his wings. "Just need to finish with this."
She smiled back. "Have fun! Don't die. Chester would take too long to get you a rose"

He followed after her. "You're not fine. You know I know. What's wrong?"
Drumonkey said:
"Archery seems fitting since my contract is a dragon... I would like to learn more about long ranged weapons." Fahy nodded his head setting his mind on the task ahead.
"Awesome" he spawned every long ranged weapon every made. "Guns aren't allowed at school so that's off the table." The guns disappeared. "You like to use the sleep poweder so something that's adaptable." All that was left was a longbow and a short bow. "The longbow short long distance and is hard to move around with. The short bow doesn't shoot as far but is easy to use in close combat. Both can be adapted and changed. Pick."

DizjayDeathPride said:
She smiled back. "Have fun! Don't die. Chester would take too long to get you a rose"
He followed after her. "You're not fine. You know I know. What's wrong?"
Rachel kept walking. "Well for one you ditched me last night when I was injured." She had her arm in a sling. "Then I wake up all alone in the dorm so when I decide to go clear my head you suddenly appear like nothing happened. What happened last night?"

Reed smiled. "That's ok I love tulips." He flew up and continued hos routine.
"I'll take the short bow, I will have to practice with it but the short bow should work, also now I can talk to the crafts teacher and see about alternate arrow heads to use." Fahy smiled and looked at the bow in fascination memorizing every curve and edge, as he picked it up.
Tazmodo said:
"Awesome" he spawned every long ranged weapon every made. "Guns aren't allowed at school so that's off the table." The guns disappeared. "You like to use the sleep poweder so something that's adaptable." All that was left was a longbow and a short bow. "The longbow short long distance and is hard to move around with. The short bow doesn't shoot as far but is easy to use in close combat. Both can be adapted and changed. Pick."
Rachel kept walking. "Well for one you ditched me last night when I was injured." She had her arm in a sling. "Then I wake up all alone in the dorm so when I decide to go clear my head you suddenly appear like nothing happened. What happened last night?"

Reed smiled. "That's ok I love tulips." He flew up and continued hos routine.
He shook his head. "Oh no no. Diana healed you and I waited in the stands without moving an inch and you never came back. I figured you needed time to get your mind around the injury but you never came. So I went to Rikka to figure out how to contract the big guy. Which isn't that hard by the way. But fine if you want to keep going I'm not stopping you. You have freewill"
Drumonkey said:
"I'll take the short bow, I will have to practice with it but the short bow should work, also now I can talk to the crafts teacher and see about alternate arrow heads to use." Fahy smiled and looked at the bow in fascination memorizing every curve and edge, as he picked it up.
"Also taking this." He tossed him a knife. "Just incase if they get to close."

Gaige was sitting in her crafts class.

DizjayDeathPride said:
He shook his head. "Oh no no. Diana healed you and I waited in the stands without moving an inch and you never came back. I figured you needed time to get your mind around the injury but you never came. So I went to Rikka to figure out how to contract the big guy. Which isn't that hard by the way. But fine if you want to keep going I'm not stopping you. You have freewill"
"I know you won't that's the point." She didn't stop walking. She tried to hide get face. He doesn't care about you. She thought to herself.
Fahy caught it and nodded his head in thanks then ran out of the class, a few minutes later while being slightly out of breath fahy ran into the crafts class "Excuse me can you help me with two things also my name is Fahy nice to meet you." Fahy smiled widely and his eyes flashed gold for a second.
Drumonkey said:
Fahy caught it and nodded his head in thanks then ran out of the class, a few minutes later while being slightly out of breath fahy ran into the crafts class "Excuse me can you help me with two things also my name is Fahy nice to meet you." Fahy smiled widely and his eyes flashed gold for a second.
Gaige looked up at him from her chair. She was laying down in it like a recliner. "Sure what do you need?"
"I recently gained a short bow to use as a weapon and I would like to learn how to make different arrow heads mainly some nonlethal ones so I don't kill anyone or seriously injure them."
Drumonkey said:
"I recently gained a short bow to use as a weapon and I would like to learn how to make different arrow heads mainly some nonlethal ones so I don't kill anyone or seriously injure them."
"Well non lethal arrows are boring though. Plus when you get good you'll learn to avoid the vital areas. But if you want I can make you some it'll come at a price though."
"I am not that good yet so I can't trust my aim. What is the price I think I am willing to pay the price." Fahy nodded his head and held the shortbow in his hand.
"I want sleep dust. One gallons worth for every set. Also you can make arrows out of sleep dust if you need to. But it won't work well."
"I figured it wouldn't and how many is in a set because it takes me a while to produce that much sand, besides what do you even need that much for?" Fahy tilted his head worried he knew the sleeping sand wouldn't work on him as well but what could she possibly need it for I mean it would barely work on most gods and some demigods would just shake it off if they had a strong enough emotion. Fahy shook his head "Alright then I guess I agree."
"Sweet and don't worry about that. Each set will contain 20 arrows 10 with sleep sand in them so when you hit someone they'll be knocked out when it deploys. Then 5 blunt tips and 5 that will release a tranquilizer strong enough to make anyone pass out." She started making them. "Here" she tossed him a quiver. "Whenever you need an arrow it will give you one. Also it has an endless supply of normal arrows."
Fahy shook his head but was very thankful to her for doing this. "Also do you know a way I can store this so it can be easier to access?" Fahy slipped the quiver onto his back with a smile. "Also how or when do you want your sleep sand?"
"Well I'll make ten sets and you can givs me the sand whenever just put a milk jug full through the quiver and I'll get it. Sling both over you shoulders ans it'll turn I to a back pack. The pull the straps off and itll turn back. Anything else?"
He jogged after her and grabbed her hand. "You know I care. You also know I don't believe in crossing boundaries. If you want to be alone I'm not going to push unless you ask me to. You know that Rachel. That doesn't mean I care any less"

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