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Fantasy Zeta Academy ( Finished The Bad Side has Won.)

Light said:
"I believe that I am capable of marriage now that I'm mainly in my human form all the time. I don't know if I can take you up on your offer just yet."

Katie turns to Dante. "Blue is apart of my squad. He's like my twin brother. You'll meet him soon. So what are you? Human? Trust me, I can keep a secret." She winks at Dante.
"Please let's go to dinner first before I propose. It has to be romantic. I might put it in your drink and surprise you with it"
AnthonyWrath said:
"I'd rather not say if you don't mine I'm a little ashamed of it."
Katie shrugs her shoulders. "Sure, that's cool. Do you want to know how I met Luna?!" Her story was completely irrelevant to the topic but she just felt like bringing it up.

DizjayDeathPride said:
"Please let's go to dinner first before I propose. It has to be romantic. I might put it in your drink and surprise you with it"
"Oh dearest, I'd like to ask what your intentions are in her body. It makes me jealous to see you inside another woman."
"Ah sure if you want to you can I don't mind. Wait hold on a second." Dante re-Aline's the bones in his arm so they're in their proper place." Ok go."
Neither talked for a while, sitting in silence, when Alice suddenly yawned. She realised just how tired she had become, how much energy the trip to her subconscious had taken out of her. "I'd love to hear that story now. Think of it as a bedtime story," She said laying down in a way that she only took up half the bed.

(I can't remember where he actually is so I just assumed he's sitting on the bed now.)

"I'm feeling pretty good, how are you feeling? Must be nicer here than on Earth." Jasper said to Blue.
Light said:
Katie shrugs her shoulders. "Sure, that's cool. Do you want to know how I met Luna?!" Her story was completely irrelevant to the topic but she just felt like bringing it up.
"Oh dearest, I'd like to ask what your intentions are in her body. It makes me jealous to see you inside another woman."
He looked at Isabella's body. "I'd love to be inside of you instead but alas, as you very well know, I am trapped inside of this one for now. Just like you are to her. The mortal form copies are not permanent yet."

Ameythyst said:
Neither talked for a while, sitting in silence, when Alice suddenly yawned. She realised just how tired she had become, how much energy the trip to her subconscious had taken out of her. "I'd love to hear that story now. Think of it as a bedtime story," She said laying down in a way that she only took up half the bed.
(I can't remember where he actually is so I just assumed he's sitting on the bed now.)

"I'm feeling pretty good, how are you feeling? Must be nicer here than on Earth." Jasper said to Blue.

He laid opposite of her and looked at the ceiling. "I don't really know what to tell. I don't have many stories. I'm quite an inactive child. I spend a lot of time not doing much of importance or relevance to develop enough stories to tell of the bat"
Ameythyst said:
"Well, then just tell me any regular old fairytale. Princesses, and castles," She said, closing her eyes.
He looked at her and sighed. "Fine. Once upon a time there was a beautiful young lady. She was such a sweet girl but her father was an idiot and married this ugly as all fuck major witch who had two daughters. Well one day the father mysteriously died and somehow the stepmother got a large insurance check. Well this girl was forced to live with the stepmother or go to the streets. She thought the former was a better idea and boooy was she wrong. This chick worked her like a slave. Cleaning that whole house. It's rumored one of the ugly stepsisters would shit and fling it on the walls just so she had to clean it. Well one day the ignorant prince threw this bitchin shindig because he's a prince and we do that. So of course middle class stepmom goes to the party but has a list 6.7 miles long in and out of the girls ass of chores to do. While her daughters and her went to the party. Well this fairy godmother angel woman comes in and makes her dress up all fancy and lets her ride in a pumpkin to the party. So she gets there and she's all on the prince's no no square grinding those hips. Well he fell in love because he's an idiot and she was just having fuck. Well 12 hits and she's like I got to bounce and leaves. Somehow the magic slipper she got wasn't the perfect size and slipped off. But she went all the way home and didn't bother to go back for it. Prince, all smitten and what not, goes outside after her yelling wait and finds the shoe. So he goes to every house in the town the next day to find her because if she fits she's the girl. Cause I guess looking at her doesn't work? Well no one in the village has her shoe size and by the time he got to the girl he was about to quit but was like sigh fine Ill do it. And boom the girl was it and he wisked her away from her hell life and lived happily ever after. The end"
AnthonyWrath said:
"Ah sure if you want to you can I don't mind. Wait hold on a second." Dante re-Aline's the bones in his arm so they're in their proper place." Ok go."
"Wwwweeeelll!" Katie touches down. "The story goes like this. I used to just do my own thing on this continent. I would start up lightning storms wherever I pleased. I ran wild and moved to where the winds would take me because I simply felt free! I would never take up responsibilities nor would I stop doing what I did, even though I knew my reckless behavior was affecting nearby villages and crops. I would invade homes that were abandoned by villagers whom left because of a storm I would kick up on a whim. People would challenge me to drive me away from their area or just to stop me for good. I'd beat them all the time. Though some were challenging. Others would tell me I could put my powers to great use and use them to help others. But no.... I felt free, I didn't want to dedicate my life for others. Honestly the apocalypse didn't bother me all that much anyways. That was until I met Luna..... she told me to go to the academy. Didn't even bother to ask me why I live like this. Didn't bother to ask me about my mother.... She just saw the potential in me and requested that I go under the promise that I won't do the shit I used to anymore. So of course I told her no and attacked her. I regretted it, trust me. She kicked my ass. But even after that, I think she knew I didn't have much of a place to go so... She told me to stand up. She invited me to live with her in the castle. Of course I still said no and left immediately. She didn't give up on me though, she just kept trying and trying. I've never seen somebody try so hard for me even after the way I lived my life so selfishly. To make something out of myself instead of wasting my life away." Katie starts to slightly tear up. She starts to blink the tears away. "So eventually after several weeks of her continuously hunting me down and an extremely emotional fight which I won't get into for personal reasons I finally accepted her offer. I stayed in the castle until I helped rebuild all the damages I've caused along side her. Once I was done with that she asked me what I would do with my life. I never really knew... I usually had the wind at my side to guide me in life. So she told me. 'If you no longer possess a guiding gale. I shall be your defining storm.' So she had me attend the academy until I found my purpose in life. Then I met Alexandra, Gavon, and Blue. My purpose is to lay down my life if it means making a difference for another. Even if it's just one life, I'm satisfied. Luna is my inspiration, she's my storm. I wouldn't be standing here nor would I have a purpose in life if it weren't for Luna. It makes me happy to see her again happy with Morpheus. Slightly jealous but happy. Speaking of which! I have to go visit Zaphkiel!"

Ameythyst said:
Neither talked for a while, sitting in silence, when Alice suddenly yawned. She realised just how tired she had become, how much energy the trip to her subconscious had taken out of her. "I'd love to hear that story now. Think of it as a bedtime story," She said laying down in a way that she only took up half the bed.
(I can't remember where he actually is so I just assumed he's sitting on the bed now.)

"I'm feeling pretty good, how are you feeling? Must be nicer here than on Earth." Jasper said to Blue.
Blue nods his head. "It's so much nicer here. Once you get down there, it's pretty much hell. I can handle it though. Why'd you join this academy?"

DizjayDeathPride said:
He looked at Isabella's body. "I'd love to be inside of you instead but alas, as you very well know, I am trapped inside of this one for now. Just like you are to her. The mortal form copies are not permanent yet."
He laid opposite of her and looked at the ceiling. "I don't really know what to tell. I don't have many stories. I'm quite an inactive child. I spend a lot of time not doing much of importance or relevance to develop enough stories to tell of the bat"
"I'd like to take things slow and steady. I don't believe I've told you my name. I am Sapphire."
DizjayDeathPride said:
He bowed gently "I enjoy slow. Hello Sapphire. Lovely name. I like it. I'm guessing Ruby did that. And what's the contract's name? Amethyst? Pearl? Something unrealistic to his color like Garnet or Emerald?"
"Definitely the last one. Ruby has a strange taste in names but we still like Emerald. I'm thinking about talking to one of those graduates again."


AnthonyWrath said:
"That was a nice story, alright I guess I'll see you later then."
"Alright. I'll see you later!" Katie grins and speeds down the hallway. She takes flight and lands beside Zaphkiels clone. "Wwwwhhhyyy heeeellllooo!"

( @DizjayDeathPride )
Light said:
"Definitely the last one. Ruby has a strange taste in names but we still like Emerald. I'm thinking about talking to one of those graduates again."

"Alright. I'll see you later!" Katie grins and speeds down the hallway. She takes flight and lands beside Zaphkiels clone. "Wwwwhhhyyy heeeellllooo!"

( @DizjayDeathPride )
"Awww am I boring you? Well if that's the case I shall take my leave. A pleasure to finally meet you Sapphire. I do hope it happens again in the near future" The markings on Isabella faded and her eyes fluttered a bit. She finally spoke up, looking fully apologetic. "I am so sorry! I didn't know he was so rude!"

Zaphkiel looked over at her. "Ahhh I was wondering how long until you came to speak to me. Yes?"
"Well, thats quite a different way to tell the story of Cinderella," Alice said laughing, "You know what I wonder about though? Who the hell thought if a shoe fits means it the girl? How could no one else in a whole kingdom not have the same shoe size as her?"

"Well, I came here for two reasons," Jasper said, "One because I thought it would be fun, and the other I'm going to keep to myself. Can't tell you all my secrets, now can I?"

Ameythyst said:
"Well, thats quite a different way to tell the story of Cinderella," Alice said laughing, "You know what I wonder about though? Who the hell thought if a shoe fits means it the girl? How could no one else in a whole kingdom not have the same shoe size as her?"
"Well, I came here for two reasons," Jasper said, "One because I thought it would be fun, and the other I'm going to keep to myself. Can't tell you all my secrets, now can I?"

"Exactly! And this is why it's a terrible story and completely unrealistic and Ill never tell it again. Nevertheless." He got up, groaning. "Let me tuck you in all nice and snug before you sleep. Wouldn't want you rolling out of the bed. That would be bad"
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Awww am I boring you? Well if that's the case I shall take my leave. A pleasure to finally meet you Sapphire. I do hope it happens again in the near future" The markings on Isabella faded and her eyes fluttered a bit. She finally spoke up, looking fully apologetic. "I am so sorry! I didn't know he was so rude!"
Zaphkiel looked over at her. "Ahhh I was wondering how long until you came to speak to me. Yes?"
The symbols on Ruby's skin disappear as well. "No it's fine. Maybe we can talk again like that soon. He wasn't as rude as you made him out to be."

Katie puts on a fake sad face. "Aaawww. Zaphkiel did I make you all sad face?" Her face reverts back to her usual grin. "So where is she? Your girlfriend... someone as awesome as you should be dating somebody grand by now." Katie seemed to be looking around the stands then back to Zaphkiel expectantly.

Ameythyst said:
"Well, thats quite a different way to tell the story of Cinderella," Alice said laughing, "You know what I wonder about though? Who the hell thought if a shoe fits means it the girl? How could no one else in a whole kingdom not have the same shoe size as her?"
"Well, I came here for two reasons," Jasper said, "One because I thought it would be fun, and the other I'm going to keep to myself. Can't tell you all my secrets, now can I?"

"Secrets are pretty fun!" Blue looks at the battle. He's seen a lot of action in his life. "Have you noticed anything strange going on in this academy?"
Light said:
The symbols on Ruby's skin disappear as well. "No it's fine. Maybe we can talk again like that soon. He wasn't as rude as you made him out to be."
Katie puts on a fake sad face. "Aaawww. Zaphkiel did I make you all sad face?" Her face reverts back to her usual grin. "So where is she? Your girlfriend... someone as awesome as you should be dating somebody grand by now." Katie seemed to be looking around the stands then back to Zaphkiel expectantly.

"Secrets are pretty fun!" Blue looks at the battle. He's seen a lot of action in his life. "Have you noticed anything strange going on in this academy?"
He put his hands behind his head and leaned back, closing his eyes. "Well you denied me quite a bit and besides, I dont have romantic interests. I don't believe in romance so I don't have a girlfriend. And probably won't for awhile"

Isabella exhaled. "Good good thank you. I dont want him ruining my friendships. By the way I think Emerald and Sapphire are lovely names! Better than Levi"
"I don't tend to move around a lot but if you want to, go ahead," She said laughing. "Even if I did roll off, I probably wouldn't know till morning. I'm a quite a deep sleeper."

"Well, considering I've only been here for a day, no. Is there something strange going on here?" Jasper asked.
DizjayDeathPride said:
He put his hands behind his head and leaned back, closing his eyes. "Well you denied me quite a bit and besides, I dont have romantic interests. I don't believe in romance so I don't have a girlfriend. And probably won't for awhile"
Isabella exhaled. "Good good thank you. I dont want him ruining my friendships. By the way I think Emerald and Sapphire are lovely names! Better than Levi"
Katie's grin disappears and turns into shock. She just stares at him. "You don't... have a girlfriend?!" Katie screams and a thunderstorm starts up above the arena. She starts to float up and addresses every single girl in the stands. "You ungrateful pack of bitches! You have a great guy sitting right here and not one of you are throwing yourselves at him?! You must be asexual to be unable to have the thought of being wrapped in his arms! Come on! He's a nice guy! Why aren't you hitting on him?! Stalk him if you have to or I'll hunt you down!" A lighting bolt drops from the cloud and strikes her for emphasis. She slowly floats down and the storm fades away. She goes back to her happy grin and sits close to Zaphkiel. She rests her head on his shoulder. "There you go!~ Don't you just love having me around? I've officially put you on the market against your consent!"

Luna simply watched. She saw the way Katie reacted to that. She had her suspicions.

"You don't have to say that. It's not that big of a deal. It's fine nothing is ruined." Ruby waves her hands in a reassuring fashion.
Ameythyst said:
"I don't tend to move around a lot but if you want to, go ahead," She said laughing. "Even if I did roll off, I probably wouldn't know till morning. I'm a quite a deep sleeper."
"Well, considering I've only been here for a day, no. Is there something strange going on here?" Jasper asked.
He shook his head and started to tuck her in the blankets. "If thats the case Ill make sure to stay up and protect your basically comatose body. Don't want you getting kidnapped in your sleep you know? Can't lose my new friend to the monsters under her bed" He kissed her forehead and tapped it. "There ya go nice and safe"

Light said:
Katie's grin disappears and turns into shock. She just stares at him. "You don't... have a girlfriend?!" Katie screams and a thunderstorm starts up above the arena. She starts to float up and addresses every single girl in the stands. "You ungrateful pack of bitches! You have a great guy sitting right here and not one of you are throwing yourselves at him?! You must be asexual to be unable to have the thought of being wrapped in his arms! Come on! He's a nice guy! Why aren't you hitting on him?! Stalk him if you have to or I'll hunt you down!" A lighting bolt drops from the cloud and strikes her for emphasis. She slowly floats down and the storm fades away. She goes back to her happy grin and sits close to Zaphkiel. She rests her head on his shoulder. "There you go!~ Don't you just love having me around? I've officially put you on the market against your consent!"
Luna simply watched. She saw the way Katie reacted to that. She had her suspicions.

"You don't have to say that. It's not that big of a deal. It's fine nothing is ruined." Ruby waves her hands in a reassuring fashion.
He never moved. Not like he really cared all that much. Pretty sure no one was going to do it

She nodded quickly "Okay good! So.. what do we do now?"
Ameythyst said:
"I don't tend to move around a lot but if you want to, go ahead," She said laughing. "Even if I did roll off, I probably wouldn't know till morning. I'm a quite a deep sleeper."
"Well, considering I've only been here for a day, no. Is there something strange going on here?" Jasper asked.
"Well I haven't been here for a very long time and where there's a school. There's drama... I only wanted to get in on it." Blue looks up at the storm and shakes his head. "Katie.... again."

DizjayDeathPride said:
He shook his head and started to tuck her in the blankets. "If thats the case Ill make sure to stay up and protect your basically comatose body. Don't want you getting kidnapped in your sleep you know? Can't lose my new friend to the monsters under her bed" He kissed her forehead and tapped it. "There ya go nice and safe"
He never moved. Not like he really cared all that much. Pretty sure no one was going to do it

She nodded quickly "Okay good! So.. what do we do now?"
Katie started to hum cheerfully as she continued to watch the fight. She takes a couple pictures with Zaphkiel from time to time though.

Ruby shrugs her shoulders. "I don't really know. I was going to look into something's. Well after I finished talking with Daliah about something. I don't know if you want to join."
Light said:
"Well I haven't been here for a very long time and where there's a school. There's drama... I only wanted to get in on it." Blue looks up at the storm and shakes his head. "Katie.... again."
Katie started to hum cheerfully as she continued to watch the fight. She takes a couple pictures with Zaphkiel from time to time though.

Ruby shrugs her shoulders. "I don't really know. I was going to look into something's. Well after I finished talking with Daliah about something. I don't know if you want to join."
She looked to her sister who was still staring at her with shock and rage. "No... I think if I stay any longer she'll kill me... so... I'll see you around Ruby! We'll be great friends!" She turned and left happily

Zaphkiel sighed. "Stop taking pictures of me. Besides, I have a question I know the answer to but want to hear out loud. Why exactly did you deny me the two times I asked? And why are you so adamant on me being with someone when you yourself won't do it?"
"I'm sure if someone came in here with the intent to kidnap someone, they would much rather have a prince than just regular old me," She pointed out, "Plus, you'd go to sleep eventually too. And then we'd both be vulnerable."

"Who's Katie? What are all of ya'll doing back here anyway?" Jasper said, rocking on his feet slightly.
Ameythyst said:
"I'm sure if someone came in here with the intent to kidnap someone, they would much rather have a prince than just regular old me," She pointed out, "Plus, you'd go to sleep eventually too. And then we'd both be vulnerable."
"Who's Katie? What are all of ya'll doing back here anyway?" Jasper said, rocking on his feet slightly.
"Katie is my team mate. She's like my twin. Trying to bring back potential recruits to fight with us back on Earth. Only to set them up on the front lines to die for us." Blue was joking, he hoped the student wouldn't take it seriously.
Ameythyst said:
"I'm sure if someone came in here with the intent to kidnap someone, they would much rather have a prince than just regular old me," She pointed out, "Plus, you'd go to sleep eventually too. And then we'd both be vulnerable."
"Who's Katie? What are all of ya'll doing back here anyway?" Jasper said, rocking on his feet slightly.
"Oh definitely not. You're prettier than me. Look at me. I have white hair and depressed blue eyes. I'm not appealing" He walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. "Besides, Im a super light sleeper. The sound of movement would wake me up. And besiiides. Puriel would wake up and save us both"

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