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Fantasy Zeta Academy ( Finished The Bad Side has Won.)

"Hmm, but spark kinda sounds like a name of a dog." She said, "Maybe Arsinister? A mix of arsonist and sinister? Or maybe Arsice?"
Rachel walked down to the arena with mand coiled around her neck affectionately. Rachel scratched the top of his head and he slithered down growing into his original size.
Fahy pushed Somnus and woke him enough to move him out of the way. Then Fahy sat down next to him.
Tazmodo said:
Rachel walked down to the arena with mand coiled around her neck affectionately. Rachel scratched the top of his head and he slithered down growing into his original size.
Ruby and Emerald were still asleep. Diana whom was there to support them was also sleeping beside Ruby under Emerald's wing. Diana was the first to wake up and shakes Ruby while she calls Emerald's name. "Go on! It's your turn!"

Ruby and Emerald nods at each other and get up. Ruby runs and jumps while Emerald flies under her and she lands on his back. Crystals hold her down to him so she doesn't slip off. Once they get to the arena she jumps off his back and they stand side by side. Trying to shake the sleepiness out of their eyes. "Emerald should we go first or let them go?"

Emerald looks at Rachel and Mand. "I think we should let them go first to examine them." Ruby nods her head and they both sit down in a meditating fashion and close their eyes. Trying to sync up with Sapphire while waiting for Rachel. Ruby does speak to Rachel though. "We have decided to let you go first." She then goes back to meditating.
Rachel scratched her head. "Ok but are you sure you don't want to at least be ready?" Manda put his middle head down for her to ride on. She stood and waited for the response.
Tazmodo said:
Rachel scratched her head. "Ok but are you sure you don't want to at least be ready?" Manda put his middle head down for her to ride on. She stood and waited for the response.
Ruby and Emerald take a deep breath. "We are ready." Ruby was using the sensory ability Sapphire has been teaching her and she was linking it to Emerald through the meditation he's taught her.
Ameythyst said:
"Hmm, but spark kinda sounds like a name of a dog." She said, "Maybe Arsinister? A mix of arsonist and sinister? Or maybe Arsice?"
He tapped his chin. "Arsinister? I like it more than Arsice. One more. Infernum. Latin for hell?"
Rachel sighed. "Ok" She snapped her finger and Manda head at the very left and right bared his fangs and shot out toxic acid at the air above them making it rain acid.
"Yeah, I liked Arsinister better. But I can't decide between Arsinister and Infernum, they're both good," She said, the sound of fighting had resumed again.
Tazmodo said:
Rachel sighed. "Ok" She snapped her finger and Manda head at the very left and right bared his fangs and shot out toxic acid at the air above them making it rain acid.
Ruby has crystals shoot up out of the ground as the both open their eyes. Emerald flaps his wings and glows the acid away while making razor sharp winds hit the crystals Ruby just made. The wind cuts up the crystals and now flies at both Rachel and Mand. Making a sharp crystal fragment barrage along with razor winds. It kicks up a lot of grass and dirt once it flies at them making Emerald and Ruby no longer visible. Ruby uses this chance to jump up on Emerald's back and have crystals lock her hand, foot, and knee down on to his back so she doesn't fall off. Emerald swiftly takes to the sky so it would seem like they disappeared when they're actually above.
The clone was sitting, rooting for Rachel and Ruby. He didn't expect her to fight Ruby so this made it interesting. Meanwhile, the Zaphkel with Alice nodded. "Arsinister. I like it more. It seems the third fight is done. On to the fourth"
Seeing the fragments Rachel slides down Manda's head as he burrows under ground and makes an intricate system of tunnels to use. Rachel immediately starts building. She makes smoke bombs.

Manda slithers out and Rachel throws the bombs. Manda didn't need vision he tracked them with smell. Four of the six heads shoot toxic acid at her.
Tazmodo said:
Seeing the fragments Rachel slides down Manda's head as he burrows under ground and makes an intricate system of tunnels to use. Rachel immediately starts building. She makes smoke bombs.
Manda slithers out and Rachel throws the bombs. Manda didn't need vision he tracked them with smell. Four of the six heads shoot toxic acid at her.
( Don't know how they can smell them over the smoke from the smoke bombs and dirt but whatever floats your boat. )

Emerald looked at all the smoke in the air and shook his head. He noticed the acid coming for them but they were far too high in the air for it the reach them. They had the advantage here. Emerald and Ruby seemed to be talking but their words couldn't be heard. They both nod their heads.

Emerald flaps his wings so send a gust of piercing wind at the smoke to blow it away. As soon as he does Ruby jumps off Emerald and spins. Emerald catches her with his tail as she makes a full 360. Due to inertia her body slightly lurched forward as she swung her arm. With this and the spin it made her swing even stronger which made the crystals fly down even faster when she swung her arm and made them appear. As soon as the wind blows the smoke away a barrage of large crystals slam into the ground and into the holes. Sealing most of them up. There was crystal everywhere on the ground which gives her the elemental advantage. Emerald throws her up into the air and she lands on his back. They both give each other a thumbs up. Only to turn their attention back to the ground. Waiting. Even though that previous stunt seemed dangerous, it seemed slightly perfected as if they've practiced with it before.

Diana was cheering for Ruby in the stands.
As the smoke clear Rachel finished her machine. She smiled as she aim for her target and it shot electricity at them. Manda had her on his back as the slithered around the crystals still firing electricity. She put it down on the ground and flipped a switch turnong it into a turret like contraption it fired automatically. She saud building again.
Ameythyst said:
"Fourth fight, huh? Do you know who's advancing? Who's right now? It sounds intense. " Alice said, as something crashed.
"Ruby and Rachel. I dont know if you know the latter. Ruby seems to be up right now in advantage. Speaking of... how was my prince blood? Was it as fancy as I imagine?"
Tazmodo said:
As the smoke clear Rachel finished her machine. She smiled as she aim for her target and it shot electricity at them. Manda had her on his back as the slithered around the crystals still firing electricity. She put it down on the ground and flipped a switch turnong it into a turret like contraption it fired automatically. She saud building again.
The electricity hit the both of them. Emerald managed to steady himself afterwards and rise in altitude to evade the bullets from the turret. She goes above the clouds. "Ruby... You could have jumped off to avoid taking damage from the electricity. At least one of us would have been unscathed. My body is more durable than yours is. That was foolish of you."

Ruby slightly chuckles. "Well.... we're a team. We have to experience all kinds of things together. Even our pain. I couldn't just abandon you like that." Symbols appear on one half of Ruby's arm which was covered up. They had practiced on how to limit the symbols to only one spot to keep secrecy about her coming out. "Guess it's time for something even more painful that we can all experience together." Sapphire has a slightly evil chuckle. Though she wasn't being serious about the evil.

"Technique number three?" Emerald asks while Ruby nods her head.

"Technique number three." She responded as they set up the first part of it.

On the field the crystals that were embedded into the ground raise up and surround Rachel and Mand. Every single one of them point at them as if they were ready to pierce them now. Some of them already stab into the turret and the electricity gun. The crystals seemed to be triggered from the slightest movement and when they came up out of the ground on to land they must have activated. They do leave an opening at the top though.

After several minutes Ruby seems to be diving straight the the clouds alone. They took a while to come back as if they were talking again. While she descends to the ground crystals form around her body like a spear head. Emerald now comes out the clouds flying after her. Due to how fast she's falling and friction pieces of the crystal were chipping off. Those pieces covered his head and formed a horn while the rest covered his body and his wings as he made one last wing beat to catch up to Ruby. He grabs on to the spear head she's on and adds a spin. They were now falling faster and were rapidly spinning. The points were flat since they didn't want to kill Rachel, just hit her with shattering force. They knew they were going to take serious damage from this but apparently they didn't mind as long as they did it together. They sped down to Mand and Rachel.

The plane lands in the castles landing strip. Once things are prepared the four squad members step off the plane only to be greeted by Morpheus. They all bow respectfully. Alexandra speaks up. "Hello my King. We have returned with news and four apocalyptic monsters we have captured. We hope you can accept us into your lands."
His eyes lit up. "Four?! I can have two toys now! Yay!!!!" He cleared his throat. "Anyways hello Alexandra? Where's my lovely brother in law?"

Zaphkiel nodded. "I would believe so. Better be. I look delicious"
Rachel smiled. She jumped off of Manda taking any blow that came here way while he dug underground. With the crystal attacking she summoned Deathrap to brake the crystal in his armored form. She went down the hole and to Manda.

Sense Mada dug straight down Ruby was still after her. She smiled and sent a the flame of eternity from the hole to destroy the crystal. After she did Manda shot the toxic acid out from the hole.
"I wouldn't be too sure about that. Chickens look pretty terrifying but they taste amazing. I think its the same for you," Alice snickered at him.
Zaphkiel chuckles. "I look terrifying? Aww that's sweet" He choked a bit and his cheeks expanded as he choked out an egg. He caught it and tossed it up, a baby chick hatching out. "Look at this little guy. How is this terrifying? He's so cute!"
Alice instantly back away to the far corner of the bed. "I swear, if that thing takes a single step towards me, I'll scorch him."
DizjayDeathPride said:
His eyes lit up. "Four?! I can have two toys now! Yay!!!!" He cleared his throat. "Anyways hello Alexandra? Where's my lovely brother in law?"
Zaphkiel nodded. "I would believe so. Better be. I look delicious"
Gavon speaks up now. "I'm right here my lord."

Tazmodo said:
Rachel smiled. She jumped off of Manda taking any blow that came here way while he dug underground. With the crystal attacking she summoned Deathrap to brake the crystal in his armored form. She went down the hole and to Manda.
Sense Mada dug straight down Ruby was still after her. She smiled and sent a the flame of eternity from the hole to destroy the crystal. After she did Manda shot the toxic acid out from the hole.
Ruby sees this and has the last remaining crystals cover them so no-one could seem as they continued to fall. Another crystal stays low to the ground and points down to the ground with a certain angle. As if it could drill through the ground and take Rachel out from behind. Where her flames and acid obviously aren't pointing. "Sapphire! We're covered do your thing!" She was allowed to use Sapphire since she was a contract but she didn't want anyone to see Sapphire. Only a select few knew about her and she didn't want everyone else to find out. Murky darkness envelops Emerald and Ruby with the crystal spearheads.

The crystal that pointed down to the ground suddenly turns into them. They drill through the ground and into the hole Rachel and Mand are in from behind.

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