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Fantasy Zeta Academy ( Finished The Bad Side has Won.)

A little Morpheus grew out of his shoulder and sat on the bench, taking over, as he wrapped his arms around her and fell back "Awwww youre so adorable! I love you too!"

Decimus just shook his head and kissed hers. "Only 8? I'm disappointed"
Alice cringed at the thought of having to bear that. She would have probably killed one of them. “Um, well okay,” She said, and took a deep breathe before she began, “So, once I was undercover as a helper on a farm. Well, this farm had a bunch of chicken, and it was my job to feed them every day. One day, as I was feeding them, the bottom of the bag just completely ripped open, sending chicken all around me. Next thing I know, I’m surrounding by a group of chicken who are all eating from my feet, and then I’m falling down, and for some reason I had chicken feed in my hair. This one, really big chicken, comes sauntering up right to my head, and then bends down. I suddenly feel this pain in my head, and turns out this chicken had pulled out the hair from my scalp, trying to get to the feed. Now I’m freaking out, trying to get my self up and away, with chicken eating from my feet and one pulling the hair off my head. Once I finally managed to get up, I started to run away, But I had feed all other my cloths now. They started chasing me all around the farm for at least an hour, before someone actually noticed me and helped.“
AtlasTheShapeless said:
Carter though that the Headmaster was still in the tournament, so he runned back to the arena. "Headmaster!!!" He called
He looked at Carter. "You love to yell for me dont you? Yes Carter?"

[QUOTE="Ameythyst, post: 3655117, member: 35576"]Alice cringed at the thought of having to bear that. She would have probably killed one of them. “Um, well okay,” She said, and took a deep breathe before she began, “So, once I was undercover as a helper on a farm. Well, this farm had a bunch of chicken, and it was my job to feed them every day. One day, as I was feeding them, the bottom of the bag just completely ripped open, sending chicken all around me. Next thing I know, I’m surrounding by a group of chicken who are all eating from my feet, and then I’m falling down, and for some reason I had chicken feed in my hair. This one, really big chicken, comes sauntering up right to my head, and then bends down. I suddenly feel this pain in my head, and turns out this chicken had pulled out the hair from my scalp, trying to get to the feed. Now I’m freaking out, trying to get my self up and away, with chicken eating from my feet and one pulling the hair off my head. Once I finally managed to get up, I started to run away, But I had feed all other my cloths now. They started chasing me all around the farm for at least an hour, before someone actually noticed me and helped.“

He covered his mouth but laughed out anyways. "That totally beats mine! I would have never thought... that's borderline adorable. I will be sure to recreate the chickens one day for you." He smiled and closed his eyes, preparing himself. "And now for the bad one huh? Okay... I'm ready"
DizjayDeathPride said:
A little Morpheus grew out of his shoulder and sat on the bench, taking over, as he wrapped his arms around her and fell back "Awwww youre so adorable! I love you too!"
Decimus just shook his head and kissed hers. "Only 8? I'm disappointed"
Luna rolls her eyes and allows herself to be embraced. "You're lucky I love you. Weirdo..." Luna obviously didn't mean it. She just had to say it to make herself feel less embarrassed by covering up her love with anger.

Rikka gasps as her eyes widen. "We could make 20! We could think of a whole bunch of names! They'll all be running around, bothering you when you don't want to be bothered. Give you a real reason to stay up at night. Give you less time with me since your spending it all with them. It'll be great! So what will we name our third child? Nemo?!"

The cargo plane finally reaches Udalise. Though it will take a while, most likely a few more hours since it's a whole continent. The beasts in the the sealed cages suddenly grow restless.
Morpheus squeezed her tighter. "Weirdo?! That hurts babe. That really stabs in the cardiovascular"

"How about Nemosa?"

Sitri started to stir inside her, clawing. But she didn't know why. He didn't say.
AtlasTheShapeless said:
"Something is coming...something dangerous.....it told me...." Carter started to speak the Old Forerunner Language after he said that
He held his hand up. "Relax boy. If it's so dangerous, Decimus would have said something. But for now, nothing. So we're fine. You're over reacting"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus squeezed her tighter. "Weirdo?! That hurts babe. That really stabs in the cardiovascular"
"How about Nemosa?"

Sitri started to stir inside her, clawing. But she didn't know why. He didn't say.
"Wow, complaining about getting stabbed in the heart. Dear, I arrange it for you." Luna kisses his chin and turns back around. Suddenly a messenger comes in and bows respectfully to them all. The messenger delivers a scroll and leaves. Luna opens it only to see information about a cargo plane coming from the base. "It seems like a squad is coming back. With supplies and...." Luna stops and burns the paper. "I wonder who it is."

Rikka perks up at this. "Thank you!" She looks down at her stomach and touches it. "We'll name you Nemosa... When you get there." Rikka turns back to the forest and looks out for any beasts approaching the arena. There were none so far. Which is a good thing.

Sapphire hadn't really stirred inside Ruby. She just said what she felt and what it most likely was. Sapphire left it like that and went silent again.
Alice shivered at the thought of chickens, "Oh, please no. I hope to never see a chicken again in my life." She stared at he wall behind Zaphkiel as she started the other story, "About a year ago, I woke up in an alley with absolutely no memory. Not a single one, I didn't even know my own name. For the first week, I wandered around, trying to find someone who had any clue who I was. I quickly figured out that this wouldn't work, and by then I was starving. So I began to beg on the streets, trying to earn enough to buy myself a piece of bread. Every time, my money would get taken. I was eating once every 2 or 3 days. A month passed, and I was so thin, you could see every bone in my body. I was ready to just give up. With no memories, I had nothing to even keep me going, nothing to strive far. I was ready to die. That's when Claude came in. He found me, and had taken me to his home. I had no idea what kind of person he was, I just obediently followed. Turns out he was from a family of assassins. They took me in, gave me the name of Alice, trained me, sent me on missions. If he had't arrived when he did, I would already be dead. Yet I still wonder sometimes how I would have ended up if someone else had rescued me. And everyday, without fail, I wonder who it is I actually am, or was. I have no idea what kind of person I was, how I grew up, or who my real family is. And that kills a little part of me every day."
Morpheus grew tense and serious, reading it with her. "I will have my toy this time. You all will not stop me."

Decimus looked a bit worried. That was the second time he had been warned she was pregnant again. He was this close to getting worked on down there.

Zaphkiel looked at her and just nodded. "My father's oldest friend was just like that.Kind of. Damian also has no memories. When Morpheus found him he wasnt as bad as you of course. Just wandering around. But Damian to this day searches and longs for his memories. My father was unable to access them and unlock them but... no I probably couldn't either. I won't get your hopes up. But the least I could do is look into Damian's past more and maybe find some answer and a possibility to help"


AtlasTheShapeless said:
"It....is....." Carter continued to speak the Old Forerunner Language after it.
He just watched Carter speak, not saying a word. Waiting for english
Alice's heart jumped at the thought of getting an answer. Just the possibility of getting some closure was enough to make her feel incredible joy. It took a lot of willpower to keep herself from hugging him, she was that overjoyed. "Thank you," She said, "Really, thank you."
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus grew tense and serious, reading it with her. "I will have my toy this time. You all will not stop me."
Decimus looked a bit worried. That was the second time he had been warned she was pregnant again. He was this close to getting worked on down there.

Zaphkiel looked at her and just nodded. "My father's oldest friend was just like that.Kind of. Damian also has no memories. When Morpheus found him he wasnt as bad as you of course. Just wandering around. But Damian to this day searches and longs for his memories. My father was unable to access them and unlock them but... no I probably couldn't either. I won't get your hopes up. But the least I could do is look into Damian's past more and maybe find some answer and a possibility to help"


He just watched Carter speak, not saying a word. Waiting for english
"They might be bringing them for an actual reason other than to become bobble head offerings. I'll make sure you don't do anything to these monsters." Luna gets comfortable on Morphues.

Rikka notices his worried expression. "Are you alright?"
(alright this night I cant maintain I am still running off of 4hrs from last night xD imma sleep ill reply to yall fresh cats tomorrow. gnite)

Zaphkiel smiled and nodded. "Anytime"
Tazmodo said:
Kaylee watched Mercury and screamed. They both fell into the water. He anger was rising and she was no longer holding back. They sat at the bottom healing and absorbing water. Kaylee fought the sleep dust. Slowly her tiredness faded away. "I'm glad I slept before the fight." Giant spears off water wrapped around the draggon and pulled it down soaking its wings. As it started to plummet Mercury and Kaylee waited for them to arrive. "Don't worry I won't let you drown. This water will be fine to breathe."
Fahy held onto Somnus and told him it would be ok as Somnus continued to try to flap his multiple wings and keep them airborne before shooting a solarbeam at the water hoping to pierce the water.
Light said:
"They might be bringing them for an actual reason other than to become bobble head offerings. I'll make sure you don't do anything to these monsters." Luna gets comfortable on Morphues.
Rikka notices his worried expression. "Are you alright?"
He groaned. "Just one? Please baby? Pleeeease?"

Decimus shrugged. "Second time it was implied you're pregnant. A bit terrifying. Dont thing my eyes can handle that again"
The cargo plane would arrive at the castle very soon. By neither the king or queen were there to greet them or allow proper access to land. The cargo plane would arrive in an hour. The beasts seem to get less edgy the farther they are from the academy. Which all four of the previous graduates notice. Which convinces them that the academy will be able to do something.
AtlasTheShapeless said:
Carter stopped, noticing that he was speaking the Forerunner language. "I'm sorry sir....." He said and lowered his head , leaving the arena.
He called after him, "So you're going to leave before telling me exactly what you said?"


Ameythyst said:
(I'm going to sleep too, I want to try to sleep before the sun comes up for once. )
Zaphkiel shot up, noticing he had fallen asleep. "Oh I am so sorry. I didn't even know I was tired. I feel a bit rude now. Also, the third battle is swinging off"
DizjayDeathPride said:
He groaned. "Just one? Please baby? Pleeeease?"
Decimus shrugged. "Second time it was implied you're pregnant. A bit terrifying. Dont thing my eyes can handle that again"
"Why focus on them when you can have me with you at the moment. I'll let you have one if they have a spare." Luna starts to bury herself in him again.

Rikka seemed extremely nervous. "Well..... uuummm. I'll be right back!" With that Rikka gets up and heads off.

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