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Fantasy Zeta Academy ( Finished The Bad Side has Won.)

Dante had decided to rest at the top of the mountain with his beast until the next morning. When awoke he realized he still had sometime before the tournament started so he thought to get some last minute training in.
Zaphkiel fell asleep much faster than he intended. He wanted to at least say goodnight to Rachel but after last night... He woke up and went over to her bed. He'd just go to the tournament with her

Brooke felt a wave of relief when she saw Telieos asleep. She got in next to him and slept herself. But when morning came, Charles was ready to eat. Apparently she missed a meal yesterday, late night snack. But he didn't hold it against her. She groaned and got up, going to the food court as he followed

Rebecca noticed she woke up before Reed. She went over and put Chester on his chest then went back to her bed. She didn't want to be in the tournament but she knew he did. He had to. If not, she'd definitely modivate him

Daliah of course never slept anymore. She laid there in her bed until the next day. She got up and went to Rikka, ready to watch the tournament

Isabella had always loved never sleeping. She had so much time to do everything. But now... now it was a curse. Ash never came back, never responded. He really was mad and hated her. She was used to people not wanting to talk to her but she had never been the cause. This was crushing. Sitiri stirred to her emotion. "He was a stone. There's nothing more left other than his power. He is gone Isabella. Stop moping around." She sniffled and shook her head. She had finally made a friend and now he was gone. Once again she was alone. But this was different. This time she caused it. This time it was her fault. She made a friend and then absorbed him. All because she wanted to try out some stupid power. She sniffled again and got up. She had to go tell all of his teachers something. She decided to tell them he chose to drop out and go home. Once she had done that she went back to her room for a moment to recollect herself

The teachers, however, were all very excited for the tournament. They immediately all got their seats. Morpheus, saving a seat for Luna, of course sat with Decimus, saving a seat for Rikka, Ryan, saving one for Gaige, and Damian. Fariella on the otherhand, didn't leave her classroom yet. She figured William would eventually show up and drag her anyways. And if not, then she didn't have to leave. The Headmaster sat at the head of the arena, ready to announce
Dante checked the time and saw that the tournament was near its start and sprinted with his beast at his side. When they finally arrived back at the academy he went to Rikka to get ready for the tournament." I'm ready to participate in the tournament teacher."
Rachel woke up and looked at Zaphkiel. "Hey what's up." She got up and ready.

Reed woke up and saw Chester. "Hey big guy is Rebecca up?" He was to tired to get up. He had trained all night.

Kaylee stumbled out of bed and got ready for the tournament.

Jack sat waiting for it to start.

Gaige was sitting with Ryan. "I hope Rachel does well."

Eric was with Anglican heading over. "This will be fun."
When Alice woke up, she had figured it to be about noon. Since she wasn't going to the tournament, and had decided to lock herself away from people, she just laid in her bed and didn't bother to get up. She was wondering if she should quit the school, nothing good has come out of being here. Strangely enough she wanted to go back home. Sure, she was with a family of assassins, but she had people she trusted there. Here she had no one. She felt so homesick. She turned in her bed, and summoned up a cloud of ashes, and started sculpting it into different things as she thought about her home. She manipulated it to be a bird, and solidified it until it was a solid she could hold, before letting it crumble into ashes once more.
Baconhands said:
Walking through the forest, Horus felt unnerved; it felt like the trees were watching him, as if every chip in their bark was in their eye and when the wind whistled through their leaves it felt like they were whispering about him. Every oak had something different to say, he felt, but everyone of them spoke about the wolf. While he felt alone, he didn't truly feel it, Fenrir reminded him of that whenever he did. Yet Fenrir was being, surprisingly, quiet and complacent, as if subdued or asleep. This only further increased his anxiety; he'd to be out of this forest.
About an hour into his journey, Horus came across a small stream in the forest. It wasn't major but he stopped for a few moments to drink from it. It was cold, very cold, but this didn't seem to bother him. He continued until he reached the mountains a couple of hours later.
When Horus arrives he could see a white and red Dragon fly back to the school. Ruby and Diana were rushing back to make it to the tournament. They had overslept.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Zaphkiel fell asleep much faster than he intended. He wanted to at least say goodnight to Rachel but after last night... He woke up and went over to her bed. He'd just go to the tournament with her
Brooke felt a wave of relief when she saw Telieos asleep. She got in next to him and slept herself. But when morning came, Charles was ready to eat. Apparently she missed a meal yesterday, late night snack. But he didn't hold it against her. She groaned and got up, going to the food court as he followed

Rebecca noticed she woke up before Reed. She went over and put Chester on his chest then went back to her bed. She didn't want to be in the tournament but she knew he did. He had to. If not, she'd definitely modivate him

Daliah of course never slept anymore. She laid there in her bed until the next day. She got up and went to Rikka, ready to watch the tournament

Isabella had always loved never sleeping. She had so much time to do everything. But now... now it was a curse. Ash never came back, never responded. He really was mad and hated her. She was used to people not wanting to talk to her but she had never been the cause. This was crushing. Sitiri stirred to her emotion. "He was a stone. There's nothing more left other than his power. He is gone Isabella. Stop moping around." She sniffled and shook her head. She had finally made a friend and now he was gone. Once again she was alone. But this was different. This time she caused it. This time it was her fault. She made a friend and then absorbed him. All because she wanted to try out some stupid power. She sniffled again and got up. She had to go tell all of his teachers something. She decided to tell them he chose to drop out and go home. Once she had done that she went back to her room for a moment to recollect herself

The teachers, however, were all very excited for the tournament. They immediately all got their seats. Morpheus, saving a seat for Luna, of course sat with Decimus, saving a seat for Rikka, Ryan, saving one for Gaige, and Damian. Fariella on the otherhand, didn't leave her classroom yet. She figured William would eventually show up and drag her anyways. And if not, then she didn't have to leave. The Headmaster sat at the head of the arena, ready to announce
AnthonyWrath said:
Dante checked the time and saw that the tournament was near its start and sprinted with his beast at his side. When they finally arrived back at the academy he went to Rikka to get ready for the tournament." I'm ready to participate in the tournament teacher."
Rikka sits on Decimus's lap while raising her hand. Suddenly all the Beasts in the forest roar to draw the students participating to the Beast Forest. She looks towards Dante. "Alright go stand in the open meadow looking area."

( @AnthonyWrath @Tazmodo @Drumonkey @AtlasTheShapeless @Ameythyst @DizjayDeathPride @Baconhands )

Luna sits down in the seat Morpheus has saved her. Looking out into the open space of the forest as Ruby enters. Waiting for the others.

William walks into Fariella's classroom and wraps his arms around her. Only to drag her out of her classroom.
(Oh, you haven't done anything bad! It's just that Alice is not one of those super nice and trusting people. Quite the opposite. It's just a part of her character that she isn't easily trusting, and when things start going wrong or if they get hard, she would rather run away than confront her issues.)
Horus let out a frustrated sigh; he'd missed the training. He turned back and started walking back to the academy, passing the stream on his way back and eventually reaching the academy.
"Alright thank you." Dante walked into the meadow area and scoped the sorroundings. He looked to his beast,"are you ready?" Dante asked confidently. The beast turns his head to Dante and says," I've never been more ready for a fight in my life!" Upon hearing this Dante couldn't help himself from smiling, " you know I think I've finally found the perfect name for you." " oh and what is that?" The beast asked. "Rampage." Dante told the beast. "I like it, let's win this tournament partner." "Right!" Dante yelled.
Zaphkiel smiled. "Come on we're late for the tournament. Don't miss your chance."

Rebecca rolled over. "Yes I am. Hurry and get up you're late." She got up and grabbed Chester before he bit Reed. The little turtle was inching to him
AnthonyWrath said:
"Alright thank you." Dante walked into the meadow area and scoped the sorroundings. He looked to his beast,"are you ready?" Dante asked confidently. The beast turns his head to Dante and says," I've never been more ready for a fight in my life!" Upon hearing this Dante couldn't help himself from smiling, " you know I think I've finally found the perfect name for you." " oh and what is that?" The beast asked. "Rampage." Dante told the beast. "I like it, let's win this tournament partner." "Right!" Dante yelled.
( @Tazmodo )

Rikka looks towards the list of contestants she has. "The first match consists of Dante and Reed."
Rachel finished eating and started walkingafter have Manda wrap around her arm. "Are you going to participate. If you win you get to kiss me."

Reed jumped up and got ready. "I don't think he likes me." Reed grabbed his things and waited for her. "Come on Adalinda." She ran up and hoped on his shoulder. Reed scratched under his chin.

Kaylee was walking with Mercury to the tournament. "Are you ready?" He nodded.
Reed walks into the area. "I'm guessing your Dante." He geld out his hand to shake his.

Kaylee sat and watched waiting fir her round.

Rachel was with Zaphkiel.
Fahy headed to the clearing 28th Somnus following him and when Fahy stopped Somnus laid down behind him appearing to doze.

Connor sat down in the clearing while Jake sat behind him watching the rest of the competition.
"I am and you must be Reed." Dante said shaking Reeds hand. Dante bows to Reeds courteously and walks back towards Rampage.
Reed went back to Analinda. "Are you ready?" He said with a smile. She nodded towatds him. "Good." Analinda went into her true form.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/undead_dragon_by_artozi-d87ni83.jpg.6210b2e619f61e6a0e92e4159da85561.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="65706" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/undead_dragon_by_artozi-d87ni83.jpg.6210b2e619f61e6a0e92e4159da85561.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Rikka clears her throat to tell the students the rules. "The victor is decided when the other team is deemed defeated or cannot continue. But even if you win you may not advance due to the lack of showing the bond between you and your beast. If the loser shows more of a bond then they may or may not move up. We teachers will be the judge of how much of a bond you show along with some of the attending students. Both you and your beast are allowed to fight. This is also a large portion of your grade at stake. Begin!"
Horus eventually found the place the tournament was being held a sat with the other spectators, albeit distancing himself as Fenrir started running through what everyone was.
Reed took out a sheild and lance and prepared to fight. "Go ahead you may jave the first move." Adalinda was at his side ready.
Dante raised his fists in a fighting stance," I'm ready." He began running towards Reed as fast as he could.
Reed raised his shield and lance prepared for a counter attack. "If you don't mind me asking. What powers do you possess?"
"You'll find out. Now enough talking, nows the time to fight. Dante jumped up and behind Reed and attempted to strike, because of all his hard training his speed had increased immensely.

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