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Fantasy Zeta Academy ( Finished The Bad Side has Won.)

Horus watched the conflict with slight interest; he wanted to see his classmates' powers and abilities, for he didn't know them. Knowledge is power, he thought.
Reed barely had a moment to protect himself. "Phyaical powers huh. Sweet." Adalinda spewed poisonous gas at Dante. Reed wrapped up with his scarf to stop from breathing it in. The poison cloud was full of non lethal neurotoxin. One breathe is all it takes. Reed lunged at Dante.
Dante held his breath and contacted rampage telepathically,(" Rampage open wide!") in that instant Rampage opened his mouth as widely as possible. Dante saw this and loosened one of the chains wrapped around his arm and hooked it on one of rampages teeth, and put himself to the beast. Evading Reeds strike and grabbed Reed by the face and took them both towards Rampage.
Reed was surprised by the sudden grab at him. He sprouted his wings and grabbed him by his arms. Adalinda shot the neurotoxin at Rampages open mouth. Reed flew higher hold open the beast move.
Dante looks at Reed and smiles," there's a few things you should know, 1) is wing strength strong than my Arm and 2) most neurotoxic gas' are flammable. Light it up Rampage!" Just then rampage shot a giant burst of fire at the gas, igniting the trail and exploding in a concussive blast in Adalindas' mouth knocking her back. All while Dante uses the strength he's gained to throw Reed with all his might into Adalinda.
Reed got and inspected Adalinda. She stood up and got ready. Reed tossed away his shield and lance. "Time for fun." Reed took out his stun batons nodded to Adalinda and attacked Dante. He used his enhanced speed to attack at his side while Adalinda shot acid slime at the ground around rampage. Trapping him where he was.
( This is a post about the previous graduates and what's happening on the lower world. )

Back down on the ground off the floating continent, those whom have previously graduated from Zeta are now eating at the base which surprisingly hasn't been overrun with apocalyptic monsters yet. The base was well fortified and was completely filled with trained individuals of all types of species.

A certain squad leader sits down at a table with her squad members. "Gavon! Speak for once! Will you finally get a girlfriend here at this base? It makes me sad to see my little Gavy-poo all silent and alone."

Gavon merely shakes his head and sighs. He wasn't going to end up with anyone else after he lost the girl he truly cared about. "No... we should focus on restoring the world. Not about my love life Alexandra. I mean... the ruling God's of Udalise were benevolent enough to give up their freedom of travel to keep that continent afloat with their astounding power. The least we could do right now is focus on the task at hand. We know next to nothing about our enemy or why they really came. All we know is that they've been highest in population around the arctic circle. We fight every day but we won't be able to stop them since they keep splitting. We won't win this without learning more about them or stopping them from where they originate."

Katie chuckles and so does Blue. They say the same thing. "Why not capture a few and bring them to the academy?" They don't even look at each other as they high five one another.

Gavon seems to be against this. He was about to say no when Alexandra nods her head in agreement. This always happens. He was used to it.... They always had to clean up their own mess. But they were like family to him so it was okay. "Anybody else have the feeling this is going to go terribly wrong?"

Blue looks at Gavon and smirks. "No way, all our plans go perfectly. I remember one time a plan has backfired on us." Blue starts to looks back at all the times their plans would backfire on them. "Nope. Not a single time. There's no problem."

Katie chuckles and grins at Gavon. "Now don't get butt hurt Gavon! We'll let you put some ideas into the plan as well. I know you want to."

Gavon shakes his head swiftly. "Trust me, I don-."

"Yeah! Go team!" Alexandra puts her fist into the air. Blue and Katie do the same while Gavon groans and puts his head on the table. He slowly puts his fist up as well. Mumbling the words. "Kill me."
Alice could hear the sounds of fighting from the room, and has assumed that the tournament had started. She then realised she never told Rikka about her dropping out, but then again she could probably figure it out. She continued to mess around with the ashes, with the sounds of fighting keeping her company.

Jasper had just arrived on campus, and quickly discovered no one was in any of the class. Then suddenly he heard something that sounded like fighting, and followed them till he reached the source.
Dante swung on the chain landing on top of Rampages' head and removing the chain from his tooth." Interesting, but don't think that's going to stop us!" Rampage jumps high in the air while Dante both makes his way to the tip of Rampages' tail and whips Reed with his chains, discombobulating his for a moment. When he reaches the tip he yells,"NOW!" And with that Rampage flings his tail towards both Reed and Adalinda sending Dante at blinding speeds with his arm extended with a fist hitting Reed and ultimately knocking them both into Adalinda.
Carter left his dormitory, the 'voice' still annoying him. 'Sooo? What is your next plan? It echoed in his mind again. 'Shut up already...know what? Im going to ignore you.' 'Hehehehe.....you can't...'
Horus looked at the new comer, Jasper and Fenrir quickly spoke in his mind, New meal?

Horus whispered harshly to himself, "No."
Analinda swatted Dante away with her tail sends him flying to the pool of acid. Reeds sees this and panicked he pulls out his chain and wrap it around his foot like a lasso. He pulled and threw him at a wall. He then slammed him into the other.
Jasper noticed that someone was staring at him, and walked up to the guy with a big smile on his face, "Hello! I'm Jasper? Who may you be?"
Horus looked back at the conflict with a slight sigh, "The name's Horus." He looked back after a few moments, "And you are?"
"Jasper! What's going on here? Why are those two fighting?" Jasper said, slightly sad. He didn't particularly enough violence, unless it was with monster.
Horus almost growled, He's new. He looked at him, "It's a tournament for the people who are taking the Beast Taming class. They're the first match." Horus turned back to watch the fight.
"Ah. Do you take that class?" Jasper asked Horus,"It makes me a bit glad I didn't take that class, there is no way I could ever fight just for fun."
The psychotic trio were all staring so intently.

"The... skill"

"The... power"

"The experiments"

Damian shook his head. "You're all crazy"

Fariella was sitting with William, her head on his shoulder. "Enjoying this?"

The Headmaster was siting, hands crossed together. Slightly fascinated
"Well, I figured you might be considering how scary those beasts are," A shiver ran down Jasper's back just thinking about it,"It's not like it that crazy of a notion, ya know? So tell me, why didn't you go back, Mr. Wolf?"
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DizjayDeathPride said:
The psychotic trio were all staring so intently.
"The... skill"

"The... power"

"The experiments"

Damian shook his head. "You're all crazy"

Fariella was sitting with William, her head on his shoulder. "Enjoying this?"

The Headmaster was siting, hands crossed together. Slightly fascinated
William nods his head. "Yes, they're impressive."

Luna looks towards Morpheus. She notices Rikka sitting on Decimus's lap and Fariella resting her head on William's shoulder. She looks back to Morpheus as if she wants to say something. "Would you like to sit closer with me Morpheus?" Is what she would have said if she opened her mouth. She was just far too prideful. It hurt on the inside but her pride just seemed to get the best of her. She wants to be closer with Morpheus but can't bring herself to ask.
Light said:
William nods his head. "Yes, they're impressive."
Luna looks towards Morpheus. She notices Rikka sitting on Decimus's lap and Fariella resting her head on William's shoulder. She looks back to Morpheus as if she wants to say something. "Would you like to sit closer with me Morpheus?" Is what she would have said if she opened her mouth. She was just far too prideful. It hurt on the inside but her pride just seemed to get the best of her. She wants to be closer with Morpheus but can't bring herself to ask.
He didn't look at her, still focused on the battle, but pulled her on his lap. "I can still always hear your thoughts. Don't forget." There was a chuckle "Don't let your pride keep us apart cutie" He held her hand while all the while still kind of wanting one of them to die. They would make a great toy

Fariella trailed her finger on their hands together. "Yeah..."

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