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Fantasy World of Magic

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Brynjolf Carter

Private Detective

So he may have gotten himself into a little pickle here, swinging upside down in a freezing cold meatlocker. "Hm." He nonchalantly thought, gently swaying side to side. "I believe im quite stuck" Bryn muttered to himself, obviously stating his quite difficult predicament. When chasing murderers, it was ALWAYS good to note- Meat Lockers led to bad situations. There was a good view of the corpse from here though. Axe in the head, and decorative streamers of blood streaking the dead man's face. Finally once the detective had decided to get himself down, he swung left to right, right to left- grabbing an abandoned cleaver which protruded half from a pigs gut with a few grunts. Brynjolf hoisted himself up, cutting loose his feet before landing with quite the thump and groan of pain. Bad idea.

The detective stumbled to his feet, brushing down his coat a moment- which had been covered in a thin layer of frost. After shaking himself down, he lifted the mechanism to activate his release; walking out from the locker. Thank god for modern health and safety failsafes. Carter made his way to the exit, slipping into the warehouse. Too bad he'd been knocked out before he could land a punch on the slimey bastard. Next time perhaps. After this goose chase had come to a respectable end.
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Guresu watched the news on her phone. "Brynjolf Carter......he sounds familiar........" She listened to the end of the story, the news reporter claiming he has just gotten out. She thought "I can maybe talk to him then, hopefully without stuttering this time." She clenched her fist and turned off her phone.
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Brynjolf Carter

Private Detective

Oh he could go for a cuppa right now. Infact he would. Indeed- yes, quite the plan. With one last shiver he escaped the scene unscathed. Some would say blind luck, or if you were more optimistic it was the result of a brilliant mind at work. Unless you were Carter, whom saw it as everyday life. Not so amazing after all. He cleared his throat with a cough, making his way back toward the apartment in which he lived. Not glamorous, but homely- and with tea making facilities. Unlike most private detectives, Bryn did indeed like to put together files on culprits, men and women whom he saw as enemies of the state... That kind of thing. Call it a pastime.

His apartment was a well known one. Written on each business card handed out, and which the rumors stemmed from. Howling on the full moon nights, growling heard up behind the street on the deadly moors.

One mysterious detective.

32 Fitzwilliam Street.

She sighed and chuckled "Please. As if you could talk to a detective without them being suspicious." She joked in her mind. She stretched in her chair.
Engulfed in her notes, she completely tuned out the rather loud girl practically shouting right next to her. She was to into her research to care, even if it was about her. Plus her breakfast was pretty good today.
She smiled "Shes ingulfed in her studies to notice, maybe i'll experiment." She thought. She shouted "My I wonder who that girl is with the book." She waited. She was about 3 tables away. (Brb)
She gasped loudly, then vigorously wrote in the margins of one of her notebooks. She had finally figured it out. She beamed at her notebook as she finished her croissant and latte.
She smiled, too ingulfed as she thought. She sighed. (Bk.)
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Brynjolf Carter

Private Detective

He entered his apartment, shrugging off his long tailed coat, to throw it across one of the chairs in the kitchen. Now facing the side, he flicked the lights to life, before switching on the kettle. He had been visited by quite a few customers this week. Not to be alarmed with the slight rise in murders. Just like mating seasons, there was a murder season. Usually in winter. Those cold dark days, became even darker when blood stained the cobbles of the street. Brynjolf found himself staring out the window, tapping the teaspoon whilst being absorbed by the scenery. The moors. They backed the houses of the street, apartment blocks- all that. No one had built there, since the unsteady ground had proven treacherous. It was a menacing shadow to civilisation. Many a murder had been committed up in the heather fields. Sharp rising hills on which many had fallen to unfortunate deaths. Shame its wild beauty brought the fall of man.
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She went home, she knew she was quite talented in enchanting and being a blacksmith, she remembered the sword she made for Cyan and her when they fought against the purple mist that made people aggressive and turn people against each other. She thought "MAybe I should drop by the blacksmith's place and practice bow-making." She smiled.
Brynjolf Carter

Private Detective

He murmured a small song under his breath, whilst making his drink. Green eyes flickering up at the scenery every now and then. His handsome angular face turning a moment to catch the flicker of a shadow across the moorland. Brynjolf paused, leaning forward to peer outside. "...What the?" He muttered, frowning as he examined the area. Whatever had been, was gone. The detective finished making his tea, sipping at the hot liquid, to turn his attention toward the piles of case paperwork which came with the job. Looked like his distraction would be quite dry. He'd rather be out, chasing homicidal maniacs.
She decided to take a stroll down the main street, past the apartment buildings. She saw a flicker of black mist she fell backward "A shadow creature." She thought. (She talks alot in her head btw x3)
She ventured back into the library to tell the clerk that she had lost the book and would take fiscal responsibility. The clerk then scolded her for both not properly checking out the book and losing it all in the same night. Unfortunately, her library card was suspended for three days, so for now, she must do with what she has. For now, she had some tests to run on herself at home and some questions to ask her father. She had stopped asking due to a lack of answers, but now, she had the answers. She could confront her heritage at long last, and hopefully her father will tell her everything. She stopped by the pond to feed her local aviary friends.. They loved her cornbread, but then again, they also liked them burnt. She was only distracted a moment before realizing how hard it would be for his father to reveal the details of her late mother. But maybe it won't be too painful if they shared the burden. She opened the front door and saw her dad reading in the living room. He greeted her, but his grin slowly disappeared as he saw how solemn his daughter was. He knew the day had come. He had to tell her everything. But this would be good. He was glad that she came to him, for now he can help her and be a part of the struggle. He would share her burden.
She had followed the girl and watched her go into a home. She knocked on the door to the home, with her book in hand.
She had just finished her conversation with her father when she heard someone at the door. Her father answered it because he liked to tell off solicitors. Kazehana remained in the back of the room, still comprehending all that she now knew. He had just opened the door when he saw the girl. "What do you want?"
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"I would like to speak to your daughter." She knew she might have to explain herself, thinking of what to say if that happens.
His demeanor softened as he turned to call to his daughter. "Kazehana, your friend is here." He moved to the kitchen to clean up his daughter's mess from earlier that day while she moved to the door. She was a bit confused at first, then she remembered the face. She simply smiled at the girl, waiting for her to say something.
"Look. I know what you saw last night, but you cannot tell anyone. This guy has been through the worst things that anyone can EVER experience because he is what he is." She felt herself get angrier "If you tell anyone" She simply calmed down "Just please don't tell anyone. Here is your book, and I apologize for last night." She bowed. "That is all I wanted to say."
She was astonished. It was a male demon. Yay progress. Although the voice probably should have tipped her off, but she didn't really have any experience with demons, so she didn't know. But anyway, she held her index finger up then rushed to her bag. She fished through until she found a large sketching notebook. She brought it and a pen to the door and started scribbling on it. She turned it around to reveal her words: "Thank you for bringing it back. I'm not sure what you are referring to, for I didn't see anything at all. You really did scare me though, popping out of a corner like that. I was so lost and it was so late.. Thanks again"
(Alright, thanks)

Rin was at the cafe until late afternoon. "I still have some time," he said as he stood up and threw away his empty coffee cup. Now, because it was late in the afternoon and he had spent almost all of his money, he figured he could use a walk and some good music. So Rin headed off from the main areas so he didn't have to worry about running into people. I've he got closer to the outskirts of town, he found a nice grassy hill to relax on. He laid back and closed his eyes, still listening to his music.
"N-No problem." She sighed "See you again sometime!" She left.
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She ran to find Rin, then found the hill. She nudged Rin, urging him to take his earphones out.
She closed the door and went to discuss her situation more with her father, thinking nothing of the conversation with the girl. She was happy that the book had fallen back into her possession. They baked and talked, and their bonds grew stronger as she came to understand what she must do to train herself. She would finally unlock her true potential.

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