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Fantasy World of Magic

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She strolled into the library, quickly scanning to make sure no one would yell at her for bringing in a basket of chocolate chip muffins. Seeing no one, she scurried to the mythical creatures section, hurriedly searching for a specific book. Just minutes before, as she scanned her notes, she had a spark of inspiration. Now, she was only stalled by her inability to find it. If only she weren't so hyped up about her hypothesis, she would have the clear mind she needed.
Rin turned around and gave Guresu his full, undivided attention. "So you aren't human either..." He said as he gauked at her true form. It was sort of amazing 3 tails and fluffy ears... She might be able to walk around town and get away with being a cosplayer... But not Rin.

(Btw, can I add my demon form into my character sheet?)
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(Yes, bk.) She sat down on the ground, on her tails. "So. Yeah. It doesn't bother me your a demon. I know how it feels being a outcast." She closed her eyes and tilted her head down.
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(Alright, I'll do that ASAP)

Rin looked down at his hands when he said that. He had been miserable all of his life, and not to mention afraid at becoming found out and shunned for the rest of his life, but here she is, opening up to him. "H-hey... Guresu... Come with me, I want to show you something," he said in a nervous tone as he stood up from the bench
Rin sighed and motion for her to follow him. He never looked back to check if she was following because, it really was choice and he didn't really want to unleash all of that ungodly dark magic. It was a good thing that he was getting lessons on how to manifest and control his dark magic from his Prevention teacher or else this would've been way to dangerous. After a few more minutes of walking, they finally made it to the alley Rin was staying in. Rin walked al the way to the back and sighed loudly as he started to gather the hate and darkness within him. "You knew I was a demon, and yet you talked to me, not to mention, show me your true form. This is the least I can do." With that he he finished the first step and summoned enough dark power to transform. After that, he started to get eaten up by dark flames. Rin had to bite his tongue to keep from screaming. The pain was intense, but it probably didn't feel as bad as it looked. It looked to anyone watching like the flames were eating up him skin and bones, but after all of that, he had successfully transformed into his demon state
Guresu wanted to scream, but she bit her tongue. "Woah." She simply said. Her tail flicked and dropped a small round thing, she dashed and picked it up, stuffing it back in her tails. She had a nervous grin "So that's what a demon looks like. Cool."
(I got the pic up ^.^)

"I think you might have been the only person of this genertion to say that.." When Rin spoke, it sounded like 2 people talking at the same time. One of the voices was Rin's normal voice and the other was a very deep masculine voice that you could only get by using a voice changer. Run readjusted his cape and sat down. "I have all of this fancy stuff because I'm the son of one of Satan's 4 generals... This hair... These horns... This cloak... the power.... None of them are truly mine." Rin felt his horn and exhaled loudly, "Well, now we know each others true forms, what do we do about it?" He asked, still playing with his horn
She successfully found the book and hurried to the reception desk to check it out. Upon finding no one, she hastily wrote down her information as well as the book's information of a scrap of paper and left it on the counter. She had no time to wait. She ran down the streets back home to investigate further. On the way, she noticed dark light emitting from an alleyway, though faint. She stopped dead in her tracks and slowly turned to the alley. She had only read about dark light. To see what it came from... She was torn between her research and a field study. But the opportunity was too good to pass up. She crept down the alleyway, careful to stay hidden. She knew whatever lurked beyond would be dangerous. Perhaps too dangerous for her. What if it spotted her? These thoughts consumed her as she managed to venture forward, ever vigilant for her target. Faintly hearing a conversation, she slowed her pursuit even further, which is to basically say slower than a snail. She stayed around the corner, too scared to look around, yet too intrigued to leave while she was still hidden. She clutched her basket and her satchel of books and decided on what to do next while eavesdropping.
Her ears perked "A human." She transformed back into a full-human quickly. "Get down." She hid behind a bush and dragged Rin with her.
She breathed quickly, obviously nervous. She knew the girl was referring to her as the human, but she couldn't help thinking it wasn't true. Despite this inconveniently timed introspection, she had a real problem at hand. Since she had quite obviously been spotted, albeit by a creature with a strong sense of hearing, she couldn't remain here. She was, quite frankly, utterly defenseless. Nothing she knew of that would emit such a dark light would have such hearing capabilities, so she deduced that there were at least two supernatural beings beyond the safety of her corner. Frozen in both terror and meditation, she couldn't bring herself to act one way or the other. She stood motionless, and her breathing became as slow and quiet as she could make it in hopes of deceiving them of her departure.
She quickly skittered to the human, and put on a fake grin "He-Hello! W-What is it do you need or do you li-live here?"
Instantly recognizing the voice, she darted back towards the street as fast as she could, dropping her book from the library, Creatures of Mythological Origin, in the process. She knew that the girl could not have possibly been human. She scanned her mind for her research on supernatural creatures, but too many possibilities flourished into her conscience. She wouldn't be able to figure it out now. Especially with all the adrenaline pushing her forward through the alleyways. All this deciphering reminded her of her original goal: to confirm what she already knew. Unfortunately, she couldn't remember what turn she had to take to get there, so she found herself lost at a dead end. She broke for a muffin to pout about her fruitless efforts. Well, not entirely fruitless. The small amount of information she heard just as she arrived could be of great use. She knew there is a demon in the city - quite the discovery for a first year college student.
Rin had quickly transformed back into his human self and had stayed hidden behind the dumpster until nightfall. All night long he was wondering what that person and and what conclusions she came to, "I didn't put that much magic into it, so maybe my aura wasn't too strong," he said in a hopeful tone, but too bad he didn't believe it. With a sigh, Rin put in his headphones and started to play some music. "Looks like I have to move after all..." He then laid down and dirifted into a deep sleep
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As she finished her muffin, she decided what to do with her newly-found information. Reaching for the book she just got, she realized that she dropped it, but had no idea where she was. She sighed as she resigned to a library fee for the book. Hopefully it wasn't too expensive. But that means that her investigation may be delayed for the time being. Back on track, she scoured one of her many notebooks for information on demons. Not much is known except their unusual auras, few abilities, and their horrendous reputation. She had to wonder what one was doing in this city. And if there was one, why hadn't it destroyed everything yet? She decided that this was a case study and would need extreme caution to preserve it. She decided against telling any of her professors what she had discovered until she had actually discovered something herself. She tried to find her way out of the alley, but kept getting lost. Eventually, she and her terrible internal compass made it back to the street she came from. She took a mental and physical note of where the alley was located, and left for her house, still comprehending all that she saw. She couldn't help but think she had seen that strange girl somewhere. But where..?
((Where are we time wise? I'm just wondering because my character is asleep))
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(That's a good question. Doesn't matter to me she's probably just going to research anyway. I'm not sure how much we can do with Guresu standing in the alley. I don't want to make a move for her.)
((I think if it's the middle of the night, we can make her go home and enjoy her Thanksgiving break. Then we could continue the story without making too big a deal. What do you think?))
(Well, I suppose she might do that if there were nothing for her to do. But still.. That's totally all on you)
(Ok... Then by the power invested in me, I hear by send Guresu to her home for the night and skip to morning!)

Rin took an extra long time waking up this morning. Yesterday's demonic transformation and the emotional strain caused him to sleep in a bit and become groggy. "Ugh...." He groaned as he got out of his sleeping bag and got dressed and ready for the day. "I wonder if I'll have to leave today..." Ring thought aloud. He wasn't looking forward to that day, but if someone saw a demonic aura in the town, his evacuation was inevitable. As soon as he was all ready for the day, he took most of his money walked down to the cafe to buy some breakfast.
As soon as her alarm went off, she sprang up and hastily finished her morning routine. She rushed out the door without waking her father and headed to her favorite spot to read, a table adjacent to a beautiful garden with several variations of snapdragons, bell flowers, hibiscuses, and tulips. This happened to be near a cafe that she could swipe some food from to eat while she read, so she stopped in to order a small mocha latte and a croissant.
The cafe was pretty busy at this time of day, so Rin had a tough time navigating to the register. When he got there he already had his order in mind and took no time at all unlike the group of girls that ordered before him. Soon after Rin's order, he got his plain coffee and lemon poppy seed muffin and was able to find a nice quiet table outside. Now, usually when Rin treats himself like this, he listens to music and just relaxes for most of the morning. But now Rin was here to actually come of with a strategy on how to deal with the whole being seen thing. "Ugh..." Run complained as he took a sip of his tall coffee
As she waited for her order, she gathered napkins and the like in anticipation fro her journals and books. When it finally came up, she headed outside to her usual table. But someone was there. On no, panic. She had no idea what to do because she thought she was early enough to snag her favorite spot. She awkwardly and slowly sat down at the table despite its previous occupancy. She spread out her notes from the previous day a little and took a bite of her breakfast. Now, where was she..

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